
PAGE SIX He had comer come ers Chesterfields, Please!
ALWAYS ask for Chesterdhe Illin in races PGARETTES LIGGETT NYERS TOBACCO CO.
people he said, They Satisfy Chesterfield going tooThat was what CIGARETTES set to Tere thing bumanity or saved any took co oper Save any.
bling work.
statesm effort to moject God Govern as They Somers and ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY ورود MARCUS GARVEY IN He was sorry for this Island and for the black people here and he was sorry he could not remain here to help them for a wider JAMAICA world called him.
for the last tlme and be loped what he had said would inspire Makes Speech to Monster Crowd in some one to carry the torchlight Gordon Ward Theatre Somers and your Wilsons and the great bunch of negto pre. ch (Continued from our last Issue)
Are a bunch of Hypocrites, He went on: Nerroes, you glorious destiny Was their ra want men, you want leaders to to be always slaves and serfs! 14 he said, say so without any point you the way to destiny. there was no better for him but hesitation, because if they were The way is long the road is to be a lackey, let him die. No not hypocrites they would have rocky, it calls for not sn much one could tell him that he must led. They are men with superior prayers as sacrifice. You ne bow and cringe and scrape to a education, but they have no groes of Jamaica prav too much! man because that man was whit backbone. If they were not cow.
fields. You ll enjoy them!
aughter and cheers) with all It was inunluing to bie Creator ards they would lead you, but your prayers you have hurri that should do so. Why? Bu they bow and cring before a It their mild, mellow smoothcanes, earthquakes, droughts ha could not blame the peopleman because he is white. You and everything! You know why Jamaica, he said, or the negroes want men! The difficulty in ness that wins you. And that Because God is not sati tied with the of the West Indies for the letbar Jamaica was colour question. air tight wrapper keeps the pras orzalon, for says you must gy in which ther found them why, they only had two work and pras! And you people Ives now, because they had had the country (he did not mean the flavor in and the dryness out!
seem to give up the world the the wrong kiod of education to Chinese and Syrians with white white man and take Jesus! The 83 years they taught them to he would deal the next bigbt) the while man has the world and believe in a white God and a white race and the negro race gives uj Jesus! Don you know white Jesus Christ and white Where did they get this cl ureo the white man has a right to Angels and a black devil.
Ther ace from There was no JourJesus too? Jesus belongs to taught them to believe that the Colour mant nothing.
every body so you čre too frolish angels of hell Some ople did not like to be were Who told those liars calle negroes to give up the world and take hideous Jesus only You must take part that God is white he cried some people in Why would of the world and part of Jesus that Jesus Christ is white, that just shoot you dend if you call too! You negmes have not got the angels are white women? them a negro. laughter. Wł at into your head the scientific idea has no colour He is a Spirit was beating Jamaica was that of worshipping God!
Jesu Christ was not white, black they had too much wbite bleck Emotion and Sentiment or yellow He was the embodi men in Jamaica. cheers) How ment of all humarity. Il be wa ignorant they were? How foolDoes Not Count Jesus the Christ, the Redeemer, ish! race that was ashamed IP he care to save fallen man of itself was a race that o ispluas.
in a world like this. They can kind and He came as a white man «d the God who created it. Were not move the world can only be moved by practical me. Jesus Christ is the Son of same ignorance itsell out to do, This worla then he did not come to redeem they to continue in the achievements. Unless you work God Who took our physical form, the LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
the with your prayers, you will be that physicai form bore in it a to change current of thought too ate here or anywhere else. link of every race. The link from and make them realise that Can you see you have a part of which he came had connection they belonged to one race and to the world, too? Along with your with every ra e existing ent rise they must rise as a race and is what the UN IA here to ad of Travers, do some work and the loans Christ is the embodime se one common destiny 11 the ad of all humanity, otherwise He ont as individuals. Individual vise you to do what kind of could not have been the Christ effort had never yet done work? We want you to do eno Who told them that angel ls were for White men have whi wbite women? Angels are spirit. great situation; it able leaders in ual beings, they have no physiciative save sny situation.
science and iterature, men who form or lesbi In Jamaica they had been in COMO and Delseye di Cad dividualistica toolbar dominate a Spirit mert, we want negroes to do the embodiment of all rares then wanted co operation and they the wire (cheers. The hour has the shall make God and wanted their Gordoa He said he was not en Jesus Christ black. Cheers. their Wilsons to pitch in as men.
