
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Jamaica Railway Extension able to renderita are the produce to Clarendon DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT Conce BLOOD ELIXIR FORSTRENGTHENING THE BLOOD CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR PURIFYING AND ENRICHING Arny, write to the tells of Anrican Inn dad which real How he won the War, Uncle siis the Apple of our E; esat urges that Britis til ng should be ba shown to the exorion An.
erica filos Another cortespadent requests the Govern.
ment to write to th British Home Oflice asking them to send down films through a British Flin Asensy, as Trinid 13 want to know the obet played by the British and Franch in the war. We do not think thes9 Am.
ole erican films were made specially their way here through keen enterprise, and by quick despatch, and the only course for a better type of film is plainly open in business com.
petition business tion Coke THE BLOOD The special Trinidad corres.
pondeat of the Trinidad Guardian states that the cocoa crop in the Windward district is said to be exceptionally large for this time of year. In fact the mall bold.
ers so much to pick that they can find little time to break. or the future they are somewhat pessimistic, for there is very lit.
tle young cocoa coming on.
find octor there Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed In this preparation.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy Grenada in may do.
after it a The Honble. D. Walton, Attorney Generel, has been of fered and has accepted the ap.
pointment of Chief Justice of Grenada. Mr. Walton has been with us about fourteen months during which time he acted for several months as Chief Justice.
As Attorney General he has al.
utmost fairness and as adviser to ways conducted his cases with the Government he has proved himself most useful. He has his experience here, some practice in the judicial of fice and we feel sure that his career in Grenada will be suc.
cessful. We regret that he should so soon be leaving us. but at the same time congratulate him most heartily on his promo.
tion, and trust that it is but a step to still higher positions. The Clarion beside consid JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH at the WORKMAN PRINTERY of being courteous as possible, they feel that the Governor is their guest. They are glad he is amongst them, proud to be tige of a Governor is so great that even men of natural indepen dence of character are carried ce ha by the enthusiasm of the away DIVIDED VIEWS OF COM moment and are sure to be found MITTEE leading in the ovations which greet Appointed to consider and ty be a presentative. But it would for any Governor Report on Project to take all this enthusiasm and applause for really more than it (From Gleaner) is worth. It is a tribute to him His Excellency the Governor to cate The Committee appointed by personally, but it does not indida calm and dispassionate consider and report on the ques agreement with the policy or of Railway extension from views which he may be enunciat Chapelton to Cascade and on Men cannot be critical and the Jamaica wards, beld another meeting at argumentive at what is a sort of gathering; suu the representa: tive Major Hamzond, Dec. o. enter into a bebate with a dis.
members present were Chairman. the Hon. tinguished guest. Even if one or BE, Custos of two of them felt inclined so to lerr Messrs. James Dou do at the time which is not likegall and Sharp, and Mr. 15. the disapproval that would Simms. Secretary)
immediately be expressed would Major Lewis of Rhomas, the Dir soon compel them to silence, unagain ap less of course they were quite peared before the Committee. mpossible persons.
He supplied estimates of the cost of the construction of the line Dr. Clifford Accepts An from Chapelton to Grantham, and an estimate of its revenue Honour, and expenditure. He also took the occasion to state that he had NOTEWORTHY INCIDENT.
not suggested motor lorry ser.
vices as a method of developing honours from the King recently Among those who received the country, but only as testers for future railway extension, was Dr. Clifford, the famous He intended to give the Govern Baptist Divine. He was made a ment his opinion on the building Companion of Honour (9. of the line quite apart from any In this Order, which dates from thing the Commission 1917, there is one class only. It The Chairman said be had re ranks the first class of the but reived on the previous day comº title but carries with no munications from the chairman title and no precedence. The of the Parochial Board of Trelaw number of awards is limited, but The folis open to both sexes ny making out what he considertension in that parish. These he Barnes, The Labour P. Sir ed a strong case for railway ex lowing have the (0. General ehe Smuts, Viscount Burnham, had communicated to the Colo Frank Swettenham.
nial Secretary. And while it had Dr. Clifford who was born in been settled that they should not extension further than 1836, is an and Sc. of the Cascade area he certainly London thought that somewhere in their report they should bring for inter confidence in the Governor ward the claims of Trelawny for railway extension to the Govern. the above caption the Times Commenting editorially under ment, and express the these would be met in the near For our part we say emphatifuture. In his opinion Trelawny cally that there never was a time had made out a strong case for since he came here when Governrailway extension indeed.
