
PAGE FOUR THL WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30. 1921, CECILIA THEATRE This Week Program Corte Gzbt for the that bare stolen per so soundly from a rich city judi 19 Gas for Cooking kulted in the loss of large sums of money, whích might Never Excelled Thomas Meighan At least. THE WORKMAN THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on sppliesWALROND, at the ofice Central Ave tion Correspondence on all matters Nuo spd sorner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
do NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA PO Box 74. Ponowa RP All copy for publication must be Demonstrating tha: POSSESSION To nizht Satur las wille OS CO side of paper only, and IS NINE POINTS OF THE LAW.
KATS GESIRSCRIPTION Descompted by the name of especially when a baby is concern Jo Yes!
62. 40 LS. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publles DRESSMAKERS Leneau, a trapper, and his wife arai ton but as a mark of good fatih Six Months made most unhappy by the death of!
80 wo do not undersco 10 returi their child; and the first bit of sahne Ons 25 rejected correspondence toate the into their home appel when a little by kidoapped by of die Press is the palladium of our right UNIS Mitchell Lew. The development of a personal mode for each Ad ir escapes from bin sed runs into the hut of lenesu. RED trages the SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1921.
patron is the special function of our Establishment boy, but Lebens, in thep se: si un of the child, trashes the kidnap PANAMA RAILROAD MUST PAY he dies, but not be.
fore revealing that the end was dir FOR HUMAN LIFE city judge. neau, despite His love for the boy, takes him to the jurist borne, where he leanas the in When Judge Frank Feuille was attorney for the Panstond ur reing the sua of the jud e he NINE TENTHS ama Railroad Company it used to be his favorite arguis a little orphan for whom the judge is ment that the relatives of persons killed in accidents by looking for home. Lepeau joyfully the railroad could not recover damages for the loss of life, takes the child back to his but in the OF THE LAW.
woods and the trapper and his wife are and this bloodless conception of personal rights showed made happy again by adopting the itself in the manifest opposition to all claims brought is seldom equalled child.
against the company for death through negligence on its TO MORROW own part. Sunday)
The wretched policy of this attorney in contesting If you believe youreslf to be old at thirty five and that life has every claim for damages on account of injuries inflicted BUT nothing further store, for you, by the company and rejecting findings of the District Jesse Lasky you should see Thomas Meigban Court by appealing to New Orleans when amicable comin William De Mille splendid pictpresente been made was ure, Conrad in Quest of His Youth, wbich will be shown at have been saved by the company; but his inhuman posithe Cecilia Sunrday Without telling the story in de tion that denied the right of dependents to recover damtail, we are privileged to tell you ages for loss of life was something that puzzled the reason that the central idea of the storyin of people all over the Isthmus. Demonstration will Convince that one never grows old when The members of the legal profession always felt that You one loves fills one with enthusi. Willian) de Mille asm.
Mr. Feuille contention was irregular and believed that persons wh who saw the picture Production some day it would be capsized by the ruling of a Judge when we did. Conrad finds it im who would know his business. This happened when in possible to travel tie road back CONRAD IN QUEST 1918 attorneys McIntyre and Todd filed a claim for dam there is ages against the railroad for the loss of life of Mrs. Rock, none, but when he fell in love, AT PANAMA GAS CQ, COLON GAS CO.
on behalf of dependents of the deceased.
OF HIS YOUTH presto! his vanished vouth reYOUR turned As reported in another column of this issue Judge Cathedral Plaza 03 Bollvar St The picture is an excellent one (Based on the novel by Isadere Hanan, who delivered a learned and lengthy opinion on Merrica)
and well worth ones while to see.
Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364.
the case, found for the claimants and the Court of ApThe settings are elaborate and Scenario by Olga Prinzine the development of the story.
peals of New Orleans confirmed the decision of the Dis.
gically carried out. Mr. Meighaa (A Paramount Picture)
trict Court, and thus settled, once for all, the question of is supported by an unusually can possible damages for the loss of life through the Panama pable company, allof whom conRailroad Company.
