
ra mo TE WORKMAN, BATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JUST ARRIVED colonial maters These matches, it is be held under the auspices of the Sporting Club, but we have heard nothing the present.
Thorne and FATIMA The ed IN Hon.
iams, and the entertainment of Moisture Proof Packages Mr. Henry de Minrelle, nasta ner in the firm of Minvele Chusenet, has been pinted an official member of the Legis.
lative Council in the place of str. Agricultural and a arcial de cone appoint.
consisting of Laffitte, Hon. will Mr. Peter, to an range for the Canadian Pacific Railway res presentatives. It is suggested that there should be a a tour of the Island in cars.
The St Government Association have St prepared the Petition which, following the lead of St. Vincent and Grenada, they propose to for ward for presentation to the King. They pray for the grant of franchise on the grounds that a considerable section of the in habitants have reached a stage of fitness for political privileges, and that taxation without repro sentation is inequitable.
Demerara OF 20 CIGARETTES CHOICE entered and easily Todor Street on William with THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE hurt meeting of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce the prin.
ciple of contribution to the new mail subsidy, was accepted, and the Chamber also put on record that should Trinid and Barba dos rejet tbe prɔ vosal the prin ciple might be extended to to cover the possibili y of a srvice to British Guian. alone if yurrintees were provided in respect of freight.
DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT BLOOD ELIXIR Varre, a lo the vince to wealth.
subject, as views on Barbados thanks for the kind remarks roade about him and hoped he would profit by the advice he had British Union Oil Company that day received The British Unica 01 Compa The House of Aseemb met at ny, Lid, will, to all appearances. noon on Tuesday, March :h. soon rap the letetits they de Committee composed of Messrs.
serve from the literal and pra Austin, Williams with ubich they have Haynes, been spending their big capital Dr. Massiah were appointed to in the search for oilit Barbacos, prepare a replv to a message re Already they have struck veins ived from His Excellency the 30 various which parts of the country Governor in connection with the premises good yields ard we learn. on Monday lost at water supply to tbe shipping Springfield, in St. Joseph, drilling there proved eminently suc. tion moved by Mr. Year.
The Hovee adopted a resolucessful. It is stated that the oil spouted to a tremendous ehil wood rearming their adber flooding roads and covering the once to the terms of the resolusurrounding land for tion of June 15th, 1920, agreeing yards around with the sticky to contribute towards the cost of huid. We are anxious for the West Indies providing a definite an Agricultural College for the success of the Company under scheme showing the amount nec taking, for we realise what it ileans to Barbados.
essary for the up keep of the College. were placed before the He use.
Typhoid on Increase We learn that typhoid is on the fatal motor car accident ocIncrease, and the hospital wards curred in Tudor Street on the and the alms houses, as a result, 12th ulto Richard Wesley Grant, remain congested, The illness is an ex. soldier who has row epidemic and in many homes twice been an inmate at Jenkin this srim, wasting and weaken ville, was driving a motor car be.
ing disease bas longing to Major Watson, and taken away some loved member, of of the Canadian Bank of ComIt is a disease not led or eradicated, and many per the control merce, blong the day in question when he came taking injections as a into means of sefe gua roin their per: Vaugban, aged 65, of Sobers sons against invasion. The re: Lare. The atter was taken up.
tion to timely my playing the duel institution later in the day. Grant Cert hvers By help the situatiously the Generel Hospital and died at that nuisance awhile was arresti dard charged by the Government Estimates police authorities with having committed manslaughter.
The Government Estimates for 19212 will be considered by the The Rev Ellis, recently Super.
House of Arsunbiy at its next intendent of the James Street meeting. It is alticitated that Wesleyan Circuit, after a sojourn this year budget demands will of thirty years in the West In be bravier than usual and it will dies four of which were spent be interest to learn of the in the Leeward Islands District ways and a. pns to be adopted and twentysix in the Trinidad to meet the large expenditure Barbadce District. sailed on the which seems inevitable.
The 17th ulto. by Caroquez for Goverror suggestion for an In. Trinidad, wherce he will sail for come Tax has not met with a nuadh a England where he expects to very flattering reception. A continue bis ministry. He car number of the members of the res with him the affection of his House do do not scensingly take him people and the respect of a large Yery serious y. He propuses ar a circle of acquaintances. as the report of the long Black Sunday Civil Service Commisappointed BIOD should have some bearing on Last Sunday, March 13, when the Estimates, it would seem to the future history of Barbados be about time that something comes to be chronicled, may be was heard of the decisions ar. well referred to as Biack rived at If lenghty considera: day on account of the number tion has any value the report, tragedies occurring on this day.
whenever it coes appear, sLould Firstly, there was a motor acci be weighty and convincing. dent occurring in the moroing through which an elderly man Another Committee has been was knocked down, to the inju ppointed to consider the goes ries from wbich be afterwards tion of water supply to the ship. succumbed. Scarcely had the plrg. There is some new blood spectators of this recovered from on the Committee and we are the shock than the quiet of the hoping that the results of their day was furiber disturbed on investigations and recommenda learning that a woman bad been husband in ti ve will be a triumph for the wided by her reputed the the rule. Comunit of Baxter Road tees appointed to go into this this darit a fracos. Still later in of the Vasari lys successful in the past, and the frim Brazil. the news reached public is getting tired of failure sbore that a double tragedy had und angry at expense.
