
PAG. Two THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1921 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands. braved throu chun it he reathed his last. Wein sympathy with his family.
DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT It is understnd that:1) 11.
Francis, Medical Cor at St.
Luci da natin has accepted an appointment in British Guiana that the pay is about 30 per annum BLOOD ELIXIR Army colony for short THE BLOOD to very a large wound in ing profusels. Hiukson sci scream. Briggs a witness JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH at the WORKMAN PRINTERY offort ade by road cannot carry Jamaica Trinidad No Demand for Our Imperial Troops to Dyes be Removed In the course of his inaugural One Factory Closed Others address delivered by His Excel will be closing Soon lency the Governor of Tuin dar, Sir JR Chancellor, RE, KC.
MG S at the opening of The Gleaner has been informed the at the Lacovia Dye u oods Fac the Ordinary Session of the le gislature for 1921, the fo lowing bory was shut down as frem passage cecurred The Secres bursda y last, 24th ulto, while the big factory at Spanish Town wary of State for the Colonies has informed me that the cease operations on the 31st Council have consented to the alto This is due to the receipt of al detachment of the Royal Sussex prolongation of the service of the cable from London by the West India Chemical Works Company, Regiment in the period, on the understand advising them to stop manufac ing that the interval shall be turiog tor sometime as there is used to improve the police force no demand for the dyes, and and prices have consequently fallen. and reorganise the volunteer It will therefore te seen from the Colony independent of out in to this that there will be no log wood side assistance for the mainten extract made in in the island for some time to come.
ance es it to be most clearly and dis It may be stated that Germany tinctly understood by everyone is dyes on prodigious scale. List year she His Majesty Government the policy of 800 tons, and indicatiore are bed a record output of over 145, withdraw the troops at on early and that the this will be exceeded this year. thereafter must rety upon its community The other two great dye produc.
ing countries, Great Britain and stability of the Government of own resources to maintain the the United States, are also put the Colony. As you are aware ting out great quantities of dyes. steps are being taken to streng then the Constabulary and Vol.
unteer Forces which will, trust, achieve their object.
Demerara Captain of the Main Roads in The Rt. Hon. Winston Church dad baving suffered the Southern Division of Trini severely ill, Scretary of State for the during the past three years from Coloris has addresses the fol. lack of surfacing material, the lowing telegram to the Governor ou lisu Guiana. In informer Government has issued an order)
ing you that His Majesty the King tic of motor orries on these form sospending temporarily the trafonial Department wish to as thorities time to put the roads in roads as to give the Road Au.
sure you of my interest in the a the fortunes of the community over tor lorry traffic is stated to have the a thorough state of repair. Mowhich you preside.
ward to receiving your earnest past twelve months as a result Increased enormously during the co operation in dealing with the of the activities of the oil compa dificu. ties which the war has nies, and it has been disclosed left in its train and in developing that in in spite of every our great inheritance for the by authorities the roads common good. You may rely on rry the weight of my support in your task.
traf fic now being imposed on them.
It is in order to prevent com Diamond, says the Daily Chro that the Government has stepplete destruction of the roads nicle like every other branch of Industry has been affected by ped in, the prevailing slump in price, news having been received a few In a cent interview accorded days ago ul a drop in price repre.
a representative of the Port of senting about 30 Spain Gazette, Sir Francis Watts gentleman well known in the is credited with saying that the trade gives the information that transfer of the Imperial DepartMersrs. Treyfus, the diamond Barbados to Trinidad was only a partment of Agriculture from merchants of London, bad in structed the banks not to make matter of time, the present delay any advances in respect of diabeing new price list, the drop mention en ce. During his recent visit to monds until they send out their staff to obiain places of ed abuve having taken place Trinidad Sir Francis selected the site for the new West Indan College of Agriculture. St. Au Up to May last year, the num. gustine has been the locality for ber of registered voters in warded and approval of the Colo Georgetown, was 817, about 150, nial Oifice is now awaited.
of whom have since since died, Quite recently 100 new claims have been sent in by persons to Resolution recently passed by The colony of Trinidad by a be registered as voters. The the Legislative Council has re property qualification is 250 and fused to agree to the proposal for the rental 15 monthly.
subsidising a trans atlantic mail service from England to the Says the Demerara Chronicle: that present conditions of transWest Indies. The Council affirm We ur derstood on excellent authority that the Hon. Cecil Cleatlantic service do pot justify menti name has been mention the payment of a subsidy for ad.
Grenada outset of his career in this colony. adds the Chronicle, he perhaps not as successful as he TENNIS might have been undoubtedly has retrieved much of the past. that His Excellency the GovernThe West Indian understands He has learnt to know the people or is going to present a Cup for and the people have learnt to know him. He has devoted both Lawn Tennis to be played for be time and industry in mastering Grenada. Trinidad, has definitely veen Trinidad, Barbados, and problems of the colony and to day decided to compete, and it is ex It is probably true to say that his former opponents are num rected to hear from Barbados matches will take bered among bis admirers and shortly. engua during April.
well wishers.
