
froin THIS SATURDAY NIGHT The Great Rush to New York at present New ing epigram going the roundse the United States York is a city governed by Irish men, inhabited by Jews, and occasionally visited by AmeriWriting in cans There is indeed, a certain the Telegraph, Mr.
Harold Spencer portrays the fol: amount of trath in that epigra howing striking picture of the Torredere charlain streets in New dowo food of immigrants now pouring at mid duy without bearing. you can walk into the United States:The United States is like single word of the Anerican vast water which is never still, clothing trades, and of the dis.
They are the streets of he says. There pour into it from mynd merchants.
day to day maltitudes of streams Social workers in New York from all over the world. The rate tell me that one of their chief at which the immigrants are dificulting in dealing with the coming now Europe is simply appaling to the Ameri por of Naw York is this trouble of the language No wonder the American gets world is in flight. It is estimated that at the a little disturbed when he die present rate of increase rising covers that his boast of language to 40, 000 per week America is is so seriously imperilled, faced with the for of an possibility annual immigration not true day that America rue to some talks only enca 2, 000, 000 persong sice the immigration that tool. sre many languages talked over This is about all only one language. Pagring place before the war; and it is this past con nt and the dan the ger is that those who talis tas sterdiest this immigration is that a sarne language are tending to it is insufferably crowding that a dimly see the possibility that tha is apt to remain in New York, aggregate and to act together as IN ational units, So ne Americans ready crowded city, swelling, the immense foreign and undigested variations of Europe muy be re.
populations and creating a proto produced on their continent, and the United States may break up, lem of non assimilation which is growing more alarming cvery echoes of Europe. Public Opin.
into fragments which will be seuthere is doubtless an ion ele ment of in these in migration figures! The panic Dr. Hoffman mongers forget to deduct the fig.
ures of the exodus from America bas reopened his clinic for gən: to Europe. The flow westward eral practice for gynocologica undoubtedly increasing.
It cases and urological disorders of sists largely of Jews who are treated in accordance with the con both sexes. Diseases of the blood flying before the new national latest German discoveries. Aphostilities which are also the re of the revivals in Eastern 805 and is latest modiscasion plication of the Genuine German Europe.
view taken by the average (1495 and Silber salversan. American is that America has TELEPHONE No. 746 quite enoughJews already within CENTRAL AVENUB No 41, her territory. There is an amus. Opposite Amador Theatre alarming The in TO NIGHT THE DADDY OF EM ALL will be in Calidonia worse of to give away BILLS and LOT of Quarters sult to the First ones who catch him, and showAdvertise in the WORKMAN It pays. PACKAGE OF Piedmont STRAND ICE CREAM PARLOR Adjoining Strand Theatre. Bolivar and 11th Streets The Most Up to Dato In Colon THOSE FAMOUS VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Sanitary and up to date in every respect. Ioes and fruits of all kinds Iced Milk, Cakes, Candies, Cigars, etc.
Pay us a visit before, during or after the show and you will call again.
Take Advantage of Your Opportunities CALL AT THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE 197 Bollvar Street, Colon For the latest in Pa lor Clocks, Ladies and Gent watches and Jewelry of all description Williamson, Prop.
Use your opportunities as an investor to the best advantage happy without gold time.
wrote PF the ther.
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. have during the past year created a profitable business and bids fair in this year of grace for bigger business.
This should interest Lyou, since it can be the means of opening a safe and sane investment.
There are still some unsold shares. Buy them DOW. Later on they will be worth more.
Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshIng beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks CALL AT THE Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Death of William Gunn. THE GREATEST William Guon, the famous GIFT Nottinghamshire cricketer, died at his home at Notticgham, aged 62 The greatest gift that Heaven Gunn was great batsman in has given to mankind is the gift the fullest sense of the term. He of SIGHT, and all will agree thai scored many runs for his coun. It is a priceless treasure. No hu ty; be made them in a stylo man being can be it. It cannot be bought or beautifully elegant and classical 1, correct, and his methods bed headaches are caused from eye by either rich or poor. More a marked influence on the e cricket of his ta strain and eye weakness than history LOT CH00 from all other causes put toge Warner a few years ago, the names of Shrewsbury Guna or Do your eyes feel as though many seasons tbat wonderful they inflamed? Are you having pair represented something like any trouble with your glasses?
ball the batting strength of 11 If there is any question in your Notts, and their names stood in mind about the condition of your symbolic relationship to all that eyes or the kind of glasses best is most strictly scientific in suited for your vision, then con sult a COMPETENT EYE SPE He made a hundred on forty. CIALIST.
eight occasions in first class cricket and eight times passed the second century.
He played eleven times for Eng.
land against Australia.
The kind of glasses as you see in above cvt relieves all eye strian, protect the eyes from New Wireless Invention glare or strong light and gives you perfect vision for EVERY THING and ALL DISTANCES The discovery of a new wireless invention by which ships may be Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown.
guided during dense fog, was ed Eye Specialist of New York)
announced at Liverpool on the is one of the most competent and night of the 2nd ulto. by Mr. reliable eye specialists in this Marconi, at the annual British city. Many persons whom he Shipmasters Dinner. This in has served are testifying to the vention has not been in oper fact.
Inicio ation any where and is based on a Dr. BUCHANAN principle by which electrical waves may be directed in any office is located at No. 182, Bolt definite direction, like flashes var St. Copposite Masonic Build from a lighthouse, He said the ing. Colo1, of waves would replace lights in thick weather and prevent colllEn of vessels during the fog. NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
cricket. 00 PER SHARE. ANY NUMBER Remember we stand for Service, Profit and Co operation: Panama Banking Company The Isthm an Undertaking Co. Ltd. BRANDON BANK)
No. 47 CALIDONIA SECURITY SERVICE yet be Panama (Founded 1863)
Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford) unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank LET US HELP YOU We are constontly receiving requests for competent workers, from the city best employers, Loave your Name and And Address at our Office Employment Department, PANAMA MERCANTILE AGENCY.
143 Central Ave.
General Banking Business Transacted Advertise in the WORKMAN Mrs. Annie Lindsay and get Good Results.
begs hereby to notify her patrons and others that she has removed to No. 7, Rent Receipt Books in Span Street near Central Avenue, Ish and English, for sale at the obliquely opposite the Am Work man Printery erican Consulate, BBANDOS IBAAO BRANDON Prodas, SATHANIEL BRANDOS Plo Prodas Theo


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