
THE MARY MULLER ONE PRICE STORE MARY MULLER No. 89 Central Avenue with BUSINESS MEN sight to OORIOS to bind by Quebec 10 any ADVERTISE would with an 2006 or DOC.
to There is Line THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West.
Continued on Page Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pallid Trinidad appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: Preferential Trade HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM Pact with the HAS JUST OPENED For sale at all Drug Stores in this City Motherland and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and Da Costa Gomez Trinidad Chamber of Solo Agent for the Republic of Panama.
HATS TO 10 GOLD GERVASIO GARCIA, Commerce Follows Action of Demerara In the English Velvets, Silk Tulle, Ribbons, Flowers, Matter Embroideries, etc. RESOLUTION ADOPTED gestion dealt with in the corres colonies generally Chamber approves of the sug. desirable in the interest of the WANTED UNEQUALLED VALUES AT pondence between Edward Subject of West Indian Davson an de Ewean Milner for and Advertise in Tho WORKMAN SECOND HAND FURNITURE LOWEST PRICES Federation Has Also creation of a Central Council of, and got Good Results Will pay reasonable price Been Dealt With. say. ten members, official and commercial Call at 119 Central Avenue, the nominated by the representatives of NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
or Phone No. 130 DECISION ARRIVED AT Secretary of State to hold regu har et special peetingelser Mrs. Annie Lindsay The Trinidad Chamber of Com and to make recommendations patrons and others that she L, Bdin.
ed, for interchange of views, begs hereby to notify her Dr. LOWE merce bas followed its sister or: with regard to West Indian con has removed to No. 7, Ottice Hours 30 Ip.
ganization of British Guiana and tribution. has Subject Plod resolutions on the legal, medical, physical, educa: Street near Central Avenue of preferential trade Mother rade tion, police, commercial, and obliquely opposite the Am Box 798 Office 844 Country and the West Indico and other questions as might seem erican Consulate.
Ancon, Phonus: Resido1002 Federation of the Caribbean colo Football Discipline Medical Research nies. These questions are being considered in the West Indies at Mission Order, which is said to be the first the suggestion of Sir Edward law of Heaven is also applicable to the Davson, President of the Asso football field Members Leave for West ciated Chamber of Commerce of POSITION: It is very pleasant the West Indies.
Indles At the Trinidad meeting Mr.
to see 22 men lined up on a fie waiting the sound of the Referee Professor Leiper, head of Edgar Tripp said the idea was whistle and to see each man sticking to the London School of Tropical that a all knew the present Government in power in England bie position at all times while the game Medicine Expedition to British is in progress. Many a success has been Guiana, which is to investigate was altogether in favour of reci achieved by one team due to the fact filariasis with the view of obtainprocal arrangement within the that the members stick to their position ing information as to the preven sible how was the time it the Mother GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST and work up and down the line in an tion and treatment of that disCountry by orderly. by an agreement for a DEPORTMENT: Much of the wide via New York, on February 24th term of years. 12 was quite pos sible for the Imperial Parliament spread estimation enjoyed by this inter He proposes to procene Line down national game has heen due to pome ex the isla the islands by a to alter that agieement at lent to the attractiveness dispılaved where he hopes to make a short future period, but it was hardly by both teams when lined up in regular wh likely that any future Govern colors, and the game can be better stay, on or about March 26:h.
ment interfere lowed when there is such a The otner members of the expe actual a distinction agreement which would be between opposite sides. It not ap. dition, namely, Dr Vevers.
equivalent to a treaty with the pear to be sufficiently established on the demonstrator of helminthology colonies. And as Sir Edward IN THE Davson pointed out, in order to Isthmu for all clube to be properly in the school; Dr. John and togged, but it is hoped that socoteam Bon, Dr. Chung Un Lee Sider give the security which was so will be identified by its colors in the dis ian Medical Service, go to British in the die Mabommed Khalil, of the Egypt absolutely necessary in the coloWORKMAN nies if progress was to be mainis nothing more pleasing Guiana. some by the Harrison the eyes of an of an athlete than to see two tained, it was essential that or more members of a club approaching and there should be some assurance others the Dutch Mail.
the football field with football boots and It is understood that at the that the preference now given would be maintained over a series stockings shorts and striped jercien suggestion of Sir Patrick Manunder their cats.
