p. 8


346 Sess 65 PACIFIC THEATRE slir beat Pointing Fingers trova who diller aud of Kingston, Weleon key or and man?
they were victory men, that at ALBOA EST EER REWED 1991. We do Ward Slaves of in the world as and bs visit bo We PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921.
Hon. Marcus Ic re fcrever. have no ripect Mr. Piedmont Digs for too to (Continued from pa. 1)
dewand their rights.
lan easier tone he went on, Deep. Sme have been scattering ru.
dent General of the NI mous that ain coming to Ja: The Dadd, of Em All Besleged but teh driven him the bix Tuesday, April Saturday, April mikat up some sort of Bet political jb in the worldst. ife. Why so nervous about my by Maay Piadaɔnt nos Pressional President of Africa FRITZIB BRUNETTE In FRANK MAYO In coining here it they have done no lonis turday night with 19 Mt. Piedmont came away from Ox. and he had to speak at times in.
wroug? man with a clean con the interest of his pubrie, and Sealed Envelope Little Brother of The Rich selence is ready to wele me.
wpty pockets. All through Caliha it in taking in the interest of man and a friend at any time. ot fsi el Pie žmont smokers who had his public be displeased other am not coine to Jamaica to stir bir packages with them and were very statemen, it was not his fault.
Sunday, April Thursday, April up any revolution or rece stritten about getting the money. This Waren Haroine, the President but come to speak to the men The Day of but then that pleasut nnd eventful triple of the United States had to speak Bewitching PRICILLA DEAN in Deautiful Mary MacLaren in and women and children who for his Government. Clemenceau Pything context look like me, and would like to to Pretty Smooth o Frarrelad to speek for bis ich to Iron is bound in bi plese tud hy huldnt be speak see the man who would stop me for do tut. Chee) Al he was con never brought myself, the aroma of this rei Viridis here, Monday 4, Wednesday and Friday they Id with were politics and cigvette sich thu herin: brought me bere, and He was interesird in am liere until am ready to go hom elf.
ELMO LINCOLN Hercurense deve! puest of the (cheer. Little did they caic. ms of the boso tried to rk tham Nunta Hiihtyi ad the late 300 years ago when they were in twice but Me Piranti Star Lin. 11. ir socials The Strong Man of the Films in robbed black men and woma kero ese and was on the tork out for from Altica that back tento na it is his desire to distinta bis bor) Kiwth and that was why Two Episodes The Flaming Disk would strike terror into the dollars and quiere just me tevas interested in the NI. each night preable and bot let anyone receive more bearts to day (enetre jobs. of 11 Continuink, ha ask a to whom toe te pas. Ia addision to giving ou love metria e sporation pri assessssssssssssssssssssss did this world belong! It belong away money, Mi Piedmo ako dent General of a social and ed he said, to the Gitat Gud, the way mady package of his fame morement and Provisional Great Architect of the Universe gioia cigarettes and the real, rid President of a big republic, und sometimes he had to speak 10 created Man His Master cance of the golden Virgioia Tobises piece and gave him to the worid. all over Calidənis. Lots of the boys ently. When he was the Lord of creation; He said, are getting to look for alt. Pidmont political speech he made ho apo Mau, never said white perfect. God ad beo be panses some of the sateen thou art logies, when he was speaking of against men as in bis automobile, there is quite a wild in dostry it was a dicerent talk the privileges rights He was not there that night to of black rust on the part of those with Pidmouth men or yellow med. God said, in their pockers. Ta one barber hop cao speak, the next night be would mer! Are you men. he thunder of the barbere said that Mt. Piedmont speak to the citizens ed, as he paused to wipe tue bad ouro osught him god, as be bad bad Ped and he welcomed white citiaens, perspiration from his face.
Do yuckngo on the first to coa Abd colored citizens and black citi zens.
He welcomed His Excel you still believe in the Darwin did not succeed in finding Mt. Piedmont theory that tanis tut on this Ist ceeasion Mr. Pic daon lenoy the Governor, be welcomed the missing link between the ape walked right into his shop and caught everybody, and it an? If you think it is, that him without a package.
coming to hear him speak sedi tion they would be mistaken theory bas been exploded in the Among the reiving 00 prins.
world war. It was you. the super te (Cheers. He was going вреsk Carnell Campbell, Mechsneal Division brought back on his work and responsibility, the Marn. Cheere) Il you Balbon, Prederick John, from The Now Dext night Prolonged applause.
believed yourself monkeys prior Market, John Haynes, of the Anoon 1914. hinet. npital and sprit o bars.
