
Mr. PIEDMONT is not not going to tell you Exactly what night He is coming to Calidonia again But ries 37 nearis en wala tnt enough tightIt a te wam have at the end. But he best THE DADDY OF EM ALL will be there with Money In His made 80 48. Hend wickets, with a failure SOME NIGHT THIS WEEK TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, API IL 23, 1921, PAGE THREE Foreign Cricket THE GREATEST GIFT The English Team Versus Australia The greatest gift that Heaven has given to mankind is the gift Commenting on the recent of SIGHT, and all will agree that test is ches played at Austra it is a priceless treasure. No hu.
lia, between English and Austra man being can happy without lian cricket teams, an Exchange it. It cannot be bought or sold observes thus:by either rich or poor. More THE ASHES LOST headaches are caused from eye atrain and eye weakness than Australia Third Test Match from all other causes put together.
Do your eyes feel as though Englard beat a record and there is gravel in them? Are lost the pa ne. Never before nad they inila med? Are you having a last innings total of more than any trouble with your glasses?
315 ben reached in a Test If there is any question in your pateb be ween the two coun: mind about the condition of your Or team at Adelaide eyes or the kind of glass bet scored 37, but that was not suited for your vision, then cu for victory sult a COMPETENT EYE SPEIN CIALIST.
by far performance that ace mplished splendid failure at when aliis said the melancholy fact. remains that English cricket The kind of glasses as you see has fared worst than in any pre in above evt relieves all eye vious Test match rubber. No strian. protect the eyes from other am ever lost the first glare or strong light and gives three games off the reel. you perfect vision for EVERYHobbs finely maintained his THING and ALL DISTANCES reputation as the greatest Test Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown match batsman of the genera tion. It was his sixth century is one of ed Eye Specialist of New York)
against Australia, and only Vic reliable eye specialists in this most competent and tor Trumper has scored as many city. Many persons whom he hundreds in Test games.
Hobbs was bas served are testifying to this bright, encara was once again the fact.
bright, engaging batsman fami liar on English grounds. He did Dr. BUCHANAN not deem it necessary to show oftice is located at No. 182, Boltthe restraint which 80 var St. opposite Masonic Buildmuch of his his cricket tacter ing. Colon, of istic at Sydney and Pockets He batted two and a half hours runs scored off him for eight for 123 and bit thirteen 4s.
on the Seved other hand, again The Australians missed catcha care foreign to es also; but their sins did not himself. Russel de still fur ther amends for previous produce such disastrous results and Fender scored brisk as the sins of the Faglish tieldsrune; but in spite of all their bowler has a particularly im.
birisk mea produced. No Australian efforts Australia always had the press the pressive analysis, except perhaps Precious mythical shell, those Armstrong, at the end of the game well in hand which three there was.
beat DON BE CAUGHT WITHOUT us on our own grounasralna 1995 rally someone capable of taking are lost for the present; but it is assumed inatch winning propor1902 a wicket before a partnership comforting to reflect that we tions.
shall have an opportunity to And five individual Australian PACKAGE OF regain them next season. batsmen scored centuries against Beaten by Better Side two on the Eaglish side Every.
England has been an all where is all round superiority marked round failure there is no doubt about that. Missed catches, in SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL coasistent batting, and ineffect ive bowling have all contributed PRE NATAL CLINIC to our undoing. Most conspicu: for Expectant Motners ous has been the bowling fail.
ure. Except for Parkins tive absolutely free consultation and Specialist in charge who gives wickets for 60 in the first in examination to every mother who latach comes Sttricly West India Mail Proposal For Nem a bowler has had even a respect. vate and courteous treatment is able analysis on any occasion. promised to everyone.
Service Steamship Service And apart from that triumph, Parkin has had 356 Open Dally 10 to 11 a.
Tenders to be Invited To the West Indies CALL AT THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE The Secretary of State for the The question of regular steam.
197 Bollvar Street, Colon Use your opportunities as an investor to Colonies lent the following tele. ship communication between the For the latest in Parlor Clocks, Ladies and Gent watches the best advantage gram to the Governors of Trin United Kingdom and the Carib and Jewelry of all description dad, Barbados and British Ga. a. bean has again been taken up. J. Williamson, Prop.
na on February 16th:few weeks ago the Goverments of If can obtain corcu tence Barbados, Trinidad and British Treasury and of Governments of Guiana received a despatch from The Isthmian Undertaking Co. have during Barbados, Trinidad and British the Secretary of States for the Guiana propose to instruct Colonies, asking if a fortnightly DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH the past year created a profitable business and bids call for tenders fair in this year of grace for bigger business.
for transatlantic Sten mahip der or three weekly service in tim hip Ser. of aco accommo Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshvice by issue of following notice: dating from 70 to 120 passengers, This should interest Jyou, since it can be the ment invite tendors from British colonies the question of colonial be acceptable to the three Ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks, means of opening a safe and sane investment.
tortoightly or contribution to the service to be three weekly passenger service CALL AT THE There are still some unsold shares. Buy them port port of England and reserved for the present. 1) Barbados Trinidad and The Barbados House of decided ish Guiana bas now.
Later on they will be worth more. 2)
Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane that the restor any two of ation of the Trans Atlantic ser and Secure same for your Xmas Drink es vice which came to an end in 00 PER SHARE. ANY NUMBER steamers carrying 60 to Such 24earst 1914, is des rable; but the House is unable to finally pledge itself Remember we stand for Service, Profit and malls for His Majesty o the project until information mont and for Colonial Govern: as to how much the colony will be Co operation ments free of extra charge. Ten: required to contribute is forth derers should indicate nature of service or alternate The Georgetown Chamber of alternate services they Commerce has approved of the are prepared to provide and an proposal, and urges the Combin: nual subsidy accept for service (BRANDON BANK)
woulded Court to adopt the suggestion lines men without delay Information has tioned, service to be maintained not been received as to Trinidad and annual No. 47 CALIDONIA SECURITY subsidy to run for a decision in the matter. The Com minimum period of two years mercial and Agricultural Society and thereafter subject to six of St. Lucia has passed a resoln SERVICE notice of determination tion premo deither artista de reed upon. Para. 1, 500 per annum towards Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon His lajesty Government do and cargo service with inter colo not bind themselves to accept nisl connections Our large Resources and well known lowest be glad or any tender.
if you will sub: British Consulate Notices conservative Management afford unSTRAND ICE CREAM PARLOR mit matter to Legislature and whether questioned security for every dollar Adjoining Strand Theatre, Bolivar and ilth Streets 10 The British Consul, Colon accept principle of deposited with this bank Contribuireasury are being ve Robert Jackson.
to service contem would be glad of information as plated being into the present whereabouts of The Most Up to Date In Colon to agree to similar tee on behalf of His Majestys Sanitary and up to date in every respect. Ioes and fruits of all kinds.
Government but in absence of The British Consul, Colon, Iced Milk, Cakes, Candies, Cigars, eto.
proposals from any Steam bip would be glad of information as Company it is premature to sug. to the present whereabouts of IBAAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDOS gest any figures or discuss prc. one Cephas Boyd, a musician by BRANDON Pay us a visit before, during or after the Show and you will call portion of contribution payable profession, who left the island of Prosidont.
Vloe Provider again, by His Majesty Government Jamaica for Colon over five years wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and Colonies, ago.
Piedmont one Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities (Begins) His Majesty Govern shipowners for a between and Brit of Assem or 12 knot these Colonies only, b: 120 class passengerequired to carry to coming Panama Banking Company The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
on months or such other tion that the colony be asker LO a they will be vited to General Banking Business Transacted Troja


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