BIRTHDAY COMPLI HOR TON tribe ist ein bis tasty be the pics MENTS artistically satisfying.
MONDAY According to the position taken by Mr. Feuille when he was attorney for the railroad here, it was more profit Last Sunday morning, during For Skin and Scalp able for the company to kill a person than to inflict inju the still hours of the dawn, cer Fvery woman wants a beautiful head What Would You Do STOLL FILM CORPORSuppose ries. How very reasonable. this was, can be seen by tain friends of our genial and of hair. You may have it if you uso That you were a farmer wife, loving ATION OF AMERICA even the most idiotic mind or the greatest novice to logic; popular Dr. Felix Lowe, led Howtonaar Hair Grower, Kuaranteed to and, perhaps, the only person in the whole world who felt by Mr. Robertson of the Perunded. Twelve yours it usor money American Trade Developing Co. known to fail.
your husband and children?
a sense of comfort in maintaining the impossible position sprung quite a pleasant surprise That you entertained for the summer, Hair Grower 520 presents was Judge Feuille himself who did not seem to squirm at on the Doc when, in honour of say, a clever and beautiful woman of Shampoo 52c his personal consciousness of something that looked unjust, bis birthday, they secured the the stage, who bewi ched your man.
Pressing Oil 52c That your husband confessed his infa The Lure of inhuman and extremely vicious in the eyes of the world.
and serenaded himn at his home Beauty Cream tuation for her, and, despite your plead52c We do not believe that the authorities of the company on Doming, Diaz Temple Oil ings, followed ber. 27c ever did endorse, morally, the contention of their attor O, hearing the sweet strains That. wben repulsed by the woman who had lured bim from your side, bo ney with regard to the impossibility of dependents bring from the band in his immediate YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY returned to you, penitent.
ing suit against the company for loss of life of rela. vicinity, the Doctor inquiringly out on the balcony, only to For further particulars write to WOULD YOU CAKE HIM BACK?
From the Novel by Marion Hill tives, but since he was their servant and received salary tind that he was the cause of it for his work, it was only natural, if not even just, that all ALEXANDER ROUDETT Go and te the famous Stoll Film Cor. Featuring IVY DUKE and poration production. The Lure of they should allow him a free hand in his legal. oper Mr Robertson in a neat little 181 WEST 145th ST. NEW YORK Crooning Water. What Riebel Dora GUY NEWALL out its findings in the case referred to above we feel sure part of his appreciation ations on behalf and in the interest of his employers.
speech Send Money Ordar when ordering congratulated the Doctor blazer, the farmer wife, did under thesa circumstances, is a revelation in human Now that the New Orleans Appeal Court has given on the occasihn and asked him to effort on the St. Agnes Girls to Play at psychology that will interest you.
Gatun Clubhouse, Tuesday and Wednesday that the Railway Company who has already discontinued bled, to show the services of Mr. Feuille will accept the ruling in the of his many sterling The young ladies of St. Agnes YOUR FAVORITE WOMAN sanest spirit possible and appreciate the reasonableness them for the tribute and honour ma, will visit Gatun and play at Dr. Lowe replied thanking Guild of St. Paul Church, Pana Is She Like the Heroine of Famous Players Lasky Corp of it.
paid to him and expressed the the Silver Clubhouse on Monday Tha Restless Sex. presents On the other hand the public owes an eternal debt of hope that he might always, no May 16th.
The Concert which was given the contented sort who are satisfied to Which type of woman do you prefer?
gratllude to the Honorable John Hanan, Judge of the matter where his lot may be cast, District Court of the Canal Zone for his sound judgement and himself in a position to be by the guild at the Pacific Theatre be just wives? Or the roless, excite.
for which has been upheld by the Higher Court in New Or ment of his fellowmen and the been the talk of the town from me cooking young woman who has By Robert Chambers to a the leans; for by it a most distressing condition has been re general good of humanity.
