
Malladium WAGE REDUCTION FOR SILVER THAT IS WHAT COUNTS Ruling Passions Deep Waters Tomorrow Children of Banishment Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies SAROND, the offion Cerai Avation Correspondence on il matters que sad order of Sim, PADID of public interest (prind The wonderful saving possibilities that there are Tonight Saturday dap All copy for publication must be in a Gas Stove.
Octobe most interes Interesting PO Box 74. Pandae w on one side of paper only. ADO pe wes est shows inci y is zelvet KATRS OP SUNKIPTIO: te scorented by the band o Pelurapelatinei Role CSELECT HIU to the IS. she writer, DOLORCASSAty for publics atle to nie Ruing 1. Hoo but sk of good is widten wed dreened by Aurah SON do not uocerisceretur present Accor, laturna la Don Et ejected correspondeco Aden estry is a borstbrush ha editur Not what you put into a slove, the ord is uif anal brok SATUKAI, APRI. 1921 but what you get out of it duwa whib belah Dobis protsd bele, but the owl newhairaged for br brukerti bia bisa lesrus ibi in and are MEN. CAN THEY STAND IT?
auto back to baltban! lo he end la re ad Merey ufumph over the and Revenge The official circular of the Governor of the Canal Zone giving note: of a proba 12 cut in the wages of the Siiver Laupuyees who are largely West Indiane has not failed AT TO MORROW When Pretty, innocent Eighteen marto teach that part of the canal working force without caus PANAMA GAS CO.
ries worldly Purty five, there (Sunday)
ing considerable uneasiness all over the Zone, and since the Cathedral Pisza YOUR 03 Bollar St, Condition on which the proposed cut bears inalienable conTel. 794. SERVICE Tl. 364.
Cuous with the cost of living commodities in the com.
Maurice Tourneur Ruzsanes, it is to be understood that at any moment the DAXGBR commissary prices may show a temporary decrease just so presents soon the order will go into effect.
The circular which appears in another column of this Bee issue mentious that the policy of the Panama Canal with PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY relation 10 ice wages of its so called silver roll employees DELP who are largely West Indians, has been to increase their NEW ORLEANS, WATERS Wages in cordance with the increase in the of Paramount Pleturo kving.
CRAWFORD ELLIS, SIMMONS, President Vice President Ges. Mgr.
It is significant, and serves a practical purpos. that the circular dues not carry the logic that the increase in Insurance in forre exclusive of amount MONDAY rating was made lo accordance with the proportionate insured under Double Indeinnity increase in the cost of living. end it might be concluded Provision. 91, 408, 227 trat lue odission of that word suggests the fact that the SELECT PICTURES Total Receipts for 1920.
Guvernor is well aware that was licceascs which are 3, 315, 120. 42 euullic ated in his circular Were far from being proportion Total Assets 8, 742, 060. 93 present This is another alt acl will wlicu lie 13 unquestionaby Tamar as Legal reserve on policies in force as Mitchell Lewis mt mour of the Silver Wabe Build required by law.
SELECT PICTURE 1, 340. 242. 75 It is remembered ibat it took months of argument and igitulom to get out We Evalu 10 dcc. de un granting Assests in excess of liabilities for pro.
Don fail to see it.
Inovanous incitata wlue, ul the same ume, le VA tection of Policyholders. 1, 594. 773 23 tw. Ojcu ulu luur di peruens were laving we must uyThe only Life Insurance Company qualified In juga perluces la luce cutest me. ricesvareu rapiny auubiga all along wore the licituits were made lu lue the Republic of Panamna.
Musi walory manter possible.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, The Guveroor states that the present rating for comSpecial Agent, Colon, mon labur is Welly three (23) Cenis au hour, making we It all the world were thered iarna dally curripensailun 81 av lue present ume as ajalust 30 Tuesday and Wednesday huge darkened anditorium, ADC partCauta in 1914. This lady look quite ait right to the Govern. were to be flushed in the server, Ocull a cuch pad un us dedo, all by himseli; but with an witch would brengn sd by the great actual Cummissaly Luokill the banda of the Wa Inuluu GET LISTED IN est bumber, whose with? Woud Luise wale al 18 unuiinci proposit:n, altogether, WORSHAM libeth theure of Windy Wilano y Gerwen of belte Keiner?
The pr. ces of commodities in the commissaries adNEGRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD lored, would be mee Mary Pick Vanctu vui ail of proporcion with the locceasca 10 wages during the war and suust quently, while the decreases. Get together diun for our Prugressive ford For world popularity obe in be RTPA Rr. Amerie Ibo great:ol world On Www. cu the Governor paupusta lo slic: the silver empleyBusines. Men digniofe IX eva ule still we reals buvisiby.
CXTENSIVE CUMPREHEXSIVE Narv Pe ford Assin demostrarea lehe thuhe the reseat net of the We are not quite sure as to what the Governor means 119 BENEFIT INSTANTLY APPARENT Vreen, for in THE LOVE when Le laiks Otiuc prices and reduced cus. Dues le Write for further particulars to LIGHC. beeris helf to belchis mean reductions ia le ury goods stocks wuele 12 and 14 never fire atlained by the Worid C. REID, Drawer Z, Ancon.
