
HP Tare.
WO promis len sinute lear And il be him CD recond ed without ber berrell Well Mis Bridal Night ge Treasure Island Clara Kimbal Young nad PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1921, mw. CECILIA THEATRE THE WORKMAN Did YOU This Week Program Published on Saturday. by HN Rates for Advertisement on applies que aud corner of Street, Panama, of pubile interest lavited.
NALROND, the office Central Action Correspondence on all matters meet Mr. Piedmont Vi Plavfsit was to a wrioes predics To night Setur day All copy publication must be Box 74. Penma RP ment. She was too full of the joy of liv written on one side of paper only, and ine to look on the dark side last Saturday of th TENOURRITOS De scompanied by the bane of At first sbe decided that he was DO!
One Year 12. 40 U8. Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publics.
worth troubling her 3x Montb ling her pretty head sboutop but si mark of good fs lib. but then she read that it was all her SELECT PICOURS do not undertake 10 return night and get somo foult. Anyway she hst Obo 25 rejnos correspondenca That to eloper with him len offer she butteret bestal words presents of the Preis wie paledium of our rights. JENIS do. Dida sbe tel bep bur oid of those Bills and berband that she looser lowed him?
ALICE BRADY Didn she ke off. ber weding is and, di guingly, throw it on the fx?
WHAT THE COLORED PEOPLE 25 cent pieces he if he liked bep sister well enourb to run away with ber well be couldn very much blame Yrt DON WANT thought she was wus Rally jes wife hy gave away?
abould be have done Should she fall and humiliate Misrepresentation and prvjudice often wist the inthe cit just whit the terpretation of the demands of the colored race, leading thought best. Teie brief outline canoot most of the time to a ridiculous caricature of the aspirada ju tire to Alice Brady latest pierre, tions of the ebony hued inhabitants of the earth; and it is The Daddy of Em All Hi Brid Night, which coses to the Cecilia Theatre for this reason that the more fortunate peoples of the TO MORROW world make such slow progress in recognizing the rights The wind in our mile and we re off. Sunday)
and privileges of their colored brothers.
will be in Calidonia Od on the rood ship Hispanio Yet it is common knowledge that this race has been with the wickedest crew of cut throat Maurice Toarnenr sounding its voice, loud and long, in protest against the pirates that ever flow the Jolly Roger!
proronto open handed and inhuman outrages against it. In the Of for an isle in the Spoish Msin to struggle for liberty and justice the appeal to the world has TO NIGHT been made in the most clarion statements. Books, lec.
hunt and fight for hidden gold!
tures and editorials by colored race leaders in America and off with Blek Dɔr, Merry and Love!
the West Indies have not been lacking in persistence and John Silver with his wooden leg and his bravery in defending the cause of the sons of Ethiopia, and swearing parrot!
Be On Hand with a from the time that Negro slavery received its death blows Of for port where the years don and slunk into oblivion till the present moment, men and ount and buy wild dreams come By ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSCH Lue!
women of intelligence, courage and faith in their efforts package of those Parmnunt Arteraft Picture bave been dedicatiog their brains to the work of lifting up their down trodden fellow. men. The Reas. Way MONDAY But as long as the Froudists and the Smuttites famous Cigarettes on the other side of the Atlantic with their co workers of Yvonne Marief widowed by the sudden destb of her busbond, the preoppression on this side continue to burlesque the ambitions ui ihe Negro race ju so long will the problem of race bate less of polier, at the bends of an iofuri PIEDMONT mob; be cacapes wil ber teveni and Her Own Company continue to vex civilization everywhere.
year old on, Mim, in whoms is Anatomically, psychologically and otherwise, humanity utterly weapped up. That Light the presents is the same wherever 10 15 huet, ine only difference in charfin Yvoule come upon a de a woman and catch him.
wbbr exist photo ype; oa the dead acterisacs beling those of environment. If people are unbody sie finds a le:ter. nadre sed to 2a, civilized it cannot be doubted that they share interests and from her uncle, Frais Markrste, privileges in common wits the rest of the world where Londa financier, using her to come similar advantages obtain; and it is neither sensible nor and live with him. Yvonne decides to fair for any part of civil cation to disclaim the rights of it duate A.
another part, Toe requl whicb is volvo 0180 of It has always been offensive to intelligent white and love at first sight, and thrilling us petics colored people allke to observe the humilladog discrimina AT YOUR SERVICE is THE REASON WHY you thould tious with wn ch civilized Negroes have been treated by see this picture on Monday.
