
PAGE Five Atlantic Side News PACIFIC THEATRE druplicates Himself Mr. Piedmont QuaTc morrow Sunday 17th April 1921 ONE SHOW ONLY. DWGRIFFITH HEARTS WORLD Too hier ere 11 Ick to COROTHY Gior. yاية LILLIAN GISH Cerv. co o! Son; Successful Or, wd the weather Wrine lacogralle, be attrudace was oda te ne Coon, Aril 11. vry happy in mau benjoyed.
enjoyable to wspartnt the Da Sud y bett, the 17th it, the Bp ist Church, 7b nudo cu 100 Cain, luder will bin Amis Turatie, yesterday even be played brew to the Liy White and Arrives in Calidonja in four Meble CC ing. The proer in which we incal Automobiles On, prope by the CW Ctry of the SCC Cavi wed by. HK TW INICIO Captaif sn, LWPTEX J D NBCC trendy DISTRIBUTE TMONEY TERY Si, dan sent ve and natrhy Valin P, the lates RAPIDLY rillid on the artire mis dali, Dinds the Ono let with liraly ir. Iris X, neatly There were for Mr. Piemonte Anim, inted in wat my tuis eller in Califoniai Sitarda nicht the chur Tarawilni Obituary The Daddy of Eat All habres ohr the Thy wd in mo and the entirao all other Mr. Piedmont. piched out Mr GT LM Leluh, will redird, and bratly plut.
for the occasion and each hailis Min ea lo lletris ant Daisy Ibi. of chi. Ezt Faitech uved own aitomobile. The four autoandard tare in the twn duinhu lor. Iany, tiedoa nobiles arrived in Califonia sim Wimpuritie lume and Though truth Eney often ren to cbide su dy buk, it Find ultaneously and at four different many nivel, wbila Me Gi pital, wa ng on, as the teavit corners the Daddy of En All Bmith rieplayed his aan cont frei OBU Caled to the ori.
SUPREME TRIUMPH begao doling out dollars and wice in The bubur bel, rolu of IBRIDO the bual bere be was quarters to those fortunate Cati.
gak raisitkus Models hich Lly high order donia sinokers who happened to ry valuable her and from which it was exceed how ud per vicen were rod red Me are Ewih with the flute, Me xracuste with the deate of in be carrying a package of those revb tee violin, spd Mr. Law. May of this yest.
famous Virgioia cigarettes and Hence the cello, ak te with Mr. Luw who were the first to greet him 800, at bo or 90.
liitle orebits Personal and General (Mr. Piedmont) and his three OF THE Bar in very hape she and added real Counterparts.
The traditional tork ciled at the color to the entertainment.
While they lasted Mr. Piedbote of Mr and Mrs. Elsell Archibald, Elocutionary talents of mean nr:ler 11 u e No. 00, Silver Cry, on Friday, mools dollars and quarters went were exhibited by Mr Doti: Rodpov the binst and left a baby buy Weigh very rapidly as, around each of and Mr. elie Craig who read the the four automobiles explop story dialogue of The Guilean ugox puads.
large crowds clu ered, each with Following the contain the cbsirden, his clean sanitary package of Rallis Rev Thortourne, thanked those these renowned Virginia cigarD. GRIFFITH wbo bad con bued to the riches The Jethroe Terople, No. 931, The SWEETEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD ettes.
of the vering Ile paid special tr bute A, will hold their rally to bight HR Among those receiving some of to Mr. C. Ker and corruenied on has been previously annou. ced, wuen 12 EIGHTEEN Mr. Piedmont prizes were:the puit wuch existed betwen Lim nations will be huud.
Solomon Gordon of Panama. erd the Weyan eboie, ROMANCE MONTHS Philips of the Mechanical Division, The Doxology brunt the function to The Superior Lodga, Knights of thias OF THE IN THE Balbsa, Soate of the Coating hureune DOBSHT slijepro GREAT Plant Balboa: Pentioxotike pince lo Li. bs Joseph George MAKING William Mutter of La Boca Mess Another Ne ro Enterprise st Cu Druch dabali wa WAR Kitchen. u: James Ronertson.
