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PRICE Cts. SC Assembly Rejects White Award MEETING OF INFLUENTIAL CONVICT HON. MARCUS GARVEY CITIZENS OF REPUBLIC CONTINUES TO ADDRESS WRITER ANOTHER TO GLEANET he Auch theo. on would bi ane lastik RA 94 At the ivate wird roll There ha W3 ot escap: big nie Deild a the ant noul cobur ur are the Nations!
who, be Police, country ele which to carry out the as unfair.
across a the Takes Objection to Gar Again Fyades Guard at Vty Attack on Worthy Santo Tomas Hospital on Citizens.
Tuesday Night Last Unanimously Approve of The Elitor of the Gleaner, Panam: convictu seem to have Monster Crowds At Different Secretary Garay Reply to Sec Sir. At a leader of thought acquired the bahit of making the ames the labouring and Santo Tomas Hpital the base Places in the Island retary Hughes Note woonpple if thia Island, can from woich to take a kataway, not allow the barbarou, and uning bees nules off last Tuesday another successful attem har of Jamaica called for onslaught of the pro rigal son of Jami, Merivht by Aur 1o Alangor, why Alter ton days of consta erIdrawn up by Sac stars Garay, Ab taly announced in Saturto have a paid leiter min bo allan, the Ntional Assembly of which is considera complete be ablllud W41 serving a jail senleace of 211 And especially his but years, tre olie last Tur day ali ex vana ton ot anema attitude tera Amengor was sent to the hos. dly Gl aner. Marcus wouli devite him to the Lobserve in the of tod y. It is very clearen al few days before along Gy. Pro id. nt neral of the cause and interests of the par le terporn fully save its unanin in the matter.
has noi in proved either in cul otorious Dittwar being among other chagua nw unler, they want da later who some oder prisoners, the Universil in rovement whether he wat a AG.
Qappy val to the draft of the Asociation and Alican Com Sinth (nap) Garden Som.
poti jinde by Foreign Secretary vote of confilence that the ture or refinemen; the vezan continue insisted cu to tirade he has fra reply to that of th Givernment will has mide en cuWearing Go blauwa clothes on bi to Jana c, del vered an the pl a thaa visit to Todsatee State Department maintain its more in defend worthy cl 08 the Rev.
Grangemata were beins minther trean Tour day night or wo woud be ablu Curry po varful and GR) mj cting the decision of inentional rivhts was also in dan R:v don Somers, and C0 bera io; la 20. to Chief Justice White of the Unitcluded in the revort.
Inkee new the conclusion to have hi 00:upy private Librnes and thon their sind dira.
16 n, wien sa wattee ot fac. Nro Po.
ed States Supreme Court in the During the discussion which inst it was the foram ana ja Le was only biuing his chance was a hard that men lithis Foundary di pute btween this lowed the reading of the re. Nam of the United States Net ARV out his plan of ind lirva turut exellent civil d ag shond RO abont an Republe and its reixlbour, Cost, Deputy Vibro spoke force must have ben esociated with On the big st of his gut way mural program de wa randorak end not be able to ears Rica fully and at leath of the alta luring Secretary Garay draft watode of the United S848 and un ne fons years of bis he proud to policeman og edi. Toowoocot ibu led to the lento feel the selu 1 and Derdephe des not he the op nin that the first submitted to a meeting of express Toes quatus Professor Barnes (Pianist)
Influential min of the public disput. bull be submitted to how that refierunt dito ubrity outy and asked tb allowed to Pina ware Mr ni Mrath other fellow liv losos had in this all the At the outset of the meeting mints which, if velop d, won dent Palace a few days after be boughi it a good op tunity tv and dil yaliy are things we claimed, was arrauginz cor his was held in the Pres! Leagu of Nations, both because that count in Jaica. Volu. th. e to Capain Saiazar of Conuk, 419 land alonCH (hors)
the recipe of the note train Sac to test the worth of the langue discount, and it might not be out casfer. Hos request was grant Mr. Adrian Das explained the ma material proyes to the ed and whily obj cub of Niges Improve country. What had the in who Jetary of State Charles Huah and becaush Pedered the of place to tell him that he is not ed ang is the bote in private ment Association had nato iny out of tep. pla din for the count. Immediate Panama to tak mediation of the Valled Slaves capabla of NC Opishi AS thies for his coun rymeo blue row, ihe ottioer went off win Mr. Garvey, who was recalvad voice: NO. steps to netbods which he is propagat speci the other prisoners in the with cheers, 11 Jawialca was an award, and the meeting gave After the business pertaining prisun ward lan They had nn Sartoria, nn in.
Wein Jamaica would like very gor ens ace and he did not talled in Wold activities. Iu all itsneded cars from abroad.
