
Atlantic Side News 10 and we an excellent cating ore. Mc. Ker rendered a very enouraging address admonishing Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC on account general ro ای. decided Kashmir Beauty Parlor nion. The 2156 HOX.
that her ente bent members Colon Teachers Association Church Welcomes New Pastor Mr. PIEDMONT SPRINGS CANAL ZONE Culon, April 17. The Colon Tesch Colon, April 21. Ir epite of the onMrs. JONES ers Anscia ion in this city held its ro levourable appearance of the weather SURPRISE NOTES pular monthly meet ng yesterday at the which lasted for the whele day yrster Resident No. 13 Street, in front of Saiat Paul Church St. Joseph Grammar School, when duy, large pun bers, members and obeis, Graduate of the Lelia College, New York City, NY. Madam Waker Method Scientific Hair Dressing there were preeent the following tezebels: sa hered at the Wesleyan Church for Slips into Caldonia Tuesday LA BOCA 118 Cuninbam, President; the purpose of welcoming the new Pare Hours to am to 30 The Girls Friendly Society of N. Drue mond, Sacret wy; A Kerr, tor, Rev. Surgeon, who arrived Night Unawares Special trainining for Hair Culturists. She was passing Carl ing and Beautif, inx. Sprial Treatment for Daada. Sientiies ly St Peter Church, La Boca, are Tres suter; Ew. Federicke, C. from Bucas del Turu on the previ. us preparing the scalp for powerful growth of Sait Flowing Her BUT FOUND THAT THE TRIED lie to a grand Senter Concert, practicing hwd to treat the pub.
Kr, G. Jobtrov, a to Mrecare day, to take up his new appointment Ella Johnen, Sals, Me! eper is usical prograin by the The most Modern and Up to Data System of AND TRUE ADHERENTS entitled Visit to Grand Pa and Pherson, and Misset Mutuel Rickarts and Colon Choral Union, aseised luy AD Walker Parlor 1 Tivoll Road OF WERE WIDE AWAKE Grand MA, which is boked to In front DeLesseps Park, Panamu City Il lawin or bes ra, added considerably to the come off on the evening of May Hair goods, Superline Facial Soaps, Hair Growe, Lotions, Perfurces After the ual formalities, the Rev. evening enjyuent.
On Toreray evening air. Pedimont 11th, at the La Boei Clubhouse I. Hobeon, wbo was vititor, w: The 10etink opened with the singing Is thered his trusty cohorts and start. Through this diam the So.
piven betty werroide, to which be of byen 9, followed by the reading of ed in a bikin senger autouobile for clety requests everybody to get birtingly replied, dating that he had a scripture and the opening remarks by Calidonia. This was in the naturae raady for this big entertainment Suprise as previously the laddy Rreat interest in this work At the Mr. Lawrence, after which the EVERY HOUSEWIFE of All has always tadalis ap on Thursday, the 28th iost. the close of his remarks ho express the Church choir rendered a beautiful pearance on Saturday nights, but desire mu an become should be prepared for the acidents that hapin in th. hohold.
however, as soon as he passed 11 La Boca Literary Association will The orchestra tben gave an and was sccepted.
Cuts, burns, sprains bruises are quick y parieved by that old, oft Railroad crossing one could see the render a very appropriate pro tried, standard ready.
commotion along the struet and hear gram in the Geddes Hall, Panama The Agenda was lengthy but the Rev. Odle delivered cries from the many enthusiastia City, by special request of the De.
threats, he is Mr.
cornet solo which was a masterpiece of the members to follow their new leader, Piedinobt now, and very soon to mocratic Association. The general musical art, and was given a bearty volo And so insure the succes of the work. cooling, soothing, relief giving application. Don be without in Daddy of Em All had srores upon public is invited. Doors open at al scores of these appreciative lovers of 30 tbanke. Mr. Juhan Rave will relieve dobie itch. Koep it on band all the timna.
The next speaker Staff Captain pleasant mouth wash. specific cure for cramps good Virginia sobreco who smoke leeron, teaching the member 10 to Terrace, of the Balvation Army, who and stomach oubles Piedmonts, assembled around him.
The temporary change of place place. This loon was fully discussed, after the souhem Awako thou that Buy bottle of your drugglot Mr. Piedmont bad new stuut up of meeting of the Literary Society after which ealisfaction was expressed by slepest which was nicely rendered by his sleeve, toat is, giving away quarall at the id as brought out, ters for the best auswers to some of from the general amusement hau the Colon Choral Union, and warmly o. com.
