
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921, THE WORKMAN CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program 8, 040, 000 People In The United States Une Gas For Conking Tonight Saturday Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the otco Central Avetlon. Correspondence on all matters Aue and corner of Street, Panama, of pubile interest invited. de Box 74, Panana All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RITES OP SUBSCRIPTION muss be accompanied by the name of One YORP 42. 60 cy the writer, bot Docessarily for publicaSix Months von but as a mark of good fatih NO We do not undertake to retura Oud 252. rojected correspondence WHY ITALIAN FILMS Three present PINA PRETCHELI tha Press is the palladium of our rights JUNTOS SATURDAY, APRIL 1921.
Italian Films Because it is are alway 112CLEAN SAFE teresting ECONOMICAL Dorit uníss it!
CONVENIENT SANITARY in THER LATEST PRODUCTION NEW CANAL ZONE GOVERNOR IN OFFICE The Passenger PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY on but this time in In The Round Up when they Loth under the influrte in RED HEAD. pros Ara Last Monday, Colonel Morrow, who under the ragime of the late Governor Harding was Engineer of Maintenance of the Panama Canal, was duly sworn in at AT TO MORROW Balbca Heights as the new Governor of the Panama Canal, PANAMA GAS CO.
Who tbst is at all familiar with Mo. Sunday)
and very promptly did he issue his first official circular YOUR tion Pictures bas not beard of Roscoe setting forth his appointment and occupancy of office.
Cathedral Plan 03 Bollvar St Arbuckle! Who has not enjoyed his Although there seems to be some fast railroading in JESSE LASKY Tel. 796 SERVICE Tol. 364. good natured comedy, his likable personthe appointment with all that is connected with it, and ality, his familiar look of astonisbment, presents while Congress which is in recess has not yet confirmed his slow but compelling smile? GEORGE MELFORD the appointment, the circumstances connected with the Now the public in to see new Ar.
whole affair seem to indicate that there is a reasonable buckle. Just as good natured, just as Production emount of assurance on the part of the new Governor that his appointment will be confirmed and that for the next ROSCOE (FATTY)
really ligitimate role, one four years he will wield the gavel in the gubernatorial NEW ORLEANS, comedy with serious action the stellar ARBUCKLE chair of the Canal Zone.
role of George Melford production of Governor Morrow is no stranger in these parts, he CRAWFORD ELLIS, SIMMONS. The Round Up, that of the fat sheriff baving been here for several years as the second man in President.
Vice President Gen. Mgr.
named by inversion, Slim Hoover It the Harding administration. In his position as Engineer of will be shown at the Cociis Theatre to.
Maintenance, Colonel Morrow did not win esteem or reInsurance in force (exclusive of amount morrow night, spect from the various labor organizations on the Canal insured under Double Indemnity Zone, in which connection it has often been reported that Provision. Paramount Picture 91, 408, 227 he was a desperate opponent of organized labor unions Total Receipts for 1920 3, 315, 120. 42 functioning here under charters from the American Redhead, Alice Brady latest Se Federation of Labor.
Total Assets.
8, 742, 060. 93 MONDAY lect Peture which can by seen Monday In as much as we do not know to what extent these Legal reserve on policies in force as at thu theatre, is buman, entertaining and charming is the stry of a reports are true, and since we are not now dealing with required by law.
6, 945, 202 70 woulby young man, a good foothing, SELECT PICTURES the Engineer oi Maintenance, but with the Governor who marries Dicie, slia, Redbund of the Panama Canal we refrain fron discussing the cbarAssests in excess of liabilities for pro.
acter of Colonel Morrow work in his last office and tection of Policyholders 1, 594, 77823 She proceeds to make smith present othics and despie ich of position to sball treat the matter of his promotion to the much The only Life Insurance Company qualified In Eucocoris in doing it.
coveted honor and dignity of Executive Head of canal the Republic of Panama, ALICE BRADY ctficialdom.
One of the novel features of this pic Taking for granted that Congress will not fail to conHENRY CAMBRIDGE, ture is the unique marriage ceremony.
Miss Brady is especially five in the role firm the appointment of Colonel Morrow as Governor of Special Agent. Colon, she portrays. She is alive and throbbing ibe Panatha Canal, which office he bas alceaay assumed, and depicte splendidly the life of the we let it our duty to welcome the new Governor and cabaret gil.
to wish him ail possible success in his exalted position. The eminence of the office demands, at least, a conventional GET LISTED IN salutation to the man who is fortunate to obtain it, ahdin this case, we express no mere conveatiouality but rather WORSHAM In his Lutes: motion picture, alwayo Tuesday and Wednesday Audacious, Wol. ce Reid por rys one mention sincere greetiogs wben we wish Colonel Murrow NEGRO CUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD of the most vitile roles of his career. Ia Fuccess in his new office and bope that his administration Get together Medium for our Progressive fact he plays a duit role, appealing as Paramount Artcraft Pictures will be much more prosperous and commendable than that Business Men the hero and heavy, the later lung a of nis predtcessor concerning whom it was not the goud CITESSIVE COMPREHEXSIVE fortune of many bere to say anything favorable, crook 90 his counterpart to be would not be inopportune to suggest to the new ITS BENEFIT I3 INSTANTLY APPARENT of the wealty vie in ia society.