deating to divide loyalty in salty in Men ard women of Jamaica! He refused to believe that any en ny. He was not here to want you to understand that you man was bis superior because of Fruch visloyalty to any Govern are living in a thinking age; you colour. He believed in superior inent but to preach loyalty to the are not living in a sentimental ity not in colour but of intellect negro race. To day his race was age but an age of thought and and achievement He was willing downtrodden and oppressed the facts! Continuing, he said the to admit any white man was betworld over and he was calling nágroes of Jamaica wanted ter than he, if the white man upon his race for a new emanci. vork parion that would make them of those preachers do sc me hard given the same chances and ome more and make some could whip him in io intellect and men amurg men, an emancipa. bustling. They had too much portunities the white man was tion which in the near future religion in Jamaica. He detied able to forg ahead of him. They (and not far) they would find any man to be a better Christian had to use an Amerlean collequal white stalesmen, yellow states than he was. They wanted men Irenard back statemen(cheers) in Jamaica with more sympathu, to come across with the The time had come for negros Nobody se med to have sympa he You think now that every to point themselves to a more thy for black people in Jaindica, sa ve Bible below compter shiny in the. people koow how to diagnose things and analyse Mrs. JONES It is the Holy world of God but God never wivts every word in Resident No. 18 Street, in front of Saint Paul Church the Bible! Io spiration came to Graduate cf the Lelia College, New York City, NY, the prophets and ICE CREAM FACTORY good Madam J. Welke Method Scientific Hair Dressing world and they wrote certain to 30 pm whore and gave it to the Christian 35 Calidonia Road Special trainining for Hair Culturists. Shampooing, Dressing, Curl Men ing and Beautifying. Special Treatment for Dandruff. Scientifically word len got hold of thes se manuscrips and they have been preparing the Scalp for powerful growth of Soft Flowing Hair revising them for over 1, 000 The most Modern and Up to Date System of years and are you so foolish as to Walker Beauty Parlour, No. Tivoli Rond WHOLESALE trust white men with this proper In front DeLesseps Park, Panama City ty for 1900 years? want you Hair goods, Superfine Facial Soaps, Hair Grower, Lotions, Perfumes to think this over and hear my on the Man Jesus Christ AND RETAIL on Sunday night. He said ho refused to believe the white men who revised the the Bible that God WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
said to him, Servants obey your Masters or that God created his race to e to be hewers of wood and (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA)
Prawers of water.
The old world was gone and things were making a new start He said he was surprised to The greatest proposition ever taken up by West find on his return to Jamaica that Jamaica had not been improved.
lu dians; and the whole world is falling in.
All The Directors are offering 200, 000 worth of he would speak on conditions in OWNED BY Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and problem being, Jamaica and her subject He then described The National City Bank of New York Costa Rica.
the aims and objects of his association, how it was started, the Head Office: 55, Wall Street This can be taken up a Preferred Shares at difficulties he met, bow he over.
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present, to which he buted the grace of God. He The money is needed before the end of Febmade a point of it, that when he Official Depository of the Republic of Panama ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April race turned him down and all Jamaica, his own trying in Depository of the Panama Canal yrar large passenger Steamer.
the assistance and encourage ment he received were from men Through its Agencies in the Interior and West Indians, this is your chance.
of the white race, mentioning its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Purchase and live! Disobey and perish! specially the Rev. William Gra ham, Sir William Henry Man exceptional banking facilities.
ning. Brigadier General Black den and Mr. Bourne, late Colo Drafts on Jamalca and other West Indian Islands Send money by mail to nlal Secretary. Ha referred to what Bishop Smith wrote with Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent respect to him in the World G. CAMPBELL, Work, and reproduced in the Per Annum Gleaner. He said he knew Bishop Smith well and when he retura President and Managing Director ed to to America, he intended call ing on Bishop Smith Smith in 73 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, Detroit and make him tell the JAMAICA people about what be had written in the World Work. He thanked IT PAYS SUU some he asked bis hearers for their attention and hoped to meet them again. Applause. The meeting was then brought to a close. BIJOU e things What is the Bible Bible!
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