The Association being desirous of received, further esborted bio bearers to pleased with the quick, bright and in Room on bis questions and to was very much of the clubhouse to the Reading of getting in touch with the Panama Toach be fathful to their new leader.
blligent rejoinders he received from pairs that are being done to the all sides, even the juvenilo elemento Clubhouse, seems to create a more it joining in this test of wits, and quite deputation be sent at an early date to man being a Burgson would some niit that Association.
times be necesary to use the knile, and 128 Bollvar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon Successfully too The Daddy of Em cordial feeling among members a All is going to continue this practice shown by their increased co ope The matter of the Inter schools com brought out the fact that an unpleasant Th Parlor of Satlotaotlon and he has a good line of questions ration. At the same time it must be. which is being arranged by Dr. duty may one in a while fall to the lot for his next visit, therefore, it is imBoalp and Facial Treatment. Manlouring. Shampooing. Hair Straightening Love of Panama, was referred by the of the new pastor, but the speaker who perative that wil faithful Piedmoni truthfully acknowledged that the Rat Growing, Hair Dressing, Hair Dyeing. Pacial Blemishes removed. Corns oured Equipped with cleotrio vibrator, electrlo comb. electrlo hair dryer, ed other Becutive to the Association for discus confident, that whatever the duties modern appliance smokers should have package of Society is experiencing great brand wave of meeting unanimously Ap may be, they would be intended for the at the same time bave stored away in Last Monday program was Mmo. ROBERTO, the scheme and would readily welfare of all concerned.
the recesses of their memories all the 950ort it, but owing to the fact that Mr. Smith at the flute, accom.
Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir Institute Chiosco.
interesting facts concerning tiedmont taken up for the most part with full line of Human Hair Goods there are at present no play ground: on panied by Miss Dorio Rodney at the cigarettes. By way of information, impromptu speeches and sug.
ore feature that he dwells upon in his gestions in regard to a return pro which the children may practive, the organ, rendered an excellent solo, and An handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, oombed, and questions is, the cleanliness of the big grain to the Democratic Clab of membro were forced to conclude that it was deservedly applauded.
treated as the balr on your head, made and this is one of the points in iust. Among the speakers were factory in which his carettes are Panama on the night of the 28th was impossible for their schools to take Follow ng a le:ter from Rs. Witt, woich all good sinokors should faini. iust.
part in the competition, at least, for the who was unable to be present. The Rev.
liarize th naselves.
The Wesleyans oi Calon have an always the pleasure of the young Mrs. Florence Smith, Mrs. Elie pretest. The Secretary was therefore Surgeon was called upon sa in Mr. Piedmont was very mnch satisfied Messers Jump, Baine Reynolds instructed to write to Mr. Paul these fitting terus replied to the address of nounced their Sanday Sb Annivire to be near her.
to any of Dr. Loxo. Comunitee in terms we come which was reud ut the early mory to take place tomməw, when the She was a devont member and many calidonians were in und besity of a Parent Teacher Associa: wita this visit the acknows that Richards and Riley. The possibile of the cells of the muling part of the niceting by Mr. Will. Rev. Surgeon will be the breach active supporter of Crist Church my last Tuesday evening as Mi The wcing thun adjuurned until the iams:n, and to which the signatures cier Services will take place 11 am. by the sea, and was very exact Piedinont dollars and quarter tion: sanitation; the high cost of Anon: living and what we sain by itat Bomu of the Inding to mabers oi the 30 and 30 pm and that meet ing in her religious principles church were aflix lle aia ed tuong ing on Morday ev uing at 30.
nghained in years, and other Can of a toder: tenship and in were tiroiving his drie wen Printers Cail Postponed.
other things how very thankful bie was it is unders nod tout le fans with spe practically retired from an active hael bewu of Corona Sone of the subjects discussed.
Sorint dalver Terim It is expected that the Society Club hus sinuuded the postpone tent gentleman also mentiend that he was services will be so at 5eek.
