p. 8


sur ALBOA EST EER REWER 22 winning man, and Robert with you.
SESS The Daddy of Em All New Line a Succss.
Surrey Swamps Picked Team PACIFIC THEATRE VISITS CALIDONIA AGAIN In Presentation Mateh.
Halifax, March The Cans The Presentation Matchwo played Enthusiastle Piedmont Smok dian Pisher, which inaugurated at Su day site Standard on bo SUNDAY, By Special Request ers Agsta Gather in the the West Indies passenger ser tween ib. Surrey CC champions, and a Shekels while Wreathsd vice from Halifax in January, term selo od fron the other clubs that THE PASSION PLAY in Fragrant Piedmont completed her tirst round trip and taken put in the Competition. The and arrived in Halifax Tuesday Siroke wicket was an ideal one, and the Surrey evening. The introduction of kipper, on winning the tous, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mr. Piedmont second trip the Canadian Gwernment Mar decided to bsve dret kaork. Elcock and through Calidonia for the pur cantile Marine to the passenger Linton opend for du:rey, whilst the sttack was entrusted to Wisbire and Two Episodes each night of pose of handing out dollars to trade his provescidedly sue ine lucky Piedmont smokers was cesful aud Croin on a three Estman Liptop played in his wual the Universal Wonder Serial a thorough success especially weeks service will be maintained asgresive style, sud ser med to hav)
from the viewpoint of the forte from Halifax by the Canadian poculisr liking lor Wilt seire HirbtaingFeaturing the Strong Man of the Screen nuter cipients of the dollars Fisher, and canadian Poreste The hke detis rie Ecock piayed a very cauPhe Daddy of En All visis Cen visits Canadian Forester, rectly can bius inuing, and deserved every se of ELMO LINCOLN are eagerly lo ked forward to pl ei ai the Halifax Srpads, the 77 ruce Leade s, on pris Dow, though many the th: secɔni passenger worry the wicket, gave the fund an exhibeTuesday, Thursday and Lon of snifiniat http At 345.
Saturday ers say that the line of wing ing ship to be put in oralia between trips does not lie heaviy tue Calaia Gvment Birrey declared bringing led for be Watch Our Prograins ly on their hands as the pleasing Merchant Marine said last »pretable to al of 21 use for the lies acons of their sochi Pred eventox irova Hali ax o. a tine of only wickets. pitaloe lever monts allows the us to build pl as wet ks West Indies cruise to Nas before done on the Isthmia. Ecock ant palaces in the are regarding sau, Bhomas Kingstou, Jana ande 77. Loton 50, Soua 41 Esses ses se what they will do when Mr. Pied ca, and BelizBritis Honda Holder 21 20 Ciak 13 pot cut. At ibe mont hands whom their dollars ras, with a full passenger list Call of the wicket first the sure hundred an again.
81 50; at ibe cond 143 44;ut the One wide awake and progress.
Good Friday at the Pacific third 176 77 and the fourth 210 21.
The picked tea in went to the wicketest ive man produced from bis capa but cious pockets pack after pack pm exhausted The Manageinent of the Pach by their long cuting in the bit on all day, it was no war of Piedmonts. He Wa8 to well fic has proved once again that it prise when they just crumbled up before supplied with Piedmont that get pays to give its patrons a square the bowling of block ard Holder for 51 ting a gift of money was of sec. deal at all times. The crowdo runs, Myers, the skipper was the caly ondary importance. He will prob. that vainly tried to see the show man to reach double figurte. 17) with ubly spends his gifts for more and that were keptaway because Mr. Eetru next (13)
packs. He enjoys them, because there was no more roon for them they keep well, because the although three shows were Presentation of Cup.
glassine wrapper seals up all given, are prool of the above Mr. Maduro of the Maduro Com that tine Virginia fragance. The statement. The Pacific announcpoby, presented the cap to the Surrey Daddy of Em Ali insisted that ed the Passion Play as a com CC, bo bad proved themselves the he take his priz. anyway. plete picture and everyone at eh smpions of the son, in a few well man as farsighted at this young terding went away satisfied that choren words. Mr. Susa, the cap man must be encouraged, Mr. hey go their money worth, tain of Surrey replied, and was followed Piedmont asserted. And The as the show was everything as it by Mr. Myers, the President of the Daddy of Em Ali encourages was advertised. The prices were League, them. II.
not changed from the usual popaSurrey Proud Record.