Garvey second public po та speech was delivered in the in the World Some of the winners of the 25 senta war was sucu that Theatre on Wednesday night your co:fidence pieces were :John Williams of the Municipal Engin.
under the auspice you are mea, if you are the lords auspices of the Jamai ta Division of the Universal Ne.
of creation, what right have you eering Div. Anco, William Reid, B1.
gro Improvement Association lords of creation, to allow other ward Roserts, of the Meobancul Divi and African Communities Lea lords of creation, to take away nion, Balboa. Jobu Frederick de George gue, at whicb Mr Pierident Garcus Gar what belongs to you and make Walliams of The Herrick Clinie. srca right you? You have as much Donald Clarke Percy Chilton of Balos.
Mt. Piedmont wil be on bis terry Association, was the speaker as any other Te building was packed from man whatever his colour. White way to Calidonia this coming Sa urday til tv dome witu an enthusiastic men know their right and claim night which will be the last time by is it! Here is one negro wodice Carvey was cheer who sing to make definitely knowa ibo to an echo as he stepped on represents four million negroes evening oj bis strival. Altar the ibe patform. He delivered an who feel and think nike me, who can te expered oigh but almos by uratin, lasting over one bour, feel and think that we are lords Light, therefore, it bedove all sto ker of creation and as the white to always curry a package of the la dealing with the aims and cbjects of the associa ion His striking man is exercising the jurisdic mous Piedm nt eigvettes wish tha eloquence rivetted the attention Yellow rac, for the Negro to tion of his over lord ship so we chat when he (Mr Piduont) does in ko et his hearers. The vast mult Dave a way, and o blast a way to are organizing negroes to exer bis visit they will aut bw caught with a ludt caught his enthusiasm; at a The NI bulicved it it was Ngro independence (Applause. Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
cise the jurisdiction of our over the goods.
as be spcke the celling lord ship. Hence as we are will.
re echoed with the thunder light for the white man to doui.
ing Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
to see Europe for tha white of their spi nate in Europe and the yellow man and Asia for the yellow man und 80 we demand Africa for the spulled the en prank of Garveright for the black min to domi man to doininate in Asia, it FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE black man. Applause. in Africa the platform speaker, think Nations bad (To be continued in our neat)
brohept you long enough for up out of Europe and SAILIAS3 FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON ir ard tie for eet, ad the crowd WEDDING BELLS.
Latins for him to The meeting opened with the a The Ukup out of Afri had no apology os Janvica, Tuesday, April 5, for to male to Buenavei tira and Tumaco to nations or rares the hywn, From Gronlarid icy pretty little wedding, took Mountain after which a beaut! Decire was to att a place at St. Peter Church arte Chow the motherland. Three hundred Quipue, Thursday, April 7, for Sul parame of musical and verse Bocs, on Sunday last, 27th ult. QUAN socal selections was rendere were taken froin Africa, as was rendered by years ago forty million New York direct The contracting parties were the UNIA. choir and a special eves to the Western First Class Fare 120. 00 Miss Irene Steele and Mr.
orchestra. The performers who phere and the time had come for Robert McOenzie. The bride was ss. Ebro; Saturday, April 9, for robed in a beautiful dress of AcCormack, Granville Campbell, and Christianization to Callao, Mollende Arics, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso.
figured chameuse and silver lace yoll Ratlant. pretty B. Evans, Prof. CL Barnes, and carried a lovely bouquet of Mrs. McCormack and Miss Worla in which they lived was the mo:be land ſcheers. The. Salvador, Saturday, April 9, for cream roses and asparagus ferm.
Browo. The audience showea wo Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, LA Her chief bridesmade, Miss Lilian Spencer, also were a dress Union, La Libertait, Acajutla, San José de Guatemala and how well they enjoyed the pro re organization itsell. The world kram te by their entlantering war, fought on the the sacred had just passed through a bloody CHAMPERIGO of silver lace. After the cerecheers and repeated encores.
mony, the party drove to 23rd.
Accept no substitute for QUIN PREPAR Essequibo, Sunday, April 10, for Mr. Bain Alves first ad principle of democracy Street, Guachapali, where an en TIONS. Au coed sturas sell them.
dressed the gathering. He beguo fought for the cause, held the million black men with white men AGENTS WANTED joyable evening was spent, the New York direet PO Address: Box 17. Anco, e.
by quoting Shakespeare famous happy pair receiving the con.
dipes, ormar bay and threw them gratulations and well wishes of But for the across the Rhine.
Passengers wishing to make the trip through the Canal only tveir many friends. to thine owpselt be true, the CHURCY NOTICES assistance of the negro in the can do so. Pare 10 U, including meals, And it must follow as the night war a different tale would have Sailing dates and ports of all subjact to alteration without Mr. Prince Charles Pusey and the day, been told (cheers. and when the Det ch notice. The Company do not accept responsibility for bag Miss May Evadnie Stanley were St, Farnabas church, Empire Thou canst not then be false to wa wis over all the people who gage, and passengers are recommended to insure same. united in Holy wedlock at the aby man.
fought in it demanded Panama Wesleyan Church last BROWS He ſaid a warm and glowing but the negro alone got no hing.
share and received consideration, Saturday evening, March 26th.
