
THE WORKMAN SATURD Y, APRIL 16, 1921, PAGE THREE The Prince of Wales Great Public Disas.
on Scout Craft ter in Great Britain Mr. PIEDMONT localls.
appeal is not going to tell you Exactly what night He is coming to Calidonia again But is not An exchange states that the Defeat of Jimmy Wilde, Prllowing circular, issued last the Boxer month by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ia behalt of the Boy Scouts of Great Britain (From the Manchester Guardian)
sbould have some interest The defeat of Jimmy Wilde now that a similar is 82 the borer, recently, at the Al ing the rounds in favour of the bert Hall, has aroused much in incal organiz tion. It shows what terest and sympath as a grave Royalty, and our future King public disaster. This was parti Emperor thinks of the value of cularly due, no doubt, to the fact Scoutcraft:that he was one of the few sa: ST JAMES PALACE, pre ne stars left to us in our whole athleti: calender in boxing During my recent tours had he was our only one. Strong.
an opportunity of seeing the silent men are said to have pt strength of the Boy Scout move last night at the ti o we ment; it his spread to every land wild went down, and in a and corner of the Empire and its faithful earnast shabby criad possibilities for the future, both of at home and overseas are very hul, most of them lsds with of you hs who waited outside the es great.
bopes of their own of a great sion abroad that the work of the scenes of strong emotion. It is There is an err nenusimores future in th: ring, th:re were Buy Sccuts is carried on without given to low mn to move bis money, unfortunately, this is a fellow. creatures as this little complete misconception of the Welsbman ha: done. He is position. Considerable sous are in Who Who, bat he acquired to meet the expenses of the Association. At least 2006 MS with the possible 000 is. carry the only man in England who98 and to put the movemento presence in the streete would not sound footirg: set piddle class. excep: the running to see On all sides hear of grateful The 010 admiraition for the men who have unger portion, would probably voluntarily carried out this work not be affected in this way, but for their younger brothers dur just as as Ton Sayars ing the name excit.
12 years. want to ed even Thackeray and remain suggest that every body who so potent today that when a res begelen we chilbing bould con rohich pectable Politonearing the by subscribing to fund war was as we could then offer to the Scouts event tof his life in his obituary Assc ciation as a mark of appre in gravest papers that he ciation for its was perhaps the last man who for its splendid work.
Тbe great myself, is healthy and grow ers fight, so that Henan. Say they bave a left ing steadily; last year it increas hand knowledge of it too, Wilde ed in numbers and efficiency be has stated that he is not yet go yond all expectation.
ing to retire from boxing, so he Will you belp to double its may make a still more wonderful numbers this new year? performance than he did recentEDWARD ly.
Chief Scout for Wales. Training Collega might also be located in that Colony, so that An Education Conference the teachers could attend Some modification in the eys course at the Agricultural Coltem of training primary school lege.
teachers in the West Indies and The delegates selected are: in the curriculum of primary Barbados: The Right Rev schools is foreshadowed by the Berkeley, D, D, Mr. Green.
assembly this month of an inter halgh, Sc. Assistant Inapec.
colonial Education Conference in tor of Schools, and Mr. Rawle in a circular despatch on the sub Wesley dall Boys Schnol: Grena that Parkisonof the ject dated February 13 h, 1920 da; Arch deacon A. Walton and Colonel Amery referred to the Mr. Nurse; St. Lucia: Hon.
suggestion that a central Train William Degezon, and St. Vin.
ing College might with advantage cant: Hon. Popham be established at a place Administrator and Ciloble to students from all the Le nial Secretary The selection of THE GREATEST and that, if it were decided to to Mr. Hane ock, the newlyser Antilles and British Guiana the Trinidad delegates was left establish a College of Tropical elected Director of Elucation. GIFT Agriculture in Trinidad, the (W. Committee Circular. THE DADDY OF EM ALL will be there with Money In His Pockets past in the SOME NIGHT THIS WEEK DON BE CAUGHT WITHOUT PACKAGE OF Piedmont Lobb.
ac ei. MG RED LETTER DAY Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities At St. Peter s, La Boca, CALL AT THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE 197 Bollvar Street, Colon For the latest in Pa lor Clocks, Ladies and Gent watches and Jewelry of all description Williamson, Prop.
DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH in your Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshIng beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks CALL AT THE Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Fundsy last, the 10th inst, will po The greatest gift that Heaven down in the history of St. ter Church, has given to mankind is the gift Use your opportunities as an investor to La Boca, as a red letter day, by rencon of SIGHT, and all will agree that of the overpowerine solemnity of the it is a priceless treasure. No hu tha best advantage servion which were beld in in connection man being can be happy without with the consecration of this church. The it. It cannot be bought or sold time honored ceremony begon precisely by either rich or poor. More at 45, a. when tho Rt. Rev. Jas, headaches are caused from eye The Isthmian Undertaking Co. have during Craik Morris, D. bishop of the strain and eye weakness than Panama Canal Zme, preceded by the from all other causes put toge the past year created a profitable business and bids Rev. Nivhengule and the Rev, J, ther.
Mulesre, we met at the cast door of Do your eyes feel as thougb fair in this year of grace for bigger business.
the church by the Wardens and Commit. there is gravel in them! Are teemen, together with hirty one eherle they inflamed? Are you having This should interest Jyou, since it can be the ters The keys the edifico were pre any trouble with your glasses?
sented to the Bishop by the senior War. If there is any question in means of opening a safe and sane investment.
den, when a solemn procession was forto mind about the condition of your up the main aisle of the church Icome.
eyes or the kind of glasses best There are still some unsold shares. Buy them diately after the birbop took his sest, suited for your vision, then con the Rector presented to him the Instru.
now. Later on they will be worth more.
ments of Donation and Endowment. CIALIST.
sult COMPETENT EYE SPE which the bishop readily approved and 00 PER SHARE. ANY NUMBER quested the Restor to read to the deseo congregation.
The next step way the reading of the Remember we stand for Service, Profit and Sentences of Conseration. This the The kind of glasses as you see Co operation bishap called upon the Rev. Night in above evt relieves all eye engale to do; whereupon the building strian, protect the eyes from was duly consecrated.
glare or strong light and gives Consecration over, matide was con you perfect vision for EVERY.
ducted by the Rector, assisted by the THING and ALL DISTANCES Rev. Nightengale. Then followed Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown: the Holy Eucharist, at which the bishop ed Eye Specialist of New York)
was celebrant and preacher, the Rector, No. 47 CALIDONIA Descon, and the is one of the most competent and Rev. Nightegale Sub deacon. For the first time in the city. Many persons whom he reliable eye specialists in this of the church beautiful Sanctus ba Bell (the Euster gift of Mro. Lionel Roach has served are testifying to this fact, of New York City) was used, and greatly augmented the solemnity of the Dr. BUCHANAN service.
The bishop took for his text, was var St. opposite Maronis Build.
office is located at No. 182 Boliglad when they said unto me, Let us going. Colon, of STRAND ICE CREAM PARLOR into the house of the Lord (1 Kings, 8: 1) The bishop prefaced his discourse Adjoining Strand Theatre, Bolivar and 11th Streets with a brief history of parishes in Ear Advertise in the WORKMAN nd and America, which was very inter esting But the main part of his sermon: and get Good Results.
The Most Up to. Dnto in Colon well, it was highly charged literary and spirirual electricity. Throughout Banitary and up to date in every respect. Ioes and fruits of all kinde. the entire die onurse the influence of the the who were present for many a loug day.
Ioed Milk, Cakes, Candies, Cigars, eto.
Holy Spirit was felt by every one in the Through this medium tho Roctor vast assembly of worshippers, and musay wishes to thank bis tried friends and were the heart felt expressions if thank supporters who came over from Empire. Pay us a visit before, during or after the show and you will call fulness to Almighty God for such as Parairo, Red Tank, and Padams to wit.
epiring sermon, and such hallowed exers the dedication of St. Petar by thewwwwwwwwwwwwww cises, which will be remembered by all ma.
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