Color, April 19. The Printers: Social to receive euch welcome. The Revd. cisl hymns to be us throughout the business life it was not theme for blocks and back and will be givea excursive control of news of her demise came as a. was piwaru by Mr Piedmont been the prograin for the Democratic of their seventh annual ball which Do stranger to Clon. Many years of his The Cristobal Literary Apoistion has early life were pent in this city, shock to ecteduled to take e cu nt the Park View was from the Pennta Co on circuit that ment of the human mind to be given residence at pm ad it to the entire communi Marathou runner: Thomas Henry of announced an address on Tb develop The funeral moved from the the Expositioa grounds, inajor part of it, and to this end Auditorium. Third and Bo ivar Strente, he was recommended as a candidate for by Mr. Parker at their meeting Christ Church by the sea where we Danis Cartoon an excellent one. The club begs to pm to day to thé siety is Among those receiving quarters reader to all who may be present due to the Iness of two of the promitbe ministry.
eodeavouriog to on Tuesday night next, Mr. Surgeon is a live missionary, a the services were conducted by Aruciusbert Michael of the pas Tie new cale fixed for this function is Sursus and Sports will meet in to Rev. F. Nightengale in the pre Havnes of the Electrica Viriin and every member of the La Boca nina Ripad; Peres liiton, extend a cordial invitation to each the 14th prox, whwa it is expected that will be seen by his statemenis in 200pretien ni the circuit he Las just left. morrow cup match on the Cam) Biard some choira larsen attendance, while Bupra and Jonna Siw. tin of the Baltos Literary Society to their ball will be weil agam the out in strength Shop All invitations that have been breed, As ng its four churches which formd oval.
to do do their last for so old and (Gedde Hallon the 23th ineeting Of course there wm many rther as are till valid for the date a pustponed the circuit when he took ebarge, he he left twelve, and during his tuloistry the a land mark, after interusahulos to commence at 7:30 in sharp.
OBITUARY member hip has increased from 124 to winich interment took place in wis ua mie war the wines of Royal King David Lodgo 550 Work was atscted by bic among all the active is wh the Mount Hop: Cemetery Rent Receipt Books in Spara some of his. initiates.
a settlement of Indians Decease burnering We:l known Resident Passes survived by a PiS ASICish and Engisa for sale at The Colon, April 19. The Reval kirg rev Talth usands, aed at pre in there druge Mrs. Ant M:Intish, tups to Caldoni where Workiasi rrintery.
Dave Ten ple, No. 2, NO. of RICO Dal plez chers at them in Away.
who is also the only survivor of Sindarins Wwk juth cadrea. Is Ito the wine and the will sud more like to the obsa of addinio ile y pets by whom the euenis odide ut don GATUN 110cm at ibe Eureks Lodge room, work is now being carn on. These en Colon, April 19. Mrs. Martina Cht without it preko Piedi 41 lludson Lsbe, on the night of Sulur couTngig sa ewens were heardy Simpson, aged 83, well known in DR. Variis ci. es when he Cornwall Defeats Excelday the 30th int.
this city passed away at her resi.
Advt. sior c, The Lode which lerefore beslen solo My God and Father was dence 2nd and Cash Streets, yes WEST INDIAN EMPORIworbier at the Court Block Lodge ball, rendered in fine lyle by Aliss Applewhite, terday at 11. 35 a. after a brief Gatun, April 19. 0a Sunday last the and Sinet tas novid to be a member of the Colon Choral Ua on, illness UM OF FASHION Crowell of Gawn cuter ained Dr. A, LORD above mentioned quarere, and this will and after the closing remarks of the Mrs. Simpson was born in the the Excelsior of Colon, on the Wilson It is expeted that be tuembers will. meeting was brought a exciting gatue attend is large numbers, and the cereB. WI. aow Virgin and arrived on the Isth. that she has fre opened her clusa, 10 rupe.
Dentists many is scheduled to begin precisely, at mas 48 years ago, during which Fashion Emporium at No. 33 143 CENTRAL AVE. won the tos and went the home tea un to The Captain of the Excelsior CO 30 o clock.
