p. 8


PACIFIC THEATRE Sooleo Monday, sell TA Out ده گانه لونها ر أ نای راه.
پیران ad ALBOA EST EER REWEL HD a לייני י ה שמן Plims butun Paris DIA tha t18 او 11:fا11 1365 ident Standard Defeat, Surrey. Continued froun 1)
The Standard CCmt and defeated Dhe surt y CC. In fr diy gape of This week will see the last episodes ofibem rumental Universal Serial proceded to refer ti the Black: 111 er det uh. d rd Ovl, last Sub Star Line, and the video of ova Featuring the Hercz. Elmo Lincoln The Flaming Disk Pees of the serien y fobox Jones. bg any. and wish to and ected ing stuck in the cominy. Tuy nhigier Od wer all dxd for the had a White State and a Red 11 in 10 will et tal of Small this al was Douwid to large for the Sarev bun, Beautiful Mary wewninu. 10.
Tonight. MacLaren in Sosr Line and the grows were Wednesday, and 16 of Episodes 15 DOW having BI Line. od hwbongitiisith 8:5) ad caly Ret tok tur totulo What tbe DAXO:s wat was to atorm: tra. Tle kanthrou, hou vas oled with Model Confession The Flaming Disk parate and tavine: theo shop cully wbro 16 wa brucht Selva, socialiv, ecnically and it wild be 13 de it o appeti 73)
tot burrey boy that th y wire SUNDAY, MARY MacLAREN In Thursday, Corme! Myers in politialis; ani hy thr wous tb inkl. RED. Tre lait orde that oʻschetare illis bint that be bal a schme und N8 19 torines in addetto avert th dife tu Petal on The current All Night COO erution which he would 10 ORE Nga alerine ul Le ani 31 ttley prved ac mich fir then the tw abmit to his assoc ates in Nw Aret. See oluyor Episodes 13 4 of Fricey.
LAST EPISODES OP od y dispod. And we ar York for the establi hata.
V, DIV milet The Flaming Disk nig partmental gror: in ng ustry in the he! laming Disk o tomlins ston where black go on 013 for CC Sud Aestd RI emplorer och rsbres. rolls 110.
Wir wor1:31:0::t. Buty UND LUD 121 Soon: Tuesday Tiarry Carey in ROPED care foto Pangan ері and Eddie Pol, in THE 3114115. fry th At the conclusion of The Long Chance of his ad Coinspire KING OF THE CIRCUS des, Mr. Garvy was lastly hindi sung 10 ch eine; ad the procedence Wt. Eps fast. is woud sooossos SSS ning ed wi thn singing of tu the. anal Anthen.
Saw in Thir Faces The Spiren Challenge Cup arron At Morant Bay, thinave of their Gras Ce IwNbe Mr. Marcus Gavy spoke to if God creed initi cult to take plac, da bi an aude centinaia 100 Own WAV ou 414 094 te do the the 8at the Court Hue, Morant Boi des rise inen? Was Avula they the copere or fout who will be on sau o y nhi Mr uicire in mu bw: plan una the winter of the tuby AS piren Dad prisided, and in ten min world! WAV Base a Typuserul bu kingule spe ch cedured Mr. Garotine: Why all its hyme wny, weeth. gr bitan tey wia!
ey as a adr who had co ini lie? could not understad Game for To morrow Borward to help the Nigro Race bit in re li re bold in the on the path of progre48 Clovelly Vs. Viaxntin at Intbmiss ulpit of Juma ca tha au whire tas.
Me Joshu. Gordon of th le (94ra her! ney wanded Ve Yorkstie at LBje Incal banch of the Univra Dr God, more Chic in turis Orn.