Suves are low quoted ai 50 and 10. is nie speaning Swethari! UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE avvul Corsets and rugs, was anu latuer salutab, pulfuweries and tapesuica?
If the Governor wants to argue on reduced costs he What a kleptomatise? Sounds like THURSDAY breakfast od or a device lioder es, but it isn lisa person who is disuch 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colog diva lo sceling bing by a mysurious, sugar and Hour, rice and potatoes, butter and oils. Let him The Parlor of Satisfaction sub concious urce. Dos it round funtake a suy at manipulating a ten dollar book for a silver n: Won you. Tom Moro in Tom Moore Shampooin. Hair Straightening employee wife, and tuen let him till the truth when be STOP THIEP. you will say it LOOK geis through making his purchases and checking the bill. modern appliances Cumy fantier the way sercea taree you ve seen in my BOOR.
There can be no doubt that Governor Morrow has Mmo. ROBERTS, puro crooks in buste themselves started in with a sleuge hammer policy and his announce Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kasamir Institute Chicago, of into a weal by end vuy tespectable weda ment threatening a docking of the West Indians pay TRANSFORMATIONS. SWITCHES, UFFS, ETC.
de puly, The dit fiovered Jocki Indicates ibat there is little hope for improvement for com An handmade woder highly sagitary conditions and can be wasbed, combed, and Dougna and his partner. Sua eber Nell red labor.
sed vir jy, boods and.
od toe dete ion, replace them in and they In fact, the way the Metal Trades people have been Adwbst handled in the past few days bespeaks woeful times for Clipped From the Wechs content this Copan Rue Dublin bed. In takea Jac thrats, occusa Cables all classes of labor on the Canal Zone. Men who have Ca tle ti isl, wobot and killed the tisur, matnici the wedding test day by tuur armed en worked here for the past thirteen years have been let out Dry goebay! s STOP THIEF fire in the native section of Mini s, without the least promise of a job, while many have been From Washington It is fially uued we lauldt fare ever se veac d, GOLDWYN PICTURE fore througe circumstances, to take positions at extreme Philippine Isto dr, ou Friday, 1st inst. pouued that Cotonel Georve Habey destroyed 000 bouses. Paty bound to been relected as United States Amly inferior salaries When the West Indians wages are cut how will they The coma is ion appoined by the perros are Low bomeless lt. basador to Londoa.
live on the nothing that will be left? There is no guaran. League of Nations to enaide ertain at midciebat, April is, was es used a cum The coal miners strike, which began FRIDAY tee that the commissary prices will really fall in propor babyns in the cavebutt net at Geneva, plete cessation of the mining ludustry 40 tion with the cut on toe wages of the silver employees, Switaraud, on the biabl. to organize as well as the closing of several iron and Chester Comedy And if even they do drop a little what guarantee will there and prepare fur is work.
sterl mils. It is estimated that toore presents be that they will not again sky far out of the reach of More than 10. 000 persons witteesed babe mi iou atu now ide.
the silver einployees atter they shall have suffered the pro the placing in purison of the Sinn Feinen trew two bombe in front posed reduction in wages?
ture of Bicon Bolve in Central Park of the User Club, Befan City, last Now York. expected that the sta Monday morning, wbro ner. B1With the laying off a large number of men and a re iute wall wo voveikia in the 19. inst. De so, the www. dant of Ulster, duction in the wages of others life here will be little less tr which desatou a programe of banayiok. the bombe than deach in the next few months. There is now no lab unt rozety functions b. ing uraaned. Noted our csured no lusof het IN or traio, and men who are obliged to live in Papama have Dub in di patch dated April 3d butt:b browse the ped.
to pay their fare out and in, to and from, Panama and Pedro Aliguel every day. Now when these men have two will not alter the question as to the justifiability of the ac should not fail LauS Pers tents taken ofi their pey, and the commissary prices stand tion.
ing as they are and the permanent expense of daily trans It is widely known that the silver employees are not to attend.
ALSO portation, how will they be able to meet the situation? having any gala time on the Zone, and it is not likely that The circular of the Governor may be taken as long they ever will; but let them live, if even they are not alAmateur Acts and due notice of their conderc nation to slow poison lowed to thrive. When the butter is taken off the bread and it it does eventuate the silver ewployees will not be it is bad enough, but wnen the bread is cut down to spyable to say that they had been taken unawares. But glass thickness the poor laborer, has as much chance along with the regulas whether the Governor words go into effect now or luter, as a puss of sitting in a box set it a lion concert.
lovis Program Mary Pickford The Love Lighi must go to the grocery department in tae commissaries Kashmir Beauty Parlor Hair Growing, Hair Dressing Her Dreng Heribes removed. Doros ou red Equipped with eleone vibrator, electric comb, electrie bair and olier full line Human Hair Goods Stop Thief treated as the hair on your head This is always Snooky a Big Aniateur The Hunianzce Night You


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