
199 TATS in Oh, fine!
CHESTERFIELD that sits, postal should Texcity TOTT public, or other Cresterfield wa onder CIGARETTES LIGGETTLES TOBACÉS CO.
They Satisfy The result was satisfactory re George has pointed out to managed Chesterfield and some PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921 CORRESPONDENCE FROM Deceased EmployLONDON ees Estates In Course of Settlement According to Plan soy time in the future. In any The Paris Conference, it is rottixed by the Supreme Council 23rd ulto, report the following: in justification of the total! The Panama Canal Record of the case; un in to say, resolved itself into is well to remember that, vast as The estates of the following a contest between the practice it is, it represents merely a frac and the emotional. Doumet sion of the money expended bs uma Canal or the Panama Rai deceased employees of the Panrepresented the emotional sys and France alone in pro ten of arriving at the reparation secuting war forced on to them road Company are now in pro 1971: Mr Lloyd Georgs, with the Germany. And even to the coss of settlement, and any claims concurrence of M, Jastar and terrible expenditure in life and formation which might lead to against these estates, or any Count storza, represerted the health remains ucrequited. the location of heira, or to the practical Doumer stated with doubted eloquence the biga.
German Taxes. ecovery of property, bank depo Hins which Germany should savings or postal The German morall be called pon to fulfi. Paris, under certain conditions apner order deposits, or any the smoke! Fresh, firm Li yd Georte whilst ex it is true, expressed their win other moneys due them, sho be presented at fully lis entire, ingness to agree to the payment Office of the tha y Duty with the narce o and full of flavor. They 750, 000, 000 in the next five in order that the estates may be Admiaistrator of of Estates at once net nie, direed mes ycare. well. They are asked to settled as soon as possible. All Satisfy. The blend can be aitonton to the in ans a pay only 600, 000, 000 during claims should be itemized, sworn copied either you only get the disposal of Germany and the that time while a tax of 12 is to before a notary terbuds by lo hoico those means placed on their exports, which, public officer having a seal, and satisfy in Chesterfields.
Tirpa the once an Brglish play called The Alles will not be inclined to dos submitted in duplicate.
Dream and the Business Thai courage. They stould be content Karl Martin Archer, check No.
title might will bave been ap with that fact. Moreover, if they 37257, native of Barbados, residplied to the earlier stages if the manifest a reasonable intention ed in Panama City. Employed in Haris Conference on the Thure of fulfilling their obligations, the Mechanical Division, died day, Mr. Lloyd George their exchange brought the Conference, with prove quite William Benjamin Jordan check rapidly, This will rather a bump.
reat No.
Inst the hard perbape, up aga enable bem to bear with great 2144, native of Barbados, facts of the er ease the inerea case Canal in rease in internal resided at La Boca, Car Zone.
amall committee taxation which Mr Lloyd Employed at the Quartermasters clear Department; died March 13 1921 concile the emotional with the ly necessary. Why, it is prepos Martimosa Roga, alias Martin practical in the space of twents terous to compare the taxation R299, check No. 60180, Panama.
four hours and on the Saturday victorias Britain with that of nian, resided at Red Tank, Canal the Council reached a definite defeated Germany! Eng ishmen Zone employed at the Pacific agreement which pleases France are paying now taxes the Locks, died March 15, 1921.
and pleases Brita and please rate of over 23 a head of the Joseph Thomas, Antiguan, all the smaller Allies and dis population while taxation in Ger check No.
27515, inmate of Coro pleases only Germany. This, of many is course, as the Germans used to rates to something like rewari Zal Hospital, formerly employed is equivalent at 23 a head by the Receiving Forward CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
say, was all according to plan. of the population True, with ing Agency, died March 13. 1921.
The Cost of Aggression Jose Julio Ossa, Panamanian, the present state of the mark that taxation ppears much check No. 46008, resided in PanThe Germans are to heve an greater; but even so, it certainly ams, employed by the Municipal opportunity of expressing theit is not equivalent to that borte in Engineering Division, died March 1921.
1, displeasure in London at the end this country. An additional tax e end of or so per capita will pro check No. 41120, resided at Red of this month. It will be neces. vide Gerinany with the where Thank, employed at Pacific Lecks, Charles McMurray. Jamaican, saty, however, for them to sup. vide port their not unexpr cted senti Willi Switbal to enis with some striking statis billin ile next two years Under died March 3, 1921.
