
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921, THE WORKMAN French Bazaar CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program rare palladiumotor STOVES a uran. Her Plan With your Gas Bill Alice Brady Published on Saturdays by IN Rates for Advertisement on applies WA ROND, at the fee Castal Ave Loc. Correspondence on all masters mod corner o Sireet, Paasman of public interest invited.
PANAMA The Probation Wife is the kde Tonight Saisrday PO Box 74. Ponato All copy for publication must be tad of picture that will appeal to written on one side of spar only. 50 all classes. Ii is a human story RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIO. muss be accompanied by the 2ne of Ore Year 40 9. CY the writer, at sally for tublies about a very human girl Norma SPECIAL SALE OF.
12 op buts ark of good for Tomadge is given an oppertonts Norma Talmace We do no uadertake to rebut this picture to display that ori Doe 354 rejected correspondence Pure Leather Shoes for men ginality and versatility for which she has become famous. She gives The Probation Moxbray tree di tinc charac SATURDAY, APRIL 16 1921, Tan and Black ail sizes at terizations We seelier as an in Wife inale of a cabaret Jive, then in a the following prices: Ey Angie Ousley Rooser reformators, and lastly as the wife THE MAYOR WARNNG SHOULD fi wertv New Yorker. Miss woman lov. i912 rer BE NOTED.
Tamavige plaialy shows you the than the oxan, and shares it 75 50 iš vandet inte heart and soul of exc pt. but see the sw y, the girl who did not have a fair The Probation Wife, and That Mayor Boyd is determined to deal a hard and chance.
learo when.
decisive blow to vagrancy in the city of Panana can be Seen in his statements with reference to the large num.
Be carelui what you say to a bers of idle men in and around the city; and it must be young lady when you re alone TO MORROW with her taken for granted thut his orders to arrest all loafers who especially it youre rich. Maybe there a dictagraph (Sunday)
may be seen loitering and bitchiog up at street corners in the room and you may be will be carried into the strictest execution.
bauled into court to face a breach The position is a little embarrassing to those persons of promise suit or run up against The Girl who put who have been accustomed to work all the days of their other alternative blackmail the Man in Romantio lives and who are not working now because they have been The latter experience betalls Jaid off on account of reduction of force on the Canal Zone.
are sold on easy wealthy lialian signor io Dorothy Dalton latest picture, AR While it is true that there are many branches of local tic Adventuress coming to the Dorothy industry calling for skilled, and chiefly, unskilled labor, it Cecilia Theatre to norrow Miss payment terms Dalton.
seems as though the inducements offered by these are not Dalton, as the heroine, is the cena Eutlicient to attract the people, and as long as this is true in the scheme connec.
tral figure eu to relieve him of some of his in the call for labor will remain unanswered, lira, though she is innocent of the It is felt by the laboring classes, who have expressed YOU PAY themselves on ihe subject, that the head of the local con.
US ROMANTIC loving mother is the real insi cens in question do not take a very humanitarian view of gator of the conspiracy Even ADVENTURESS.
tually, of course, the schemers are the labor marker, because the prices they offer are in some a littie each month exposed, and Dorothy is aimed instances so ridiculous that not even a messenger buy tu Dariy tbe nian oilier choice.
MONDAY woud stop to decu them.
The New York Itea sees to!
There is a general belief that the local concerns are he toat Narend takie advantage of the scarcity of work on the Canal Brasil, youtke this apart. NEALANT PICTURSS 2one in iting low prices for labor, and if this is true the nyu let it and tour Mayors that has given risu tu a sluaticu that fuiif you don like your pret, present Lines Icod for thought.
uko divne Site WANTED DVORIWe are in triclest accord with the Alcalde of Pansma in his furt io sianp out or riduce vagrancy in the AT What grunn of course Chy, and we hope that his work in this connection will be PANAMA GAS CO.
COLON GAS CO. was a stura question for the IN successful, but we see a little difficulty which might make Cathedral Plaza YOUR 13 Bouvar St, judge to a ! ynthin karslaka the whole question quite a complex atar, Was for minu e.
Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364. Anitha te cmemis is tha The New York Idea It must be tumenbered that the Panama Canal. 10. a of was not granting gra uitous sums to the silver emhis Davix things about her By Langdon Mitchell ployees when they carried tim on the pay roll, and it Duorin a very antidy manner.
may not be possible for the local companies to pay for all And a dioc. was Sparkling Comedy so tasy what it wasn any fun at of Love and Divorce classes of laboral exac ly the same rates as those of the Panana Canai, but it is expected that the people should EVERY WORKMAN 11a divorce a failure? That be often wages that will give them opp runines to procorrelate with a la naik sahn.
question will se in our mind (Tuesday)
Vide tuenselves with the wherewithal of subsistence.
when opfo ALL CAVA:7A ANCGN BASSCALL Don inueitik dan bly.
BRADY in THE NEV YORK If there is work to be obtained, West Indians would Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC IDEAL a pune totale ou wa CLUS be ex femely foolist, it not worthless; to loat around in we parks with nothing in their pockets nor bellies; but it will give you quirkinent relief You can go to work beat Popujar Dene. it kecause of the grea reduction of force on the Zine and Kepa Lady cellente the cuns quent surge of unemployment the local companies Dr. TICHENORANTISEPTIC Bryant Wa burn is the Star Live, Jazzy. Poppery Acis and his role in the pietor is one that you remember are utlering the people nuiculously low wag s, it cannot be eures dobio iach, cuis, brus orius Aliuro stores that ll live long lalne melody imagwtd wat they will submit to such inaustrial slavery.
af who me it. Every time ADTAISSION he Spent a dime, He Spent an Nothing is more probable than that advantage could hour in mourong. Te kirls al be taken of the present situation and conditions imposed Tuesday and Wednesday Cilbhouse Activities and prosrlyte.
cuted hit human that would damage the interests of the laborer, and amidst safty vault.
