
PROPHETESS while Solid Comfort!
che Unit You to not of this araire Cresterfield CGARETTES LETTASERS TORACE co.
They Satisfy. Chesterfield ORDER BOOKS For: Friendly Societies. Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY (fliers PAGF BX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921 CAUSES COMMO. No Fear of Britain TION IN PARIS Going Dry Declares Lord Chancellor Claims pre world Life London, March 28 Alarm wer Great Britain going dry was deprecated by Baron Berken.
wuo, according to her own sae. all the lives she had lived on speaking iewery Paris, March 14 womin, she asserts, as. also ran amhr head, Lord at the annual Chancellor banque ments bas lived on more planet other plinets before the earth of the Traders than are known to astronomare, was formed.
Association. He deciared that 11 holding conferences just now Mars and Venus, according to members of the Association did in Paris and startling some per. her accounts, are as well known not in bis balíef have any cause Sous with her prophesius. She is her as Montmarte and the for anxiety. As to the apprenten Mlle. Marguerite Wolf.
Faubourg Saint Germain, whert sion or chance of a general more can rest assured you ve Among the prophesies which she lectures. In Mars, it is well ment such as has taken place in in abe made yesterday at one of her anetary relations, the people those who do not believe that it is case of future inter America, he said. am ona got the real smoke when metinge wa that Christ was to be bor. again in a Jewish the district of Montmily are frank but warlike, her. ver change can take place in England even conceivable that a similar you get Chesterfields because rion sets forth, and in Venus. They Satisfy. No other just outside of Paris, on Dec. 25. they are stout republicans, have should most profoundly reyear. For such statements strong dislike to the clerry, Bret it if any such a change dio cigarette can do that eitherpro Some 800 COU years ago, Mlle. take place, because an individ because the Chesterfield blend cand his but re Wolf says, she began ber exist ualistic enough in my ou kok centls Catholic bishops have tried stand ina tevah lemne court lite bathroom come private and publice can be copied.
it is only that affairs, to resent profoundly at goes further, and it informing coher sistem should not sufice tacks against the principle u 01 her audiences that in 1934, wh for her babitation.
which it bases the right of the He is 33 years old, the Chairt Alone time she says she lived individual to regulate his own who is to be born next Christmas in the planet diamond, about private life.
day will kili by a blow on which the relates that the the forehead from a stone thrown nouses and theatres were very New Oilfield in Canada by a Catholic.
dark, for they did not seem to then in the 35 rear had lived, the beauty of their voices moved nada, says the Colomizer, an ex: Un il two years ago, Mlle. Wolf, have irented artifici si lighting when sang According to advices from Ca.
the life of a middle class womin except that perhaps it hud beuna one to tears. The houses were tensive rush is anticipated to a lonelier life than is the lot of rootd with gold and the walls new oilfield at Fort Norman, ou most. The revelation which then were of what in this poor world the Mackenzie River, in NorthWest Canada, as soon as the came to her, it is declared, was called not what might be call:d a reve) such and other rein arkable travel conditions permit. The tion of spint but simply one of things Mula: Wolt tells her au. area of claim is 610 acres of which memory.
dienes, an, most remarkable, one half ts reserved to the Gov.
perhap, of all is that here in ernment.
Suddenly at the Divine bidding, Paris she al gets audiences CIGARETTES she says, she began to rememo wh ch io ell them.
ber all ber past, and it was not ST. JOHN PAST MASTERS merely the matter of the thirtyCONCLAVE AND GQAND five years she had spent on this Rent Receipt Books In Spen.
CHRISTIAN ENCAMPMENT planet. be remembers the Ish and English, for sale in No. 10, world as it was before the Flood, Workman Printesy.
Good Friday, March 25th, 1921, will ever be remembered by the officers and GET LISTED IN members of the abovensted encampment, when they met and coolerned the WORSHAM rolemn degrees of Past Masters and Sir Kaigh on fourteen trembers.
NEGRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD The degrers were masterly conferred Get together Medium for our Progressive by Bro. Blades, and Priest Business Meri of the Order, with the antistance of his EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE It caused the broil ta remoerober Sir Ed, Bourne, ITS BENEFIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT and lliub Priest of the order, wbo when leaving three ebore for the United Vine for further particulars to Staten bestowed the rights and privileges on thie Bro luer The dropping of Elisba mantle shou beropera bered on tha: day for brother Blades, who was in receipt of sic Ed muntle exhibited true tokens wih beart eoul es hnathan rob LOYAL PROGRESS AND ROYdid himuot of his implements of war to give AL DORIC LODGES bis friend David. The barcody and solemnity which presided on that day Celebrate Anniversary will ever remain freeb in the minds of each and every bro hs There wer rany bro her frim Calon The above named lodges celebrate Mrs. JONES wboat ended the encampmntani their annual annivereary on March 27th, were pleased th the manner in which when Mr. Jobs in, who we in Resident No. 13 Street, in front of Saint Paul Church Graduate at the Lelia Colle, New York City, NY.
the St. Jobo Past Misters Concier ICE CREAM FACTORY by the Chairma, Br. Albert and ard Chistian Eac momaatband Gibson, S. of of Royal Dario. RUG Modart) Walker Method Scientific Hair Dressing led this afsirs, al er the traiar very intereeting and instructive ormon.
tion of the degrees, al pm, the newly 35 Calidonia Road After several ac dresses the usual bare Special trainining for Hair Culturists. Shampooing, Dressing. Curl knighted brothers along with the other ing and Beautifying. Special Treatment for Dandrutt. Scientifically quet followed, and an eajvyable time preparing the Scalp ior powerful growth Soft Flowing Hair and members went to the was spent by all present, among whom ball. The most Modern and up to Date System of where sumptuous were several representatives from the dinner was prepared for them and after edib Walker Beauty Parlour, No. Tivoli Road various sister lodges on the Isthmus, WHOLESALE In front DeLesseps Park, Panama City went away. to Hair goods, Superfine Facial Soaps, Hair Growor, Lotions, Perfumes their respective homes feeling joyfull.
Special mention must be made of brother AND RETAIL There is no Better than Proverty, one of the newly knighted brothers, who presented a fine cake of least pounde, with the insigais of the order. The banqueting committee wa It allowed to pick our choice, highly comended for the able manner is would have nove but the best of every which they handled the banquet and thing: yet it is sad to say that our pro brought it to a succesful issue.
ple on the Isthmus, at the cost of thes A Blackburn, Chairman of Com. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA)
mittees health, fump at every new patent med st icine The officers of ths Encampment aro placed on the market; epocially. as follows:it is nice to take The greatest proposition ever taken up by West Blades, GM. CampSuch risks generally prove harmful, bell, H. Gibeon, of the new dope are nothing but Indians; and the whole world is falling in, SK; E, A, Blackburn, S. HP; L. fakes. and should be carefully avoided.
OWNED BY GPSK; Fords, GJDS. K; When obtaining your medicine, The Directors are offering :00, 000 worth of Extmond, I. Dunk the best. The is Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and ley, OSSK; Mottley, The National City Bank of New York in well tried and recommended by the Alleyne, K; King, majority. Remember, don experiment Costa Rica, Head Office: 55, Wall Street GP.
with life, for it is precious Know yo all meo, that Do Witt o Pille This can be taken up in Preferred Shares at have got the indisputable right of being NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
on the latte or in Ordinary Shares.
DO one fool you, no other Officlal Depository of the Republic of Panama good. It has stood the cost of many The money is needed before the end of Feb Mrs. Annie Lindsay years treatment, and hold the Cham Depository of the Panama Canal pionship of the World on merit, ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April begs hereby to notify her Millions have been cured, and millione patrons and others that she yrar large passenger Steamer.
po Through its Agencies in the Interior and Ars now under treatment from wers has removed to No. 7, its Foreign Branches this Institution offers continent.
West Indians, this is your chance, Street near Central Avenue exceptional banking facilities.
This statement le booked up by fneta obliquely opposite the Am Advice from the makers reads: Due Purchase and live! Disobey and perish)
erican Consulate.
to the many new orders that are being Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indlan Islands sent in daily from all parts of the world, in consequence of of the greatly increased Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Coat Send money by mail te demand for De Witt Pills we have found it necemary to remove to much NOTICE Per Anaum larger factory grounds at Cherry Orchard Road, Subscribers to the above.
The right treatment is DeWitt o Pille!
named Company, who have not Start now. Sold at all leading Drug President and Managing Director completed payment on their allot Stores, and sre alwaye in stock at the general depot.
ments for an early settlement, THE CITY PHARMACY, 73 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA as their interests are involved THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IT PAYS 139, CENTRAL AVE, PANAMA to ReiD, Drawer z, Ancon.
Bourne mingle Advertise in the WORKMAN o melho trobar a bird in It Pays BIJOU troduced by the Hour Oto Ilan to 30 pm hanqueting oficers doing ja doing justies to an all wonlod after the Best.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION many of King Capital. Surplus Undivided Profits over S14, 000, 000 she best proiect destino tous. CAMPBELL, Advertise in the Workman


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