Edward Peterkin, of the Her tar pric 8, the policy of the house Clinic, and George Smith being that whenever possible no The Surrey C, ha aguia demonwith the ace Line bjais, were raise in prices should be made strated that the is the pride of Panams, two of the fortunate smokers By special request the Passion And she bas made a few records bie rea who attached to themselves Mr. Play will be repeated on Sunday son that toay not be only bastea. 85 Piedimont dollars. Among those night.
di fotel the strone rsaire C, estly tive cent de teren wibout losing single priz ere the hards, Alex Results of Elections Later on, le apsin tosd. 209 acdet, rge 15 loes of ckets against the Te Arkshire CC, and now last Sun Mr. Piedmont intends conti The election for the ensuing term wade for the loss of oply nuing his visits indefinately or the Rising Sun Tebraud, No. 10, Surrey neaber. Mr.
just so long as there are still F, was held on Friday, March won the batting sverage, people in Casiduria who have not at the Loyal Soamrock lodgo rum, and also the cup offers hy ibe Chemi been presented with his dollars Culon, and resulted as follows: cal ball for ibebam. Nic. Totus Ls8 Look for him again to night, but Bios Barrett, R; Robert also made the high siadividual core for be sure to have a package RWAR; Bater Susan Francis, WA the beston (81)
those famous Virginia cigaruties;B:0 W:bt, RW. I; ster Mabel Mr. Thomas Cets Silver Cup.
Cameron, RW. Sister Runar, WRC; Bro. Rdley, RW. M; Sis Mr. mong way the resipient of ter Riekeit, WR, Treas, ani Bro beuuful Sirer Cup hindly off rd by the New Steainer Service ODKThe installation Chemies! Il to the basman making The new steamer ervice be of the above calles is fixed for April 1; the mostruos during the secon, Mc.
teen liiax Babas, al sebess or sister oder de Thomas of tbe Survey CC, topped all, Laica and British Ilonduras podially invited to send as the Reing and bas been priseаed with the trophy, vided for under the Canads Sau lodge expects to put on one of tbe Surey Wins Mr. Piedment Vest Indies Trade Agreement and st funsios e var hodia tha histoPrizes.
forally ii augurated on ty of the Order on the strou.
January 25th, when the The Prizre of cartons of Ciciretes Centrincher, of the Canadian Rent Receipt Books In Sparse otrdiy Mr. ennt of ne BiGuverem at Merchant Marine, ish and English, for sale at the Au Tuo Campan, to the ud, sailed from Halifax. Sut in the won by the Surrey CC, ir, Beck curry was the carried o nower of Canadian Workman Printery.
officials and had on board as packages of Piedimont effrou Eur highest Medical Otticer, Dr. Grieve score, and Mr Fieds won the pack AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY Nichol, who is well known 10 the ages for tue buat bowling average.
CHURCH NOTICES islands to wiodward of the Ca.
Jatosion Britannia gime not yet ribbean. ne Canadian Fisher completed. To morrow, may see the was followed two weeks later by St. Paul Church, Panama last of the Jemaica Britanio game, the Canadian Forester, when the prixoa effered by Mr. Pied Easter Day, Sunday March 27 moat will be dis ributed by Mr, Successful Birth Night 58 Illy Communion; 10.
Party Matins; 1030 am. Holy Eucharist and Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
seamnon; 3p. Special musical ervices Musical Entertainments 30 ta. Erens og and sermon.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
On Friday evening, the 18th nstant, being the 60th birthday NIGHTENGALE, The Primrose Choral Union is of Mr. E. Rallen Buckner Vioar.
engaged to sing at the Cecilia teacher of the New Hope School St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Theatre on Good Friday night Nobody likes kin.
