p. 8


llearts of the World and the tota of 10) run for the of Ice Brate Serut 40 Sooooooo te h: Coverenurichut surp. es id Lacalu.
داد دل ربا Where they dصورت ديده بان زو fن at will ALBOA EST EER REWEL oko AS ail Vinor En of lubu نو db 11 ماه دهان ما أدري. Tabun une chatwed sre ud PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921.
Adventist Training Youthfal Burglars School Opens. Rival Pete PACIFIC THEATRE Yorkshire alks over La Coca On Tuesday, April 3, the Suresh dy Te record of the famoa, PLast Sunday the York hire CC Adventist Training Sool at Litter Williams has en rutaity.
journeyed to La Bed art and ds cz. opened for its year wiki nit totails, eekiped by the def sled the Boca in the first Aside from co to ibau 30 studen pre doing of a pair of youngsters of malch of the Sun Leur cut SUNDAY at in the opening dy, there 10 suamets. Aruoli (slan Jub)
pli, Low bowling ljne 17th er for low te staud re, Natbe many Adventists and interested frend saly and Rudlo Win, who Ini Cod Posts in att ndaut are now in chokite chahmen did as leyland, and awaling The Beautiful Love Story of the World War at the operat. exec sa conducted to the trial by the Foart. Circuni Judge temporar; ebepal in the fierron, tut In the hotspot torea Batin fur Yorkshire low. og diower when the sol caloteria months acording to their own The Last Two Episodes of ploominativued. Pep CJ yd miurgiullattnet veive Office, uth Black Barould sed Pusur. Sype were the prophy have their cres col reply with 63 runs out of which Monday 18th 18 THE FLAMING DISK pocket.
tobb:s involviib. ly made.
Princidal Dyd reports having recrived USC Bw fir tie York. br. Lilipe oppicau be freelar bumbu Ou January 29 b, they ka Wed wickets for tuur.
lun. nomen in various pro in the car ow. cy Vinsenti cripp es Clovels Wednesday Beginning of the niversal Master Serial of tbt repulbe, as well as 1a Curta Rudaiche in ut cler Into the Chic Niora the Custod, Stebu toka 45 els tired 19th The King of the Circus med to me wh: lav tre se pod will che was in and our drucked to Bung first te inte hry. Thugh the auronu 1070 hotele 11 for the los Featuring CRDIE POLO, the idului movie fans everywhere bu Cionta bubr) Teuta from In the month of Mate thy 67 Cuct Us La Pitia ferture th to the furtor in Perol, work is irrig. endily stut by enteri Surg to of the Wuru couped will be no man store on Cnt al Avebua ald lahing their jou Leeds of alre en un loop baia MS Was thy woulu ing is the dining the 50 Vaued at 305 Ltr they Otuer arch. Futun; his boy uit grocery a fi strua Jamaica leads Critannic by 33 doritory, kira durnitury, recro Carwel Dooat tend ball, chpel, two coltuges bones away. urling of preJant Bitnic continued their insus ors, and run for sbops and serves to the value ut 20. The thenti Ke At Say th trades, are all sparats buildings Durins Pu: konn Is y del Mundo, Bind! Jioc. Wribe to owned by This tetasol briata che tow oua ber of te sluna, was weir next ze of netit i to bat and demisd bigher schools operated by the detectode the thull for Bachman was opora las day AVCD duaoamira up to about priated money and other articles aprbots with 29 to burridi, al SO, which contberwibatut 900 phim 10 tough he went isst to the wicker. Gr. iue ary schools Lave an etrolimen: of ov. thietbite tur that month 17. Jonica. arted 40, 000. The principal objet of thee by visiting Daciel Samlebu on terukud nt ona tine it was бу schools is to furnish a Christian ue oh wht at they would bi to arrants, ues wre iu Cailuuia and contact tive for tbe y. uibuf tbe des ing It take the betinget aud debt ut 15, without the but they are open to any will deigin Uues coustat. nttydo 153 But the lors of Turtwined a son are persons of either sex ot zu flient akas elementary beturot educaia.
Thry oned this month by the uut outs animal rell de their me Applicants wus furish rreomm uda Brewer Hess, Americans, la Ville DI OLMesss.
tow. Walser hat 51 and thou os tu motal standing, igaud by Central Ave. en con una Mr. Pirdmont has busy day pelle ludividuals koown 10 meab ta, Laitu Mr. in druent wat utbo Sabol Bouri fure boing noept the wr wedi tu lah ed, a wholewwe, ctsissa suumpuluto sad. They immediately pro Jethro ok dag in distribu be assured ve dd, with the au of a drup foi eignets to the lusly winters.
