
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands. 00 JUST FATIMA IN Moisture Proof Packages character.
of rice from 20 CIGARETTES that two sailors from tht appears boat Mount Calm tirm hold DR. GEMS to combat Baby League BLOOD ELIXIR Jamaica the wall. They all fell in a beap bigh figures of 1918 and 19 ara.
and unfortunately for Edwards, of course, due mainly he was thrown on the line and in values and to ext.
wheels of the truck went ARRIVED the exchange in regard Fire Fiend at Port over his feet crushing them coming from the United 223, badly, while he had some of his as the quantity of alm. ory Antonio ribs broken as well as other inarticle inported wa. juries about his chest, and side in 1913 The bulk of the guide and back, on which a specific duty was pay.
Destroys Building InhabitSeveral others were also inable, consisting principally of 66 foodstuffs 99 ad by some of the Employ jured as a result of the tumbling and raw material, ees of Jamaica Railway over, some receiving wounds ard came from the United States, cuts about their face and legs, the imports under the beads while others were rendered un being valued at 1, 432, 485, FOUND OUT BY SAILORS conscious. Eight were convey to the hospital in motor The principal items of these were were cual, 163 661; petroleum Orlgin Is Unknown, Splen sent away, while three were ad.
and naphtha, 135, 956; and four, did Work In Combating mitted as patients. And it was 474, 523. The items in the same while the doctor was attending category coming from Canada Flames, By Employees to Edwards that he passed away amounted in value to 476. 860, of his injuries were of a serious the chief of which were fish, valued at 285, 713, and for The Rev. Thomas Whitfield, valued at 143, 966. The imports Port Antonio, April Great ordered a post mortem ex, OF Canada amounted to excitement prevailed here on Amination, which was performed 8, 846, 243 lbs. and of salt 11, 127, Tuesday morning last at 30 by Dr. Clark, yer 350 lbs. The bulk of the a when the shrill sounds of terday morning. The police are paying the ad valorem duty of the whistles of the Jamaica Gor: getting further statements, and 164 per cent were manufactured ernment Railway engines and it is quite likely that a Coroner goods, which the United States the United Fruit Coy tory together with the ringing cumstances surrounding enquiry will be held into the cir.
supplied to the extent of 931, the of the church bells announced death of the unfortunate young 947, the United Kingdom to to value of 623, 959, and Canada to to the neighbourhood that the fire man.
the value of 51. 732. The value a fiend bad visited our little town, of imports of this description and destroyed what was once the coming from the United States home of the drivers and brakes Amalgamation is more than double what it was men employed to the Jamaica Committee in 1917. while their import value Government Railway on this from the United Kingdom has section of the line. From what remained practically stationary, was gathered THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE showing that Jamaica was in the American tug Is In Favour with Fusion 1919 depending more and more were pass.
The Gleaner understands that on the United States for manu.
ing and noticed that the kitchen factured goods.
was on fire. They immediately the Commission appolnted to awoke those wbo were asleep in deal with the question of the pro.
the building and started to re: posed amalgamation of the King Rent Receipt Books in Spanmove the beds and all that could ston General Commissioners and ish and English for sale at The be saved. By this time the tire the City Council. bas prepared its Workman Printery.
had taken a and was report, and and it was reported yes doing its deadly works. The em. terday afternoon that the doen.
ployees of the United Fruit Comment is now in the hands of Hig St. Kitts pany Ice Factory dla COMPOUND EXTRACT Excellency the splendid Governor work in trying to the From what a representative of dames with the hose connected the Gleaner learns, the Commiswith their hydrant. The fire slon has recommended that there brigade under the command of should be fusion between the Mr. Alveranga, arrived on two. bodies, and they have set The latest official reports show the scene, but alas, there was no out the mode of procedure which FOR that the rate of infantile mortal, public hyd ant to supply the should be adopted in the matter.
ity in the United Kingdom fell to water and so they could not help It is generally believed that the ate a half elected STRENGTHENING 80 per 1, 000 last year. This fig.
the situation a bit. Fortunately, proposal to there was no breeze blowing at and half nominated body has ure is in marked contrast to the the time, or else the situatton found favour with the Commis THE BLOOD rate prevailing in the West Inwould have been worse. Mr. sion.
Scott, the agent for the United It is believed that the report of CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL dian colonies, and shows what can Fruit Coy. and Mr. Walker, the Commission will be laid bebe done by education and care of Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, child life by clinics.
the Superintending Engineer fore the Legislative Council very were on the scene, and the lat shortly, and if the Gevernor and Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, It is satisfactory to learn in ter gentleman rendered excel. his Privy Council decide that the Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
this connection that a Baby Sav.
lent service.
fusion between the two munici ing League is to be established Mr. John Lurch, the Station pal bodies should take place this Master, also worked hard in year, then the Attorney General AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR in St. Kitts and Nevis on the lines of that of British Guiana. To this trying to put out the fire, squad of police was on hand, and It can be stated that His Ex PURIFYING AND ENRICHING can be end Mrs. Burdon, the wife of the kept perfect order during the cellency is most anxious to have Administrator, who was largely the fire.