son the expedition will extend of years and not abolished in the DISPUTES: Fans of the game will their investigation to certain course of a a year or two, If they necessarily have their side to favour and Barbados, where the filaria rate West Indian islands, such as had the security there was no in the case of disputes endeavour to dis: is high, and Grenada, where it is doubt that sugar and other agri play a little of their enthusiasm cultural products in the colonies we have a man on the field to decide all ing and contrasting the circumBut low, in the hope that by compare would receive much greater attention and cultivation. There disputes, and it should be the preroga stances of such places light may tive of that man was nothing but the want of con THE REFEREE. If there is one be thrown on the conditions fidence which prevented the col going ahead during the thing a footballer should learn at the which favour filaria.
Edward the game, and obeerve at all Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
past two years.
the times during his career, it is the duty of proposal was one that appealed Referee. If it were permisible for NOTICE.
given their sanctien over and over contending sides to decide their rights, Subscribers to the aboveprinciples of recipro there would be no Referee. It jare sev: named Company, who have not erely on the nerves of an intelligent ob completed payment on their allotcal relations between the rest of server, to hear 22 men engaged the Empire and themselves and ments, should make arrangeshare brawl around a helplees and dumb found. ments for an early settlement, he thought it desirable to pass led Referee. The poor fellow has noth as their interests are involved, resolution to the following ht: ing to do but keep quiet until the squall effect: has blown off. If there is any unreasonTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS That in order to encourage able decision, allow the two Captains the introduction of capital and the development of the agricul and the Referee to settle that. Again, is very frequently indulged in locally, to it is not expected the Referee will see hear domineering members endeavour lural and other resorces of the everything on the field at the same time, ing to make the play of their man look colony, it is necessary for full If a player accidentally bands the ball, ridiculous. The passing gamo is confidence to be established that the trade agreement whereby there is no need furthe exultant excla one, but it is not all times that a man mutual preferer ce will be grant mation of the 11 opposing player can pass the ball without haasrds to him med between the Mother Country Hand. The Referee ought to blow for salf. He must some times try to trick his this or Canada and the should be it an appoal is to be made, opponent before he can range the ball leave it to either the linee man or the for a pase. Do not go on ermanent, and with hima come pe this wing man. ACROSS ACROSS and it be should ead in view the Chan ber con curs that negotiations for a trade Tt Must be remembered that football not comply, you give yent to some up agreement to extend over a term is not tennin. There is a great amount of pleasant remark about his ability. That of at least physical exertion in the the game. At ought to be discussed in the dressing ten years be entered time in with the Home Goverment, in the supreme endeavour to get room alter the game.
the ball, two players may be seen rushit being the belief of this Cham COMRADESHIP: Bech another regardless at the MAD ber that before the expiration of plays in his own style and it is to be consequences. If one expected that the delence must exercise that period the advantages of the should get the worst of the encounter, ter, little agreement from an imperal ittle roughness at times to extricate standpoint would be so apparent the result is only one of the peculiaritice the ball out of their goal area. There is of the game.
Take your fall in good no need to scatter the seede of unpleasantas to secure the renewal there spirit my boy be up and be doing alter nens if you should sustain a sudden drop after.
Mr. Farnum in seconding, sug that, even though it aches slightly. o: if you should be freezed over. Be gested that the resolution be It is bad practice also yet one that sport Play the game.
sent to the Goverment to be for warded to the proper quarter, The resolution was agreed to.
West Indian Federatlin Class Distinction is more a matter of dress than Mr. Tripp, referring to the anything else. Beat It down. Let other subject of West Indian Federation raised in Sir Edward us help you.
Davson letter to Lord Milner, said that they had discussed the THE WOMAN EXCHANGE matter 80 otten he did it was necessary to makes DRESSMAKERS penght At the same time he Sir Edward proposal in the same diUp To The Minute Styles ed not only by those in large asortment of Tailored; Walsts when you can have them neatly oound at the eventual federation like himself, NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA but it could not possibly be objected to by those who were op WORKMAN PRINTERY ANN THOMAS, posed to it, as it must be for the general good. He moved :Proprietress. That as a further step tow.
ards eventual federation, this which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
man only Oby from regir outset of Se the again to pretty con bawling at The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, Therefore THE WORKMAN is an Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable foto: the be into of the SPIRIT OF ing one moment of BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces was another ste pould be approv. rection, which in favour


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