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PRICE Cos. CY Hon. Marcus Garvey In Jamaica GIVEN BIG RECEPTION BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY REVEREND EVERS C, CALLED SECOND TIME Bids Good bye to Isthmus Makes Famous Speeches To Monster Crowds To Adjust Affairs in Connection. The Panama Wesleyan eta one with the Coto Question.
After Years Labour, rident of chemise de rendere in the Unha conting between the modele de carte enero de other than redappior poder de les condenados pelo reply by secretary of the representing the oficers and hand th the was however on him in Sullivan, happo indus: his objavi Mr.
toon weut. Socio of.
cane into tha 13ch caused сэру the ply ist Church packed to its doors last Wednesday evening when the members of the church From recent issues of the Mr. Garvey Reply West Indies or the Bouth or Cen.
with their many friends and symCleaner we reproduce the follow tral American Organisatioas, but In response to a special sum same.
pathizere assembled to say fare Mr. Garvey on rising to reply, an International Movemant of mons by tha President of this well to the Jog inter alia about the arrival of Marcus Garvey at Jan aids and was greeted with clamorous Negroes. App suse. Ha Was re public Don Belis urio Porras, standing room was obtainable At Tuesday session, acaroely HE retiring pastor, Rey. Mr. President, he here not speaking to them as a the National Assembly commeno Oa the his famous sp eches in the Col plause.
platform besides the fugiato Hall and Ward Theatre. said chino Poluareverberating British börn subject, but as sed another extraordiuary session on account of the vast crowd in Rev. Everswer through the hallMembers were Commandant Dressed in a dark brown palm friends of the Úalversal Negro them for their address of wel the usual preliminaries prompt mister vital thesdiecu asteptine the and Rev. Tylerbest, of the citizen of Africa te had to thank last Monday afternoon and after attendance who were anxious to Morris, of the Salvation Arab. Panama hat, Association: is indeed pleasure for me the High Executive Council ofama Costa Rica baadary matter. honour of the republic. Bit they Prother, A: Box, and wearing on his vest the insig coine.
He was commissi ined by ly proczo led to co 19ider the Puro montar tal question electing the Nazarene Church, also repressat la ollut office, Mr au United Christian Workers ti Pre Chiver anvendelse two ti ad myselt once morenia, cho his Organisation to go to a rigere were doomed to Negro Jamaica Toeir first act was to appoint for after the reading of Secre of the Un and Messrs. la rovement Association, to go to baria to lay ost there the oficers for the present term tary Hughes note and the draft Grant and Mrs. Douglas oured race, arrived here yester en som heter for the United States. He to primarily tor the pur thought that he would pay bis vica presidents respectively. As ing appointed to consider the re the singing of a hymn after which of tha church to taking that journay, he president, and first and second which ended in a commission beThe meeting was opened with da sterren from Santiago on went the se. In Belle Sauvage ol Messtabeled Diviston St time; hence la mapping out the coumission made up of Deputies of seeking aid Island home a visit for the last soon as all w18 in readiness, a ply Lindsn swan Hunter Ltd Cuba buud an industrial a passage of scripture was read maica sea vice.
o Tachuel arter the pastor.
in the Central America and Westbadian Alvarado Arjoaa and Venero Wednesday session was at and prayer offered by palvelu ol of the A, but It was thought that Mr. Garvey southern part of the tur, he included the leland of was appointed to wait on Presi. tended with no better results as Then followed the reading of ad: bul Janica biare prek. to Before he left Now Tent Porras and to inform him Deputy Vidal after the reading dresses and the presentation Ock, Line reamer, Antonio Maceo, ceived an unwelcome respouse division asked him not to visit seba.
and so when the good ship La from lus cans and West Jam uca because of tion asking that the secretaries minister replied appreciatingly, ce ebaluru Belle Sauv. ige alongside the of Foreign Relations and of the Four addresses were read as for 19 ten minutes the Deputies Treasury ba summoned to attend lows. 1) From the members of Uaited Christiaa Workers ole e NI AO o there were no representatives New York anu rayelleu Lorough ish Government regarded him astion of the Peosident at the verbally certain parts of the re From the by Rev. Tylerbest (2)
rady responsa of the Deputies pls. In fact he said that the com: the inembers of the Niza the pier the object. He met other West luit usual whart staff and a few dlans who discouraged him R:v ist and that should he arriva ia contidenes that their parriotism said reply did not kaow what is best. 3) From the members of a policemen. BS Also Depot the idea of receiving help in the James certain things would would cause then to give him do with it. It was therefore de the church choir by Mr. Martin, whose Ulised States Hy would not really all th support possible in svin cided to request the atter dance assisted by the Secretary, Miss wby because drawn him hither. Toere lanac. He way for oud, there never been disa (Cheers) Hetary of Foreiga Atfaics, Hon.
