
Mexico and the United States President Obregon Refuses to Yield to Terms Laid Down by Washington ISSUE ON OIL LEASES Oh, what fragrance!
21 YOU LL never find another THIS 600 TONS STEAMER is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
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DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW cigarette like Chesterfield.
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Ceskyfield TGARETTES UGGETT SUSTERS TOBACCO CO. late Washington despatch states that President Obregon of Mexico bas assumed defiant attitude toward the United States, with the result that rels tions between the two countries approaching a crisis. Obre gon stand is made known in formal advices, which he has bad conveyed to this Government toat Mexico will not agree to the cor ditions of recognition Is down by the Wilson admitista tion in the closing days of its creer, particularly the condition which related to Article XXVII.
of the Mexican Constitution, which is aimed at the destruc tion of American oil conce: siors and property holdings. Secretary of State e Colby note in referring to Article XXVII. insist.
ed that Mexico clear that this provision is ro and must not be interpreted as retroactive or violativa of valid property rights.
It is accepted here by author.
ities on Mexican affairs that the United States will never recog.
nize Mexico so long as the obnox ious provisions remain in the Mexican constitution.
Trouble Foreseen by President Harding President Harding has realizfrom he was first of most serious problems the new administration wou have to confront, and he has it clear that deal with it firmly. He has been subject to ust make it They Satisfy Write to the WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
13 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA Chesterfield CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. Jim, Colored Porter, Saves nominated teamlease proffered Man Afire From Death Leap While Broadway Crowds Watch Strug insmithe time that he was elect gle In Air made liv.
ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY tary BIJOU been incis ved by another to foo.
Salvation Army Belgium uthe liberal aid how ed, and has been especially attentive to it since his inaugura.
William Matthews, a clerk in thews firmly by one foot and As an example of this interest the ver Garden Building at while the burning man hung he conferred today with Broadway and Fiftieth street, over the side and screamed with Scobey of Texas, and Nelson went up to the storer om on the pain the negro calmly beat out Shaughnessy, who was Charge tiſta ilour yesterday afternoon to the. mes with his hat. With Agairs in Mexico City during get some materials for the drug the pain relieved somewhat Mat the administration of Henry Lane store soda fonctain. When be the wg regained bis sensus ruffi did not return within a few mo ciently to crawl back into the the President conferied with ments Jim, a negro porter, wert room Henry Fletcher, Under Secre upstairs to and out what was the of State, and with matter.
Jim smelled smoke as he walk helped Matthews to the window also conferred earlier with Sec his own clothing, and then he sador to Mexico. The President. ard pushed him through, this fore he reached the storeroom. time feel free to um ih moerstood un retary of State Hughes.
When he reached the door the a two inch ledge on the outside not have a firm grip on the sit erciset in the selection of the That President Obregon does cases to be afforded this relief.
odor of smoke was stronger and The porter followed, and holding uation in his own country is in One of the conditions. laid down inside the room he heard some Matthews hand and half carry. dic by the Army is that not mre one crying sing and threshing about than two persons shall be aile on the floor. The ne open the door. The gro pushed ing him he made his way along dicated by the growth of the to visit any one grave. It is also provided that eacb visit so Ortiz flames room was in window opening into from floor to celicy, and. Hublo assisted shall be direct to the Punging about on the floor was porter entered the room and on. Ruhi has been die has been disgrunt ICE CREAM FACTORY grase, and back and not to any Matthews, trying to smother and dragged Mathews with him.
Id ever since the administration point beyond.
beat ou: the fire that enveloped of the railroads Alr ady the work done under from was taken him. He was ablaze írom bead Meanwhile other employees of him and placed in charge of the 35 Calidonia Road the guidance of Mrs. Commisthe drug store and of the build Treasury. After his resignation sioner Higgings has called forth The porter ran to Matthews ing, hearing the shouts of the tho Mexican Congress gave Ru high praise trom the press, and assistance, but before he could crowds and the uproar in the bio an overwhelming vote of con innumerable lettera expressing reach him Matthews leaped to street, hurried upstairs and ex. fidence.
the deepest gratitude have been his feet, shrieking, and ran to tinguished the flames before the WHOLESALE received from relatives who have the window. With the flames fire apparatus arrived.