Gatun folks will have an oppor. type that is portrayed in Robert It is a bersine tbe of latter with moved and a just position created whereby compensation for killing can be obtained from the railroad company.
OUTSIDE THE LAW tunity to hear them and no one cambers popular niory. The Restles: Marion should lose the chance to enjoy a Davies So far as is known, the Panama Railroad Company This is the title of the latest Sex. This novel, which ran originally was the only public concern which has ever enjoyed the Universal bit. new crock drama bright and interesting programme a Tickets for the concert will be in a prominent magazine, has been pio turized, with Marion Davies as the star, strange immunity to suit for damages in connection with the popular PRISCILLA DEAN ine sadenin Gatee some time during and will occupy the screen.
the death of persons occurring through the negligence of the best crook actress on the the coming week.
The story centers around Stephanie THURSDAY its servants, and now that this has been relegated into the screen to day. It vividly depicts Notice to Oddfellows Cleland, ad opted daughter of a rich New past the company will fall in line with all concerns run the life of San Francisco under Yorker, who has had from birth a crav.
and operated on the basis of modern civilization.
world with Chinatown in Frisco Members of the Improved In ing for excitement. leesness Justine Johnstone There can be no doubt that the company will issue the Love. back pro unido e pictures dependent. Order of Oddfellows, loads her into a Toreledernaria lor from love, a daring with a never failing London Unity, are reminded of which a real romance and tura of fate strictest orders to its employees with regard to the preser interest that grips you from London, Unity day, May 15th extricates her. Ralph Kellar and Car IN vation and protection of human life, and it is felt certain start to finish Do not fail to see ti 1921. This being our regular lyle Blackwell have the chief male roles at Pacific Theatre Sunday the that cases of death through carelessness on the part of the is the Palaiye Egent release day, but alske del cos municate when the supporting er god Roberts Loo BLACKBIRDS to with nard directed the picture, which was company will be reduced to a minimum.
thriills and action.
Secretries for full Information. produced by Cosmopolitan for Para By Harry James Smith Nobody would like the experience of having to file a suit against the Panama Railroad Company for the loss of and whose earning capacity might have yielded handsome Àn Absorbing Drama life of a relative, because no compensation, however con sums for tbe provision of his family.
siderate, could really satisfy the bereaved, but it will be Like Judge Feuille, the abominable impediment to THE NEW MOON reassuring to know that the dependents of a person killed personal rights is gone and human life is now as sacred FRIDAY Siz reel Production through the railroad company will be able to obtain some with the Panama Railroad company as it is anywhere else pecuniary satisfaction for the loes of one who might have in the world. Hitherto the company had no more legal flees to a neighboring province when her!
The story of a Russian Princess who been their only means of support.
obligation nor felt no more moral responsibility for the castle is attacked by anarchists, and It is understood that hundreds of families have been death of a person through accident due to no contributory takes refuge in a small store in the guire Norma Talmadge bereft of their relatives by accidents on the companies negligence than it had or felt at the killing of a cow along of a peasant girl. When the decres steamers or on the railroad trains, and not a penny was the railroad track.
issued ordering all the woman in the ever given them on the ground that they could not recov It was extremely fortunate for the company attoralized, the princess refuses to register in order to be nation to er damages for the dead.
ney that no member of his family was killed by the com and incites the other women of the register The Quite likely, Judge Feuille idea was that the injured pany negligence or else his wise and rare counsel would town to follow her ex imple. The authpersons should bring suit and testify in court themselves, have received a puncture that could only have been patch orities discover the true lineage of the and since in the cases of persons killed this was impossible, ed up by a gold twist applied on the inside, which hɔwever peasant girl who is leading the women New Moon to revolt and try to force her to register. the railroad company was free from suit whenever it sniff impossible it might seem could easily have been executed with dire results to themselves.
ed out the life of an individual who might have lived long by a Chylock of the times.
Norma Talmadge gives an excellent Select Picture hair in Street Crooning Water 10, 000 AGENTS WANTED there asse The Restless Sex that mount release a country


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