ot the Societarias mentioned Williams, who made the pres Lave gov Just at that moment the Secro.
sentation of a souvenir, and (4)
Sessel was a litla was a slight breeze on and the fore, to change his erniens in his life.
tiae in doci uneless, he was deupay interest nad no time to be disloyalt 01 Thursday, in answer to the from the officers and members Ito Gov Narciso Garay and the Secretary summons, Secretaries Garay and the church by Mr. fred ed per deck and Garvey stood on the UP, saw beloce him la An Albis. Orery minute of his Morales, who is also actin: Se aud gave an elaborate explan glas, who also made a preseala on.
recogniz une or two old acquaintances to erica to erica itzen a grave prob. ew, and lite, every second of his life was remary of Garnmat and Jus tion of the government attitude una whom he extenduu a hearty salu mediately went law Talion. Then there arrived Mr. Orical sluuy oi conditions of the cause for the demotion of Roxedo Jatec bringing the words, was to rejaste. Dar the highest terms of praise for to the glorious and grand bou in the absenco into the crisis, which to put it in few which the members remained with la his reply to the choir, daring regards to the present Adrian Daley, the Secretary of in tbe States. Africa (Cheers. Om of Cainbar, the deci standing, the Minister spoke in the local branch of the Associa which tion with one or two other ottice through thirty eight of the gate the gates, representing the negro read in full by Secretary Ar ose iuxt tha of the bearers.
ates Hoteccured in some of people of the world (four hun, mena. The messaga was accom. it was made known that the rezation has always played in the Ale to travel August last year, 23. 000 Dale. President m 38 3age, which Wassion of Chief Justicasplanation the noble part which that organi lo an interview with a Gleaner the churcoes, passed on from dred millions of them) elected panied by a of had been delayed at the E quest of Secretary Alfaro who The Their assistance, he said, was al.
Bhip immediately on docking Mr. York in the latter part of 1917 President of Africa, to the republic as asked that it be withheld pood ways a source of delight and the avention of Garvey stated that he expected Mack Jamaica. But just wity was given him and he would Secretary Garay, but these were carrying on in coming That job and that responsibil.
as the reply as drafted by certain negotiations he was satisfaction to him and he felt to remain in Jamaica about nine Washington, certain that the public too bad days during which time he would that caused much in the poobed Dot shirk it, Africa, the land not read as the President of the Secretary Garay then presented benefited by and enjoyed their visit various parts of the country that caused nice to render cer taat God Almighty gave them, ter the reading of the message dent of the Republic which was.
and deliver addresses.
and at the close of the last ad.
Continuing Mr. Garvey said. assistanse Immediately atter what was robbed and despoiled by the the Minister spoke at length of the world and shall be and the appointment of a com not read as the time for closing the work of the past five years has nations of on the would have come over on the Wat herunderea, abe redeemed by the four hundred mittee of seved to consider had come.
of Black Star people there the harmony that had alwayo was late in reaching Santiago and dested for bim longer stay in saying 80, be medot no disres.
ateauer, million india ia the world. In we existed between pulpit and pew, I had 10 481 my York.
He was, therefore, came over on this vessel acouraged to start susu NT pact or any discourtesy to any pose disturbance, but for the pur them as Negro interested in of the friendly spirit manifested.
to his people. negro humanity, everywhere at all times between himself and accompanied by one of my Sec and we assemblea 13 men and nation to eay race, but any 18 nation No pɔwer of hell or on earth (cneers. cannot understand ministers and members of other retaries Mr. Jacques. Mis Vin 1990, lind founded New York to take it as such, they were we could stop him iron speaking to why tney should say am dis branches of the Master work tue them can Davis will be bere ter tale ves York vastu tua dels casos com a red licenses were in internis country that he roughang bosen disloyat to any government appreciation of the excelentlich loyal, fourthi sel in the of a few days.
