
THE WORKMAN French Bazaar. 10 we SPECIAL SALE OF Lewis Selznick Pure Leather Shoes for men wit bave to shower her with this Constance Tan and Black all sizes at the following prices: bet rather prosaic lovax is the right man Romance and 75 50 Arabella Talmadge CAST IRON sure to grip yonr TWO BURNER GAS STOVES attention, so be proconto in ONLY 00 picture full Mary Miles Ninter of Pep and Go ing, Man mm VOKKAN SATURDAY, Ann wa CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALENND, at the office Central Avetion. Correspondence on all matters be and sorder of Street, Panama of public interest invited.
PANAMA To night Saturday.
RdP All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panaroo written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must do scompanied by the name of Romence and Arabella is the talot One Year 12. 40 B. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica very young widow who is determind Six Mooiba ton but as a mark of good istih.
that her second marriage thail te be Three BA do not undertake to retur outcome of Romance and that her lover prese.
Ooo 25 rejected correspondence Lidoris of the Press is the palladius of our rigos. VIL before he win Ir mirer is rather pr braio and therefore SATURDAY, APRIL 23. 1921.
belds no interes: for ber. r lover introdres a cuocession of suitors and every PANAMA WAR CLOUDS ARE time the beroine is treated to a dilu.
in rion that DISAPPEARING.
after all, When, a few days ago, the United States made formal declaration to the effect that treaty obligations between herself and Panama form the indisputable basis for the TO MORROW protection of the latter from invasion by any foreign foe. Sunday)
a rilt was made in the warclo uds that have been banging over this country for the past three months and the probThis picture is ability of resumption of hostilities between Panama and Gdolph Zukor Costa Rica beame remote as they were long before the Coto fracas.
The tension which naturally prevailed in the political relations of Panama and Costa Rica is now loosening up Billie Burke considerably and there is every promise of things returning to normalcy in the next few days. Both of the contendon time.
ing countries seem to be obsessed with the spirit of placability and exhibit a willingness to arrive at an amicable The Frisky Mrs. Johnson settlement, This is as fortunate for Panama as it is for Costa Rica. Paramount Pletur.
These countries are too near and the interests of both are too much alike to admit of a state of war between them.
Hapama did not desire war and she openly and emphatiMONDAY cally said so; Costa Rica did not seem to be certain that war was favourable to the nation, and for his reason, if for no other, an adjustment of the whole dispute on rationai line is easy and convenient.
Panama, not knowing jus, what might have happened Payable 00 per month was compelled to take the necessary precaution for her own IN protection and defense against invasion and attack, and in Needs 110 boostdoing this she has shown to the world that although she is the smallest nation on the earuh she is not void of that AT EYES OF THE PANAMA GAS CO.
feeling or independence which mak:3 all sovereign nations COLON GAS CO.
look aiguified in the sight of one another.
HEART Cathedral Plaza YOUR 03 Bolivar St.
Had Panama submitted readily to the dictum of the Tel. 798. SERVICE Tol. 364. REALART)
United States and abandoned her clains to Coto in favor of Costa Rica every vesiige of hope to maintain her sovereign rights would have oeen lost for ever, and even CosTuesday and Wednesday ta luca, herself, would have lost respect for Panama as au Installation Ceremony independent nation, no doubt, throwing into her face the ignomioy of an unconditional surrender under the mangirl of the Goldin in the new P4 The outhern Sar lodge No. 17, dates of another power.
For Skin and Scalp ramount pierure, Held by he Ecemy. of belt reting at the which will be shown at the Cecilux Thea Up to the present, Panama has, by her determined Mount Carols Indige hull on April Fvery woman wants a beautiful hrad tre next Tuesday en Werine day. Those attitude, added strength to her independence, and it is we 15 b, when the officers en Horton a Hair Grower, guaranteed to ou may buvo it if you whos Miss wley in Secret Srsie. now more difficult for any nation to diciate her political patunk ter were installed so follow Brs. Mulis, WR; Pfunded. Twelve years in use. Dover role, will recall bow admirably euited the row hair in three mo ts or money in which she payed the sme kind of policy than it had been in the past. The big stick has RWAR, A Cork, w. wwwut fall.
been broken at a tune when its blow would have been eeee ed. N Allen, RWT;V.
was to the part.
Hair 6:0998. 520 In Held by the Enemy. ne in th latal, and, while it must have surprised some few power Lewis, Sim; Sister South, kw, RW. Shampoo foraer, she embodies the true spirit of tuat the Las exhibited :0 strong a spirit of resistance Asset, scribe; Al trì, RW, Treas Miller, RW. Mes ury. re ehe ed. Pressing Oil 520 against sectoing odds, they must have been seriously imSouthern womabond which existed prior With to and during Beauty Cream. the 52c great vil But preased by wie strange defiance of the plucky little re8 Вяр 14, pictur Jack Holt,. 27c are adaptatione frm pl ys by ру Temple Oil The esemony wse perforard by Bro public.