Turite are coming known lo addition to the wonderuis work author do the casters in 38th Cricke er Sok.
siu plu butu ful Line o tradis wat foro kisher and my suecedeus oith t, Milano Purt of the returi Ik betong 3) lue their trouble geleistet. Ne Tartacusie te urca serva tu iraia con costs. Vienas a Alda, 15 conplwent was paid Nel for the better IT Laud as welas tbe oudiu pose is well liat store lacing wat la Lucie Mormoly wow. Ballroad A Lubelskie won way.
Idola ti plete Cel make ready for cuit. tuu, ni city tudy uk firstting anu Puli ipsi pacsok ulu citu lenti will kv uppurtualy tur tous fort Win The Pandang y una ma wis part citer way ui 230, wwica wey wounder did uses of VNS WTU ir ibrul scavel Is Thicu.
por Sr. Feliu bus Lle the tool The Basi, uuri tuullie Iward om det ervata alava the urren Constanta Spor man CW League the ceria Dals at com. bulu au WAS. Kus et us to not toon en wil ed. The stu! 404 para The only sme releduled to be play etores, sui tw cost of och wol illus, le associates save.
ed tomorrow in the Count ODINI cuartuts placucaly all be expenses ibo Cuts Outless pace, UL Loutra edaan vs. York he alban Pak.
Budi Dave.
112. uu, aud Wide with Principal Byd bss bad a long and Cody vi till salt der Weg The Antigua Progressive suce malul Xin Cullection with Wacaathireyes, viu Benevolent Society Orthe rich pud by the syna LAN. WAS 10. 05. 10 ganized.
day Adv. Dus, ad be expects to devido ப a cracol cury Theive kte vi IO hadi. Ja acal scauerdig work for the barve races ia in cui it is iu luat directing Turuant to cont publications the las part of ibe world. be assistants vacy Lucy Hawa uued later tertis Sret body clarigabe ver Es hered iton twil och tu the sales are the lush toey enterou ju.
depth on 15e Ismu met at the expreted to ja tu. But as they suv Tou Krue ry will me Choirul I, le ballon Mroh 14 had De reto. ma present dulle. als. lv usulanjuan.
28. hd di cured from every keine Everything woniend. this is nu ez ojt BOLOTTO Cns Xixon the litt cepat porttity iu: ANU Such is the record of our be und the tour in wichthyste yok med mu mome to acquire tous. UA tid older hand they atlied by thm. The se ut belon AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY kod, prae scal, Caris a odu allow; toiduelleviares, al vay the estaba boca: of the Boligus Pro it is not tur pr 208 tout lae echost monca dy ures. clsi. shiris uud greinave Benevolent uciery foundei atingem Bu is receiving tasoy applica migh priced weeds and shed, eling lies milar to those of the Anti twas daby ica the suuruuding writing to Urd, De.
Bu suro Cub and the Jassics ry. While students are teing rece ved. Dus wud race cind 00. 05 og Benevolent Asscciation boil of New every young syn em xowed by pruppe way ut diversos.
York City, and has a. its objects wo ives thu a counider the opening own story, it was ball wainered other thruin, to che rich the memorie of Notice to Depositors This behool of die, ad plau to take ad tuai Seaty was the sea aud friendly rela ion vantage of it. Opportunity kwocks wer oi luis arin oi young ahip Intueen Anti usne reeidentop teman Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. one at every wo door.
Wilson ouly Carrying out his inDoruly sojourning the lothroup; to Depositors of the defunct Canal struction. Ho (Scaly) even wid flicialy iforn per tots in Aptigua of Zone Bank are hereby advised Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Le poules of Oue of one metais tha ultnes, injury or death of their rela that a meeting of depositors has CHURCH NOTICES has used in forcing padlocks, tives on the Isthmus, to re establish been set for fo morrow, Sunday, dad Ilust is us throwing a certain broken counction FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE we between relatives April 17, at the Cristobal Court or fu niste tofurmatin of their where house, to commence precisely at St. Peter Church, La Boca ulting it. Tu neat, it appears, quauty of alcool to luew and abuuts upoa request; and to insure a 00 pm. All concerned are re.