You had to use dynamie get On Saturday evening last, the all the evils of economy this would be the most lamentclub held a literary night, at dollar ou of him. But one abla zince the employers would feel that they possess the There has recently been or which meeting a paper on healthiens, in the Lyric Temple of JESSE LASKY option of giving the employees anything they may choose ganized at Red Tank a Health building was read by Mr. Jazz pation, he wet Vision who to in the iorm of wages, and Educational Club, the objects Bourg, followed by diecussion; shook a wicked bool in the name presents At the same time the utmost discretion on the part of and literary activitieco culture also the first of he recent lec art. No he one of the best of fame being ure Tures of HG Wells, on This the prospects gold digger ever of the men who are now wem poyed is neces ary, and their ope: 8 in accordanes with a Civilization. Wha read and Xuliined by MK Tue ist is cover and the best and sales judgement must be used under the circum weekly schedule, fiur Stances; as 10 sell respecting man would like to be picked wels Tutoins afternoo38. are Manning. The program was ran. ciayers, headed by Lis winton, Wednesday, dar, dend very erjable by the the lead wiman, includ: devoted to Medicine ball El Pico renditions of Mrs. Dixo. Biche Giny. Grace Morse, up as a Vagrant ou tue street, and yet af he can show no Volleyball tuie uns of supporting himself and does not possess any ting up exercises and don in and two selaliy Mrs. Barnes Emi y Chichte, ere. Gelinance it would be a tremendously dangerous risk for the stations; Thursday night in Persons desicing to join the usra Clarence Burtua, and in Bovernment to conclude that public saiety can be granted literary right, and Saturday aclat will receive cuasideration on ollers.
With such individuals are around.
ternoons, games.
applsiog to the president by The Pogical Director is Mr. Itter, that many cumpanies are calling for labor without reg Mr. Palmer; Sueret av. Mcs. Dr. LORD vehicle Jes Call Me Jim there is a Paramount Pleturo The Mayor states that there is plenty of work, and Terence o De Boara: President in Will Rogers latest starring ponse. Well, we hope that the uoemploped who are the Lucy Manning Headquarters a pathetic scene in which the pov most intererted in ta question will sez: the opportunities pie at miher clodhouse. Some of and HOWELL erty striclea and insanie inventor tinu that the conditions will be of the nature make such the members are siready report is seen largursting in tilthy material ta provom nt in Dentists He has been THURSDAY is a work nonse.
Iespouze ready and rapid.
suneral helin, as a result of the feature of the greatest importance in connection pbysica) culture system of ter 143 CENTRAL Ave, robbed of ther. git to his inven (La De. Buitey Office)
man band Bolcher.
with the question is the care that should be exercised by bar McFadden, of whichi cele The superintendent of the a Bridge they weil be many who would ceserve to be taken up and utmost to force inv.
placeu nu jall as potential cumivals, many who are jobbers capablt; but a respectable resident of the city hates even insanity and tarvation.
either camit suicide er or die from With WILL ROGERS va te ducks anu dle where who usually obrain iregular to be thought undesirable and unworthy.
but their scheme is ih varied by work and are accustomed to it, may also be picked up as West ludiaus must be careful as to how they come comes to rescue the insawe wao Jim Fentou (Viul Rugers) who GOLDWYN Vagrauts.
under the meaning of the order. We know that the laying because he believes the girl he We are confident, however, that the horourable off has also affected hundreds of Americans many of whom loves, ia bertura, loves tue iu Alcace willite that each case is propery investigated have not the sightest intention of returning to the United veatur, FRIDAY duule ulit penal Weight is pacel ou li ose who way be States at the present time. How about them? Many of antolta. Tie necessity of this way have alieady iciced them are prouiless and the lure of the tropics keeps them STOLL FILM CORPSRATION When juseli on his mud.
Matheson Dung was here and they don want to leave, but they are out of jobs first coofroud with the idea of presents We know of instances, in the past, in which several and don see any in sight.
playing Me Wu, the Chinese Mr WU respectable men have been acrested as vagrants and placed That will be their own problem, but as far as West Intong boss and multi miluonaire The famous Chinese Love Drama in jail for various periods of time withou, having had the dians are concerned we take this opbortunity of waruing of privilege or pertunity to defend themselves oe to give them with regard to the Mayor statements. It is the Hox Amn it. Suted the actor, Featuring eshman play txp alations of beir livelihood.
Mayor duty to preserve the peace and safety of the ciry, Chinam it isu in kuman Matneson Lang in such cases the unfortunate men were made to ex and calde yd is the right man in the right place; so it la ure.
perien. Ce sealous embarassments and discomfort, and the must be expected that the woip in huis hand will be used with author wimanalen van Why demanded Hal in his most successful question is, will us be avoided uud we present orders. with exact precision for the clearing out of all undesirable Characterization tai vagoan dosu dread prison though it will keep characters who elect to loaf walls taere is occupation know more about Chinaman Supported by Meggie Fibenes any body on earth MON COLL. ung. the crimes of which he may be beckoning at them, than an Englishman duus? und powcifui Cost eru tu red lile, Teri Vib soc Salvaging club, lures days was struck Bryant Washborn Burglar Proof?
in ne Tag tion by the punce au inthing the arrests as we know that while Business countrie polisie The Latestage? Worrown and present at et Belcher die theis Jes call me Jim?
can en bou.


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