
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1921, PAGE Atlantic Side News Dr. LORD and H, HOWELL. Carnival Is Gone: But your costune is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of In able de Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
American Bazaar Stores ED ME otot de ssssss HOR TON Ove genial Chris Foryn HAIR TE Máy Địa داد به داده ها Factor. Tulsida Tudi ralo to allo or fin hands Colon, Ar il viivity and Te. in triletody.
BV Wou say two siebe fisher IV Lintlet. hu in the win the path. ua Dentists There at 143 CENTRAL AVE.
to the toute la Boule natud tereistir promise of a big al (Lae Dr Biyofa)
Thed win in malena und Ithat put the pro The Latest in Crown on here will todo Bridge Work tid. Dr Ch. 14 Petui fort Weddey chin.
phold As Cristal CANAL ZONE Local Solety Acilve.
Second CC cert a Success.
NOTES on Anthemu cluineen Wout Cipriy han cdo her public OL: Tardor PARAISO Du betra en bra da budism Bed was on the ni hef to 12 host The event to Vio Ty Child Program whics tis under on ara A) Const Chirich trmichev U.
dred at the Pusto Cubo vured convert in the Arca abu racher Wit it will Nudy, Walutvety way at a Tuentre, 7th Siteetod Bruwwa.
a prel cure na reali. De bent. He will ful.
16 VAR DEN fournure na real One of the rutstanding fey are oft and the spacioue bal was led to demonstrate bia ility is defining gars program was the chance to Meuro o wirk to the Rotal publio the colors of tbe Cetembrie The boys and girls wade twolve tribe of Israel The printem which we of an unrechnet ma of the soz y ara praes od and played th ir parte le parti sy huldet wurcellesi huden TA order. This is not in prerestore od not tedat va the bucales for their fin Donly enter the old style of eaca child blog esile a seuls bo took part.
in as to take place on th: 1710 out to receive Throub the hiad Dummieion of the They are in cod forn and there is not Screency TB. Ncely gave sa iasciat Obmanding offir, Vue ers dun od mbt that under the new organist, ir gaidre le Bor, Lorotalo, the US Naval Flowers and Mr. Bush, ib: 306 Mocb er dit in du XI. Cover at tud, hch bis wholly of Wher, they wil toel th. mxlva ou keele for their valuable art. dons, balls of be Vuxus 14. 000.
Much prsis is to breed the GATUN was present and convabu. cu la wely to a ty te the rest or thesis is ning the ve bu The Wanderers CC. of Cars The fitieve the permuesting the children sto Swanped our local ten lust Sus foe, wo der Fuch ab e teachers; the IVAD onrur, Tle lemian Gul hy the day to the tune of 63 runs aquest Lied, after wbieb Lewlin in tuces effered in their pight shows; the rosible renze very from style soy Aurel et bien 52 For the home team Gaces of prioria bar er cery Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon was responsible for 15 act Biter and fur sormenin ot by its benev eut side of the society which dev sods stressed more than li.
11. Before the end of the game bir. 3 10. Mr. Cyril were by Edy Me. so to the porer el wel.
a liitie unpleasantoes wrong Chari which spoiled what otherwise caib pee what ly exotic error braried Negro on the lo To weiety is worthy of sui surpor: would have beca ao cubic biosinca roku Tue ore game. also also Hubert Lan in Toe muscud how the best wishes of the wow. HYPNOTIC AND VAUDEVIL: Luupiel und Jon Luty lot ito de su coss.
ENTERTAINVENT For Skin and Scala centy receivet Dewi froulis is wheredis it the deep Another Rally wife ia Grenada, BWL, oi tha inuen bewysed At Ist an Park Tre woman wants to hand arrival atheir home on baby by Mouskutry whicu Riline are being thing fory of hur stepen fryin: a tha Ahuy u may have to girl which the store brought thica Her GoWarante 21 HGk Brou ry, The performance gatit. chro.
