
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921 PAGE Fiv Atlantic Side News ਸ Canal Zono Notes Carnival Is Gone.
in the truvio. But your costume is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes Crowbeo be consuets wa 10 for Men and Women.
called upon the Qoros American Bazaar Stores ture main ati ity Hudeon Late be clair who fled ty Why a to mass, west was also ed on cle of the Patama Polond wrics shoula bave been given by co poprinted closely widence of making quick buasi way up the einploy of the United Fruit CRICKET sheets frere sent to Panams to be muke?
and grad Colon, March 21 Much to the dioThe chjret of the examiontion it is oppuin sort of cricket enthu. inets on this side. The cup watch Leiwen Lily understood, is to test the aptitude of Whits and Pierceive CC yesterd proper carificates for teaching schools rechers who do not at presint hold LA BOCA at the Camp Bardoval was called Thye bulding such due to the Crie obol ds Gatua bare en caies were record MW. Jamp, Vice President of the La Bien Liety Bity, prisided last ball gine. The pudie was bow ver trented to a friendly me rohe Berad Tundy Dit when the feature Personal and General Say Ovnl, the Mechane CC meting of the progra a was the following deb and suffering defeat at the hands o Jim Bland is at present patient Imatpring with state bo he driver in the rubmarine or fica Me: bource, by arccre of 92 to 60 runs in he Cul Hooalad my out be This game was auch yid. out for a good wble.
in the ser pube Reynale, pogled by Radae ion of fore ill continues on Mr. Jam for the firmativ, WOD King Solomon Lodge, this end, at the pumber of unemployed, hy the small margin of one voto si Colon, March 21 The Roval kre both of gold and sliver increases Meer Pierre ad Calle, supportes Solomon Idre, No. 11, TUOS in daily if the negative belebrating the 14th Drivery at the Me C. Kerr, of the National BipWith a wolute cer ude as to victory ball of the Flower of the lamus Gib!
netist Church, 7th aud reets is pr.
fohes de, the lead of the fi montiva Btreet and Brod sy, vest day veninz produod very cnciog exso ples in acquired the ivice of the Colon Chers paring for a master taily who the 15 he claim that man ws never given the Compony bich prested an excellent parisces of Jounica will be prescated, exclusive control of nature, and thera The cricket fixtures of tomorrow all when prostor obairman for the occrrion was pupa. class match bet ween the il um The birelf in the air and under the Mr. Holder, who in a very miog Bird C. and the Excelsior U, C, water er, places that were not made adapt admirable manner carried out his tall able for bin by the Creatve, and the for tho (VEDLR In a few well choren meebnism of his device faila bm while te marks he weloc med Colon Teachers Assothe visitors and thus treepening, he dira becsue he was who rpened the ciation directly tampering with nature.
proreedings of of beib prayer, Toe begotice, Daturally, took a differ.
The regular monthly meeting alter which the program was enjoyed.
ent view of the station and after The audie tice listeped wih raptation of the Colon Tea, bers Associs partial actinitin of tamper And The tinn and in many ways expressed their tion was held in the St. Joseph Grain mar school, 109 Broadway Le delight and apprecistion.
ained that man ulike the class of work to perform by the Creator, lower anima who were given Much credit is due to the committee Saturday the 19th inst. com were given definito of management which is responsible for mencing at p. in. when there was endowed with intellectual the success of antiversary. were present the following mem bere: Messrs. Cunningham, improve on anything for his convenie DOS ard, therefore, is not tampering with Rose of the Isthmus Lodge President; Drummond, Sec A. Kerr, Treasurer; Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon bature when he descenda below the water retain and Gibson; Mes.
or wepede in the air Colon, March 21. The Role of the Io Cact they Isthmus Lodge, 8. Juvirile dames, Ella Jobpson. Bailey, thought that the cannot succesfaly 5:30SECONDS333 5x68x0Xs cores e compete with naturo.
Branch) celebrated its 15h anivers. tv McPberson, Aon Welch.
and installed. ficers for the coming term Munay, Rosemond, and There was a hearty repore from the the Fffort Hall, Fuurth Sireet ad Lewin.