tics and alternative the circuiti starces, people here toob es it the Allied decretion is are not inclined to regard the Venezuela to Have Aviation o wiercd. Ney will be wise penalty as intulerably excessive wine their raka to pay 100 syu pathetic an attention to ike to have and there is no len no tendency to pay Academy ments which this generation is. un to pay ang to leave the the waits and howls which sind By the French mail steamer the expression in the culi press Navarre which arrived at La of Germans to prxneration te its own ce in accordance London Conferences. Guayra at the beginning of last th the spirit and circumst. nicos cits age No one bere imagines The Allied Conference with the month there arrived a French bat the elder statesmen of to Germans at the erd of this aviation mission comprising two day can bope to legislate with month will be receded in Lon captains, two lieutenants and two any certitude 42 ycars ia advance. don by the conference at which soldiers all of whom have served pidly. But it is to bad thing to considered. This gathering been place tentes The times are changing tonia de Near Fastern problein will in the Great War and received mal a figure should be baimed to the Grer ke and Turks are called bene decal Government in order at disposal of the It. pressing a big perity for a lig ist eine to imagine that ine to instruct and open up the Aca crime. It foirts a heathy moral res Treaty is going to be there on demy of Aeronautics of Venezue There is no Better than to all whom it may concern at into the melting pot at this con fourteen tirst class French aerola which can boast of no less than planes. Tois mission received a the Best.
great ovation upon arriving in Caracas. The Academy of AeroHallowed to pick our boies, M16. JONES bautics is situated at Maracay.
would have done but the best of every Resident No. 13 Street, in front of Saiat Paul Church thing yet it is ssd to say th tour peo Graduate of the Lelia College, New York City, NY.
ple on the Isthmus, at the cat of the adam Wcier Nethod Scientific Hair Dressing ference. That certainly is tot desired in London; and after all icine placed on the market; especially in Special trainining for Fale Culturists. Shampooing, ressing, Curl the conference was suggested by it is nice to take.
ing and Beautifsins. Special Treatment for Dandruff. Scientitically Britain, It is only in accordance 35 Calidonia Road Such riska generally prove harmful, preparing the Scalp for powerful growth of Soft Flowing Hair with common sense that, in purThe most Modorn and up to Date System of many of the new dopes are nothing but suance of the policy of plasatina fakes. and should be carefully avoided.
Walker Beanty Parlour, No. Tivoll Road When obtaining your medicino, el in front DeLesseps Park, Panama City summon the two parties primariWHOLESALE Hair goods, Superfine Facial Soaps, Hair Growor, Lotions, Perfumes the best. The best is always that which ly concerned and should try to is well tried and recommended by the bring em to some reasonable AND RETAIL majority. Remember, don experiment and working understanding But with life, for it is precious.
it is not probable that the Euro Lima men, DeWitt. Pille have got the indisputable right of being will be ons or toe and disenssion corsidered, the ion will centre apon best Patent Medicine on the Ista mus.
one fool you, no other the situation in Asia Minor. The as good. It has wood the test of many Greeks, conscious of the dis (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA)
pleasure caused to the years trestment, and holds the Chamtheir rejection of Venizelos and plonship of the World on meria Millions have been etired, and millions their espousal of the are now under treatment from every Constantine, are suffering the continent.
The greatest proposition ever taken up by West pangs of conscious ingratitude This statement is backed up by faota!
Indians; and the whole world is falling in.
and are feari ul of losing some of Advice from the makers reads: Due the war wairs with which the The Directors are offering :00, 000 worth of Allies, with their supreme faith to the many new orders that are being Hent in daily from all parts of the world, in Venizelos, invested them. But OWNED BY ord in consequence of the greatly increand look to the people of the Republic of Panama and they will have a fair chance to demand for De Witt Pilis, we have present their at the London The National City Bank of New York found it neceway to remove to much Costa Rica Conference, and Britain, at all Isrger factory grounds at Cherry Orchard events, has no intention of being Head Office: 55, Wall Street This can be taken up a Preferred Shares at Road, East Croydon, London, vindictive at their expense.
The right treatment is DeWitt Pills or in Ordinary Shares.
Treaty. but in the Mieter, alterations die Here Serveis Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 store mengeloldos en los line outlet. are always in stock at The money is needed before the end of Feb main it was based upon the just claims of self determination general depot.
ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April which have not altered Official Depository of the Republic of Panama the THE CITY PHARMACY, Treaty was drafted. The Greeks, Depository of the Panama Canal 139, CENTRAL AVE. PANAMA, your large passenger Steamer.
however, cannot expect the Al West Indians, this is your chance.
lies to be as cordial to ConstanThrough its Agencies in the Interior and tine ministers as they were to its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Dr. Hoffman Purchase and live! Disobey and perish!
exceptional banking facilities.
has reopened his clinic for gend eral practice for gynocologica Send money by mail to NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Draftsfon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands cases and urological disorders of both sexes. Diseases of the blood Interest Paid on Savings Account, at Per Cent treated in accordance with the Mrs. Annie Lindsay latest German discoveries. Ap Per Annum plication of the Genuine German of eldero, CAMPBELL, TOHO 05 begs hereby to notify he 596 and ts latest modifications (1495 and Silber salversan. VA Iste President and Managing Director has removed to No. 7, 081. s. 1950 TELEPHONE No. 746 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA o bliquely opposite Am CENTRAL AVENUE NO erican Consulate, IT PAYS Opposite Amador, Thestre ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY They have BIJOU ICECREAM FACTORY at Hours a toll. mn to 30 pm.
Allies Know you all that pean ram Sven WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
Let Allies by treacherous INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION case Shares al seu de Head Venizelos. Street nec Central Avenus Advertise inathe Workman


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