
Sacoccowong THE MARY MULLER ONE PRICE STORE indeed the.
proceed to London MARY MULLER No. 89 Central Avenue ganaosaaccas Interesting News from West.
clared, ADVERTISE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921 PAGE SEVEN West Indian Home Rule Delicato and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pallid appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made Under the above caption The premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: Times publishes the following subjoined interesting article. HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES In Jamaica, and IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM throughout the Britih West In dies, Crown Colony Government HAS JUST OPENED For sale at all Drug Stores in this City has become repugnant to all and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez classes, and the movement for representative institutions is now Sole Agent for the Republle of Prosms.
HATS GERVASIO GARCIA. TO 10 GOLD At the Legislative elections early this year in Jamaica every member was returred with a English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, mardata to press a change in the Embroiderie Constitution, and now a Com etc. mittee of the Legislative Council Guiding Star Installation Treas; Sister Ethel Maitis, RW. different lodges, and assured then that is engaged in preparing a memo Bros. Pernand Samuel, RW. A; Er the Guiding Sar lodge welcon» thoir UNEQUALLED VALUES AT rial to the Secretary of State for nest Rose, WI; Sister Laura Cespe presence in visiting them. The lodge Colonies asking that a LOWEST PRICES pall The installation for the term March des, RW. M; and Broth. Charles Har was then closed in Peace, Love and Commission should be sent to August of the Guiding Star Taber riot, DK After the new offixers had Friendship, and Harmody and all remaica to inquire into the politi. nacle, No. 14, was held on taken their positions, the thanks paired to the banqueting roon, and did cal, in addition to other, condi. Wednesday, March 18, at the Mosaiced tho Installing Master, and all those justic? to the repast, and all voted it tions obtaining here. Early next Hall, Broadway, Colon, and was a bril. that assisted him in the ceremonies, also one of the best taactisas beld on this year. 1921) three members of liant uocess. Bro. James Nichols, to the various visitors from the sister side in many yon.
the Legisiature will to stalling Master, performed the ceremo emo lo lgs. Br. Charles Gobourne, State to present the case of nies, and did his part with credit, ably Grand Ruler, then made an address, Initiation Ceremony Jamaica to the Secretary of resisted by Bros. Wilson and Wint, congratulating the Guiding Sar State for the Colonies. The Les PR. Re. The following are the new in having such a fine set of officers, and 19, 10. will be holding an initiation lodge The Rising Sun Tabernacle, No.
ser Antilles have already pre installed officers: Bros. Zach. Abra bad confidence in them in building up ceremɔny on Tuesday, Marob 29, at the pared plans for a like deputation ham, R; Uriah Blair, RW. R. the lodge. and making it one or the big Shamrock Lodge Hall, when they expect the same end in view. Lewis Saunders, W. Winthrop, gest lodzes on the Isthmus. Ho aleo re to put thru a batch. Members of rister The desire for change from RW. AS. Augustus Johnson, w. turned thanks to the RW. Rs. of the lodges are cordially invited to attend.
an antiquated system of Government finds expression in British Gulana, the Leeward and Wind. See XSS Exxoeiseisesstoe:60 xossos sexscie ward Islands, Trinidad and Ja (Continued from Page 2)
wara moica, and friends of constitutional government are every where hopeful that the Imperial Germany against local trades. It will be a pity to allow racing Government will consider and men, etc. for accounts amounts to die in Grenada. We helped to formulate a scheme by which to about 40, 000. The claims of keep racing going in the West this can be brought about, The Austria aggregate about 300 Indies when bigger colonies fell present system is criticized as pounds sterliog.
back, and we can still help to stifling the voice of the people. it The Grenada West Indian writ.
is auto autocratic, and the es. GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST Government may flout the wishes The Barbados Race Meeting Trinidad of the people even though the to take place this month promis pee ple representatives press fg to be a big affair. Tartites ihem ever so ardently.
from the various islands are ex Mr. Rosevelt, widor of the Before 1868 Jamaica hnd a con Col R03 Peilit pected to sittend, es stitution, granted by Charles II. Much interest is centered in of the USA arrived at Trini which was a representative one.
the Gold Cup. Toe revival of dad on the 3rd February. The It consisted of a Governor, a acing in Barbados is bound to Gazetie says that Mrs. Rosevelt Privy Council, a Legislative Couninfluence turfdom everywhere in is on a personal trip for recrea.
cil and an Assembly of 47 elected these parts. The return of the tion and during her short stay members. In that year this con IN THE English and American through here hopes in a quiet way to en.