EN 931. Mo, Feu. 17th last.
barnet bohrt MONA OLD tean in to hold rv sitwir del 10 minn Park on Ee fund were you use AVCHEN Oblak er IT, by the Budwr, on the right Professore serii INSTALLATION AND DED: Beton, wide Jos voinut, when the twelve Times of will b: repeated by rest Hair Grower 520 Tavi CEEONTES tv. G Vụ vợt. tw. là ti vi will be represtalei, by the ut Saudarn, the me the line the can be traitet Shampoo Gists of win an ini Pressing Cil Reh pents will be in hand, wd a diway of their interesting fea 520 of the St. Andrew Lidze No.
uut trieve as the Mr.
Endno plased retseptano with Katou band in atteadauce e goud of Prof. As sue being bare vive including the hair rising event Beauty Cres 520 10.
deb duet Glory to bre Miete is an ic naiad.
for two whole nöars. Over Templo Cil.
270 Bibi, with Mrs Lewelyr, ss.
Dr. Price for big attractions Cristobal Literary Ascoclation will consist cleiger10, 090 AGENTS WANTED What turned on: to be unique o lo tbe out, The wupeler On demais trapeze a els and several BI ALONG te fraternal he th this Custo the toid ched is cinx. site Ure UK Con, April Let weht at the siecial tricks not included in e YOU CAN MAKE PIG MONEY Gailea Fisher on rauft at the Badtbeat pleure va loud and Ink The meetik be Cr3. 00 Litrary duro programux of the list pertFor further par leulars write to Il dift. Aur Lo Na. Terust who took his part ou beiglin. which an unsully rebu ance At the conclusion of the ALEXANDER ROUDETT 1)GP1Pussa on SW dery other for the LORIB vry liv. lv And true. Shorthe band sill renter darce 151 WEST 145th ST. NEW YORK April 34 Gluw item, tok the but when sel; cui mitirs of wederal lerust music for the benefit of those who AWAS. Albonsa selten Theep throatian of so be flet loud tok po kad testy Crtar ve ertert! His devin was Ird delight in tissin ta borrie er midwiha ng lew pret reike by Rov PO ASTUCU 1. sudopoloos te treddy Aluts 50 cents and Children 123) Top Faber Coc per up Burschuhed 25 cents cy Rent Recalp. Books in Span. Out for the de audio e LIDUS Advertise in The VORKMAN ish and English, for sale at the Winrerit in rom the well known ud toate le tue for she was leis, Mr. Friin WER 104 tedadlecribe kalah. Warum Printer as the priten waste ived, low det G ATTENTION. by thPanda, Anudit Bobt. MDS RTR We prowles to be vur) tu in News by Mr. Levy, ter stut06.
WP time bruth tea. Circa Big Minstri Sh. wa! the TW HOUSEHOLD REMEDY 1. use. at 30 Toussaint Ouverture to Pacific Theatre, on the A Wikiện Open Branch ractical need for at bruis, spraias fore, bired foet, EF. Kwe CRICKET 15:ho: April, 1921 forlak stigencius, Joule iwa, un Within a short ine the oder if the Brown und ribu. Munt Gibend Colon, Arril The Wostmond Kon Toient Loviture, Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC BobAH Rse wond WE Lodge, LOASAU.
Sister Le bude 8C ne day. eumaichik ked wibralq arters in the United Satre, It has no bound to give qulek pilief from pain and to heal open KWID.
Bocher HTC Come and see Gizy Eses, the sadefeated the progresiv. CC 2o the will not being a brnen in Colon. RVIK rundsuicky Desenes of live gath nog of peet.
Mr. Jeeph Cocking strint De wonderiul conned an in hidlat st The lastiglion cervenony was egte It has also a pitiva established viune a quick rellet, taken Ons.
pu stunt, some time folk, aluy. ndorraber, bo bien octis through in a marked de. re by the Deraily for colie, cramps and diarrhoea.
The winnere first went to the sieke, moet to earry out the work excellent reels will be screen M. Reid, RWIM. Inmechlely ofte AT YOUR DRUGGIST, YOU NEED IT Erding as their first pair Su and Tbin order is of Degro orixin, and thie Dars of be evening prog ne al Admission: 25 cents gold Wala. The former to de food Bembirebip of 25. 000. scatteret.