OBITUARY time she made numerous friends Calidonia Road, and that she and was much beloved by all (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
Colon, April 17. Mrs. Mildred Hendy who knew her. She was very en. will be pleased to serve them The Latest In Crown and bat on a per lest wicket. After a display RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY of cricket by Erle, ker, Prinle Colon, April 20. The following A well known neu ber of the Universal tertaining in manner, and it was one and all again, Bridge Work lin and Moore, the inning of the bome tion of Sympathy was mov data na Negro Improvement Ascistio, and tesin closed for 112 Earle was to en tretink of Abe Uni y Large, No. 3, Black Croes Durse died st ter residence scorer with 41 ruus to bis cradit, wbila M. in otetun with the oo Pr duy lent the 15 inst, after fro.
sro Baker, Ir aktia and Moore wera respons de tb o Mr. Gnb. longed il es of ton ha cause xosos cilde for 25, 15 and 10, respetively hureos libas plerred our Supreme The bosy was buried at the Mount After the wul iuterval the visiting Mneter Machine in His infinite Hope Cttery yesterday evening in went to the wicket and showed them sudom to remove in cur det to His the presencs of a large gathering of Belves true sporinen hy playing an Cel stond Lorde above cur beluvid fellow nursa, members of be assuoiation bill go me to the debt of the set it aying au upe dol her M Grab mubofe doub and othee.
When the scre wood 42 for cocurred on Mar 23.
aod, cessed is survived by her husband it looked at fibe Cornwall C would Wher us by bin its te Unity and wu cuidreta on the Lochmur, have cord nevy viet. but Moo Lade 3, baz lost one of mode Dona and Lavy kave tb spetstore pored ubira wbuse unoying loyally cisplay of hita which brucht benn Personal and General and develop to lb Ldge and the Order to ibaret in general bave otoitured Buch to our Capt Aurelio Bermudez sailed on the With the reore standing st 70 the QUE Audi ave udear a lim o every Coronado co do. aday last, the Skipper of of the ma wara tubt it stuber, sleo to bis family a kind aud 20. iust, for Kirgaon, Jaroaica, where advisable to aguin use his va erau 003 Luving bed dont father be intends to spend his cation.
ler, Eure, wao vives the ballad BE IT RESOLVED, at the mem the nor barn end At this time to Bicua bers of tbe Ucity Lide No 3, 1U OM more interesting when Esrie evo in terion aset lubled extend to in bowling D and was bed bis bereaved lomly cur berre fois played a fau: les inside, Tee seure board pabv and condolence in bir hur of shen read 85 33.
deepest sorow, sed our prayer shall be Giens then pst bered vell, who that God in Hemerey will cheer oud was also gior strong; fier runs were Qumfort in their sad flotinn; and added to the rot, Bawell was nicely BEIT URTHER RESOLVED, that taken of Earle With the cure at 93 we hereby express ou bebulf of our fur Biroon, the veteran crickerer porte Lodge, our deip aud biodere appreciacion bred Gottes and soa tbe o atory was Add gravitude for Lis Deble eturts and put on the ting. The Rime was traup the ny bud ees sna lasting services)
har to Erie, who apsia had the baliend tbst be faithu ly rund red, aud with the fourth delivery Gicleus ve BE IT FURTAER KESOLVED, that taken st bort sip oy Marsball, which our Lodge go into mourning for four (4)
scalp clean nahuathy.
closed their innings for 102, Levy mada conserutivo General mestiuge; that a 23 aud Bovell 14 copy of this Resolution be sent to the Price bearbox. sold For the Cornwall Earla cap fuauty of the deceased brother, and HESE for 19 and Listen for 34.
copy each to the Star Head and Lioton «lo performed the Fat trick.
Tusist on QUEAN; Boop The Workman for publication, and a no substitute For ibe Excalaior Gituns captured coDy be spread on the face of our for 36 and Burton for 13.
Trs QUEEN Medios we skin and Seni Sosp.
Colon Advertise in tha NORKMAN bace Powder Rent Receipt Books In Spart.
ish and English ter saje at The And get Geod Results.
Box 17. ALOOD.
Workman Printery, respected a 13 ler, CU. Uos.
be therefore neare now be went tunione, e ude and lots own let out your inform her various patrons and HOWELL beide of boy the framewondering Grad Carnival is Gone or Mar 23, 1921 ܘܬ But your costume is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of coded in KINKY Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
QUEEN HAIR DRESSING strihte Intes ir. It feeds tha Tools haling to crow long and mooth.
QUEEN removes andra und keeps the Use QUIEN and bare lont. WAV. penutul nr.
bs BRICWERE STOL Central Avenue, Budst other ud stors American Bazaar Stores tured QUEEN Peroxide Ski Oistent, QUEEN Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.


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