Panama City, several of his FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE end on Easter Sunday night.
frlends and acquain ances met a. Holy Eucharist; 11 am. Ms.
at his residence on 23th Street, ive with lo The members have already tins and address; p. Special music given two rehearsals at the Calidonia, to do bim honcur.
servise; 30 Even ong and address Theatre. The chief pieces called The proceeding was opened St. George s, Gatun.
for are Hymns on the Passion with religious exercises with Mr C. McFarland as Master of feeds the root of and Easter Hymns and Anthem 11 a Matias and address; D.
the hair and has grow After the singing Special mu igal serv. co; 30 Eros on the two respective evenings.
the On Morday evening, 28th, Eas Te Deum, cakes and wide Bong and address.
ter Monday, a concert will be were served and several toasts påven at the Salvation Army were given. Maoy in high and stal Sow. QUIGEN PAR Anniversary Servicos at St. Per Hall by members of the same terms of bis oside Skin Crean. QUEEN successful teaching ter Church, La Boca Choral Union, JAMACIA career, which extends over thirty Don fail to go and hear this years, as well as bis conscien All members and friends of St. Peter progressive Choir. Soécial Eas will leave Cristobal tiousness, not only as a man, bu Ascent no substitute for WU EN PEPAR Church, La Boca, am hereby affection ter Anthems have been imported as a father, brother, friend, and ATIONS. Alated storus sell them.
ately reminded that Easter Day is the for the concert, MONDAY, MARCH 28th, 1921, for adviser. Music and singing Address: Box Ancor, annivrsary day of this church and Cartagena and Puerto Colombia were an important part of the tified that the services for the day will evening program and last. bu be as follows: PRINCE OF WALES by no means least, the JazzBand Tha Classical and Dedication of brass candle sticka proscontributed its full share.
ented by a friend and the newly coafira The party dispersed at a. Commercial School cd, 5150 London, Feb. 17. We underafter having spent a happy and Choral celebration of the Holy Compstand that, as at present arrang enjoyable time.
No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz munion, 530. Holy baptiem, am.
ed, the Prince of Wales will Box 1044, Ancon, c, Matias followed by Orlehration of begin his tour in india in October Foresters Dance ELEMENTARY AND HIGH the Holy Eucharist, 11 The newly or Noveinber next.
confirmed will receive their First Com With reference to the forthSCHOOL COURSES munion at the first celebration coming provincial visits of the For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Every thing is in readiness for Day and Night Seasio 18 At p. mn the Sunday School anavar Prince of Wales, it is understood the Foresters social dance which they will not all be included comes off 10 night at the Recrea Geometry. Bookkeeping. Type.
SUBJETS: Arithmetic. Algebra sury servies will be beld, to watch are cordiuity invited.
CRISTOBAL In one tour, but in a series of tion Hall, Calidonia.
writing, Shorthand, English, Eie Eventong and sertaon.
At 30 there will be choral short ories. One of the longest The committee has worked inents of French, Spanish and of the series is likely to be trip or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, assiduously and they are confid Latin Grammar, etc.
Next Monday night, the 28the insta to the Duehy of Cornwall pro ent that it will be a social sue School now in session, Night the tanchers and scholars of St. Peter perties in Devon, Cornwall, and PANAMA eess, and a convivial time for the School re opens Monday, Jan. cist entertainment in the civarala. This PRy Couch Sunday Sebool wilt give a spethe Sicily Isles, and to Bath and lovers of the Terpsichorean art.
uary 17, 1921, at 80 m, Bristol. According to present d! Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agasta, few friends from the Atlan.
entertainment will he free sai everybody fodications, the Prince will be tic end will also grace the hall ROBERT LINDSAY, is invited enjoy it.
the Royal Wall Steam Packet Co. Panams away from London for about 10 with their presence. Camb. Senfor) MULCARE, days on that occasion.
Dancitg starts at 30 Principal Restor. McLente RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Sparush and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE KINKY HAIR ky hain. Ba beau tiful and also wavy hair by using QUEEN NR DRESSING This regration Te nye dayat, of Last Use QORUN and you will get loat. pretty, straight balr. Price 353 lor big bux Mediested Skin DOWS QUEEN spoke Face Powder, AGENTS WANTED that


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