SAILINES FROM CRISTOEAL, a. 2nd FROM BALBOA. NOOX Fourth Sunday After Eisler, Causes in tal ex dao, aad eum of money to be paid upon the death quested to attend and be on time. Jamaica, Friday, April 22, for There will be Morning Prover snd ad so it ylvius easier tua usual of a member, his wife or his child and YEARICK, the birth of a usernher child. All Lue lule steel var when ususily dress at 11 am; suoday Sobol st Cartagena and Puerto Colombia Antiguans on the Intbmus and other Receiver for Depositors.
m; and Evengoag and Permon st 730 accompanied them ou máis.
an Peru, Saturday, April 23, for m, The Ven. Archdesson Cara We sincerely hope that th Tobbes Antiguans but wbo by come the wife or Lu baticien Antigos e Guayaquil, Payta, Pimen el, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, will be to preacher at the to service. Pourth Circui Juu Witolen tue uda a lesson in aty eiligibe to membership in this Society Grend Concert and Dance Cailau, donendo, Arc, Iquique. Autolagala, MULCARE, as will ve otweneft bulat when coneia ou both male and female cigu. bu and Valparaiso TA Rector caemsuives and tus community Bembers. The progresiveder of the The Panama Capital Friendly Socery is marked by its provisions to Society Hall at 22od Street Barima, Saturday, April 23, for St. Barnabas Church, Empire at large.
apply practically the objec of most Gaachapali will be ablaze with Puntareous, San Juan cel Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La There will be morning prayer, followed secret societies as provided for in their gaity and merrimeot tonight, for Uown, La Libertad, Acajutia, San José de Guatemala aad by orlebration of the Holy Communion CUBANS URGING RETArules tut entirely ignored wd to pw the grand concert and dance CHAMPERICO at ilm. Sanday Schol Concert at out to members the msximum of bene which is to take place promises 30. and Evening Prayer and ac. LIATORY TARIF; fit esusistent with the minimum of to be the swellest affair of the sea Quillota, Sunday, May 1, for dress at 30 sontribu ions and esterande fees charged sou. Prof. Dan Munro and his New York autect when compared with these societica, stalf of comedians will be in MULCARE, Against the United Kingdom Enrolling of members at the inst Cauca, Saturday, April 23, for Priest in charge.
exceeded London, March 23. B3C3 133 the expectations even charge of the concert while one even of of Panama best orchestras will Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, avi anta Cayo, Ballenita and Church Mission Hall, Las Cas the press and public mao la the most optim stic ant already the Guayaquil cadas.
ba are demanding th: ita post.
Beeteary hos in hand quite a few applicae dispense the music for the dance tione for the next meeting which comes has spared neither time nor mon The Holy Eucbarist will be celebrated tion of a du y of torty pucant off on Friday April 22nd at 30 pm, at ey to provide a good time for Passengers wishing to make the trip through the Canal only at 30 m; Sunday School at 30 ad valorem op all British goods, the Chorrillo Lorge Hall to which all those who will be there.
can do so, bare 10 U, including meals, m, and Evening Prayer and address at a reprisal for the British til. y p.
Sailing dates and ports of call subject to alteration without per cent duty on Cuban cigars, persons elligible to tosabersilap are invited, Liotice. The Company do not accept responsibility for bagJ. MULCARE, Nugent Director of the Federation of British Industries, Bage, and passtegers are recommended to insure same, Priest in charge. strongly urcada a reciprocal WEST INDIAN EMPORI Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
agreement with Cuba.
ror further particulars apply to the orice of the Companies at LA BOCA UM OF FASHION NOTICE In a letter to the Presidentot CRISTOBAL Mrs. Wilson bags to Friends and acquaintances of the Board of Trad, Mr. Nun Subscribers to the above.
ipform ber various patrons o to the Pacitic Steam Navigation Company, Miss Olga King of La Boca are mentions that in the first 15 er hereby informed that she is at of 1920. British exot to us that she has re opened her named Company, who have not PANAMA present in Ancon Hospital, ward were 150 par cont larger than it 20 Fashion Emporiuni at No. 53 coropleted payment on their allot kmenis, should make arrange.
the corresponding narudo 1913. Massts. ISAAC BRANION BROS. Inc. Sul Agold, Calidonia Road, and that she toeats for aa early settlement, She is gradually improving and an ibaret United deres Ta koyai NU Siam Pacios Co. Pal it is expected that it will not be reports stay Britisti cotton will be pleased to eerve them as that interests are involved, long before she will completely goods are getting a biz bola sone and all again TSE BOARD OF DIRECTORS recover the slaad, 1فاه ته دار تره ينا تابا نه عااا ورود RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE ор ht How well promote upon in Person best

    World War

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