Ever Green Lodge No. 20241, Fire Starts in Bath Room Prominent addition of a fw more members de publi, tot this meeting an aside from the yreter day.
The Secretary read a highly 0F.
Mr Trd Tom nuwe Member Passes Away. cided waislac ion war exprened by all.
interesting paper on fire of very mysterious origin lin en and there were many le rentaLeacher should be a member of an PARAISO tiver foto kindred McClella. who gave Associat on, for which be was The unveiling of th Dispensation and was discovered early Wednesday The many friends and well.
Oncerunt if the Etr priprame e: cellent and arruet vendres.
At the core of the healin, the Cound and thanked. din. dietin of the Evi morning In tenement house on Wisbers of Mr Joerh Williams 10 reodered at the videburabra Custion on Short Curs in 10241, GUO OF, took plentyh Street, between ad will textot to learn that after a on Eetruudes, the ex tees hivo et oir of the Lorge trated these preten Aritoroetie, led hy the Presi Lidke room at 30 aoday, March Streets, Colon.
etort illnes, he was moved away be a ferred unit wenk Safir, 1o an in eresning program which was dent, was shared by all the met. 20, 1921 besruly enjord brocash. The cessed, a will bis Te tenants were aroused by Toe unveiling of the Digestioa es present and proved helpful. which known resident in the In was performed by D, FE LON.
insid to halotoaletbis ore of the Well known Beauty Culturist Mr. Smellie, who should have Toe Daestion ceremony ww porenied by a strong olor of hucung KP.
the smoke wbich was recompe dian district of Vent most delightiuis. nay after avla of the a Weds.
given a wodel lesson in Reading, formed by Bros. Walkinson, Fx wood and be tire was later member and a bright figure in scrub.
the New Providence branch of Mie Irie Bei ey a well known Besuty being absent this reading was G muster of ceremonies; Dund to be burning in the bath Culturist of Colun Wiseen ly jelled in PON poned or the April eeting, Bateso, DGM, and T. Lavbe, PGM room downtairs. It started be the UNIA ACL, a lew for her test wis able to Lresk up d Parsise having resund low players After the performance of the diretween the walvo 22d sheers and months ago, he left these shores Tank winning otrok iar doiblo head.
Holy one and any do Mhe e nike Back Kerr, musical contribution mony Bro. He 000, EX DG totes would in the theme way aup for Costa Rica, where he was in a co the Moua sin vew Alblutio and at the request steamers.
nooly was rendeed, stairs.
Siad y ruit Grunde at Paraio mlarly dealt with utogramme Toe ceremony was performed at Christ Co. Shortly after he took sick When the alarm was kivan, and was taken to the Coy hos. Patsio likidz the wend 15 to Rd Tank winuing the first by 10 to Toe President addressed the consisting of spelies by represedintives Chu chty the bely Rev. Faibur Cooper, and at the cline to recepta merting on the forincoming ex of the various kindred to reues, reci many tlocked to the scene, and vital Port Limon. There he died The Mountain View Atoleic Grounds amination of the teachers who tion, and a fine lection of songs and quickly put the fire ous. It was just a few days afur Hois sur, are tock pleet at the hom of the brdo DOC piestnited proper certo, by the chic which was peticed tecessary to call up the Fire vivet by his beloved wite and station N60 ore order the auspies of opposite the old Paraiso Rulrond parate, Mr. Ed Mis Benjamin Bakytitica es lutte jospeccur of the over by Bro. Pru. cott, Baktue.
mourn loat Bolivar Street, coin of Third.
We Mrs, Buckner is the bolder of sem Public imetlutions, emphasiz ng To sozing ui tocuves visist the scene, and it dence Branch feel it our duty in rito or Red Tank are requested to la All team playrok the program ne.
erle from the the importance oi much Kattilus. itute, prepara 11n, and Chicago.
aus Succes to all the Destiu de brought the cater is exced that thu natler will extendin our heart elt soveport at the Paraiso clubus uales the candidates tsilweat to a clue at abou: p. bu luukud in.
thy to his mourning family in otherwise notified.
