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of to with tok chair. the the ineet gtances.
10 there.
outine murders and comes RECEIVER DELEGATES APPOINTMENT To Inauguration of New Is Unanimously Approved S. President Return by Depositors.
and Signed by Chief Justice After During the present week there In answer to the summons Rumoured that he Will Not Be arrived from the United States issued through the columns of Allowed to Re enter United States Examining, Says New York Paper Shigaro, Secretary of Government the deru Dice cuma o2onen the Honourable Dr. Ricardo local press, the depositors of Bank and Justice, and Don Francisco met last Sunday afternoon in Deputy to Recent advice from Costa Ri is strongly rumored inmigra The subjšined interesting ar sible that a decision that has no Arbeanbis Peperti be the negational law e Cristobal a court house and ca siates that we marcas Gar. tion cireless Theme binti materia to the unanimous approval ticle appeared on the editorial been carried into effect after page of the New York World of nearly seven years may not be one to attend the inauguration to the appointment of Mr. Vey Arrived in Port Limon on Garvey will not be allowed to. Friday last, and journeyed to re eater the Unitd Sates as the the only possible decision What of President Warren Harding. Yearick as receiver for the bank San Jose where he addressedient of his present tour of the the 19h March, and tame is wou have been lost if the so the National Government and the tition which will be forwarded Saturday and Sunday nighis.
the former as a representative of by a fixing their to the exceptionally large audiencas on West Indies.
herereproduced felling sure that cretary of State given to these toa latter representing the contela to the Judge of the third Circult rehearing and Panama Garvey expects to return to body republic.
and Costa Rica the opportunity onel Victor Alvarado, thoing for the contirmation of the were given and there was a rush lieved that on account of this DonVallarinoask for the neral public :It is understood that free traips New York in April, but it is be Costa Rica may be wholly other Deputy who also accom: appointment.
of both white and colored peo. agitation for black rule in Africa, right in the controversy with It is con rally understood panied the the commission, returned As it is natural to suppose, the pols to hear him, paying without Garver will ha excluded as anuni Panana may be that the White wird in 1914 was a couple weeks ago The room was seats. an undesirable alien WWX, yet secretar y prepared by a subordinate in the were respectively met at the many having many having to be satiti Or al contemporary the The District Court has ruled Gorernment of Panam 2, which in the india by the Chie Justice senger station by a boat oilstandery roun only. At the predrala in is uw in the divorcol Mc. Gie Ilot spory note to the State Department and accepted friends, ads, including many noiablespond hour, Colonel coresponden dis alter examining the exhibits and vovernment officials.
the t4 22 istant published the Vay against Mr. Garvey, ihat he nct been show to think critornar o may be an excelent award, Though there has following: must show that his praeint in to the south it could butivas much as there has been time to get anything of a detailed ied plated the purpose 01 benika in the circuina a base dispute about it which account from either of these ing and briefly related the basi ni ia ant published the follow. is no paying to her. Mex. Cara from is vot more than 25 per The Chicag? Who the wžel, or incrage the slimony ha trouple air u ard Parana gentlemen of the happenings mess transacted at the provisus in iron its Now Yoris corres vey cl uims that her briner basMr. llushes hus annlied the to the site of war, there is during their stay in the areaSundy meeling. With referen poudent: North American capital, yet ces to his eppointment he made it ban has an income of 25, detine of are dedit to the some ting) said for a fe both of them have express plan that he was not seeking the New York City, March 30. It per year.
White decision of 1914 bixing the hearios that would give, each themselves as satisfied with the sition but assurd the meeting bunlary: yet it is barily possile other court.
progress of events.
Thay both was give s had several President Harding and conferences Six Moons with best service in the deewitors New Born Babe Vicand Secre. thought it fit to Conditions Soon to Calidonia Recrea tury of State, Charles Hughes, He then solicited from those pre place bi tim of Cruelty, garding the Panama Costa sent an exp (Contributed)
tion Hall cxpression of their views be Again Normal.