IN Governor some of the ways by which he may successfully Write for further particulars to markable feature of the offering is the pilot his administration and avoid the shoals and reefs en REID, Drawer z, Ancon.
double exposure which shows the star which the last incun bency foundertd. In toe first place, a actually batting with bimself. The story, Governor should always remember that he has come from an adaptation by Tom Goruchty, of Ben ancong the company of men and that he has not been apAmes Williams story, Toujours de pointed to that ottice for the purpose of showing to the NILE QUEEN Audace, is truly grippiaz and afforde rest of the people how much of an autocrat he can become.
the star excellent opportunity to display On the conirary, be ought to aim at being as sympathetic The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin his talents.
as the duties and requirements of bis position will permit Made of oils imported from India and Japan If he is familiar with the peychology of work (and be WHITENER AND CLEANSER (BLEACH)
COLD CREAM. LIQUID POWDER HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFIER ought to be) no Governor will, in these days, try to CREAN POWDER. SHADES) DANDRUSF REMEDY oppose organized labor which has become in itself Springfield, tu crowd of na iva stevedores and the THURSDAY 10 institution of acknowledged invulnerability. If GovGentlemen. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hafr and slen. customary gathering of dock laboris error Moriow should recoguize the weight of this state tried nearly every was to clear By Bonplexion of pumples, liver spots and black agooyed ibe kid. Oaly a few up beads without success, until found Kashmir Ntle Queen. Now my skin is us pent and assume a considurale attitude towards the variplessantr es spok u in psih were ex all adunire it. wish all our womeu would try Nlle Queen.
ous labor crganzations on the Canal Zone he will turn a chaoged, when the Llano Kid, the Very y truly yours, little terror from Texas, was in a fair momentous potentiality in his lavor and win the contid.
SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS way to taking a thorousb thrashing from IN ence of the who. e Canal Zone working force. But if crowd who never heard of the famous 108 Blivar St. Colon.
pot Box 73. Cristobal.
Euglslagen Jeman, Marquis of QueensNothing can be said for colored organized labor chance to improve and ameliorate the economic tangle and bury, as that became a thing of the past in February, 1920, obviate a complete frazzle which is too imminent not to be that broug bt the Kid from Texas, hapo Fortunately the Captain of the ship when the lightning flashes of vengeance and hate switched seen by everybody who is interested in the canal operation. paned to se: the meloe, and buried to it out of existence and laid the colored laborer low on the If Congress does not confirm the appointment of Gov the spot just in time to save the Kid field of Isthmian economics. Similar attempts. were directed against the Metal Trades Union, but with far less ernor Morrow he will have to undo his official circular from a complete suddual with a cuba!
notifying the heads of the various canal departments of his success than that observed in connection with the United assumption of office. As a matter of fact, the circular is quent revival in the cena.
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Rail considered somewhat premature, but the Governor ought way Shop Laborers.
to know how he stands in regards to that part of the game.
Thirdly, the Governor must not encourage the idea Meanwhile, Colonel Morrow is in the chair at Balboa that he or any part of his entourage can lightly ignore the Heights and whether under protest, or not, all employees FRIDAY just claims of the working men on the canal. He will have will have to yield obedience to the man who has been actear Ii confirm it will be up tion with the men who are employed to do the real work to Colonel Morrow to show that the United States can manner in which he may attend to such matters. high offices is to impress the world with the sense of their On the whole, we hope that Governor Morrow will greatness and importance.
You IN display a high feature of aptitude for the office and do all If Governor Morrow is a wise man he will avoid the :ibility execute benefit by the mis Maciste, The has conferred the honor on him, and with consideration ment he will try to satisfy the employees and he will do for the people over whom it has become bis rare fortune well to remember tha vox populi. vox dei is a sounder to attend.
Policeman to exercise authority.
truth than vox Morrow, vox domini. If his ambition is The situation on the canal at the present time is far to succeed he must deal justly with all employees, but it from being desirable, and it is felt that there are no signs he doesn care a fiddle stick then he will send everybody of immediate improvement. Governor Morrow has the to Hades and run the canal on the BIG STICK policy.
sovkhaied while bu a sumes the place Wallace Reid Always Audacious ROUGE.
Chicago, smooth ad lovely as oaa be and my hair has now so look and glossy, my friends Jack Pickford (Sgd. SALLIE REID, Double Dyed Deceiver a that will, trom une to time, come before him, and his rela inorges should continue appointment of Hilardanger This is always ITALIAN FILMS of operating the canal wil altogether depend upon the produce men other than those whose chief purpose in their a Big Amateur Maciste Night.
his work in the best interests of his government which takes of his predecessor. It he wishes to satisfy vis govern should not fail and Amateur Night


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