p. 8


well Pirk 11 prize DI ALBOA EST EER REWEI is Ace to at the cone PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN. SATIPNAY, APRIL 22, 1921.
seve: KORSE RACING AT JUAN Britannic Jamaica game ends PACIFIC THEATRE FRANCO In Drew As bruneed in our list in the JC Chad complied te reo Panama Jockey Club Scores Big Success 156 for the love of wickets Monroe Salisbury non e for alle the udara In Last Two Meets Oval last sunday, Walk and smbe.
To night tua, the two OL out for Jine, car in Tied the poore to 176 before Wsiker was ACE OF TRUMPS, IN GOOD TIME AND WAAMPUS KAT TO Sundown Trail eo lowed by Backroan for a EET IN TWO EVENTS THIS SUNDAY.
carne co Simbleton Lough his bit out for 41. Britannie wih deficit of SUNDAY 104 rune, Dow saried on their uphill Beautiful Carinel Myers For the past to Sundavs lor pro nises to be a 12 t) anua ers of sporte, asprally tuefites, the sectors as the seara game with Grabeasod Hill. The da 24th in have had teir boslo jos filled and be the rara ve is can truaalers 800D ont back Hill. Society Sensation to everywing by the two suc th na 14 of famyuh 7o, Croney and Backman to ta Cassive and interesting meats IPnu wir, Dan Patch, ti gb VID which brought ckies to face pull dot by the Panama Jockey lanter, and Billy Kelly Gan and the stand of the is Club at Jain Franco.
Next Shower or do Continuation of the episodes of the Universal greatest Serial Tait will be the It is the general opinion that sort and there will entit Week y Lee to 10e The King of the Circus these two are neetings re from start to tiin.
all herefter the most satisfactory ever pulis With the great ET DIE POLO, oll Pari Vatual tikets rell Juan Diaco sincet Cor 3:06 in order to Very has ben opaned for be integral ne on a tu wabay, an! to ins The bhaviou. On bith ag Sssssssssssss 99. 88 has ex rienlithe tou, you to bit casions. expiry and this retuneets.
Grild them bo of the day is no doub, due te fact that the general chun and loca Th. Panun Jockey Climas hen dacarui bei 93. tion of the Gends in and Padbierae in the water call to Branco the C600 wickets.
dorik sorux such a ple13 ns sur. fal irovat vath)
Mr. Piedmont Prizes.
usually given to discontent and months and there loving pab you is.
Mr. Pienion was on the job again, misbehaviour by a certain ciass class lic shou. show its appeacoa has did not distributo any prizs usin was taken up in admiring the by whole he triedly parvizos to in fact, that the men said the game new site and congratulating the the efort mala by th 3se gentle.
new Jockey Club on the marked nen.
would be played to finish at some improvements and necessary future di Graus was disappointed as Tag merchants and ohor basi conveniences made on the cireu ness men of this city, who stand hd fixed bis mind on those fam us ar track rhy netes to gain whether directly or indir Laat Yundy program was a ectly by the races, shu also To morrow Game at rutine and drew shɔw toeir approval by dating Games scheduled for to morrow 18 Cand. The sev. somethinx t) thupkop of this in the Sportman League are Sur eral events prozrainmed were sport of Kings, and in this cony vs. Yorkshire at the Standard keenly cor b; ne borsos naction we uit uns st that Dual Umpires Turpin and and Chu forta inuch abscip. ions be solicited from Birston: Cable vs. Clovelly at La aplus X01 that neith? mercats of Panto sia Baca Oval, Umpires Hall and wiu ucu Muntain Biyan neveut bb ni either Welch failed to win his event thereby Marchants Pursulo: the causing monontary constern Merchs Pizze Women on Juries tion among his backers, Then there are tid inny clocks of Truinps was the hero in Panam. who atroz the Couse Comment in both of these events beating Porilutuel bois vey Mountain Bəy on the first occa get. They should be asked for sion by nearly alergth, although a donation to assist in another At Fis! Tribunal In Britthe latter was serverely punishat event De and the Oleks greatest all.
is voice Court Ur on making the band for the ho: Purse and stretch.
In second event what abarte trade of Panava iiiw To Agree MOUC Buy for for some reitti 29? Coulthis son or outer failed to to gat otot 22. in iiketi the fall of the AFT? FOUNDAY TRIAL las and was leit donate abist) PODA the pist. This gave rise to a Pur little dissatisfaction among his Thesane thing could by ci filent Assut adaniers, when havit Colon. Le care nu susting it ing Certain Ev. ly, feeling that he would have thou wa oji for the protein bought hou. e the bacon in that consiler Pistoph Gence to Juryworten: event.
practice for the ukup of lus Slinw Connent, Charros, a new horse da med greatest spis to be brought from Bucas del To ro, did not make any showIDR British Consulate Notices Lundon, Maic14. stim although it was freely discussed Casjon bob commendaon the track that this horse is tion and condemnation, has in the Moantain Boy and Ace Brett London The Brivich Consul. Colon of Trumps cias, papers as the result of the in would be glad of information as The evert in which Army to the present whereabouts of Lovation of braving women ser with monas mi is of jury: horses and mules took part were oe Ribert Jackson in divorce ca. es pregnant with fun and excite cent and greatly helped to en. The British Coo u! Colon, The first mix jury to sit in the D Curi las hance the day program, while would be glad of inforination 29 at the same time it added to the to the present whereabouts of bunulaulettori de vedet amusement of the large crowd. one Cephas Boyd, a musician by DONC aur bed ing the case four profission, who let the island of dise Jannaica for Conver five years ile conant on the pro AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY Race lovers will ce dires, newspapers edicorials and the contributed CumuniFranen track burn up with speed cations of readers have discussed priccipally the propriety of oblig ever scalps were ing as they are surely to be bad this Sunday at the Panama Jockey submitted.
