
one history formally opered by a disastrous singing of Wood of more wash our banda li. Pilate, but Let us go our places, with clean Railway Wreck bende and faces, And pe great attentien to all we are one of the Most Disastrous told; Or else we shall never be happy or clever, For learning is better than tilver or gold, in History Let us learn the things which we for our good in this world, late Direct West India Cable And in the life of the world to come. from Porter, Indiana, dated Bethany Watch celebrated by thirty and forty persons were Feb. 26th, states that between the Rey King George Lodge No. 2, MOB, on Thunday 26th, inst. when a reported killed and an unknown dual function was held under the Chair number injured, to night, when manship of Bro. Lamont West bound New York Central At 20 the chairman breen hil train crashed into a derailed programme with an introductory addrewe East bound Michigan Central functions and a reading of the History of cials said may be one of the most covering the rentcns for holding the train bere, in what Rail way offi.
the Order; after this the meeting was wrecks in by the of byen Michigan Cenira ni bicials No, 150 When survey the placed the number of dead at rous cros followed ty the reading than thirty, while unofti Desenres of Scriptures, more hymns far as high as ifty. The tower man fol cial reports made loved the death list interspersed with prayers after of which the chairman delivered fareful of the Michigan Central was ar Love rested immediately after the by one wreck, officials saying thay be tresting it with the other virtues and lieved he bed left a switch closed, ending with an exhortation to both bentu members ard friends to live the causing the derailment of the wuo principles of this the fire up to the East bound train. The Michigan virtues. bymn was then ruime while Central train left Chicago at 605 the effortory collected and the bound for Toronto, Ont devotional part of the meetil the It was cut in half by the West The various representatives were meeting endad.
bound Flyer and both engines then called upon to prevent their addr plunged down an embankment.
es, this they did in a masterly manner, Both engine men of the that of Mr. Pensos of the Galilean Fist Central Train were killed. Five crmen deserving special mention. Two bodies were recovered near the colos vero then readered, one by Mrs. debris of the two engines. FilRoach member of the Order, and on teen bodies had been recovered by Mr. Clarke.
The function was then brought to within a few bours after the clore at 11. 30 pm, by the singing of the wreck.
hymn God be with us tül we meet again and the Benediction.
Advertise in the WORKMAN Ish and English, for sale at the Ront Rocolpt Books In Span and get Good Results: Workman Printery: Address on beginning THIS SATURDAY NIGHT TO NIGHT THE DADDY OF EM ALL OF will be in Calidonia to give away BILLS and LOT of Quarters greatest of to the First ones who catch him, and showAdvertise in the WORKMAN It pays. PACKAGE OF Piedmont STRAND ICE CREAM PARLOR Adjoining Strand Theatre, Bolivar and 11th Streets The Most Up to. Date in Colon THOSE FAMOUS VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Sanitary and up to date in every respect. loss and fruits of all kinds.
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augurating branch of the strain and eye weakness than headaches are caused from eye Young Worshippers League in connection with that church, the from all other causes put toge following address was delivered ther.
by little Magdalena Markham, a Do your eyes feel as though year old member of the Lea there is gravel in them! Are gue:they inflamed? Are you having any trouble with your glasses Dear little friends and companions: If there is any question in your We are gathered here this Eastermind about the condition of your Morning, not only to inaugurato cur eyes or the kind of glasses best Young Worshippers Longue, but also to suited for your vision, then con commemorate the glorious and trium sult a COMPETENT EYE SPE.
phant resurrection of our Lord Jesus CIALIST.
Christ from the dead; and 1 join with you in joyful devotion on this happy occasion. Let me tell you the swiel sedence passed upou our Lord, it runs The kind of glasses as you see Pontius Pilato, Intendant of the in above cvt relieves all eye Province of Lower Galice, In the 17th strian, protect the eyes from year of the reign of the Emperor Tibe glare or strong light and gives rius, and on the 25th day of March, in you, perfect vision for EVERYthe most holy city of Jerusalem, during THING and ALL DISTANCES the Pontificate of Annas and Caiaphs, Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown sitting in judgment in the Presidential ed Eye Specialist of New York)
seat of the Praetors; orders; that Jesus is one of the most competent and Christ oi Nazareth shall suffer death on reliable eye specialists in this cross between two robbers, as the num city. Many persons whom he erous and aotorious testimonials of the has served are testifying to this people prove:fact.
is misleader. 2) He has excited the people to sedition (3)
Dr. BUCHANAN He is an enemy to the laws. 4) He calle bimtell falsely the King of Israel. 6) He calls hiqsell the son et God, office is located at No. 162, Boltand (6) He went into the Temple follow var St. Copposite Masonic Build.
ed by multitude carrying palms in ling. Colon, of their That the first nturion, Quintus Cornelius, shall bring him to the place of Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
execution, forbidding all persons, rich or NOTICE poor, to prevent the execution of Jesus, The witnesses who sigued the execution Subscribers to the above of Jesus nro (1) Daniel Robani, Phanamed Company, wbo have not risee. 2) Joba Zorobabel. 3) Raphael completed payment on their allot Robani. 1) Capet.
ments, should make arrange Dear friends, let us nut be like the ments for an early settlement, wicked Jeps who have crucified to them as their interests are involved, selves the Son of God. And let us not THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Panama Banking Company The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd. BRANDON BANK)
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