Mr. Lc, ker was appointed their sad bereavement.
Shamrock Lodge Rally.
to fill a seat on the Executive Eser Service, Suntay, March 27th, Colon, March 20 Ebemek Lodge Committe, rendend vacant by Cclebration of Anniversary 30 pm at the Parais) Wesleysa No. 14, LU OM, Leld fuperalul rally the realgration of Mr. LA cbureb, under the auspices of the Sunlast night in the Lodve hal, 131 133 Gukes.
FOOT EASE The celebration of the anniversary day Stool, will reprer a beutiful ser Hudson Lune, when various counties Tue next regular meeting was Walk a great deal and maps and motility but you can if your was the next on the program. Brotber Wailed Triumphunt King. Me and the Lodge itself wit or presented.
announod 10 lake place ou be John Wilson Senior Past Ruler of Moody of Colon will pra ds.
The amount of 106. 24 wis collected, 1612 of April, Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC tbe dge wie dopu ed as Chairman for GATUN the Lodge, repte reued by Parris tok is die best treuitetut evening, and be he performed bis duties dng the lead with 25, 55, while Africa, MIZPAH CELEBRATION The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fall directions with every package. It gives quick rellel to cuts, No represented by Nancts, and Jomnien dolge rules aud uur better could lave been made, by Griffiths followed with 24 034 00 The combined installation of cfficers Used internally, Dr. TICH NUR ANTISEPTIC is certain relief for as be kept the house in roar of laught ful party last Sunday evening, the 99respectively Ups, Curio uu dara svo duoti.
The function was impensely et joyed and the celebration of the 4tb onu al er in replying to the different represen occasion being the baptismal cele tativca rom kindred societies. During Gertrude. Mr. Linton being. When in a drug store, don lorget to ask for Durine bration of their baby girl Edith waniversary of the Mispab Taberty all present.
Dr Tichenor Antiseptic Duele, No. 20, 10 G, was held on the the in termission the representative membe and members repaired to the in member of the banqueting Saturday, March 19th, at the 8t, Jos Crowawall OBITUARY eph lodge ball, and and was a brilliant ball and partook of a supper which wad of this city, quite a number of the sump! uous one.
Colon, March 21. Gentse Curtis, Precisely pm. Brother Toasts for the pros members of this Club was preaged 32 ele, formerly empoyed ly the swell, Tostelling Master, sounded the perity and succe: Mizpah Lodge, which sent, Mr. Percy Holder, the SecreDeperta en, CALL AT THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE taapcoded 10 by the tary Treasurer, members, making the residence, Cosb Siret between Secont which was an open air to the public, 197 Bolivar Street, Colon were expressed by the fraternity for speech of the evening. Delicious and bind, to duy alter having being in that the installation of cffi zers to perve a sesful year.
home made cakes, sandwiches For the latest in Pabor Closks, Luis and Gat wate19 for one day.
Refexbuents were served to all and and ice cream were served.
for the neuing term was about to be Deceased boving been menber in Brов, aud Jewelry of all description provveded John Wilson, the meeting was brought to a close after Born to Mr. and Mrs Jas, rood standing of the Fidelity Icelge. No, ex and Williamson, Prop.
end Nichole, M. of the toidnight, red all proclaimed thatTrotman a baby boy. Both 29, 0. M, during his hfe time, the Guiding Star. nera appointed Graed joby, good time had been spent. mother and son are doing fine.
services were he by ile Lodge, Conductors for the occasion.
Our congratulations.
and at 4p. intentent took place in The following were then installed: the MOUL surprise party was given at WANTED er metery, O Crnoor, R; Ep neer, the home of Mr. Percy Holder by Be eurvived by a wife and five WAR; Brenuen, RWS; stero etileren who sincerely out their le D. RW1;T Anderson, RW. C; SECOND HAND FURNITURE being the occasion of his birth certain of his friends last Sunday.