Division of this hundr nuadred million Negroes How did you get along in bers under his leadership grew of them from Africa 300 years ter years and years ago, brought mine because, by Goa! if there success he had been able to de modele de relep me world they robbaa Kours million choice of his or of his father or to the world. am more than stance afforded by all to which mother, who by slave to due in the Cuba, Mr. Garvey asked the into six hared to the space of pressman.
one monta, be the spaca o conx ry to to. they brought them in slave his foreparents into this country, is a race which needs loyalty. it it achieve. Well, had a very grand re mutas it improved into a wem when the matter was brought here and not in Africa. It he had to Jamaica he was not scared, ne through whose impaiced health here: causing him to have been born is the Negro Race. In coming On behalf of Mrs. Everse ception in Cuba. was received bership of of 10, 0w, ku the uf en my arrival at Havana bs Pres. ure juars tey nad krowa ia lepresented that the Negro as the choice of birth, his choice was a negro that could not be it became compulsory that they kdent Menocal, members of the a membership of 35. 000 do the were taken for civilising and would have been Africa, but believad in the grand and thanked the speakers for the Municipality. went from Hava boa de started in New York 100 years it they were civilised and had the right of speaking in tuis Roosevelt, Fear God, and you ing her and concluded by exhorte Government and members of the city of New York. The Associa Christianising tbem. Alter 800 since he was born bere by apel scared, he refused to be scared. should leave the tropics, ha dent (laughter. he believert he poble utterance of Theodore many kind expressions concern into the interior on the es years ago bad now a member Coristianised, they tates where there were thou sulp of our unions.
cucers that same civilization and Christ country or came to this country. He was out in the world to meet thene tinterest the temporary labda country as any maa born in this bave no need for fear. cheers. in all concerned not to allow sands of Jamaican labourers on Seven hundred branches were ianisationthe cane farms, Ispent about ten scattered all over Souta and Cen The and whewane through days there and spoke with tral America, the West Indies, in great that the last words of the stand that the Association had black, if you were a maa he res but that they should all continue (Eere the applause was so Kingston would under ther you were white or yellow or seace of a minister in the Circuit.
very warm reception from them wa vna qoatinent of Atrica. He heard. every Slace of North America sentence was not distinctly apologise for or com pected you, bacause you were in well doing until the work had and the cause which am ad vo found it impossible, tuerelore to After the applase had subsid promise. This was a movement created in the image of God Al reached the highest state of eitiang received their heartiest relucu immediately to Jamaica, ed, Mr. Garvey said, in thanking Rainsup of men and women who mighty. And he believed that the ciency, As had said had a for his work was laid out for him them for the address of welcome world war. All races and nations rights and privileges, the yellow God be with you till we meet support.
a new birth out of was entitled to certain After the singing of the hyma rather rough voyage and should in the city of New York, He was they would understand that he fought for freedom and demo man was entitled to cartain again and the pronouncement of like to have a litle rest to recupe elected the last On Tuesday, the 22nd, Garvey well as the international Urganisation as purpose of stirring up discord world war and two milion ne lieved the black man was also en pressed his wilungaess to extend spoke at a welcome meeting by ser oi toe movement de la Among the faces in the island croes from America, the West titled to certain rigats and privi: aparting shake to all who cared the Uni held in the colle. led througa tau 15 States of Aw. Negro and to unify the hundreds into the war; they wagat Tause olen welt: he did not come to Ja tunity s) to do and stood witain to speak to and Africa were drawo legesSo they to avail oppor giate Hall, a hich was crowded to orica anu organised orancus, or Nagroes wao lived in this nobly and splendidly in France, maica to stir up atrife, the Scute the communion rails to receive its sealing and standing capacity. and now they wad 2, 000, 000 mem: country. He realised thera were Fianders and Mesopotamia and of Jamaica way too small a place them.
come by Mr. Adrian Daley, Sec Organ! sation had grown by leaps they had the white race, tha yet. back. But the said they wasting time here. They would will leave the Isthmus today for Mrs. and Mrs. Evers and family In reply to an address of wel becs in the Valted sites. Dud many races living in Jamaica after the war they were pushed for him. Cheers) He was just retary of the Association, Mr. anu pounds and inat night na low race, and the black race shall not stay back, but go for understand why they said he was England. We wish them godspeed Garvey replied in part as to was ubere, not represenung the who had lived in peace for so long ward (chears. He came to them disloyalj He was not only Presi. and a safe arrival at their destiAmerican Organisation or the He did not come here to create not as Jamaicao, be came to (Continuad on page 8)
note to Then lain Sve it!
dress Lite but it suund out thac lion Negros bere!
UN tue and vion ไพ ato six hundred in the of six ago;t ma nothing to de the est white man tate.
New. dows:

    EnglandFranceWorld War

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