Nxro Indrore. Asociatio The Cua Guri Doral then presented Mr. Garvey wi ith. UNIA. told the Crand Concert and Dance.
an address, in waich his off. 12 trakto ad out thang into Box abilitia, shwn by ti dolina Bustep of te Wons UCC and great speed of u nie th The Panama Capital Friendly Associatio. Mr. Vyn my Sootys bali at 221. Street founded, was praised and it oth r? To: question was put Guichapali will be ablaze with final success of the meetin, th Bishop tulery and mentinent next Satur hoped for. brobri 16 inst, for the say Light the Awittel a Concert and dance wbica Sunday Night Meating WI derstand 11113 takes. Jace un tbat night promises 02 few other occasions had not noinn abgd to belleswallet. fr ci the sea the Ward Taeatre bien o crow but Oriss tidnt th Prute sur Dan Munro and his thy ed with people as on 314 drerenith. ntiinasta, Inn atafot comes will be 10 und night at the meting of the Joint but 44 10 berge de Concert, while one aba best orci estias ni.
in sica Division of to UniversbusGid Toe wbie wal had olauawa Negro Improvenent Association on the use their eno al.
w14:1 destruse he music for the dark when Mr. Marcus Garvey, Pres when to chuc The wter living Best bas cither time but expense General of the Asistions not stinalis mixin pok un the subject To Me sun of inscric a te to.
su pecitind tine lurth Jesus Christ au derstood by tends to ale uus Torra scieca chicon day to the New Negro. Every sex stok Kut of clashes, a Ccmne. as occupied and standi groun lain adaly hn and the building was had to be food to be a o caristian, ottreise Tha Lile and Law Benevolent obt sineu.
11. 94 ROKUvitlin.
Friend y Society Mr. Garvey appear. in his VIA. wantel tein tiloit t kind of Crity the rob of office inade up of the 01 emblematic colours of the 80c Iki vaty J1052 in The inaugural meeting of the Lil and Liw Broevilens Fritod y Society Craioured Krern xnt back ta sering on the Mount the He entsrea on the stage in trl and u diled religon this volt a held at the defute Westid pri ssion formelototiesreco 0412 at inn equ (chors. Rd Crosrall to OW Iu un we Asociatios with banner of my wet dur kid of religion SA) GUCIAK 330 prenderly. To dical as DUA and ul men vry of the Jam uier tast wudhelp them to rise and to be fat tua Labour Union also currying their eau ni udarstad box this tid hapa 01 earth HO. tely will be one on on Aur MHA Norvile, wbwa banner, whie the chuir sang chicaiu ni ed President of the nymn, Vuw tbank we all our busilalahi rosa es una. un y el crd Prosident COV 153. blv pasty at WR bid on the evo ou saved and disus ooh 5h dinali, il cuy sp0 Mr. Ad ton Daily, on Scre et v4 to in abatta Buatu lil bin e bio prviu.
tary of th Ass sciation made chins. Not the oues and iby tuliol, with he exc. few remarks thanking the people is vyers Is vyers, it w24 th pea shers ueur b, treasurer who will be elec. eo for attending the metines in bu thysem were hon any dy Burbele, Mud the attcretary, such large numbers and inviting body elt el bicause Laugh the how be apported by the recrary Gew members to ja wape were por, th syd bSell A1 dre wit be given Mr. and Mrs. Gorge McCor ers sought take away their ek wemb of the cloet on the sub mack rendered a sbori programu last nay. rae ople of Je Det Le und Lu, Tbe general pula of songs and their performinos uaica wanted to mand ot iber 10 Lolavited to attend the meettok warbeartily appreciated. preach rs to preacn susCacis leh, no doub, will be broushit to ac Rev. Seiler Salmon, who wu8 preach the real religtua and it and to the entire teaction wall who foutise in the WORKMAN in his robes, bewua giving a dis to preachers did not d) so they suund course on Easter, but toe select a lendir to presch Jasub and gat God Results.
should shut up the churches and GRAND GALA DAY AT Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. dience refused to bear him. Me Buin Alves also started to ad to then. They coala ns get the STANDARD OVAL Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
dress the audience and was well right kind of understanding receiv, d, but when he attempt a cause they had to picture the old days of slavery and less of theo. ozy (cu ers)
wanted more Decoration Day May 30th of Chris St. Peter Church, La Boca FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE and give an account of the and Third Sunday After Easter origin of the people of nheid lici t, but he saw some and no prescher, Low was e pub Decoration Day May 30th. will The publie in her by reminded that SAILIES FROM CRISTOEAL, 62. and FROM BALBOA. NOON uc the be a Giand Gala Day at the si. Peter Church ia La Bica will be poroval and silenced him with fellows vot doing their work and Standard Oval consisting of Athle duly conrearates to wor morning Ikro, Caluscay, April 9, for Ciapping he bad to belp idem do it. Be Sports for the Callao, Moliendo Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso. Mr. Garvey Speaks thea exhorted the people to unite for the school children ups, and he service will begs as 30 u elock.