Ses Mr Penort will stil. continue Colon, April 11. other West In his tri to Caliniu but instead 149 met onder op in Advertise in the WORKMAN ut coming on a way nogtits, he this iiy This time, nown is going to come upang magte he As the IV. Gr. So, feels at the mood, not giving any ed on its filed Audi waasis of Wing: there. LOVE rut, d and BHT Pref, indi the King every tiedosler. ingrun MMR Liriod Che have a package the Virgila But, formerly empos ou ly this hi et Fruit Company The Tausherr if the line of St.
strettes on him so that. Mr.
Picumont, the Dudy of ELA The Palemen, it in minderstoer, bere Pret Chapier, Dol, La Be.
will not couleupou a thouvrabe Auditoriut al, ond have ne me ntotied in to conduct Wares. AVE)
darily bor LINE 163 have to go on Monday role on fils Upin Dior Corry to meet on Tuesdaye furbe Host two months. Th, to ver, Advertise in the WORKMAN the dar e bal, wh chi excitit Ove, while the bitei accomorati dave it Apprerised by the injury of and get Good Results teen sierud to ruit tant cutie to inters who were acest mellom Bano Lave lica Tenicu uut niciun Monday. VERY pro kter in ou M1 dny, 11, cou Colon Captist Church Curled by bopier cent, Mirs Enh BPC PDAs, Miesinary Service will lo dilig Cristobal Literar; Association role nende ospite Coen tit Charts Too Colon, April 13. As was aplicated of her he die to be continually been tor wilio mpyrno putotalt the on Literary Airbrid to fix to 10 beper.
ad the 1: Othe. of Pants on inimely intre til en attbeda duped that LER Orch (UNDER AUSPICES. BRITIS. WAR OFFICE) 30 pm. at 15 number of candida Buve cut bruse, lett RS200 Tesudim to will be baptized OaM day as Techirasi cd ly Mr. Jan Paveldasie, wil to 730 misjonary mesiac with hela ked, Vice Prident of Ile Assis olur. Once worn 10 sited when Re Mitebell of Gatun V too, ut anetang was called where While ev ny rolled Chupin turning to go Svader or Bl 85.
wa ular belexp codon Mou fr England and Veral others.
Fall win the roll call and red rg of dy, is the give adreses the moues of the prevus nerung, the planned and be proident deure to do min program giam wap opend with a very taulus fol no rele 11. Boch Alle by be Vent of the work nia Recreation Hall Rent Receipt Books in Spane lily, Orising of Sboutine Liz Tromso be introduced tonight, and it wille Miss Lda It is a ped that this pi ve istud Her interpretation Suart by bhabu lavour of the Editor wil te Toneht, at the dance given by the hone. Selle Tomone. Mies Trombo quite worth you while to be in tend. Ish and English, for saio at the was inderd wood and this item was bisaly oppressed and heartily appinud cer pred by o «l Dourber of tbe ku mbona boda de Calidonis Retention Son Tun ro, Ms Trombone, Toddv no, en Profesor Beresford Wright, Workman Printery.
ball, wens of music, espreilly Trombe, siwyg hard at work perfeting the ed by the audience. This is also Irue however, hok an. speciw whose delight is to trip the light fan as wus Tomone, will be on the job to touches to put the in jizz.
of Demi Tiara, Fa Do, apother Vilation to work For His Soke.
tie ton, will to viveu un eppur unity cot place there laefore tho public tosiht. The sbore will set you back balla piano selection, wheh was rend red by The Order of Druids Friend y known beretsfore. swold as some of the other buk, if you have Mise Smart at a les stage of the meetcall, and three Istest hita.
