p. 1


Price CTS.
Trade Prospects of West Indies PANAMA AMERICAN INFLUENCE PROGRAM INTERESTING CASE IN STRONG COMPETITOR ANCON DISTRICT COURT Strong Factors Favouring British Airways reage anxiety and time by which the interiore di Between Ministers of ReligionCommerce at Present Occupies Two Full Days. restablish content concepte imm bo zones of 01 DO her, ՆՃԻ is bild.
noda NO 1917 THE CANAL ZONE BANK Of Roadbuilding Commenced Affairs Again Discussed at Durimg Past Week.
Meeting of Depositors.
The lang talked of program ne th demory of difunct Canal Zone Bank on the Atlantic public is to be connected up by a wide aguin met together in the lengih taken detinite form.
system of roadways hy Cristobal cours house laut Mon The Financier of 28th Februn where the personal element afternoon to Engineers Dan Wright and When Ministers of the Gapel walked up the giale and stropom Ty last publishes the folowing counts for a great deal. Today is emphatically the it is obvious, of course, that tinnal part of their losses could! Panama Construction Company grievances in connection with from Mr. Ander 307 pushing it with the British West Indies to farence, row, for the time being taken in by the receiver si pectively, have con uenced ac exclusively to the Couren on the in th H4 in the prog time for United Kingdom trade the auoption of Imerial Pre be paid them out of the amounts and the bar (pany Po matters pertainin strictly and into a little hale under thoupit treif in the any rate, as accomplished set the last dividend was declared tuul survey, during the past werk. the former Operating in ground that one has defrau led ees of all his people.
card cute be fu ure, ale potents is faiour of British and paid.
special correct sent in Ja trade with these islands. It is Among those present were Col. tbe latter in Cocló.
Ithe province of Santos and the other out of particular or perties it is not surprisin: that The members beconing 17 nich of the murie Mol. That cleve that the present nel Yearick, Me and Mrs WS.
some people bevin doubt the valiz. as thig ocearrencalled future, he tool wiu nie opportunities and ex: with America ils strongly in George Barte, and rald 1urperation tell of the rapid pro sus plots.
as to whoshontaedt, parung ro ribilties. To that the sim din cion. Thes ose and tin. The atiendane: was are 8s being made a well as of hy the still waters of the Ir la nore nitention should be opee aliy In th District Court at Anc, Dees Leat Red Tank th) iaiter, shoull, one, considering toe soit costret onthusiasm of the natives in than wehty to tatuation. b)
regte tien.
who am oelight over the proze CavalZone. It was ther. com It watpatifiltte trial that the pittit attrade oporavy advantawas, at suield no Combing able to travel up before luigan a case in cors dink wint the sot vol hnd won bushes ha Mr. Duzint the clerk op the with vad ficulty from me vine when the tv verso And donira an. Custo in the be developed and cusiness and it a few remarks explored possiblities for ontamins which RP Amsten. where a Rirink th y must cruri calatea di meat order to another to say noting of the food ed) beunant suit avainst the alboran tha il Mi Anter er attended to entre Pre Urhertrons of the locals sind and entrenent ther! 11h trai was ermeu, toth, or if the of the me and th pr je will init ng sining certain prei shousuwan.
di wiarn the ground caused that a novor belastinu that the pics of the corn of Church bindings in whichita cecupid app d 10 tane the Vac: of several thousands lour rs will th: Canal Zon, and unlawfully Anlars. remmering nd the tax B1. are the 29.
Csilain As, Wall, is required in the underoaking us 50sziby nim of them.
Tithi cetion it would be and orenset the oririon that WhWestli di correla elit for Busi Terlek be askidtbuliin oli tuloil running during which te two leaders of 21 Al this to place tra s, the Anu rien tiadergoin Ta proganin: includes the The case occupied to fall dovsana rere dedition in krund, bertole, tracciati cine and maintie positi. Mr Yanckie and thus aicil es neating the pusition at he end of the tain e punrey on th. ulied to thel tract inat he would you the west bank of the Cor religion aired their diferences to in was very much to the 80s to unwr aptly the winngiyo soit it was the xos river to the town of Almi the Wart, and during tha triat one timai 1948 thny)
advantage of the British ner of for traders, sire of the depositors and assan raro in Bicas del Toro. The som uninspiring pr. pnkara revelacions chant and manufacturer Blic nailcoannisrepresentavond hem that he would do his concession for this railcoad was struck the public which made During the recent session often made in the local pressad bast to bring the matter coats ante several years ago to Coil Ba Iz :bub feel that he was being Sinca na transporca thony the Legislative Council one vem to watch merly tor opportune B. Duncan, and the pro roosed beaten at his favorit: hobby.
