
Oh, look!
HERE a real cigarette for che ing: Ceskerfield TOARETTES UOTTEES TRACEO Co.
They Satisfy this place in Chesterfield in which CIGARETTES easily, goods PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921.
LONDON CORRESPONDENCE Large Thefts on The Loss of Submarine Havanı Whai ves Robberles there comes out February 2nd, 1921. even gone so far as to prophes On erage at More than In the mysterious sinking of that when be present year has 40, 00) Per Month K5 the British submarine ser passed into history there will be vice has suffered the heaviest unanimous agreement that it ha: loss in its peace time history been one of the best years eve MERCHANTS SUFFER The vessel was one of the largest experienced in this country and latest type and carried Other statements, while more crew of fitis saven. Service in cautious in tone, express the One Thlet was killed Resubmarine is the most danger same confidence in the prospect cently Wharf Labourcus duty to which a sailor can be of better times. Mr. Good called, and it has always been enough, chairman of Barclay ers Promptly went on proud tradition the British Bank, one of the greatest Eng Strike, Navy that applications to serve lish banking institutions, ha far in excess of the Admiral also just expressed a favourable berda. Indeed, it is a curi opinion as to the future. But he The Ilvass Evening News of you Chesterfield. You ll order to east ons British taracteristic tbet suggests that.
like it it so mild and fratoe e 10 of a subtraine, Instead the plera! situation, Great Bri March 1st published the follow Og as a diteline, in tain should take the lead in start in thing the distressed counties o The robberies on the wharves grant and mellow.
var by. owed by a greater European a Bound ruber of op licatius of Havana, which were brought than financia Try one and seo for yourhe public yesto day by the vill UUS There has under bis, ard think it woulipay this Dore forcibly to the attentior ct ne rapid develop mac cu ing untry to to make concessions self 20 in a moisture proof 68 of a war thief and the the war, but it is still a dangerous regard to the debts owing trike of the labourers in p:o package.
crait requiring in its cour mandBritain by Allied Governments test, brir gs cut the fact that the is and crew the highesi qual. Further. he saya we should aim of ura Durance companies which in ities of kill, courage and ra at a financial League of Nations, bort ons, sure the delivery of shipment sources. Naval la that the robberies on the that there are certain defects in able to help the movement for Naval experts declare composed of all the countries wharves or in transit to veral the class, but on the other inducing Labour to accept a tem average as much as 200, 000 dol hand it is asserted that an inven. porary redu :tion in wages in lars tion is beix perlected in Eng order to reduce the cost of pro alone saying that claims had lars per month, on one comary land which will greatly reduce duction is increasing in volume been received by it during the of such a disaster 88 strength, especially in view first two weeks of Febi uary has just occurred to K3. Since, of the falling coat of living. Al amounting to 30, 000 dollars, this however, it is univertaly agreed though Labour has just issued being but one of the several com that the sobmarine must play an brantfesto in which this proposa pantes in the insurance business foci easinly importaut part in is rejected, it is believed that it There has been so much of the constitutin of a modern frank centerer. ces are allowed to sort of thing lately that the wavy, it is quite certains thet pie tries between employers and closer watch, and many of the the different indus authorities have kept much the near future various terpent workmen a scheme may yet be thieves have been caught, but craft de fittd with new experimental de devised will of Ruaro wone enoughoul them have been will have to be carried ous Labour against future ur just ex aken in. It as much as 200, 000 LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
by the Admiralty, and that they ploitation and prove generalis dollars worth of goods month wil of necessity involve coneid acceptable. On the other hand it come up missirg. it seems that e able risk to the men ergan ed. seems to be agreed that no pro a greater force of watchmen What is is equally certain is that posals of the kind will be suc should be put on by the govern there will never be lacking in the cessful if they are forced upon ment, and perhaps Brill Navy men willing and Labour instead of being mutually placed over the watchmen watchmen be eager to sacr fice themselves in arranged.
If an importer receives a to cause. There is no form of War Inventions shipment of goods intact without public or patriotic service in the anything missing, that is ity in which either the sense The Royal Cammiesion ontban can be carried away. uty or the spirit of enter. Awards to li virtois kas jumt it is considered miraculous these is nori atringly stablish issued a long list of awards which days. The wharves are not the C: in its storie Navy. it has given to British inventors only places where thes these abr ses Cotter Timos Prodicled. who made discoveries of service are suffered, for ibere are del to the nation in the conduct ol ers here who receive goods by tietoinent commix the great war. The awards are posts who frequently re Cos organizations substantial amounting in one ceive packages with a la ge part Gd the represent lys of case to more than 100, 000 pounds of the contents taken cut, trene Labour are all seeking in their sterling, and the varied inaruc being such things as stockings, Final Wnys to discover cure ter of the list is an indication of cigarettes and smoking tobacco.
or se me invans of Ker point in ein paar we in which the inventive one local dealer has lost as much uneuployment the kunius of the 20 percent of the The shipment by the time of depression, the publie by the necessities of the citua ing removed, leaving cartons dustrial machine going during lated and turned to good account the contents of the cartons be speeches of tusinesy ten ale tion. The awar given les absolutely eu pts.