Uustairs 40. Children 25 goid empord, the dedesteryem obowing, and wewed by Philipe Over the world including Liberia, Africa wustered up a The Idee MA for 12 runs, wie ihlaliers bied ud New Giends. tbrown op. tion of life er line by Philipe krib. Pull particulars cap he obtained from from the bukinnine, wie by the time anollere oí ruoa the District Depury at the Be mes fairly rowdd by an sporociable wide played alo at ibe for best dat, cur ber of band Huds. Alley Avond the wro morembo kes ibol Ws 2, Wala e ad rpretativ arm the room L Okt taine 14 toch to the credit. Rev. Roc ney Wil Speak at the men Culon For the dedesine Piese unud. we are lover o bempte te bwg opens why Beptist Church lo mn trow.
Deluy Brolo vre were kuh, burund. in collo 19 isted by Bm N 8G 10, The Rev. R Rodney, mission.
NA Barr vs Grand Can. Pin wen angs we played, Wist any of the Jamaica Isaulint us a boub of. uo Dietrict 4, moreld has 10 bile bro slunars. Sclely at merandi The dedins ory ceremony soade 31 tr wkets at the call or te Cas dt) Doro wul vacupy the very impress vond wo n Boalug for the wipers, Caske pulpit of the Baptist Churen, Binyabb, the varius reparative cepured wi kete for 18 sod 14611. Culon, ail day o bundelivered very inere ting adhesi orice Grant of 26, while e. Phillipo turday. The Rev. gentitao XI els gen nud koud wirbis from their Progresive captured for 24 lease for Jacunica vu Thursay. One could not be lp. ine impressed by the sprit of COS 15 To morton gime will be placed br.
that is ardong members of tb Tre twa sio Vicicsia and Humaits Bid King Edward Lodge WHI beroal Wrid, as ww showa and espres Have Special Meeting led at bis historical event in tbe the the St Aarre Lodge No 29, 46Gr.
National Captist to Have Big pocial meeting of the King. Sundayilast Evening Edward Lodge, 13.
Lodeed the ira evenince am SME will be held on was an er indly market serwie Colon, April lhe a emits of the the history of this Lode, and and Nela Bap in Czuren. Til ind baturday night, the b, bor tie prie is due to the firm aber Breto. se werk ik tarziaty lat the purpose of thation. All 1000 tiende, vil es mod the chose who Det are requested be present, WYBIDR.
proken in on the beautiful Leur cous tences at 730 led teie port estisse orly a kegia off such a sveful pt.
Mt moers from aller 100gus enn ata obe Gali which will be are also invited.
Al bing ever, the Lacke prit ferd red by the Coton Werley etior, dinibing touches to the end Suured by Me: Jue Jurepher, the Emnun, by invising all to the el BLOND CULO at the viola, od WEST INDIAN IMPORIID Too, where frestments are: Gyna Lowlace at the valuactio.
in cuman. This bangat erteie The following is the synopsis of the UM OF FASH, ON reflected credit o thon, whose rep ribii y it was to entert is the users, e intention of this persice bas Mis. Wilsot bags to justice was done to the sumptuous be been sitapy to preeint ile We of Je u inform ber various parts qurt B3 st met bave appeared to them that she has re opened her Al left feeling is Traged so wbon, he waked sed taked tematy Fashion Emporium at No. 53 elon, and a well spent evebire.
from cay to dy, and especially to pre Calidouia Ruad, and that she nu that all and bibur portion of Rent Reculpt Books in per Letrywhich cte lesere he will be pleased to serve them Ish and English, for sais at discow of the en we nesr or dark, oue ardail again.
Workman Printery. WANTED eru tiV Rue Tae in DID, JUST ARRIVED DIO ka 66 FATIMA 99 IN Moisture Proof Packages OF 210 16 20 CIGARETTES Dir.


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