
the fraternal room, 20 MARY MULLER No. 89 Central Avenue loenl papers.
Interesting News from West.
BUSINESS MEN Barbados GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST did not kn ADVERTISE lor Humphress: is no The Widows and Orphans Fund Needed Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pallid appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made To The Editor THE WORKMAN premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: In two ruccessive inues of your Contemporary the Star and Herald during HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES the week just ending, there appeared obituary notices of the death of two IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM young men; members of Friendly Socie HAS JUST OPENED ties, who left behind them two wid For sale at all Drug Stores in this City and eleven orphan children.
and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and Da Costa mez The circumstance bas impressed me to such an extent that whils: smerav.
Sole Agent for the Republie of Panama HATS TO 10 GOLD the indulgence of your influential GERVASIO GARCIA, and widely rend coluinny to make some remarks on the efficacy of Friendly English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, cieties operated on the lithmus to handle these distressing occurrences Embroideries, etc. familiar to every member of a Friendly RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY. buted much to our success and have en efforts, on behalf of our lodge and the Society, shall make no apology to my UNEQUALLED VALUES AT Brethren for touching the weak link in deared him to every member of the lodge, many kind acts and lasting service that At a recent meeting of the Loyal and whereas he was also kind and be faithfully rendered, that the lodge in LOWEST PRICES feel safe in stating that there is no Nelson Lodge No. 110. Mehe. nd loving husband and father, to his family, wasion now assembled otandelent for section of the world where there are at their lodge members of th Loyal Nelson Lodge No the departed brother whose lɔ we more branches of Friendly Societies, per the following resolutiopreet, Central, DE IT RESOLVED: that we the three minula sa mark of respect for was passed ratio territory and percentage of popudin besonde 19, in session Assembled mburn, WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty extend to his beresved family our heart outside the larger cities of Great God in his Iafinite Wisdom to remove felt sympathy and condolznce in their thut our Dispensation be draped in Lati AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Britain and the United States of Ameri: from our midst to his eternal reward hour or deepest sorrow, and our Prayer mourning for thirty days, that a copy of ca than esist here. All of these bave for our beloved brother Martin Archer shall be that God in Hiemroy will these resolutions be sent to the bereaved their basic mode of operation there whose death occurred on March 8th, cheer and comfort them in their end al family, a copy spread on the face of the duties, To visit the sick, bury the dead, 1921, and and educate the orphano.
WHEREAS, by his death the lodge fiction, and Minutes and copy published in the Of the first there is much to be desired has lost one of its moet devoted mem. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that in the observation; very often the visito: bers whose undying loyalty and devotion we hereby express our deep sincera ap. Advertise in the WORKMAN tion of, and watching by, the sick into the cause of Mechanism bave contri preciation and gratitude for his noble and got Good Results confined to a few of the mombers of the lodge until when it is ascerta that the sick cumber is at the point of death, then a crowd of brothers pay hurried SKSEKS (Continued from Page 2)
and anxious visite to the often small and hot sick room, much to the inconven ience of the doctors and the attendants. ra, has been postponed until the is not of this that would at this But it is not end of the year. We understand that Demerara cannot meet the time write.
timeve The second duty; Burial of the requirements at presenti We dead happens to be spectacular and the Pierpont Morgan in the stúl think that a duel between deceased are often treated to an impress: West Indies Barbados and Trinidad should ive and impoting funeral procession with come off before the end of the music and regalis and all the parapher year, unless Trinidad hopes to An exchange states that the find courage in company, Dalia that go to please the eye and to multimillionaire Pierpont Morelicit from the gaping and admiring the gan, has arrived at Barbados in (noomiums on the beauty of being con his yacht Corsair.
Recent Barbados exchargesre nected to en Order; when if the truth part that the cammign opties were known, one tbud of those in the Veneral Diseases Co. 1980 procession Sewerage Expert not know of the brothers was meeting with success. The illness till they heard of his death. So House of Assembly voted 560 much for this, hasten to the Educa(From the Herald)
expenses form The Leagua of tion of the orphane; to nie; the most Social Welfare in Trinidad is said important duty imposed upon a Soci The presence in the Colony of to be an oatcome of the visit of and for that matter, upon humanity.