the and cu pecata titise He Colon and the Canal Zone After the consecratirn there will be. Salvador, Sunday, April 10 for Mr. Garver, who was suffering 2e pake a bearty welcome for Hanc, aud Cance, and and at at night instine followed by a celebration of the Purtatus. San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, LA from a cold and the exertions of Mis Vinton Davis, the Riglet larraarion si the past werk rose to speak, zer of the Assue a ion, who den and Holy Eucharisi The Birhop will be the Uain, La Libertad, Acajutla, San José de Guatemala and lack of a suit proseher and ee ebe. bt. It is underway applause He abbie and easily accessible place of boy that we ex seet every member and CHAMPERICO said: Over digelea tundred would soon be in ta island amusement for the school child very well wisher of St. Peter to wito years ago, the Man Jagus Christ carry on the work he had begun was born to the world. His mis lighting, liberty was no: wicht. sea of of Pagama, where they may be the connection of beir ehurch.
is Quillota, Tuesday, April 12. for sion was to have an opportunity to indulge Buenaventura, Esmeraldas, bubia, wiania and Guayaquil redeein The will be Sund School ar a: 30 freely in games and amusements. and Coral Eve. cus aud versus Alter nineteen hund red petitions, deputations was mus years they were taught charadaca pared dia toe daaie lourbo calculated to enhance their physi 30 Cyccma, Wednesday, April 13, for meetiags ra y unust pie tal development is a matter that trine that durig Pavala, Cortia, Santider, La Rocul tailice and MULCARE, 81 has been freely commented on Liverpool Reotek His time. Men ererywhere bow was ona Negro prepared die ed at the footstool of the Corist cause he thought just and right even now on the sput, for the from time to time, and the Mana fement of the Standard Ova St. Barnabast Church, Empire. Essequibo, Wednesday, April 13, for who was crucified for the whose sympathies have been with New York direct demption of fallen man. Wuere cous. This way be his last pur the children in this respect, bave There will be Morning Prayer and ad soever they wroed their eyes fic appearaare in Krogston and decided to throw the park open dress at 11 o clock; Sunday School will within Chiistendom they found he bade them farew il cheers. to them freely at all times, up to conducted at p. m; and Evening Passergers wishing to make the trip through the Canal only men professing Christ Jemai The National Artnan was suig ca like everywhere Ise in chist and the gathering dispersed.
a pm. daity as place of re Prayer had drom, at 30 can do so, Fare 10 U, including meals, Church Mission Hall, Las Case creativa.
endoin believed in the Christian cadas.
Salling dates and ports of call subject to alteration without idea, in the Coristixa dogana as British Consula:e Notice.
Douce. The Comi any do but accept responsibility for bagtaught by the Man Jesus.
Aance at all. onia Re There wll be Morning Prayer and suge, and passengers are recommended insuru same, creatlo a Ha. address at 11 o cloek; Sunday School at After givirg a long desidera p in, sod Evening Prayer sod addre tu about The Man Christ The British Consulate, Colon, Jesu bis cruritixion by his own would be glad to reserva infor at 30 pw a large turcout is looked For Purther particulars apply to the price of the Companies at Arrangements are now on foot pequle, the Jaws, to whom hation as to the whereabouts of Sara gala night at the Calidonie CRISTOBAL had come, Garvey continued Elizabeth bv, alleged to by MULCARE, creation Hall The well known thu resident in Colon.
or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Priest in charge.
Just at this Easter me it buver City Band ot Boca will PANAMA was the Negro that rendered the The British Copeul, Calm de se attenace to dispense the het in Jazz Everybody wel greatest assistance to His Master wou ba giai of la formation ep me. Come and beat Shouting Rent Rece pt Books in Span Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lag: Sub Agents when the world rejected Him. cerning the present whereabouts Trombone aud die altessh and English, for sele at th The Boy Wau Steau Paokol Co. Psoana and the UNIA. knowing the of John Franklin Hern, formerly Be, ular prices Whorkapan Pointerg gratitude of Jesus Christ bad emoyed in the Machine Shope, chosen Lin a3 their Standard Balbule RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY su prea bus DO of daace.
Liberty was ny gated Woof kind. e for,


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