part only three days previously been from Committee burgling, how perpetrated on board, in which ever, there seems room for passenger shot bis wife and charges of incompetence to be then committed suicide, and as laid arpinst the Government sequel to these on the following Department responsible for the day a por ter while in the execuSupervision and expired on Fairtug Brien. 1: ered that child Street, for the purpose of pounds in expenditure, an inefi Savings Bank deive the lunch and his igno cient mechanic was employed to Mr. G. Sinckler able re Tarohibit of her ard his in port on the Government Savings either to point out of 1852 for the especial becefit of 10 Bank, which was established in to remedy a small defect, incieased with the labouring and industrial time, has render classes, shows that that institu.
ed the tug almost useless. tion is still holding pab e attendant brought her in spite of the keen competition own, and from Trinidad over the high seas of our other savings back in the to Barbedcs, safe and sound, Al Island, its deposits have actually incapable attendant rendered her actit for harbour duties, increased by 196, 554 in one year. New Barister St. Lucia At the sitting of the Court of dinary on March 1lth, His Honour Sir Greaves. Kt.
Boxing Contest.
presiding, Mr. Ernest Allan Cul St. Lucia was to hold a boxing tymore, was introduced to contest last week under the aus.
the Bar by Mr.
KC, BA, LLIDE Yevents on the programe one pices of a newly formed Board of Boxing Control. There were two General. The briefly referred to the young tor lightweights, the winner of Barister and stated his qual fica which was to receive 20 and the tions. His Honour in welcoming loger 10, and the other for Mr. Celiy more, gave some good welter weights, the winner of advice and expressed his pl as which was to receive 40 and the great admithiig him to the Bar loser 20. The Voice of St.
of the Is. ard. Mr. Colly more in Lucia states that the winners few short words, returned will meet the Barbadians in inter, hey dispose.
amonds are found in care Suuwa wa crossXOOXOXOSS THE BLOOD exception over the go be Apart The existence of a diamond chimney in British Guian. yielding stones as rich, or richer, ihan those of the South African FOR diamond fields, is believed in by Mr. La rre, a Harvard STRENGTHENING leading an exBradition, who is Magnificent Pro to search for this for great THE BLOOD store of His che as reported in the CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Financial News, are.
that some Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, where near every spot where Cutisid Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, rable numbers there must be a Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
chimoey. There is no telling definitely where the Guiana AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR chimney is located, but mean to find it, and are basins PURIFYING AND ENRICHING our expectations on mora than speculation Study of data cola lected by other explorers and prospectors, as well as by own observations, indicate tbat it is near the Venezuela border.
Quality only is considered In the selection of the Ingredients employed St. Vincent In this preparation.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy Very favourable weather has been experienced recently. The XSA SSSSSS csecs Sex cotton crop is practically over, and the cane harvest is not yet in full swing. According to iba Kingston Times, there is no active arrow. bill The Classical and is to be introduced in the legis lative Council with without YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT Commercial School amend the income (Arrowroot)
Tax Ordinance, 1920, by No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz ing that are ing that costs of production may het Box(1044, Ancon, be set off against the tixed price That the goods we sell are exactly as represented. ELEMENTARY AND HIGH of 59. per barrel. There is We guarantee them s0. Prompt, efficient and satisSCHOOL COURSES ers as to the payment by Gov.
some anxiety among cotton grow.
factory service in the interest of our customers is our Day and Night Sessions ernment of 1919 20 crop bonus, which is overdue constant aim and purpose.
SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra The Mine laying Squadron of Geometry. Bookkeeping. Type the paid a short visit to For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry writing, Shorthand, English, Ele Kingstown on January 30th and and expert repairing. Call and visit ments of French, Spanish and 31st, about 400 of the crewa ong Latin Grammar, etc. Nighttaining shore leave School now in session.
FULLER JEWELRY STORE, Day School re opers Monday, Jan uary 17, 1921, at 30 a. TROOPS IN HAYTI 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
ROBERT LINDSAY, Mr. Harmsworth, replying to (Camb. Senior)
Major Lowther on February Principal 24th, said that no representations bad been received from the Hay.
tian Government regarding the THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT treatmert accorded to Haytians Dr. Hoffman by the officials and marines of No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE the United States of America bas reopened his clinic for gen justitied executions, restrictions with regard to forced labour, une eral practice for gynocolorica of freedom of worship, and rem First Class Meals served at all hours cases and urological disorders of traint of commerce.
both sexes. Diseases of the blood EARLY TEA AND COFFEE treated in accordance with the Frank, the American Jouroalist. The allegations of Mr. Harry latest German discoveries. Ap Special accommodation for Ladies plication of the Genuine German on this subject were published is 606 end te latest modiscasion The West Indian Committee. TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS 11495 and Silber salversan. Continued on page TELEPHONE No 746 SERVICE UPTODATE, CENTRAL AVENUE NO 41, Rent Receipt Books in Span Opposite Amador Theatre Ish and English, for sale at the Whorkman. Priatery.
delay provide a few becca, best, which


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