Rica boundary dispute. Senior, From time to time a wave of la the heart of the Caribbean laboured unceasingly in the in took the tbor and in a lengthy crime seems to roll over the Sea, encircled by the bluest of We boarn that the unsettled Under New Management We welcome them back to the pect of the matter and, fron big of violence of various kinds foi island girded about with an emerterest of the republic.
address dwelt upon the legal as. Is thin us, when murders and acts biue waters is a lovely little coral state fallairs within the Repub llo which has existed since the shores of their native land. intimate knowledge of the affairs low eich other in ravid success ald green sash of cocoadut palms outbrak of hostilities between Lodges, dancing clubs, choral of the bank since it went out of ion Parana and the highbouring terested in indoor amusements organizations and all persons in. St. Agnes Guild Gives business, he was able to throw on. And now included with the which accentuate the whitenes any murders suicides com of the numerous sandy beaches republic o Costa Rica vil soon First Concert a few sound thoughts mitted during the present inonth with which the little dot of coral ws be a thing of the past, arrange are tereby informed that the the de ositors at the last by The course tapecio, he son unknown motier the heinou acte. npt of is studded.
ments having been alırost per Recreation Hall at the grade lo con The Pacific Theatre was filled positors at Thirty seven years ago to day fected for the settlement of their crossing at Calidonia, is now laws of the republic, as diterences through the regular u der new management, the in last Tuesday night when the said, not in line with the ceal the birth neath the silvery light of tae while Thursday morning, diplomacis channels. hornis. wetention of whom is to make it an young ladies of St. Agnes Guila bave been passed by the National Cousins (chauffeu)
ronnd tropical moon, in the east, Panama, Knight, ern part of this tiny island where Chaur are sure, will be welcome news ideal pleasure resort.
This hall is unrivalled in the gave their first public concert. Assembly governing the selec. Stein and Campbell, employees one can always hear the wild to our readers.
cert. tion or appointment of a receiver of the Sanitary The programme was of a dis which placed the sole power so to were in the act of dumping at pho Papariment waves roar as they dash with Authoritative, though unoffi city as a place for indoor amuseagainst cih information asserts that a mente, so excellent is the ventil. tinctive high order and the war do in the hands of the judge. He the incinerator the garbage they the treachersas reets, a berkatiful note has recently been received ation that one can jazz from to ous items were well rendered. told them that they however, had had collected along Avenue them woman who had seen thirty without so much as soiling a Special mention must be made the right to submit to the judge they noticed neatly packed seve by the Panama government from sevea summers, smiled with mat.
the States State Depart with a she looked which were performed in exqui. the selection should be made, and which one of them opened in ernal affection Tomorrow at o clock in the site style.
ment in which the United States that this had already been done, order to find out notice the con of her new born babe, wonder! ng with lustrous eyes into the face has declared herself willing to afternoon the doors will be guarantee the protection of Pan thrown open and all are invited will be devoted to the purchas sent in a list of eight names and tion when they found that it con tomaton or a thinker, coward The proceeds of the concert the Pacific side depositors having tenis Imagine their consterna whether he would become details amanian territory from Coeta to avail themselves of the rican invasion until the dispute tunity of enjoying an excellent ing of a Communion Set for the those of Colon, a list of five. It tained the dead body of a baby tomater, labinder co ia tinally settled if Panama will programme of addresses, appro was his opinion, too, that Mr. boy with its little hands crossed The thanks of the Guild are exJames Cosgrove, the. absent reTo day the woman eyes are immediately ceiver, should be vocal and instrumental pieces. pressed for the loan of the Thea.
the her hair once a silky black is Cousing immediately set out now a fleece of silver. The wild troops from the frontier oppor In addition to this, latest ad ana e Ushte foto is intended that all this for the small sum tre for the occasion.
tunity to resign to the Police Station to report The The chairman then stated that the matter. The Oficer, waves roar as they did on that vices from Costa Rica assert that entertainments of this nature the government there is ready to which will be a leading feature Singing Contest he bad, written to Dr. Oscar after taking his statements and eventful night. With maternal atTerau, the attorney for the de reporting to the proper author.
horo fection and anguish, she gazes enter into negotiations with Pan of the activities, will increase in ama for the purpose of reaching The contest which was pulled gasitors basking for Cosgrove ity, gave instructions to have it upon the silvery moon and cries address but received no taken to the Santo Tomas Hospi. Oh where is my wandering boy o satisfactory solution of the dis grandeur from time to time. The first floor of the building, donia Road, last Sunday after ten to the late Captain Waid who performed thora de apoya bars.
read a letter writ tal There Dr. Santiago Betra to night? and the man in the pute.