He is com full of the expectation of a great pect of the. Tanh Jave already pelled to pay duty on the goods trad rebound in the near been published, but the Commis stolen, as well as on that cerved.
fature The President of the sion now formally recalls the in or he cannot get what there is National Chamber of Trade has wresting fact that in 1912, two left of the shipment.
There is no Better than While the shar! labourers and rer custom house may think it the Best.
their right to abstract all they Mrs. JONES care to, the buyer who pays for allowed to pick our choice, Resident No. 13 Street, in front of Saint Paul Church the article thinks differently, and wou have done but the best of every Graduate of the Lella College, New York City, NY. as ther. gre trvigilancon hing: yet it is sed to say that our peo adom J. Walker Methos Scientific Hair Dressing the part of the officials there ple on the Isthaus, at the cost of the Hour toll am to 30 pm may be a diferent story to sell in bealth, jump at every new patent me!
Special trainining for Hair Culturists. Shampooing, ressing, Curl the future.
icine placed on the market; especially ing and Beautiflac. Special Treatment for Dandruir. Scientitically 35 Calidonia (Road it is nice to take.
preparing the Scalp for powerful growth of Soft Flowing Hair Such risks generally prove harmful, The most Modern and Up to Date System of years before the outbreak of many of the new dopes are nothing but Walker Beauty Parlour, No. Tivoll Road war, Mr. de Mole, an Australian fakes. and should be carefully avoided er gineer, placed in possession of Hair goods, Supertine Fucial Soaps, Hair Growor, Lotions, Perfumes When obtaining your medicine, go WHOLESALE the British War Cdice a brilliant the best. The best is always that whic invention for tanks which, ac is well tred and recommended by the cording to the report, anticipat AND RETAIL ed and in some respects surpass.
majority. Remember, don experiment with life, for it is precious ed that actually into use in 1916 The de loven was unfor De Witt piti tunately WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
have got the indiaputable right of being and to Bitten.
y put the beet Patent Medicine on the loth It is curious mus. Let part no one fool snowledge of this neglected in you, no other as good. It has stood the test of many (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA) ventinn, British brains thould years treatment, and holds the Championshlp of the World on merit have again involved a war wachine of this character which Millions have been eured, and millions procesit to be the The greatest proposition ever taken up by West now deciding under treatment from every continent.
was certainly the Indians, and the whole world is falling in.
principal of This statement le backed up by facta the Advice from the makers reade: Due The Directors are offering 200, 000 worth of sion admits that many claimants to the many new orders that are being il sent in daily from all parts of the world, Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and for awards have been gravely OWNED BY in consequence of the greatly incread dissatisfied because they have for De Witt Pills, we have Costa Rica been omitted from the list, but The National City Bank of New York found it necessary to remove to mucho pertinently add that the great larger factory grounds This can be taken up a Preferred Shares at at Cherry Orchard Head Office: 55, Wall Street majority were not only satisfied Rond, East Croydon, London.
with suggesting the vaguest and or in Ordinary Shares.
but in inThe right treatment is DeWitt Pille etades relied on resovag io: Capital. Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 stances this Start now. Sold at all leading Drug The money is needed before the end of FebStors, and are always in stock at the ness as entitling them to credit ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April for initiating or suggesting the general depot.
main idea of devices or appliOfficial Depository of the Republic of Panama THE CITY PHARMACY, yrur large passenger Steamer.
ances which in fact bore very Depository of the Panama Canal 139, CENTRAL AVE. PANAMA, little if any resemblance to that West Indians, this is your chance.
which had been suggested by Through its Agencies in the Interior and them.
Purchase and live! Disobey and perish!
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Dr. Hoffman RICHARD BLOUNT.
exceptional banking facilities.
has reopened his clinic for gen.
eral practice for synocologica Send money by mail to NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
Draftsson Jamaica and other West Indian Islands cases and urological disorders of both sexes. Diseases of the blood Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cont treated in accordance with the CAMPBELL, Mrs. Annie Lindsay latest German discoveries. Ap begs hereby to notify her Per Annum plication of the Genuine German datrons and others that she 606 and, ts latest modifications President and Managing Director. 1495 and Silber salversan. TELEPHONE No. 746 73 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA the AmCENTRAL AVENUE No. 41, erican Consulate.
IT PAYS Opposite Amador Theatre ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY are parcel in less BIJOU ICE CREAM FACTORY in front DeLesseps Park, Panama City Know ye all mea, that ous coincidence that, 045 and any are be one of sensation INTERNATIONAL BANKING ORPORATION Street near Central Avenue, Advertise in the Workman


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