Recent reports show that the railroad strike is spreading, the travelled to and from France and shooting from his clothing and hair he plunged headlong through down the stairs and into the dewe engineers, firemen and trainmen.
The porter helped Matthews water tenders having joined the AND RETAIL auspices.
offered offered by the Government places the window, smashing the glass th with his head and shoulders, but store, where they met one of the ins are compelled to carry their the Army in a splendid position the negro managed to grab his news Clothing was Inow gone. owe water in special tank cara, proprietors Samuel Thaw, Mat ning to bring into the range of its ser.
vice those kinsfolk of the fallen bis bair is was hurned and his who are in the greatest need of The porter struggled with Mat. whole body was blackened by locomotivas not in use are being thews for a long time on the win the flames and smoke.
He in such a BANK help and advice.
dow sill, the clerk trying to free started to tell, and the porter is impossible to use them withhimself and plunge to the pave also started to say something, out extensive repairs, Jazz Dead in London.
ment and the negro trying des. but neither of them finished.
perately to drag him back into They swayed together for an in Salvationists GetLondon, March 13. The Jazz the room Meanwhile on the stant, then fell to the floor.
is dead in London, says S, pavement five stories below two Both of them were unconscious ting Grant OWNED BY or three persons saw the smoke Richardson, one of the foremost English authorities on dancing.
pouring through the window and make when Dr. Bonnyman He declares that new dano the blazing mman hanging head from Flower Hospital, but the Decision that Has Been The National City Bank of New York He decla be popularised this down across the sill. Their shouts porter quickly recovered and but the fox trot, one step and Come to by the British Head Office: 55, Wall Street and the cloud of smoke that roll went home, while Matthews was tango, which have held internaaround the corner into sev sent to Bellevue Hospital in a Army Council tional interest for two or or three condition. The negro Was Capital. Surplus Undivided Profits over 14, 000, 000 seasons, will be standardized. Previously those taught the and Seventh Avenue were pack address or his last name. Thaw few minutes both Broadway ed. No one last night kwew. his 25, 000 IS THE AMOUNT same dances by different teach ved.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama ers found themselves hopelessly But during all this time the said he had never known him by WILL USE MONEY FOR ASSISTING Depository of the Panama Canal at sea when they tried to dance to POOR RELATIVES TO VISIT gether he said Through standPorter continued his efforts to any other name than Jim.
WAR GRAVES drag Matthews backs in tne Through its Agencies in the Interior and ardization, on which the majority Rent Receipt Books In Spanof dancing instructors in London room, even though his own cloth: its Foreign Branches this Institution offers have now agreed, a ing caught fire several times ish and English for saje at The The following is taken from the English War Cry of the Sal exceptional banking facilities.
framework in the Finally the negro grasped Mat Workman Printery the steps will be vation Army for March:insured without eliminatiog all We are pleased to announce Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands chance of introducing individual that by a decision of the Army variation. Freakish and eccentric GET LISTED IN Council, following a conference light gymnastic such as exInterest Paid on Savings Accouat at Per Caat at the War Ofice, a grant of aggerated forms of jazz are WORSHAM 25, 000 will be made to the SalvaPer Annum rapidly passing out.
NEGRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD tion Army for the purpose of assisting poor relatives who de Rent Receipt Bools in Spai Get together Medium for our Progressive sire to visit war graves in France ish and English, for sale at th Business Men and Flanders.
amount. But the sum charged, Toe generous grant which the Workman Printery: EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE the War Graves Visitation de service rendered is beyond enable the Army to pay up to The arrangements made by small as it is compared with the Government has promised will NOTICE ITS BENEFIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT partment undar the direction of the means of many thousands of the limit of one half the expenses Mrs. Commissioner Higgins are people, who have thereby been of relatives whose circumstances The Rose of Panama Lodge, Write for further particulars to so perfect that the cost to rela denied the mournful satisfaction are proved to be necessitous. Order of Free Gardeners meets REID, Drawer Ancon tives of undertaking the journey of visiting the spot where their Needless to say the utmost the first and third Wednesdays is reduced to the lowest possible gallant men folk are resting. care and stringency will be ex of each month.


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