Moon replies, Behind prison With regard to the United uated as it is in the centre of Blue choir of Chorrillo, under stated an excellent business stand, sit noon between the White and by Dr. Teran in which it was declared that it one old and States note, it is further stated Panama business activities, is direction of Conductor Brown, puwer to grant nis power of all strangled as it showed marko o alzar, the weak, kaees begin to The aged frame becomes trem but the Panama government has now for rent and no reasonable and the Choral Union of San torney to some one else, but this, violence skoondocasing the cruel he heaving bosom suddenly the that it was apparently Cosgrove had benthead sored to proposal and that offer will be re used.
te necessary instructions have Miguel, conducted by Rock, Mr Ecker thought, would not The already been given for the return SO of the police, as the Volholding Birth Notice of at deed has been turned over to the ing through her veins as the man unteer forces who are still on The Chorrillo choir shewed torney would be responsible to Investigation Bureau and do ef in the Moon repeats; Behind pri province of Chiriqui Born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel signs of careful preparation ard Cosgrove. What they wanted forts will be spared to bring the son bars, and adds but not con under ommard of General Ma. Johnson of this city in the the leader deserves to be com was a man who was here on the parents of the child to justice victed. Being true to his convica nuel Quintero and that they Santo Tomas Hospital on suv: mended The attendance was ex. Isthmus and who could be bela thorough search of all the tions bas caused him to be there.
may now be expected to arrive qay, 17th, instant a baby girl. cellent and the behaviour all that responsible to the country. houses included in the area moons have come and gone In this city at any time.
Teckla Mother and could be.
Then wben Mr. Duzant dis where the garbage was collected since his liberty has been taken meeting between President baby are coing well.
with Mr. Ecker as to will be made and it is hoped tbat away.
Porras and certain heads of de Tears of joy course down those Birthday Celebration right it was to appoint the before long the culprit will be withered cheeks as the grave partments of the government reason that the few policemen receiver, there arose a leng. by behind the bars.
was also convened to consider who were left to do duty in the discussion in which Messrs. Coba headed woman exclaims, Praised be God who has given me a think what steps should be taken city would have more to do tb an dence. Gatun valley, the many This meeting, Mr. Connelly gave a very instructive address, and not a coward; a man and not On April 15th, at New Provi. nelly and Perry took active part, ben Garcia, also a depositor, er and not an automaton; a hero inmediately reduce the win they could easily manage and friends of little Eulalie Isabella, said, was called to appoint a explaining fully the local side of a slave. Now can die happy.
would therefore net be in a posi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joreph man in the place of the late Cap the question and during which And then with thexcited thou to guarantee protection and Only return of the police to the prevent disturbances. General her Gifth birth jay celebrate tain Waid sod the only thing to be also paid great tribute to Cap. shall wax and wane no more.
Buyce, assembled They will meet where Moons regular duties came also the je Kennedy, Commander of the mi friends also came from Parama signatures to the petition, för rumber of do was to go ahead and get the tain Waid.
After a couple of other sppakPanama, April 21st, 1921.
of the American soldiere litary forces, and Rear Adu iral and Coloa for the occasion, and ward it to the judge and get the ers had voiced their sentiments turn and sailors who have been kept Johnson, Commandant of the all who attended spoke in glow new receiver lined up Mr. the motion appointing Colone, Advertise in The Work out of the city for the past few 15th, Naval District, were there ing terms of the reception ac Perry spoke in pretty nearly the Yearick was put to the vote, and weeks upou the request of the fore asked to permit the soldiers corded them by the host and same strain.
unanimously Panamanian authorities for the to again enter the city.
carried amiust man It Pays.
At this junctura Governor Reu loud chears.
dabhar child a3 United an Daman.
on its its chest, given dim; a Desk stated that Mr. Combich it the well in an easy win for the purpose to the suica lower as duty in the be


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