Should he the Governorship of Trinidad, will practice up. This is good secare. We hope all our tennis sports the Trinidadians will have ed both a scholarly and an expe bad time. The drough which but we think it rimented Administrator, for we had been take the conceit to ourselves long while has somewhat stood here for a that his ish Guiana while hard and rug tennis season, and unless condi way of ged at its commencement, has lions change our best now will helped not a him to become an ideal Adminis scarcely be in top form. We, howtrator.
ever, hope that circumstances will so alter as to permit us Rent Recept Books in Span tives such men as Challenor, sending out as our representaksh and English, for sale at the Stokes K, Mason and Rev.
Whethman. Printory. Sisnett.
Was Kensingan FOR Barbados STRENGTHENING The Westbury New THE BLOOD Road Tragedy CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Girl Shot in the Chest Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, The district around Lands Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
End, Fontabelle, was inuch starts led yesterday morning. March 4th) when an eleven year old AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR girl named Ruby Hinkson, daughter of Jane Hinkson, of Parris Gap, PURIFYING AND ENRICHING Westbury New Road, was shot in the cbest whilst asleep in her bed.
There was another little girl beside the deceased and her mother sleeplog in the bed. The Quality only Is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed report of the fire arm, which was loud, a woke tbem. ImmeIn this preparation.
diately after the report was heard the deceased Javier Moran, American Pharmacy grabbed her mother who got up and on exam.
ination found a ha her chest. Tae wound was bleed.
ed out and the neighbours went to her assistance. The child was subsequently taken to De. Deane, it died before reaching the insti.
who sent it to the Hospital, but lution. The matter was reported to the coroner. Mc. F.
by the police and an inquest was begun all m. at the hospital.
The mother of the deceased and named Vivian ac gave evidence after which Capt.
Anderson, Inspector of Police, made an application for an ad journment to make further inves tigations.
CRICKET The Wanderers have come out best in the test match played at Kensington against Pickwick for the tirst eleven cup. The gamo occupied seven days cube and crowded with interest above mil heal throughout. Both sides ou bad supporters, and; despite the present result, there is ere is yet a leel. ing of contidence amongst sowa of the backers of the team that their choice was mu defeated so much by merit as by Fate. The tirst six days of the watch Were weather perfect, early hours of the morning of the seventh day, there were soma sharp showers which it is stated so interferred with the wicket as to reduce the splendid chances of the Ovalitos to a minimum.
The excuse for defeat cannot: however, be solely attributed to GOOD ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM the wicket which, even though not absolutely perfect, was very impaired. With wicket dafects, whatever they mighbatida med havo considered the long trail that had to be cover covered for victory and, also, the Joseph McDowall, aged 50, a early of Tariiton the native of St. Vincent, ex Ser Gibralter of the team, the overa YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT geant of the West India Regi week total was 100 for the loss of ment. Jamaica) died at Marie no wickets. Yet the ten wickets Louise Hospital and was buried fell for 284, TS The principal con at the Mt. Airie Cemetery on tribut yrs to the score were That the goods we sell are exactly as represented. Saturday, 1911 February 1921. Tarilton 64. Hoad 62, o.
made his first. out, We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satispearance in this colony DP. Browne 19 and Wood 15.
factory service in the interest of our customers is our Boyd from St. Vincent when he. The scores in the respective rode for the Doctor and won an innings were: constant aim and purpose.
exciting race at the Grand Ance Wanderers: 1st inningo. 597 For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry race course, afterwards he went. 2nd to Trinidad, then St. Lucia Pickwick. 1st innings 436 and expert repairing. Call and visit, where he enlisted and pro. 2nd. 284 to Jamaica He fought in FULLER JEWELRY STORE, Zulu and Boer Wars. During the Wanderers were thus winners severe earthquake in Jamaica he of the game by 335 runs.
122 Central Avenue, Panama, sustained serious injuries, and became permanently des deaf, neces telegram was received by sitating his retirement from the our Colonial Secretary, Lieutarmy has e pensioner. During Colonel Francis Jenkins CM. 1908 he returned to this moden selected by the Secretarymo informing him that he has been and ideal THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT in the premises now occupied by State for the Colonies for promo The West Indian.
He after tion as Secretary of the Southwards retired to Belmont in the ern ern Provinces in Nigeria. The No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE parish of St. George where he salary which Lieut.
Colonel Jen.
lived a quiet life.
kins at present receives is 750 per annum, while that attached First Class Meals served at all hours to the post offered him is 1, 400 We chronicle the death of Mr, with a duty allowance of 230 EARLY TEA AND COFFEE Saville Garraway father of Mr. annually. Garraway, Magistrate of Special accommodation for Ladies the Western District, which occurred at his residence in Mel of Assembly on Tuesday after At the meeting of the House TIDY AND POLITB WAITERS wide Streetsesterday Theterores the passing of an address to the He Manager of SERVICE UPTODATE, Ltd. for some years and owing Government re the establishmeat to ill health, he had to resign. He of an Agricultural College at was ailing for some years and (Continuad on page 7)
per cent.
wer Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Ball and Concert Cards resid Hitile must downfall with Dr.
Brnorship of Teinidad the Gov. what is but little better, Was. 488 proceeded 11 The in Dews it comes at a prevalent


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