Mr. Sharp said he was very ed us as a man and an adminis.
or Probyn more deeply impress strongly of the opinion that Tre trator to be trusted. This 19 not lawny had equal claims with any because we think him the ablest other parish for railway exten. Governor we have bad, but besion, and he thought it would be cause he is so clearly, trium best if they could adjourn the phantly honest, both in mollitios.
as a man and sittings of the committee and playing she the parts and Trelawny this uc and he is destitute of vindictive The Chairman said while he sympathised greatly with Tre ing levelled at him is unfair.
ness. Much of the criticism beof her claims, as constituted they vital fact that within the last could not consider this matter months the financial situation now. He then proceeded concluding address on the the Governor proposed before to give here has radically changed. What bis Major Hammond the wbat bizarre in contrast to wALT in 18 the change is naturally some.
lengthy statement ove svidence past and present on the is possible now. This is no fault matter of the suggested. and he would only in.
ions of the other members of the realize that his plads must be e worthy had he failed to committee, and kerel Heview of and it is vital for those who sups modified. He has not done this, the evidence had convinced him port reform Lot to try to push that it was overwhelming in fa. him into blind adherence to the vour of a rail extension as far as full plans shaped when the posi Grantham, and the construction different to tbat necessary feeder roads.
In conclusion the Chairman put forward suggestions for the framing of the report. The full Demerara text of the Chairman remarks will be published in a subsequent issue of the Gleaner. Tragic Death of Demerara Two Reports.
The committee then sat 10 FOUND IN BATHROOM WITH camera to consider its recom.
mendations, and it is reported BULLET WOUND IN HEAD.
that two reports have been sent to the Governor one signed by sterdam on the 18th ultimo the Telegraphing from New Amthe Chairman and the Hon.
Ewen, in favour of railway ex Demerara Chronicle states that G, Berbice correspondent of the tension to Grantham; and the New Amsterdam was startled by other by Hon. Coke Kerr and news of the death of the Rev.
Messrs. Dougald and Sharp, Stevenso Bome against the proposal to build the Stevenson. MacGill. For Rev. Dagentleman bespoke that the demeanour of the something was wrong Commenting on a speech decame that morning when he was sick for several days. The crisis livered recently by the Governor found in his bath with a bullet of that Colony the Gleaner animadverts thus wound in the head and a revolyer It is the fate of all Governors near him. He was removed to that whenever they travel about Port Mourant hospital where he. Jamaica and deliver speeches, died shortly after.
speeches are invariably punctuated with applause that The Hudson Philip Scholar seems to signify entire and wholehearted agreement The ship Fund.
audiences are naturally desirious We are in a position to anthat says: He is honest and through point.
Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Ball and Concert Cards ple qubject it as his of the nec now existing.
Grenadians who left here only a short time ago for Cubs are re mitting fair sums of money to their dependents in this island.
In letters we have seen, it is stated that glowing opportunities are open for women. The women are doing even better than the men We have authority for stating that the Government will soon be approached on the ques.
tion of emigration of labourers bers, from. persones Island to Cuba.
While we will regret the depart: art: yet we will be sorry to hear of any obstacles beiog put in the GOOD ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM way of people who are getting beyond their wits end In trying to live. We think it will be better for all coacerned to let a discontented people depart in peace than to hold them down to desnounce that a move is being made anything, the least we can do to raise money by popular sub is to help these people to help YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT scriptions to enable Mr. themselves.
Hudson Phillip to proceed abroad to further his education, Mr Peasants and prosperity the Philip is at present the Secre two go together. Grenada pros That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
tary of the Agricultural and perity, long famous, has been at We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisCommercial Society and some of tributed to the large number of members have to small persons who have hold on have promised factory service in the interest of our customers is our contribute to the fund, Almost the land. This has been official.
unalded, Mr.
constant aim and purpose.
Phillip, by study: ly recognised. The Government ing in his spare hours, passed within recent years have acquie.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry his London Matric. and Law In. ed land in bulk and sold over to also his in in peasants in small The lots.
and expert repairing. Call and visit.
pros: the buccession. It is felt that perity or ruin of the peasants 15 student is worthy a matter in which the Govern.
FULLER JEWELRY STORE, of support, hence the idea of ment cannot afford to be uninterhelping him along. We promise ested. Government helped in 122 Central Avenue, Panama, the help of this newspaper to the past, and at this critical those who are at the back of the great help is needed. We hope movement, to hear som bola Government announcement in this matter. IC possible, so Agricultural Loan Bank should be established.
THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT There is near possibility now No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE The Rev. Ellis will bid good ot linking up the Dependency of bye to the West Indies at the Carriacou with Grenada by wireclose of the Syl od in Trinidad less telephony.
First Class Meals served at all hours and soon sail for England. He has been serving in the West Indies for twenty seven years. The St. Vincent EARLY TEA AND COFFEE Rev. Ellis was Wesleyan Super.
Special accommodation for Ladies intendent in Grenada for some.
The name of the new Attorney General of St. Vincent is TIDY AND POLITB WEITERS Levy, and he was Clerk of There is much agitation in Courts, Jamaica.
SERVICE UPTODATE, Trinidad against the showing of American picture films. One Advertise In The WORKMAN of Britain Contemptible Little and get Good Results.
termediate. and quick stage Trinidad those


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