ertie! to th 101 ber expressing the ori it or the of keep re telling facts before si vy a settlement as puisible.
route has already It appears from the testimony Mr. Andron never receiv do Mr. Gerald Martin tben fold ed. It will run through some ot trerest that report Anima exy Briisi ticen trade bote trove blatantly trade It would also be a great the meeting of the result of an the most fertile valleys in that that th: R:v. dersoa bad erect penny from the Din Bard ed with much toil and anxiety, either dimetly or indirectly than these penure to the investoibere, in which staple ricies the nerican Foreiza Banking expicted that when the wholek, 2, and the other Griyhis dod vtigo the Web interests Kemially acivantag: 10 have warehouses interview with the manager of section of the Republic and his wo Curea buildings one at Rias silary yet they have been sall ni prti a tas de cla! ed that whatever ue chose uld be stocked in large quanti Corporation, Mr. Harle, who told programma is pus through the key in trade, we were Amer tes and nu breasy to upply ole. Mar and some industrial atus of the kepublic chapali, Punami richis and od bim These Methylist Nozety, and then icans, ard must be so. The bear both the sudden demands of an ibors who aces wie will bave been greatly improved prior to the year churches were mnaved by Mi fore Anders broughs suis 128 of the United States Semergency and normal everyday tau interview. luit there was Androat under an iae invenient through in attorney, 3. Ces graphi utan Mr. and theory, the site weldon denlands of the local merchants bone money in the bank in the Advertise in Tha Work. is atat time seeklis Druli: 10. 100th sounds of Fraud, winsto. set Hith transthe island of the United Puit It should always be borno in me of Mi. Jas Cosgrove as re Company, a big American man it Pays ble pastures in connection wihThecuse lasted two full 1253 cern, tbe ine itable growth and mind that a merchant letter to ceiver for the Csual Zone Bink his Interlocking of American and America gets to its destination but that he could not tell them Known ay ine Free meth Cracius Juig. Hun.
explorations for the body the antive day, and in three weeks the acival amount except the dexal business inter extes, and the the goods orderan con be in the posiloes to the nation through Death by Suicide North America, nat as an suc sed t) Mr FIXE big push of Portar counsel for Amsden went on goods here during the war, com a aica. To Englavo a letter takes to court. Mr. Martin terbales to say that he understood that tained no regular place to house and the Free Methouis Board Line strongly to fatovr the Au. between two and three weeks to the amount in the baik was in adates and nine or ten the neighbourbood of his followers whereupon he and that they make sone settlement reach its address erican trade at this moments weeks must elapse 000 The neighbourhood of West Mr. Anderson somehow port with me Anderen hith hu the luwosena, assistant 12ch. street was startled Yast zether and agreed to inix for ministers had destified directly But there are stronger be lost so di arrive in the island to contact our to No. og rose am Toucsday morning ab ut 103 cenas him an Anders and sur: in oppositiva to waca ochar, on the other side. In the first snould be the aim of the British halt so hand an additioual 2, 500 by the ring of revolver shot coming a member of the Free would be compelled to find this and rendering autonomy ha fiadiaz ba place, there is an intense ano trader to do everything he can to enduring desire on the part of reduce this bandicap of grenser The question of the sale of the occupied by Me, Lino Herre: which came from the building Methodist body, one of the minister baden mit the local traders to get Enelich distance, and in this connection Javillo cul was again brought up ra, aod on tastening to the spot goods when they can be had, and the establishwent of warehouses and stronkly supported by Mr. the neighbours dissovered that from the States connected with very harmful to the churca.
Just at that time a delegata ted perjury, and this would be deal with when would be a move all the more tall Porry. Mr. Duziat also selter the old gentleman wad putan end the abovena ned religious orkan At all possible. British goods are ing if British firms took the red certain smuun is due the to his life. He was found seated zation arrived on the Isthmus on Mr. Porter and De Amsden trong, listing and reliable.
have accepted the suggestion of Their standard can be dependea toitiative not in some distant bank wbich, if culiected, he said in a chair bleeding from a bullet 1813 Inspection who after the art and the latter has writ to morrow but right now and would reach 15, 000.
on in a superior degree toʻA Amer bere wound whica had penetrated the som preliminary arrangements, ican goods generalis. Then, in Mr. Foley then moved that Mr night tempe and passed out over succeeded in getting Mr. Ander mitto puoi the Board for caretulness and exactress of Yeariek be appointed receiver to the left ey, the weapon being a son to turn over himself and his into efect. We think the sug authority packing and dispatch the Ens Britain Pride Lodge take the place of Captain Waid. 32 calibre Colt. Oa the desk at flock to the Free Methodist so gestion of Judge Han a very cuses are more dererdable.
