
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1921 PAGE SEVEN secaravan THE MARY MULLER ONE PRICE STORE of January generous the MARY MULLER No. 89 Central Avenue yaaaaaaaa Interesting News from West.
only my o1 Phones: Reside1002 BUSINESS MEN Committee on the S0 Sexo ADVERTISE seede roy.
PANAMA ROOM In Star fand Garter Fully Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pallid appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made Subscribed.
premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: 19, Berkeley Street, HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES London, 14th February, 1921 IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM HAS JUST OPENED Dear Sir: Ibig to acknow For sale at all Drug Stores in this City ledge, with many thanks, the and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez receipt of your letter of the 24th Sole Agent for the Republic of Pans HATS TO 10 GOLD am very pleased to learn that GERVASIO GARCIA, the endowinent of the Hinama Rom in the Star and Garter has English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, at last been successfully accome.
plishe through the gen Embroideries, etc. of the ladies of Panama Many thanks for the specim ns contributors and helpers.
MEMO. The foregoing is co WANTED UNEQUALLED It is very rmarisable and pied from a letter dated FebruaVALUES AT of Tags which were the mans of securing the tinal con very wor derful that the great ry 26th last, aldressed to me by SECOND HAND FURNITURE tributions. They will be inter took the bestu hancriptions Came Lady Mallet, and it affords ma LOWEST PRICES from labourers tion of Panan a with the Star as you will have seen by the res great pleasure to transnis it for Will pay reasonable prices your information.
port sent you. want you, Call at 119 Central Avenue, Garter.
Doubtless you will be good or Phone No. 130 An official letter of acknow please, and dont forget to show the enough to assist in making it Lowe, Mr.
ter committee will be pent to you Green, and to the Editor of The amongst those interested in the Dr. LOWE on receipt of the balance of be in 167. 11 11. but in the mean WORKMAN, 80 that they may touch.
L, Edin.
time, wish to express to y know have.
to you Ottos Hours: 30 a.
and to all our kind friends in tice, and please tell them the in Very faithfully, 4pm p. Panama, not S. HUMBER. BOX 798 sonal thanks, but the than per scriptions that is going on the Office 844 Panama, March 31, 1921. Ancon, the affiicted men who have suf door of the Panama room.
fered so grievously in the ser.
vice of their King and Country, and wbo owe so much to the gen sooo solo 2043000 och (Continued from Page 2)
erous sympathy of the inhabit ant; of Panama, both British and foreign.
Trinidad, and also passing sev For Bravery wish particularly that my eral bills the House resumed warm and grateful thanks should Corporal Griffith Farrier. of on the Agreement be conveyed to the British West arrived at by the Canada West the British West Indian RegiIndian labourers on the Canal Indies Conference held in Otta ment, has received mention in a und on the United Fruit Compa wa in May and June, 1920, and despatch by General Alllenby for ny plantations, to whose libera lengthy debate bate a bravery in Mesopotamia in 1918. understand, we are in ality, motion by He will soon be presented with Mr. Toocne was adopt debied for the bulk of the splen. GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST ed agreeing to contribute a sub the Distinguished Conduct Medal did contribution we have receiv sidy of 4, 000 pounds sterling for by His Excellency the Governor ed from the Isthmus.
five years towards a contract for Sir Charles Brien.
fact that so noble an example a steamship service. am deply touched by the Noble Gift of sympathy with the sailors and Consequent on the introduc soldiers broren in the war. should The two handsome Silver Cups tion of bubonic plague into the res nied to Je world have been shwn by men who West Indies a bill has been it and Greath two mostre though beri of another race, are before the House of Assein ly cestui riders at the recent meet themselves loyal subjects of thi King, with the object of providing ing of the Barbados Turf Club, the by should like to take this op.