stitution was surrendered and a breds on the West Indian tracks joy the attractions of Trinidad, Legislative Council established is much to be appreciated. We but as she is still in mouroing consisting of an equal number of official aod unofficial members: WORKMAN are sorry to find that Grenada for her distinguished husband, bloodstock ie being depleted. Our she will not participate in the In 1893 a change was Instituted creoles are going abroad. We special entertainments of the whereby the Council consisted of allowed Ajax to go. Sweet Roy week in connection with the visit the Goyernor, five ex officio mem to go, then Comet, Little Ben of the American Flotilla, bers, and other persons not ex.
and Ormande. It will be no sur ceeding 10, and 14 persons to be prise to see Maud going and Her The Trinidad Chamber of Com elected, with a Privy Council Majesty after. Of the remaind merce has decided to extend an which is the Executive Council er, some one is said to be anxi. official welcome to Colonel DenThis experiment in Crown Coous to purchase Home Rule for nis, Sir Arthur Harris, and Mr.
Government has ex sending abroad and in that case Marlowe, the delegates from the Onsive. Nor Battle Axe alone will be left a Canadian Government Railway, Nor can the enlargement of 1895 be considered an relic of the past. Cantot a syn who are about to visit the Colony improvement. The Privy Coun dicate be formed to acquire a and to include in the reception a cil is an added burden. It is couple of good thoroughbreds? dinner at Queen Park Hotel made up of officials, the com mander of the forces and a cou plo of planters. There is no re.
Won Dump them APPOINTED DIRECTOR presentative of the people at its sittinge, no one to advise on mat.
On the Dominions The following is taken from ters deeply affecting the taxpa.
The Evening Mail of Halifax of er and check extravagance. In the hands of the Privy Council Col. Amery Says Ex Soldiers February 17th: Geddes Grant, Limited, of the Governor himself is more or Will Not Be Sent OverHowever, well Trinidad. opened branch offices may be seas without Inquiry.
a few years ago in Barbados and Demerara and four years ago in Cable must act clearly on the advice of from London dated Marchs, this city. In January they exthe Council though, as it is con states that publication of the sup appointed McRae, fortner to Jamaica, and bave now in tbe colony, this plementary estimates of the Col. ly manager of the Royal body does not represent the peo onial Office showing that 650, 000 Canada in Trinidad Bank of ple of Jamaica as a whole.
pounds are asked for to provide supervisor of tie Maritime Prov.
and lately free passages for ex service men inces, as a director, with quarIt may be mentioned here that Bermuda, Barbados, and the Ba 10 the Dominions bas caused some te in Halifax. Mr. McRes is hama: bave representative gov: speculation as to the probable universally popular in business ernment, but most of the West indian colonies have practically attitude of the Dominions, circles and will now have an at none. Jamaica and a few others Replying to criticisms Colonel tractive field in which to exercise have a modicum of representTherefore THE Amery, Parliamentary Secre: bis high business qualities.
tary to the stive institutions. It is, how.
Colonial Office reiterated prevlous statements NOTICE TO ANTIGUANS ever, this hybrid system of gov that the Government had no in.
ernment with a permar men no The meeting of Antiguans adjourned the unem.
jority in the House which is a be from March 141b, will be continued on ployed of these Doperpetual irritant, destroying minions. All thost being given Monday, March 28th, at 30 a. at Initiative, retarding development free or assisted passages had the Chorrillo lodge hall, when the sub and strangling opinion. The pofirst to be passed by the Immi. Jeet under discussion will be finally die sition too of the Governor as gration oficials the Dominions. posed of. All Antigusns are again invitPresident of the House is object In regard to women emigrants ed to attend.
ionable. Some 25 years ago it Colonel Amery said their superwas thought advisable to remove vision was done by voluntary Rent Receipt Books in Spanthe Governor from this comproagencies and not by Government Ish and Engiish, for sale at the mising position but for some rea officials.
Workman Printery, son, which requires explanation, he returned, establishment of Repres entative Government throughout the West Indies would mean a BE NOT DECEIVED!
uniform system of administration and would have the effect of Class Distinction is more a matter of dress than bringing the colonies into cser anything else. Beat It down. Let touch with each other. in its us help you.
turn. communal sense thus awakened would lead to a federTHE WOMAN EXCHANGE ated West Indies, as a prelimin ary to the status of a dominion.
DRESSMAKERS Dr. LOWE when you can have them neatl. vound at the Up To The Minute Styles largo asortinent of Tallored Walsts L, Edin NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, IPANAMA Ostics Hours8. 30 a. Ip. p. p. WORKMAN PRINTERY ANN THOMAS, Bor 798 Office 844 Proprietress.
Ancen, which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone, proved less puppeter Wise, he ma disposed or other wegislation, he The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
tended to tinually urged is an WORKMAN Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
ent ma. of ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable The BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces Phoros: Resido1002


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