
PAGE FIN Atlantic Side News أمه Carnival Is Gone Canal Zone Notes.
94 But your costune is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes Ord wng srk WAS er. Carmen, whileopted daughte pectively.
American Bazaar Stores 15th was put He is survived by a sister in service rise the Master Vineyard Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC being of CRICKET Lodgo has lost one of its most devoted Dr. LORD Colon, March, 28 Owing to Buehal votion to the Order of Meccaniem bave pembers whore undyicg loyalty and deslunce the cup match tesrenthe Surgeon Dentist Hunting Brd CC and tle Exrelser ocntributed much to oue sucess and have endeared bir to every beinber of in ibe Camp Baerd evnl dis voi bu Ladye, shobis family, a kind 143 CENTRAL AVE. Late Dr. Bailey Onio)
take place yesterday as was rapout ced, ovin lund, end faithul father, totih cricket wite mased lemton BE IT RESOLVED, that wn, the Latest in Crown and Bridge disappeintment ty friedly game he om of the Fideli y Lodge, 29, Work wees ibe Westmoreland and at CC COSMS, in Ession wasemd in the new grond of the fuiller les extendt, is bereaved family our heru the Wireless station, felt sympathy and cond let in their Wieleland, beaded by Wallace hour of die strand cur perver proffered a defest at the boods Sports shall be that God in Ilie mer sy wil cher er der Wallist by a cure 114 te and cotofort than in their do er der RED TANK AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV.
The former, batting firit, tot atbein ED, that we hereby exprers on teh It us represes ative to be wicher, Waim We have been asked by Mr.
sur Lodge our deep and sincere appre and Mrs. Charles Humphrey of Nd Wale. Will to was the live jation and gratitude fur bis noble efforts was compel ed to nocept duck sed the many kind acts and insting ser d Tank, Canal ne, to openly OZR, at the band of Guy wben he was vices that he faithfully rendered, and denounce the party or parties Mieht on the ff, by Nightman, Wol but the Indge in tesion now assembled who, taking advantage of the fice was more fortunate, making runs stand si ent for three minu es as darkness, snatched a lacs bas befcre he was bowled by Cuy.
from the head of these diale The playing of the Wotmorelar ders 168 of whạm we mourn; of respet for the departed brotber, the seven year old cn the whole was good. Brownie top attending AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV.
scored, with 30 runs and was followed ED, That our Dispensation be draped movies at ihe Red Tank Silver by Clark and Grant with 15 sed 14 res Clubhouse on Good Friday night in mourning for thirty days, that a copy It was certainly a mean, disof this rebolution be sent to the family The winners in their turn took their of the deceased brother; a copy esch to for Men and Women.
graceful and high banded acto PARAISO Petrd and Downrs who were easily rot MAN for publication; a copy be spread stand, at the wicket The first pair were the Star Herald, and THE WORK rid of for the mall totale of and on the fnce of our minutes, and that The Paraiso Baseball Tears ndo will meet the Cristobal Reds on: the Boca grounds Sunday The ne Rew more and more excit Page be left blank in our minule book fog, as time and aroin the final issues OBITUARY morning, April 3rd.
Don forget the grand pros apprared to be in the balance. When Jopal entered the wicket be made his Mrs. Felecite Gevier.
gram which will be rendered by wellthe children at o clock on Sup opponents open their eyes, and after known member of St. Joseph giving considerable trouble wa bowled Catholic Friendly Society, native day, April 3rd All welcome.
by Clarke for the magnificent total of of St. Lucia, and aged 55 years, Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon The Children Easter pro 28. Though a mere boy, my of the died at her residence, and gramme will be rendered at this fade ere beginning to read him now streets, on Wednesday last, the Clubhouse on Sunday April 3rd OSOS OSSSS dangerous proposition. The highest score 30th inst. The remains were in 3803830 at o clock up by Pounder who inade 32, terred on the following day at while Japal followed.
the Mt. Hope cemetery with the One of the main features of Guy, wwwling for Sports captured tail rites of the society. The la mine. hes tended to greatly in Mr. James Lawrence, a promi business meeting of tne Colon this exercise will be the rendiwickets for 35 runs, ond Aird for West neral ceremony was conducted pair her health.
entitled Meditation which will moviene in 12 ovits cap. ured for 17 by Mr. Underwood.
you are about her health, we too by the sea, sailed on Thursday day night last, when officers were be vlayed by Mes Walter.