Firsl Sunlay After Easter tribute to Mr. Garvey, whom he What did they think? Did they For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at At si Baraabas s, Enpire, the les Blyled the illustrious Jamathink that the men who suffered lowing prograton will be carried out:can, the great Negro Emancipa CRISTOBAL NOTICE Dodication of all loaned by Mi itary Aut They could not look upon and died, their brothers and his Mr. Garvey, he said, as an or opotamia were going to shed Departmeat, at 30 a m; Matins and ar to the Pacifis Steam Navigation Company.
in France and Flanders and Mes The Mercantile Life Assurance celebration of the Holy Eucharist, at dinary mun, they must look upon their blood for PANAMA Society will hold its quarterly 1045 sm. Confirmatio Class and thim as a superuan. Mr. Garvey meeting of Directors at the Seo Sunday Schoal, at pr. Shoreaed pas called by God to the great You negroes Langothing Non. ISAAG DAANBIN BROS. Ine. Sul Agusti, retary office, the Ideal Phar. Evenwog and sera yo. at 3)
work of lifting his race, and this of Jamaica! he shouted, The maev, Calidonia Cuatro on Sun.
The Royal Wall Storm Packet Co. Panams.
All our members and frioada in this Are was achieving. They must world is re organizing itself poli day 3rd April at 30 pt. All district are very cordially invited to these support him and help the move tically, and men and races and directors are askei to be on opening services at the new JOONID wment to success.
nations everywhere are clamour time.
building No 100, knors at one time a WM. DESOUSA, Colored School bouzo, at another, 46 Mr. Garvey then spoke. He ing for and demar ding their Band House.
said it was indeed a great plea rights. Hence the Universal Ne and Flanders? Talk wherever you lirg Jamaicans, wake up!
Secretary. Chears. MULOARE, Association are! Talk for your constitution.
fiad bimselt there that she organeve neler and can al righte! understand there is In stirrieg larguage and warm.
Old Timer Heard From Priest in charge night. He had come from the the four hundred million wegroes a trembling fear in Jamaica. La gesticulating, he almost vel States of America on in the world to demand their Trembling for what. God All rights. they will not hear you in led, AL.
tour the West Indies and Cen.
Consecration of St. Peter of the rights. What with migbly created you as men; as Jamaica, then carry it to the foot tances of Mr. Willian Gall.
The many friends and acquairtral America for the purpose of Church, La Boca.
It is with grast plessura that we bere opeaning to them in the interest Jamaica. The whole world was men you must die: Dould of the Throne in Eagland! It. sented (eheers. The Universe where were answering the call like to see a man who dared looks like this is a country of overed who foi many years late to announce that an tao moralax at en men of blind. on this doubtless be pleased to learn will be duly onsecrated by the Negro Improvement Association of the wa: a world movement of bleeding and crying out to r Jamaica. you want backbone! ity survey of world politics and that he has been heard from at Jus Crik Morris, DD, bisby of the Ne children for for aid and belp!
Na Take out the weak bones you in international matters Vancouver Island, off the coast Canal Zone. The service will begin at trees.
JAMAICA IS THE MOST torough this association to draw croes ever ywhere had an were have and put in back hozes! Don of British Columbia, Canada, o clock, and we bearuily invite everyinto one united whole the four Are you going to answer in Ja let anybody cow you! You have BACKWARD COUNTRY where he is employed as violinist budy to sitend.
maica. ories of yes! He with an orchestra playing for one He your constitutional rights. Dehuna red milion negroes of the continued: have come here and them! Englishanen in Eng in this Western Hemisphere of the largest hotele there. Mr MULCART, world for the purpose fishing in in the continent of Africa to have your answer, ses or landdemand their enstitution: Mer dare not take in Ja Gall wey begs to be remembered understand rights; What is the matter with to his dominion of Negroes (cheers. their constitutiona! you, men? am glad to let you Tomorrow cup ra ch will be Rent Recept Eocks In Spane played between the Westmore in the history of the Negro peo ards. Fellows are afraid to talk rights, throughout the whale know that a change is taking They believed the uime had come that Jama ca is made up of cow demand ple of the world like in the bis because they are afraid to die Empire men speak for their place and you ust join in the Ish and English, for sale at the land and Progressive og fory of the White race and the Were you afraid to die in France rights! You lazy, good Soz noth change now, otherwise you will Whorkman Printery, the Camp Berd oval.
and re pluuse.
Towards the of his was INKY nale 10 HAIR roared for no continue. obot like ka aal IV.
WAV ir tur way Legroes HemisDRAIN.
Tatlon to avoidancerul, dots the roots of the hair and helst grow fast. Use QURAN and straight hair, Prices for big box.
Try QUEEN Martiested Skin and Soap Soap, QURAN Per oxide Skin Cros. QUEEN e Powder Mee TWO Germitor mans at their sure to is the matter Tactor

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