IN THE (the great distributors of the portunity of asking you to con plague) in certain premises in vey the warm and grateful thank bill Bridgetown. The that new buildings erected in an provides of the British Red Cross Society Dominica and the Order of St. John o area reaching from Bush Hall, Jerusaler to the ladies of Pan near St. Anns, along Bay Street, ama and the Canal Zone of what Beckwith Place, Cheapside and Acting on repeated recomme!
ever nationality. who, during the Fontabelle to Land End, should dations from interested parties war, such long long and splencio have the foundations, basements, of all classes, the Government of ice in alle visting the suffer flors and cellars so constructed Dominica, it is understood, is ings and ministering to the com and protected as to prevent the seriously contemplating the enforts of the wounded men who entrance of rats.
actment of a Habitual Idlers or passed through the Panama Ca Vagrancy Act. If such a measDal from the battlefields ot Eu meeting of the Commission. ure is passed, it is hoped that it repe.
ers of Health of the Parish of will be enforced. am, Sir, St. Michael was convened for Your cbedient servant, pm. on Monday, but in the ab Dominica is to have a Town sence of a quorum no business Hall after years of desire. It is (Bgd. ARTHUR STANLEY could be done. The only mem proposed to erect the same on Egerton Humber, Eq, bers who turned up were: Dr. the top of the present market British Consulate General, Dixon, Chairman, and Messrs. building in Roseau. It will ba Panama. Arthur and Harper. The capable of seating between 500 to principal business to be consid 600 persons and the estimated Extract from Lady Mallet ered was the erection of the Iso cost is 2617 63. It is proposed lation Hospital and Typhoid Ward to sue shares in order to Letter.
at the Almshouse.
raise the money needed.
We take great pleasure ir Loyal Jonathan Daughters Advertise In The WORKMAN publishing the following letters Hold Initiation, and gat Good Rosults.
whicn have reference to the fund organised here by Lady Mallet for the endowment of the One of the most successful and in. The Classical and Panama Room in the Star and pressive initiations ever held in connec Garter Hospital, London, and tion with Shepherdry on this Isthmus Commercial School which, as will be noticed, has was witnes ed at the Druid Grove, been fully subscribed: 20: St. Central on Tuesday night, No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz March 22nd. when nine new members Box(1044, Ancon, As am so ill and everything were gathered into the ranks of the ELEMENTARY AND HIGH is a great effori, bave asked Loyal Jonathan Daughter Lodge, the British Red Cross Commt. Therefore THE WORKMAN is an 2756, of the Loyal Order of Ancient SCHOOL COURSES tee to send you a full statement of account You will see that Shepherds. The ceremny was performed Day and Night Sessions they have allowed full interest on PCS. Assisted by Bro. Edwards, Several visit Geometry. Bookkeeping, TypeSUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, all money received and the crs from Sister dges present money invested in War Loan also increased the Fund ty the occasion was enhanced by the at writing, Shorthand, English, Eledivideuds, so that the total in tendance of a musical band, the performents of French, Spanish and Latin Grammar, etc.
dinde Night mance of which was all that could be several buduids of desired. Several congratulatory speeches School re opens Monday, Jan.
School now in session.
Day pounds sterling more than have were made at the bacquet table.
received or given to the Red uary 17, 1921, at 80 a.
Cross. have signed the deed of Rent Receipt Books In Spar: ROBERT LINDSAY, trust by wbich Queen Mary or ish and English, for sale at 11 (Camb. Senior)
her successor or the King of Workman Printery.
Principal England if there ever is no Queen, shall be trustee of the Lady Mallet Panama Endowment and have bestowed the right BE NOT DECEIVED!
of nominating the occupant of the room for all time on on the Re. Class Distinction Is more a matter of dress than giment the 16th Lancers, I was asked to to nominate a warship or anything else. Beat It down. Let ie Regiment, and chose the us help you.
16th be cause Sir Claude father was Captain of it, and the name THE WOMAN EXCHANGE of Mallet has been officially associated with Panama since 1876 DRESSMAKERS until 1919 door of the room will be a tablet continually. On the Up To The Minute Styles to say, This room was built, equipped and endowed by the large asortment of Tallored Walsts innabitants of Panama, chiefly through the generosity of the NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, SPANAMA West Indiars labourers af the Panama Canal and the United WORKMAN PRINTERY ANN THOMAS, Fruit Company plantations. In side the room on the wall will be Proprietress.
a list of names of the principal service WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zonë.
The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
by Bro Paisley were Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
sludes ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly vound at the


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