Is unanimous arprova Then the to the reuly was put though, that was so na vaxt ito at distries bora. arly everything National Assembly war Deputy Aizpuru moved a pube tu aku gud of it.
ed for a creerd time to discuss ing resolutir. That the Gov. lished in the Gilesner of the Buck Quietly, oening the dɔor he his travel ha had never din T4 was prob bly nic la o visid a cuntry that was more to Juntos she would be po stand on March 20h Witchenwas ernment be nilang taon Star Lines that and aos polos double store og backward than Jamaic Waist Codiny Arict where hindia turned over to a cour mission to sun not exceeding 850 000 t, proval or congratulation could be the one the older saw him as in Jama sa the negros mais no biz and lawn tant band ha atudy and report thereof. secure tha services of six lºg2 kiven, but until then, our digut be rushed out he was afraid progress They had the Cair esa winel thua to cope and Tois report was presented at experts: threo Panamaniane sing and disapproval are the only else dost the courage pour and Syrians coning he and iin ova then38lv From what Ins! Tursday session Deputy three foreigners, to advise ul wight wada a dash things he will it out of us.
tne preserit wooderiul for liberty.
Pavi Aizpuru, on behalf the government in progress ocul understand, inapt vin As far as rich and the triun. We. resolution was was pbal return of the race is conto NO commission, bakire that the Gov crisis The trument te ir formed that the adopted a: 113 first reading on cerned, question whethr the his escapo tu headpuriers as Why was it that n had to leave this movie wara stato Policeman Anbilo reported cons had to leave their country, 19 de ca ut theie varnor that.
107; bely seally had no alterai ors handed to a commi to tor consi. owners or Africa woulde peruvi ou was possible for him and no ab coad to mobile and an pely clad gro of Ja hatever time to the ser as doration and report.
tris Black Moses to enter it co do, but all attempus to loc Is was because of the backward mici bo proclaimed don w waether by land, bea, or so plan are the prisoner were in vain condition in which the ing from the air, country low yo Puis is Aluen gou sucvad es was. Il yourselves to remain in cape from ihe prisun ward of the in the islınd, Jonasca would be yourselves. Di not make fouls of bad god slate mon process of Ragnation, Aroase Wage; of Silver Roll Alcalde Makes a am, ele, Santo Tomas Hospital The fire more prosperous. In England yourselves. ut zert)
JOHN SOULETTE was mide on November 11, 1917, Good Move Employees.
they had statesman like David 23, Church Street.
but he was recaptured stuera Lloyd George, Wascon Spencer Proceeding, Garvey Bald Kingston, few day, Murder and dulalca Churchill. Ia Fande thy had a they could not get anything by The las! issue of the Canal Mayor of this city has struck out We learn that His Hon. the March 26, 1921.
toa of national tunda were the Bland; in America they had merely praying for it. Thens Record the organ of the Pan lin another direction for ridding Crimus fur waich te was serving. Warren Harding then in Cubel groes had been kept under and is they bad statesman. In Jusic. Was all ama Canal announces the follow the town of the numerous buig Horse Racing at Juan Spirit of War Appears to be Toey had a binch of igaocamı thes had no statesmen (cheers. Due to their Own Inertness Inp lars and making the life of citi Franco Active Still The policy of The Panama zens a little more restful at nights.
ses. They wanted maa People who can ha from abroad were able to make ube Canal wilt velation to the wages During the week three of these decidedly new featura in With Experience, mon with stantial progress. Tay had of its so called ver roll en light fingered night prowlers were horse racink is planned to take Our contemporary El Diario ployees, who are largely West hauled before the Mayor, and place at the Juan Fanco race Nacional in its Issueor last Thurs.
Chinese Colie Je, and Indians, has been to increase charged with vagrancy, and, as track to worrow, Sunday, the day published the alarming new, son they would have an Assyo in accordance with neither of them could satisty the loth inst. The Panama Jackes chat Nicerayaa Was ex recuus to He then pointed out how de rian Culd a negro Kto the peuvent Jamaica was in respect China and bop benopointed. IP: horse iverease of this kind was liveli ood they were each senten: td, and une persuadel of which is which Guatemala, itonauras and the per wara intill now cauti tink. v cost of living. Mayor as to how they gained club which has just been sorun. 1049 transit to the troopa to foreign trade, and said he was (Vo cas; Noj. He wanted than to in arouse them side in 1916, and as living, costs ced to 12 months imprisonment at at or ce assuring, intends to leave Salvador, as alles ol Costa Rica, ously thay saould mva.
bave advanced, similar increases Coiba, Pasama new penal setule nothing wodowa The selves and cease begg og for uadil Horse Hope to send to the assistance ul coitadistates of America had what justly balonzed. Sa 20m hare been made since then. The ment.