Club races to be held at Juan the Best In this case counsel for one of Oil Prospector Franco Park tomorrow.
of the parties to the action an Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Ace of Trumps still holds It allowed to pick our oboios, nounced that he had evidence to his good form which he possese would have none but the beet of every submit which he did not consider The West India Committee Cir Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
ed last Sunday but In Good thing: yet it is sad to say that our pece it proper to place before women cular of March 17th states that Time seems to be improving ple on the Isthmus, at the cost of their jufors, The judge said he was in the discussion following Mr.
every day, while the Waampus health, fump at every new patent med. but ulti Howell address on the Petro. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Kat the kat of mystery is, as icine placed on the market; espesialty it jarors ex mately on the leum of Resources some think, about to spring a amited the evidence Empire, which was summarised Sir Edward Marshall Hall, in SAILINGS FRCM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, KCON surprise on the aforementioned it is nice to take.
Such risks generally prove barmful, the Circular of of February 3rd, hall brothers.
many of the new dou are notbiog bul counsel for one of the parties Sir George Le Hunte recalled an However, each owner hopes to fakes. and sbould be carefully avoided.
aiu that this was the first case episode which occurred in Cauca, Saturday, April 23, for Trini be the victor in these two great When obtaining your medicine, got he bad ever conducted before a dad. man had found oil in a Tumsco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Marta, Cayo. Ballenita and mixed jury and that he hoped he certain gully. It would be a fine handicaps and theClub predicts a the best. The best is always that whial pose to nose Gnish with these is well tried and recommended by the Guayaquil would never have to deal with a thing, he thought, and would save three speedy ponies.
majority. Remember, don experiment se of such a nature agaia. a great deal of money, to dam. up Barima Saturday, April 23, for Mr. Dave Cardoze, the official with life, for it is precious.
Women Help Valuable sea and indeed he did form a ihe end of the the gully next to the Puntarenas, San Jose del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La starter, is going to show the pub. Know men, that DeWitt o Pille lic soine real starts again this have got the indisputa le right of being It is undeniable that there beautiful reservior, but he quite Uniol, La Libertad, Acajutla, San José de Guatemala and Sunday. and Mr. Earnest Dol the best Patent Medicine on the leta are many cases in which the forgot that oil is lighter tban Champarico phy, from Kingston, Jamaica, anus. Let no one fool you, no other assistance of women will be of water, and so, when the rain will be the mounted Feld Judge, se good. It has stood the test of many the greatest value to the Court, came down, all the oil fil at over Peru, Wednesday, April 27, for suid Sir Edward but there are the top of the dam into the sea.
and will watch the jockeys like a years treatment, and holds the ChamGuayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry cat while they are riding in the pionship of the World ou cari.
other cases in which from the races Atillions have been cured, and millione nature of the evidence which will Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Leave Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique. Antofagasta, have to be discussed before them, Coquimbo and Valparaiso The Jockey Club has firmly a bow under treatment foto every it is undesirable that they should for the States set its teeth against any foul or continent.
unfair riding and if any of the This statement is backed up by facts Victoria. Saturday, April 30, for serve.
Advice from the makers roads: Due Sir Edward comment evoked boys think they can pull any By the ss. Cristobal which ssiled Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iqu que, Antofagasta and Valparaiso thing they will be much sur to the many new orders that are being a bet etort from George Ber last Saturday, Mr and Mro, Alfred Dyer, prised after the race.
sent in daily from all parts of the world nard Shaw, playwright, who, of La Boca left for the States on a tixty Quillota, Sunday, May for writing to the Daily News, as daya vacation, which they intend to The hurdles for the steeple in consequence of the greatly increased Now York direct a member of the male sex took pund in Wes: Virginia where the family chase will be otherwise used to found it for De Witt Pilis, we have prevent the horses running in on lit necessary to remove to much issue with the views of the bar of Mrs. Dyer resides, Mr. Dyer is an old timer on the the old track rister.
as has happened Road, East Croydon, London.
larger factory grounds at Cherry Orchard Sir Edward Marshall Hall Isthmus having been here for the last 15 For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at during the last tvo mrets, and if this is attempted again the assumption that my sensibilities years. Hy was employed, until recently The right treatment is DeWitt Pille pony in this matter are less delicate in the Lsndscape Architect Dept, and CRISTOBAL ruoning in may have to hurdle Start now. Sold at all leding Drug before being di qualified.
Stores, and are always in stock at the than women is not only unfound eubsequently served in the QM as ed but extremely offensive, Clerk, dow ratod as effice help.
Tomorrow or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, prosramme outside general depot.
wrote Mr. Sbaw, a well known and Lighly is of the two handicaps will bring THE CITY PHARMACY, name of comincn sense did this corridered member of the colored com PANAMA North one Steeplechase, ona Mule 139, CENTRAL AVE. PANAYA.
blushing barnster exclude six munity end bolde bigh effing in several Races, two Race, two Army jurymen from the apology which fraternal orders in consequence of which er Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON Bios. Inc. Sub gents, llipatiac racer, one Bays Race, he thougt it necessary to make it is gesly hoped that himself and and one Black Star Handicap. Rent Receipt Books Is Son Royal Mall Stoan Packat Co. Panama for presenting them (some of the his fo will benefit from their well esta Wher in the jockeys will be exbibits in the case) to the six ed vacation and return to Paasms in the Gittens, Sylvester, Wil ish and English, for sale at in jury women.
beet of health, lians, and Jack Wright. This Workman Printery, news RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE Spe Juan in the band ei farlong teavought There is no Better than jury to examine all the evidence Queer Experience the British Know ye ali Mr Dyer


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