We know how very concerned nest member of Christ Church. Wesleyan choir was held on Tuestion of a recent viano creation with maidens.
Seifert Bolden, member of Lor. know how much you need rest, and last for Kingston, by the s, s) San elected and rules revised, They Everybody is especially invite The web was largely attended.
a Saccess Lodge, No. 10135, GU as you are about to leave us fer tu Marti. He will join his wife, have also announced a concert ed and urged to us present DOF, expired on Wednesday your native land, we hope the who it will be remembered, sailed for the 15 of May in aid of the TOOTEALL Mr. and Mrs. Pred Niss o tast, March 30th. in Colon Hospi bracing climate will have the de a few weeks ago, and after two organ fund for which thev have this city were the recipients of Colon, March 28. Following the fortal after a long illnese luterment sirea effect on yourae! and fami month vacation they will return in hand over one hundred dort little bibs and when the mation of the Sounds Football team took place on Thursday with the ly to the extent that you will to the Isttomus together. lars, Stork teir hale OF this city, true interest in bong dis w! rites of the Order in the pre soon be restored to your wonted Mar 23 let. Both the played in footballing, both by Hayer sence of a large bumber of his good health and strength agus fraternal brothers and others.
and baby ure ding well and and others be spared many years for GATUN Wernerdey end Saturday evenings football eveninga large rurabers. in Gatun, in other fields.
The Reliable Dancing Club spectator ore to be reen wending their We beg that you accept this under the management Colon, March 29. The mem is the one best prescription for bruises, euth, sprains and way to the Washington Square ia order purse ani with its contents proMessrs. Holder, Scante.
to inj y be smet.
bers of the Colon Wesleyan enre a suvenir in token of our Resin wounds. As an internal remedy for cramps, colic and diarrhoea bury, Brossard, and Kir The gets have bren aroured, and Church gathered in large num bighest esteen and Christian love.
it hasn an equal You want instani relief and you get it.
ton, pu led off a grand ball at the bivu now divided their term into two hers last night to bid adieu to Silver Clubhouse on uster Mop pirs The tiger eyes and The tigers their departing minister, Rev.
We remain dav night 25th ulto.
elaw: Burhisme consist of qually Evers, and to witness the pub Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Yours faithfully, The picious dancing hall was kord, men, but the eys, being relly lic recognition of three local JB LAURENCE, Buy it at the drus store tastefully decorated with or the eyes, have proven themelves to be preachers, Messrs. D. Moodie, JAS WILLIAMSON, palus superior to the cowe, bavia defunted J, Braithwaite, and Will and cut flowers and the Chem in out of matcher, nit wt te liamsən.
DK FINDLAY outside was packed win over The other two eodud in a draw These UD. MOODIE, The service opened with hymn one thousand spectators. A: the a cles were all vary in erestine and 690, followed by prayer, after me and others.
hrasta, Sanwoment they experieccede nue wit essed by a large umut of which the recognition of the sad disippointment by the son preachers took place.
appearance of Martin Popular Personal and General EXCELSIOR THEATRE Bebermesre now empeting for a The following Jazz band from Panama, but the address, accomtropty and there epleats to be a strong panied by a purse, was then pre Rev. Cousins, the new promoters telephoned and got APRIL band from Colon determinatica on eher side to be the sented to the Rev. gentleman by Wesleyan Minister for Bocas del Toe dance which Mr. Lawrence, to which he Toro, arrived in Colga from Ja winter.
w99 two THE GILMORE TROUPS in Football cxperts consider the amalgs replied in suitable terms, and at maica, on Wednesday last, the their Acrobatie stunts, late in starting was con also tinued by the kind permission of mated tiger a datelous ou unbination, the close of the service took his 30th ulto, by the ss. Carrillo OLIVE THOMAS in AN EVEN BREAK Department until la Lieutenant Davis of the Polics and it is believed that challenge frou stand before the communion rail and sailed on the following day Toc the Pacific end would be welctue, where be bade farewell to all his for his destination.