The motion was seconded by Mr. uis side Were found two letters ciety with the understanding Caristiaa like and wise one, and By slowiy built on experience No. 2343 Martin, and received the unanim. Por other the meta persone con tontinue toatex Agile jurisdiccia it as sed on will certainly avoid a tonin they have no catered the business ous approval of the meeting.
at of shipping mora, thoroughly Order of Davids FRIENDLY SOCIETY point, ployed with the Panama Agencies over his congrey tiwas saudara seuadal oa religion.
Reference was a Home English houres give longer cre mean acvous ot Receiver Cos his household furniture, and the Board of the Free Methodist dit and better discounts han do The officers and members of cd 500 to complete the job, Don, Archibaldo Boyd, when and recognised laister of the 810ve, who though he had receiv other to the Mayor of Panama, Paurch as regularly ordainea LLOYD GEORGE QUOTED She American. Two per cent the above named Lodge are ad okipped before he had gonea raa as follows: Mr. Mayor, sect.
may be taken as the general dis informed that their general meet all brouga with it count among the latter, while ing will be held on Tuesday, April an killing myself because it suits With the utmost cradulity and to the Editor of THE WORKMAN, the English give per cent when 19, at teir lodge hall, 20th Street The meeting then gòjourn my purpose. await your orders faitn in the agreements of his She goods are settled or on ar Central at 00p. sharp instead ed ull Suucay (comorrow) atter in the next world.
Sir. Last we forgat will you brethren in the Vineyard Mr.
tival, and St per cent when post Friday the 22nd. All are ex. noon, ai o clock, in the same Mr. Merrera family being in Anderson hastily effected the belood enough to insert in your ment is made in London at once. pestico to be present as there is place.
California, there was no ou who tranfer of all his church proper widely circulated journal for the could tarow any light on the ties which valued over 000 00the following remarkably words information of those concerned RESIDENT AGENTS usluza uf great importance.
HORSE RACINGAT JUAN causes which led up lu this terri: And no sooner was this by Lloy George in addressing It has been an adrantake also ble tragedy, but certain of the done than Mr. Atosden was duty the British Parliament recently: to British trade, that besides Shorfnand Certificate FRANCO TO MORROW neighbours state having seen appointed Superintendent of the himit him sitting on the balcony in a work hele. Gentlemen This Worldwide pushing his way through by means of travellers, important rather pensive attitude during Sir. Isaac Pitu an Sons of sections of it are represented The Panama Jockey Cluh is the early part of the morning At once, fire started for me trouble is fast growing beyond the human control; but here by permanently resident the Phonetic Iosituut, Baib, hare As to travellers been been pleased to grant Mi, Percy competent opinion is that luey Seals of Culot second class race meet conducted along up to lid had stepped 1gside the room. therly love did not contingement in which all religious pra the sporting public to witness and only a few minutes altered to find fault with Mr. Ander founded upon justice, a Govern.
om son and his methods and Bioa rule, very well chuset, Certicale for a date lines.
Bre, as Mc Hercera was in his sixtyjudices and racial distinctions dislile The success which atter. ded sixth year and bad during his stastical amity and there was a supplanted eccle. shail cease. ble, eſ ticient There is. however saliefactory Theoretical and practical know one point to Tedge of the Art.
last Sunday meeting and the litericus billed several important which 82 growing up before ms which more attention might Toe ex u ination was conduct generat sausfaction all come positions the government and religious tug of war, reacher its zenith paruicu Government that is founded paid. It is to training the trav. ed by Mr. Marcus Julien In Au cerned have prompted tat Club Cubu ar service, lar Sunday when Dr. Anderson upon justice and whose workings ellers in what may be termed Rust last, who forwarded the to arrange for at other pro was in the pulpit at the Red are based upon love. This Gvmore, psycological flexibility, examination papers to London. gramme tomorrow, Sunday in Rent Racelpt Eoaks in San Tank Cburch soding forth the crament comes nos from the This is specially important in a Mr. Clarke is respons and it is expected that a recura ish and English, fist sa le at the word and Dr. Arus den hastily hand of feeble man, but from the community like the West Indian, ble for the tuitiou.
crowd will be preseli.
workman Priatary. entered the Church, indiguautly, power of Almighty God.
con before the toat English fil ms tea fish ho written to en of to the agents.
Shorthand ad Radical


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