And ere the recipients of the sincero con Barrett, RWA; Bvbe. rw.
dolence of the community, Treas: Andeteo, RWM; and Monday, March 2th Eva Tanzu wy in th: Wat Gr day, Mr. Holder was the recipi Will pay reasonable prices ent of many valuable presents.
Waithe, ODK, Tuesday, 29th a. Hart in Cradle of Color, March 24. Mr. GraAfter the fficers were intalled in their Courage Call at 119 Central Avenue, ham, og 38 years, aistive of Jomnien, The many friends and acquintWednesday, 3017. Constance Talmadze in up th: or Phone No. 130 ances of Miss Cox will be employed as chief cook at the Cristobal respectiv placer, the passing of 03. Taylor and Waitbe to the tenk of kond with Sallie pleased to learn that she bas com.
Silver Mete, suce:mted to a li perine Past Rulers was next taken, Credit toust Thursday, 91st Dinese of it ree men hs yesterdty at he be given to Bro: Small for the able way pletely recovered from her re Friday, April 1st. Mary Miles Winter in Swast New Discovery cent illness.
Residence in Comp Bierd.
be conducted the ceremonies and to the Lavender Decrased was an neive member of other officers from the various sister Our baseball team was blanked Voity Lodge No. 3, 1, M, and was AVE. B, No. 102, NEAR STATION accorded he full rites of the oder lodges who assisted Camp Bierd. 2433 terment took place this morning at the Success to Hold Initiation Compound scores being Cristobal, Gatua Mt. Hope Cimetery.
He is survived by his wife and six Considered the best blood and children to whom is rendered the LeakiThe Loyal Success Lodge. No JAS. BOWLAND ILL Nerve tonic in the World delt espatl y cf heerliy, 10135 GUOOF, will be having an ni istio on Thut day, th31t, at tbe Word hes just reached u tbat Jas Coron Teachers Examined. Flower of the Isthmus lodgroom, 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon Is highly recommended by press Bow and the well known ex sslesta la of Colon, RP, when they expect to add and public for Weakness, Loss ibe Dry Goede Dapartmanat of th Crio.
Colon, March 22. An examination of eight new Inks to Oddfellowship. Mem The Parlor of Satisfaction of Blood, Nervous Debility tobal Commissary, is lying very ill, and the private school teeebers of this city ters of sister lodges are cord sily invited Sentp and Facial Treatment, Mactanrinit. Shampooint. Hair Straightening and general depression of Nae Leld to day in the Government girls to atteod, as they expect to pull off one Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dreing. Pacial images removed. Cores oured all hopes for his recovery hava Vaashed, with electrio vibrator, electrio comb, cleotrio bair dryer, wodother the whole system, He is patient of the Coloa Hapitala acbool, Bolivar and 2nd Streete wben 21 of the best initiations ever held in the modern For Both Men and Women Mr. wland is the secretary of the deacters were examined, Señor Repheeh history of Oddfellowship ca the Isthmus, Mme. M, ROBERTS, Sole distributors for Centrsl and Loyat Success Lyd3 10, 135 rosenica Inspector of schools preidBesuty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir loslitte Chicago, IL South America.
Grand United Order of Oddfellows of Log.
Rent Receipt Books In Spani he work of the examination covered kh and English, for sale at the TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, PUFFS, ETC, PANAMA DRUG STORE this city, An handmade under highly sanitars conditions and can be washed, combed, and four subjecte kuglieb, Arichmetio, Hy Muller Building Whorkman hintery.
Advertise in the. NORKMAN Bene und Pedu gumy end tie NWBT CALIDONIA, and get Gcod Resuitse Relremstu. to wete wervel thronelusul Siradj after varda song do the members of the New Provisional oude door de les mans elaborate بله نهاية في ولاية بوية the ev.
in an able and creditable manner. Linton was the scene of a delightreleeting or with.
luneral sentido Hepeche EXCELSIOR THEATRE di 41 Dr. French Strengthening by de Cristobal Reds on the Kashmir Beauty Parlor PANDA full lige of Human Hair Goods treated in the hair on your head,


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