SUNDAY much credit can be given the The new choir of the St. JosPanama Costa Rican War promoters and the musicians Lily of the North 2Cth AnniThe Address: eph Church appeared for the along with Secretary Eaglesto versary Colon, first time on Sunday last in the AVE B, No 102, NEAR STATION for toe enjoyable time spent Golon, March 27. Lily of the North, March 28, 1921.
High Mass which was excellently St Bernard Grand Christian rendered House hold of Rute, No. 925. U. Rev, Evers, Encampment enjosed a splendice 0;F, celebrated their 26 i diversity Supt. Wesleyan Mission, time at their lodge hall here on last night. Sister Imogene Clarke, Colon Panama Circuit.
Holy Thursday night, when 13 Most Noble Governor, presided over the members were given their Past.
Rev. and Dear Sir: function and performed her duties in an Master and Sir Kaight Degrees able manner.
The unpleasant duty of bidding in a very solemn and interesting Bro. Blade, F. of the Three Bie farewell to the Ministers of this ters Lodge, made the opening addrew Circuit has often fallen to my lot Parents, guardians and friends which was responded to by Bro. and if there is a duty would like of the pupils of St. George Sat Blair, Worthy Recorder to shirk. it is this.
day School enjoyed a pleasant The Report of ibe past year work Farewell is so fraught with Sacred Concert on Sunday ever sud thowed mega fiont pro meanings, it brings vividly to 27th ulto, when the litt cn the part of the little band of one mind the past and present, tahful workers, whoee flancial stand while it endeavours to interpret ot Taylor, rendered a pre Log is very the mysterious future which we gramme of song, recitations An attiective program ccrsisting of so much dread. Partings may be dialogues, the Chairman for the sou go od recitation was presented by for years, or they may be foroccasioo being JO. Laurie, Cala the members of the Juvenile tronch and ever. Let us as christians never chist of the church.
in toates of the bouehold.
think of the latter. No It can be forever. Our christian IN Buecial mentio nust be made of Eie never CRISTOBAL te 18 Jarrett end Darling, stoso congo faith and hope dispel this fear On Sunday the 27th ultimo the well rendered, also of Ms. Cock for we have inumerable proofs La Boca baseball team under things and company, who gladde ned the that if we continue steadfastly to of those present willa their beau. the end, there is the assurance of able management of Walter Woods, journeyed over to the tifal voicte a meeting hereafter, Representatives from eister locges of where partings are not known.
Windy City only to be defeated by Waterman gang to the tune the U of were present and is тье task uadertaken by you thort snd inspiring address congratu during the past church year has OF of 24 to Both teams started ja kated the inmates of No. 925 on ibeir been very arduous and trying and to score early with the Reds it has left its mark on you physic.
getting to break as early as the 3rd innings Charles Vaz je ketrelmente were alterwerde sted, ally. To have been able to keep Waterman new slab artist, not ad the fur etion closed with the sitging the machinery of the church run only starred as a pitcher, but of the Doxology.
ning at full speed (if we also as a batter and run gatter If we may bor.
row the phrase) has been no easy when he drove in the most hita Resolution of Sympathy task. We often wondered how it and scored the most rens for was possible for you to have given his team.
Colon, March 24. The following to so much of your time to the vari solution of sympatty was moved by the ons cburches and Colon in parti.
Fidelity Lodse lust Light at their re cular yet you did; but we know it WANTED gular meeting;was at great sacrifice.
Whereas, it has plested Almighty There is another who all this SECOND HAND FURNITURE God in His infnite wisdom to rebrove while has been making a great from our midst to his eternal reward our sacrifice too; we refer to Mrs.
Will pay reasonable price beloved brother, George Curtis, whose Evers, whose continuous stay in diesth occurred co March 21, 1921, and the tropies. or as a ceatain news Call at 119 Central Avence Whercas, by bus death the Pedility, paper puts it, in Latitude nearly or Phone No. 130 llast store с hours JUST ARRIVED way.
was read, 66 ons under the superintendenes creditable.
FATIMA 99 andes were zon hearts of Moisture Proof Packages Succesa.


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