By ELINOR GLYNY people whose chi cumstances and fortunes had always given tuen economic and so advantages over the black race, The Panama Gas Company takes pleasure in an.
although intellectually and industrially the bars of deTuesday and Wedoesday makauon have long been broken down.
nouncing that its As an admirer of Ethel Clayton, you In view of this, it is a psycho contradiction to find doubtless will be delighted to learn that educated and cultured people refusing to award to the colNEW 200, 000 JESSIE LASKY sbe will appear at th: Ccilia Theatre, cled race the proper Leritages of civilization and treatnex: Tuesday and Wednesday, in her presents ing it like a caslu o p:eudo anthrpoids entitled only Cubic Foot Gas Storage Tank lalet Paramount picture, CITY to a mere existence on the basis of benevolent toleration.
SPARROW This is a chrok story, Ethel Clayton The protest against this lrational and illogical treatment the theme of which deals with other has been long and insistent, and the people have spoken has been completed and is at your service. The hood, or, father, with childl ss tsitingee. in our planly with regard to the things they want. But How Mis: Clayton as a cabaret net when they asked for iecognition it was said they begged for favor, when they demanded liberty it was ielt they Colon Gas Company new 100, 000 cubic foot cas meets with an injury which changes the course of her lfe and low at: hods ultidesired license; and wben they prayed for justice it was replied they sought indulgence.
mite happiness, is splend dly told in this Wnat could be a greater storage tank will be ready about May 20th, is eptioual be. u. lul picture, burlesque than 10 cartoon the colored race as a mass of By Kate Jordan unreasonable beggars! Paramount Picturo And if prejudice misintreprets the positive demands of the Negro race then it might be more in keeping with AT As good as a will west show were the the reactionary natures and features of its opponents to THURSDAY PANAMA GAS CO.
COLON GAS CO. impromptu stunts performed by Will kell them exacdy what it doesn want. YOUR Cathedral Plaza 03 Bolivar St. Regar and our cowboys who went to The colored people don want thrones or sceptres, Victorville, Cil, to mikono Feu ca in they only wish ngut eod justice. Thrones and sceptres are Tel. 798, SERVICE Tol. 364, Samuel Goldwyn presents Rogers new Gdya picture Cupidpor as enviable in our day as they used to be in the times the Cowpunoper, which cones to the WILL ROGERS of David and Solomon. Kings and Presidents are not the Cecilia Theatre Thursday. Big Boy happiest men in the world at the present day, and even if William. cowbəy from Tex 18, give in they were, the colored people could only hope for a few an exhibition of oull dogging sleer sceptres, and those would be the ones they hold in Liberia and a couple more which they cught to own in other STRAND ICE CREAM PARLOR Searned while he was roaming the Texas plains. wrestling match was staged well known places, Adjoining Strand Theatre, Bolivar and 11th Streets between Biz Boy and Rogere, beta Adapted from the Story The colored people don want to get into the so called being made that Rozirs could throw the Ales Lloyd, Cowprecher social market. They know that elite society is not unfreThe Most Up to Date In Colon youtger cowboy into the creek, Rogers by quently hell on earth and that absorption into such a ELEANOR GATES siate would mean moral degeneracy. They want freedom Banitary and up tə dato in every respect. loss and fruits of all kinds.
to go anywhere on earth where any other man can go and Iced Milk, Cakes, Candis, Cigars, etc.
the right to reject toe evils of society without belag deprivea ur the advantages of the goud.
Pay us a visit before, during er after the show and you will call FRIDAY The colored people don want to lie on silken cushions again.
with gold Luggets in their pockets. They know that this is the state of the denizens of the underworld, or the COMEDY PROGRAY acquisition of industrial tyrants. They want to be given The world is large, and in it there is a place for every compensative work for wich they are qualiffed, and not to red blooded scion of the human family. The colored peo MY GOODNESS dark through the accident for birth; and if they should of sufferance but on the principle that all men were creMack Sonnet Comedy acquire any of this world lortunes, let them come ated equal. This race bas found its place and all it wants through the avenues of dignity and integrity and not is the recogoition of that place among all racez az its rightYou GID AP, NAPOLEON.
turougn the undesirable path of dishonesty.
Capitol Comedy The colored people don want to be petted. They want to be treated like 20 of a strong and independent which have come to the human family through the life of Public Health Nursing tace with a place among the free and intelligent peoples of him whose RESURRECTION the world commemorates to attend.
the earth. hey do not want to be bandied as if they to morrow and wbo broke down the partition of the sepa Tell Your Wife Everybing.
were an order of intellectual mollusks, but as if it is recog ration in the sphere of man made differences and gave to Christie Comedy Dized that they are people with back bone, liver aod heart. the world a FREEDOM and LIBER Y that the powers Tuey do not want favors, they want justice; pot benefi of pride and evil can never reconstruct, and the wick adaes3 Selca but right; not toleration but respect.
of autocrats withstand forever. The Reason Why City Sparrows Cupid The Compuncher WOD.
This is always be on. a Big Amateur Night. bene colored race wishes to enjoy the blessings of earth should not joil AN EQUAL CHANCE and Amateur Night


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