Mr. Humphreys, the sewerage the Commission, and something It is estimated that 98 of the mer IN THE expert, is an earnest of the des permanent is being thought of bers of Friendly Societies operating on ire of the Sanitary Commission. in Barbados.
the Isthmus are foreigners; people in ers to improve health conditions; bumble circumstances who have come but it is not necessarily proof from the different islands of the Weet considerable amount of dan that they will be able to do just Indies to earn a living.
what they desire. The consider age has been done to growing They join these orders primarily to ation of cost must be the deciding canes by fire during this week.
ensure to them. weekly subsistence factor. Mr.
during times of sickness and funeral exdoubt, able to On Monday is a partial list: to propound many St.
fi any Phillips, three acres; night. Handen St.
pez. es at their death; but incidentally His they beget children during their sojourn eminence in the world of santa Joho, 121 holes; Thomas Walcott, here, or have sent for their young fam nition wouid at least indicate his Christ Church, one acre: Agus lies to reside with them; and when all in capabilities in this told it in these that suffer when long ilwhat matter to us is, whether acres; Holders St. James, forty he will be able to offer nesses are succeeded by death, and am sug holes; Edghill Tomas, 12 obsessed with the conviction that abso estion that will come within the acres.
lutely 01 Tuesday night Three no adequate provision is made for same. We are On y Catherine Hall, a labourer of St.
range of our ability to.
fulfill Houses, four and a half acres: taking care of the orphans of Friendly We Society people. have intimate know for sanitary lodge influential Societies of the most There cannot be too much Phillip, 650 holes, Lemon Arbor cperating on the Isthmur, my knowledge liness; too much good health. St. John, an unamed quantity of And we are hoping and experience covering a number of first and second crop canes.
therefore, years and am pained to have to record that amongst the alternative this fact.
This schemes offered will be one that There is no place in the world where by At a meeting of the Sanitary its modesty, no less than by Commissioners of Health, it was juvenile popuiation is more exposed its seeming effectiveness, recome agreed to accept the terms of to evil influences than in these two cities mend it to favourable consider Mr Humphreys Sewerage expert Colon and Panem and feel that ation, the time bus come when some portion of 250 guineas, inclusive of ex penses for furnishing a report of them having claims on Friendly SoThe triangular Cricket Con on a proposed sewerage system cieties through their paren s, should get test, Barbadɔ8 Trinidad Demera for the city of Bridgetowo.
which is intended in the injuction that protesucate the that the leaders in bob HANDS OF DEATH Well known Dramatic Co. terminal cities arrange for a conlerance The Clark Urban Dramatic and evolve a plan to create Central Its with regret we announce the death Co. is at present in the West InWidows and and Orphans Fund. feel cer of the late George Curtis, a member dies and playing to big houses.
no one lodge or sociaty could of the Pidelity Lodge, Nə, 29, Indo Among the Company repertoire etli siently bandle this problein, but if pendent United Order of Scottish Mechwould cosce from being little anice, Friendly ciety, after short has just been staged at Barbados is our the play East Lynne which Neets and work the illness, on Monday, March 21, at with tremendous success greatest good for pumber, We The deceased was born in Colon about 23 bave no doubt that the Company forgetting party lices, we tright be able years ago from West Indian parentage, will be visiting this Isthmus few of the orphan children and was well beloved by all with whom soon, of our deceated brethren from growing he amo in Ris remains were тр tо op to be vagrants and insteed make at the Mt. Hopo cemetery the them good citizens. This is a duty we name afternoon with the full rites and Dr. LOWE owe to tho dosd, to ourselves and to the seremonies of the Order boly politie.
Roprenentatives from various kindred L, C, Edin. know leaders in both cities, who are societies attended the funeral, and able to approach this subject with a clear note must be made of the Royal King Office Hourse 30 am 1p. m, vition and make this appeal in all Solomon Lodge, No. 11, sister lodge p. p.
who attended in a body. The deceased Thanking you for your iodulgence, leaves a wife and five children to mourn Box 798 Office 844 COLE his loes.
Ancon, Colon, of March 25th, 1921.
Jury Not Satisfied with BE NOT DECEIVED!
MU Only One Evidence Class Distinction is more a matter of dress than anything else. Beat it down. Let It is reported that an American us help you.
18 jury in a liquor case insisted, on 199. 1110 retiring, that they might make a test of the stuff which was put in THE WOMAN EXCHANGE evidence, in order to find out whether it was strong enough to DRESSMAKERS be an offence under the law. This was granted. The jury re appear.
Up To The Minute Styles ed in a short time and in reply to Obrood a question concerning their verA large asortment of Tallored Waiste dict, the spokesman said the jury wanted more evidence.
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DOS SOCOSMOS our The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
terMay suggest in that lodges Sorial Birde the grestest to rescue a Therefore THE WORKMAN is an Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
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