Society To Silver City Bond, which has in quarter of buck if you ara accompa For Skin and Scalp Deore the Debt Trorobone Mr. Tai ker next recited in Toon, Tomboy, bied by one.
very woman wants a beautiful hrad maurly febion Epatiacus ard the TAXASTA DISTRICT chair You may have it if you 11 Glucister so sceived the wellSoes Hortona Fair Growt. Fuatan The half yearly meeting of the Dio. BOSS DE disurved opplate oi the tours.
row hair in the moth DF refunded. Twelve years in usu. Neve An excellent proper en The Seceritrix Nons weat Couiter wit be koowu b, fail.
held on Saturdey, April 19. at the was then read by Mr. Druid. Lodge hul 20. 5 rok, Outral the Roux PAS Neely, end is aside to be fully amore die bishes for las rede wili Hair Gronor 520 Creueted at the text awetics which will be the enfor ng of the Pet Nube Shampoo take place on the 19h iziet ор Graud Arch Dee PNCAR, 1)
Pressing Oi!
525 The nxt ibm wat recitati cptit are cry nited.
Beauty Crean 523 kod Nopeon Bonaposto by Mr. Deegstea are quested to bò pzeseat at Temple Cli 276 Alfonso Furoim, mbo lin bual cool p abarp, and dignified aber leid the audience 10, 009 AGENTS WANTED Spellbound end was sororded the wart fissionary Meeting YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY Spause le so will merid, For furthee par iculars write to The chief attraction of the evening FAs en iddresa by Rev. Rody, BAD Misionery terms will be preached ALEXANDER ROUDETT tot wiser en utrum Bocas del inib: Salvation Army hall at Gusche 161 WEST 145th ST. NEW YORK Toru te Jumsica. He opened by the nk psi, tow row, Sunday, 17 inst. na Send Lanty Ortar warence:faz Ing te Achociation for the plant follows: 11 Mr St, Capain evening leino ip and in very ID Terrae; 30 pm Rv. Thr pre priate worde e bent based the work. Dourde; 30 m Cup sio MacPherson.
The Rev. Annan ibo pole en be Mawary metine e me fon questa Chitibity Foiture? Monday night, 18 it Dr.
Tuis Bodni in very inteve ive and Barton will take in chair bere will In resting, and tereived the en: Det at besvaal eperkere frihe evening Com optimist peet. He adduced very mandant Morris will read beweriner and healthyanente on telaf of est frem the fi priy if West dian Che nod at the ease of the Suva boniss who have said wfety to Nelor de Me Ferreira murid a role of 86 Afree stue nib. The thanks, and wil scot dad ty Mr Rederal puw. id is invited to attend these wavy bird og Park. The man was unimously services, dupted in the left named gentleman, DRESSING.
Thierenart on bebali of Wie Asociatia, thanked SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL fee is the rors of Bev Rodoy.
The meeting tcrminated at 19. 15 FRE NATAL CLINIC Use QOEN and for Expectant Motives TOT.
CRICKET Specialist in charge who gives TrQUEEN Medicated Silta absolutely free cunstan and a Scalp SOME QUEEN aside Skin Cream. QUERN Colon, April 30. Info rin e rup examination to every mother who Insieb in the Vieoicano cues to the Chine. Stericy pritrin Bird Cheferent de care vile and courteous treatment is pomized to everyone.
Arcent no suhstute for QUE P fie istuut by Art of H8. 120.
ATIONS. Aloed stora hell them The playing of both testo AGENTS WANTED Open Daily io toll. Address Box 17. Anon, hot الفروانيه BATTLE SCENES ON THE BATTLEFIELDS OF FRANCE ce STARTING AT 30 Poklature ind See HOR TON Carnival is Gone Rod Studios But your costume is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
be KINKK Address Me khair. Beleattiful and pret in with lox QUEEN HUR removed the haruhi.
American Bazaar Stores sterzh bustr. Tree 350 for big bux.
Pace Puwder.
Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon


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