William Gilete, a noted American puy wright and etor. The cast generally is Agnes Ayre3 Panama determination to sacrifice every drop of T, Niwards, WIM. avived by. YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY one of the best and includes such playts Wanda Hawley blood in the defeose of her right and her sovereignty has Bro. Jos. Ried, WIM, and PR, both For further particulars write to changed the whole political outlook of Latin America, and it the st Ancirewe Lodge As Aedes Ayre, Jack Holt, Lillian Leigh and ALEXANDER ROUDETT ton, Lewis Stone, Robert Caio, Walter her example oi self reliance will not fail of appreciation The meeting came to a clos in bar 161 WEST 145th ST. NEW YORK director, Hiers and others, Donald Crip was the Lewis, Stone. among the sister republics. Panama did not stop to con mony and peace and be members reire Stad kasoy Ordar who ardering (A Paramount Picture)
sider the odds against which she might have had to fight, ed to the banqueting ball where they the one supreme idea in the mind of the nation was the partook of the sumptuous repast that wao provided St. Peter Church, La Boca maintenance of bur rights and the defense of her sovAt 50a. Holy Communion, at 11 oreignty.
CHURCH NOTICES Mutips followd by a celebration of the AT LAST! The euper ermedy that THURSDAY The announcement that the United States will defend BI Eucharist.
took op whole year to produca, and Panama against invasion or attack reduses the anxiety of St. Paul Church, Panams.
Holy Bipoim will be administered at the latter i0 an appreciable degree and furnishes the assur Fourth Sundry After Eser) p m; Sunday Schol «t 30 p, and packs a laugh for every moment of it.
Caoral Eveu. ong at 730 pm, auce that a state of war between herself and Cosia kica is a. n, 11 ly Comunion. At this err. MULCARE, See Charlie as a Father no longer possible; and this pos tion is heightened by the vive the newly oonfirmed members will etor Bae Charlie as a Mother desire of Costa Rica to have the dispute settied on the wake their first ommunise; 108 most amicable grounds.
Marie; 1030m Hly Echarist and St. Barnabas Church, Empire Pero pm Sunday Sch; pm.
Matins and ddress at 11 a. m; fuo Bee Charlie a. Glazier The situation produces an exceedingly interesting Ho y pin; 30 pa. Er nocng and day bool at 3pm, Corfi contion clasa Bee Charlie is an Angel study, out of wbich are likely to develop lue most signiti, seruua.
metine at 300. and Evening prayer cant conditions; and onthe woole, Panama and Costa Rca NIGETENGALE and addruck at 30 And the Kd there all the time play as well as the United States are undoubtedly glad that the Vicar. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
ing him laugh for laugh!
tide of the contention bas veered from the dangers of St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Church Mission Hall, Las Cas. Reels of Joy warfare to the approach of a satisfactory adjustment.
11 mm. Motins and address: pm It is to be hoped that there will be no delay, in set class; 30 pm. Eveprona aed addresa Sunday School; 4pm Coormssion cadas.
Morning Prayr end address at 11 tling the question and that in the interest of business the St. George s, Gatua, o clock, Suoday School at pm; Even FRIDAY dispute will soon pass off into oblivioa, for it is undeniable that the strained conditions of the past few months have Sunday 3ebool: 30 in. Eyousong and 11 rn. Matine at address; 3p. ing Prayer aud ud areas at 4p. IULCARE, dealt a terrible blow to the general business lie of the adress.
Priest in charge couatry.
Samuel Goldwyn Some folks acquire so much monet It war were inevitable we could and would meet it tration with the confidence that the countries represented that they don know what to do with with the sacribce that is worthy of courageous and digai there and forming a fanily of nations would do every comes the nunst importent thing in beur themeel veel Looking for excitement be presents fied manboud, but it it is a matter of choice we would thing possible to uvert conflict of arms, rather seiect terms of agreement and bathe our wounds in lives. What a chance for the profession It is very fortunate that Panama and Costa Rica are promoter the lethal waters of mutual confidence than spend our both members of the League througe which the question dueming expeditions ervatal, essing and of fadsl Tired of Tired of Futurista, force and vigor on the heads of carnage and ruin. of their boundaries will be determined, and it is believed interested in a new brand of sociology te shimmy. Auat Carmen bec se There is always a visible unrest when war clouds that they are ready and willing to accept the dictum of and dragged Evily Ray in with her. Oh.
hover around any nation, which result in locking, to a this august body without resentment or apathy, on either what a riot of fun! lo Help Yourself. great extent, the wheels of commerce and industry; and side.
Simul Goldwya presen Madge Kan inis is as undesirable in Panama as it would be anywhere Costa Rica would be manifesting a great feature of and folios, as indulged ia by bigb tedy is secie mingly furny fare of facia else in the world.
common sense in listening to the voice of the greater pow. ciety.
The world wants peace, and the powers are looking ers instead of becoming prematurely confident of the supAdapted from the Famto the League of Nations to make war impossible. Every port of the Central American Union, for she must know ous Saturday Evening question wich may lead to hostilities should first be place that Panama has ber friends who would rush to her aid in Post: Story ed before this international board for discussiba and arbi any emergency of war, now or at any other time. TRIMMED WITH RED HOR TON in Wanda Wander menin plays a smont lIeld by of hair Tho Enemy? B BRW. Mulcare, Conductor; RWODK 10, 000 AGENTS WANTED BroA Charles Chaplin.
In THE KID al Madge Kennedy Help Yourself


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