question settled as soon as responsible for the establishment The origin of the fire is un poss possible e having regards to King.
of the Maternity Hospital at Basknown. The cook asserts that ston indebtedness to the Cen.
setterree, is appealing for funds, after she had done ber cooking in Government an indebted.
which it is hoped will be readily the kitchen at 30 she ness amounting to fully 36, 000 pounds sterling locked up and left the premises, Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed forthcoming. In this letter she writes:and that she was sure that the SB In this preparation. The misapprehension that fire was put out before she left. Body is Exhumed the League in British Guiana is Javier Moran, American Pharmacy un when it first started had to fight known, but it is learnt that some cooking utensils and some pieces the body of one Henry Brown of Ocho Rios, April Today SS16 SSS that it would tend to undermine parental responsibility and enof cloth were ent.
Some Railway officials came and a post mortem performed by Content Garden was exhumed courage illegitimacy, has been proved to be quite unfounded.
up last night and are making in The object of the League is to vestigation as to the origin of the the O, for the purpose of sending up the viscera of of the de strengthen parental responsibilceased for examination.
The The Classical and ity in it teaches these par.
deceased, who is ents who require such teaching heus almost Accident with Fatal Chinese shop apparently well on YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT to look on their offsprings, not as evening of the 27th ulto, ar No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz tolerated, as as: Result.
riving home, and after having Box(1044, Ancon, iets which will well repay intelli.
That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
had his dinner complained of gent and efficient care.
The Linstead. April On Thurs medies, it is understood. were pains in the stomach. Local re We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisELEMENTARY AND HIGH League will concern itmelt prl.
marily with the infant from birth day last an accident occurred on promptly administered by his factory service in the interest of our customers is our SCHOOL COURSES to the age of one year. rough the new rallway track which is wife, but soon after vomitiug en being built between Linstead and sued and during the small hours constant aim and purpose.
Day and Night Sessions idea of the sheme includes. a) Teaching by means of New Worko, between the bours of the next morning be collapsed For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, trained health visitors (locally of eleven and twelve o clock in was attendea and passed away. His death was and expert repairing. Call and visit.
Geometry. Bookkeeping, Type trained if the soon after reported to the police te herself. a fatal result.
From by his wife, and we understand or Mothers infant what could be gathered, FULLER JEWELRY STORE, writing, Shorthand, English, Ele man Sewhere babies can Latin Grammar, etc. Night welfare the deceased a young man of due investigations were made, School now in session.
but through there being no susabout twenty nine years of age picious circumstances attending Day be weighed and mothers advised 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
named Joshua Edwards along his death the local J, ordered School re opens Monday, Jan. about food, etc uary 17, 1921, at 80 a. CAnnual baby shows.
with about forty or fifty other his burial, It has, however. a) Creches, or day nuseries, labourers, was engaged in pusb. since been reported that memROBERT LINDSAY, where infants may be left on ing five tracks loaded with dirt bers of the family and friends (Camb. Senior) payment of a small fee while from one part of the track to have grown subsequently dissa another no engine was attach tisfied over the real cause of bis Principal mother is at work, and possibly ed to the tracks. On going down death and this has given cause where they may be lodged in a slight grade, the deceased who for the exhuming of the body for case of mother illn689.
THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT. e) Creation of interest by, was pushing between the third and fitth trucks, stopped push she purpose of further and more No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE Dr. Hoffman means of lecturen, lantern slides searching enquiries.
ing and leared against the em.
has reopened his clinic for gen The Leaguo will be establishbankment they were then passing through what is known by Imports Return First Class Meals served at all hours eral practice for gynocologica od on a proper basis. The advice The cases and urological disorders of and co operation of the district railwaymen as cutting 100 cutting was narrow, and as the The Returns of the Customs both sexes. Diseases of the blood medical officers and clergy will trucks started to descend the Department of Jamrica for 1919 EARLY TEA AND COFFEE treated in accordance with the be essential. It will be in close grade, one of the men stumbled which have just been published, latest German discoveries. Ap touch with, it not actually a rola it were, a Special accommodation for Ladies plication of the Genuine German untary branch of the Midwives of those behind him; they also of the imports into that colony 606 and ts latest modification Board, Its work will necessarily stumbled and the space between as conpared with that of recent TIDY AND POLITB WAITERS (1495 and Silber salversan. dovetail with that body, thougo the lines and the wall being nar years. Thus, in 1913, the value TELEPHONE No. 746 its apbero is quite distinct.
row, they came in contact with was 2, 887. 043; in 1918, 3, 375, SERVICE UPTODATE.
CENTRAL AVENUE NO 41, Edwards who was leaning against 798; and in 1919, 4, 869, 457. The Advertise in the WORKMAN Opposite Amador Theatre and get Good Resuits.
special bill.
that it reported to Commercial School inevitable batende potential of wo with


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