racing is brought to the proper the latter Tus informa ion was a veloped such islands as Porto rate for common labor is now 23 We understand that it is the sta acard in Panama, to cow pale cuntslaed in a mulerandum for Rico, hour, as with warded was S41 and Hayti. Bere was no reason wby the should not advance econo 10 cents an hour in 1914, with the this line of action until the city is where this opust of Kings to car tor of El Comere o of Manay sa totsrids would be raised against He wanted to see nezro state and pulitics diference an hour day is greatly relieved it out entirely rid ried the Diario or Uusta Rica orked cow, whereas a hour of these nuisances to life and this is sad, and what Jawaica mea, negra magares, necro sd.
As a forerunner of great things It was also declared that a nouded was mea of backbone mirals and necro Field marshall play was worked in 1914, making property.
totullow, a new race track bas cow missiod of Costaricaa officers wen of visioa who woud lead fcheers And that hope would be comparative daily compensa time NOTICE been bu it. The Grandstand runas been going over the ground tem inrough any inpanding, eventually be achieved when moved to a better site and re in the vicinity of the Sixtola aud Crisis. He was interested 90 cents in 1914 ia tha 101 study of the cost of living der of Free Gardeners meets comodating large number of selecting positions of military maica The Rose of Panami Lodge, modelled, answ Paddock, for 80 as far as the latarnational bridge, 200. 000 negroes Woo lived in Jy set ap the great repable WA Atri (en es. To Eag ishinen ade in March, 1921, indicates the first and third Wednesdays horses, constructed.
Hus future lay to the ha piated Age It is therefora es dent Continent of Africa. When he ben held in bondage by the oat, bad bal years ago that a reduction of cents ad of each month.
Work on the new track has that ths Costaricans ara akain looked at the undeveloped re mins. Tu day whit wat tao thour would be justifiable on ac been going on for the past w preparing to invade Psaadagian sources of tae island, ne could position ot count of decreases in living cost. TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND weeks and it is said that the 12 territory.
Bitono en el angela Britong na teren Betons It has been decided, however, sot DIVISIONS: to make this reduction at this time ton rol or which has been leveling wunced was more men of vistua Tois was their song; and wha but to await the developments of Eleotive April 1, 1921, beads of de same hus urned out the Juan various events.
but unfortunately there was tooth nekr returned to Africa the next few months in commodi partments and divisions are advised hat, Franco race track as smooth as much selfishness. selfishaess their motherland, they furiber botice, it will be the general new set of stewards has that was not kaowa abroad. Toe sing Ethiopians, Paul ty prices.
The program of 10 races which been appoited and therecan be no spirit which parvaded the avat. naver shall be slavis the not to auunsrize further advances the road Com to limit promote yo te will be pulled off tv inorrow pro came for dissatisfaction in any age Jamaican was that he did not chers. Ho had no moment It has been decided, however, Railroad Com Panna Caol and Panama white special ies to be one of the best ever ti see the other Jamie 83254 frontae 000 000 within the schedule as established reason existe for the prom vion Room staked on the several new client The Naw Management has de rise (cbears) Weat they waate groes of America to special merit, and to this end, the bs cui bered by the best of the deputes will be seen everal titw babe dedo pull off or maetiars a was real leadership Toey nau cazer, and to look forward to the in activa.
The in the world following circuar has been issued bett ord vro, Bhd, if aporore, events programowed should Month if coaditivas perunit and too many hypocrites and a buna duy when the four busired in horse owners are are asked to ot retigio. whica was by the Goveruur, Jated April 4, musuld be for watched by him to the Gx create great interest hoc cartites kiva their hearts support. To real gyud for the people (casers. would unise und ze to one stand.
3921: et for belove ine 10:hox tbe moet pro as the horses the will meet each morrow program will be the It tua negroes ia to country art and wudbe u ider one viaa RATES OF PAY SILVER ROLL ce ding has ia bisa the promotiya is other are said to be all in good first feature is the per dapar would unne, wey would acuteve and fiz urea (cheer. La Libera tecome exfotive. Sotious 4, 10 21, form and trained to the moute, ture and it is expected that a greater things, ney did not thy net men darin, that (Sapplement No. 26 to Circular and 22 of Circular 612 14 Nueded heo. je it will be sheer luck with bumper Crowd will be seen at want a mau whɔ oucu pisd an tion for the great cause He thek No. 665 accordingly, those wuo spot winners in the Juna Franco hack, horary puolia. They waatod (Cundina os page 82 their wages should Domingo an that on.
ad unit for carpet.
of the roll to di estion.


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