
PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Panama Wesleyans Pacific Theatre Welcome New Pastor.
Mrs. JONES Resident No. 13 Street, in front of Saint Paul Church Graduate of the Lella Colle, New York City, NY. Madam Walker Mathod Scientific Hair Dressing Hours tollam to 30 pm Special trainining for Hair Culturists. Shumping, Prazzing Cirl ing and Beautif ins Spial That rent for Dandruft. Siastically preparing the Scalp for powerful growth of Soft Flowing Hair The most Modern and Up to Date System of Walker By Parlour N» Tivoli Rond in front LED Park, Panama City Hair goods, Supertino acidi Saps, Hair Growar, Lotions, Pertames SUNDAY MAY Ist!
kvi st ed, Pricilla Dean IN 66 Outside NILE QUEEN The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oils imported from India and Japan WHITENER AND CLEANSER BLEACH) ROUGE. COLD CREAM.
DANDRUFF REWEDY Springfield, Kashmir Chemical Co.
Chicago. Il. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for skia gearly every thing to clear pletion of pimples liver saal bisk tried beads without success, until found Kashmir e Nile Queen. Now my skin is as smooth and lovely as can be and my hair has kruwa so long and glossy, my friends all admire it. wish all our women would try Nlle Queen.
Box 738. Cristobal.
hair and Last Wednesday evening the members and followers of the Wesleyan Body in this city sembled to extend a right hest welcome to their pastor, thul an old friend, in the jerson of the MC Surrean, late of Beus del Tors, who he been appointed by the Distrie: Sood to take care of the work Parker arser The attendance, though representa tive, was bol as numerically good as it should have been on. ccount of the short COM police given, but all who attended left with the best impression of the Rvd.
gentleman and predicted a bright future for his career in these parta.
for the chair was taken by Mr Her ris, one of the leading local preachers of the circui. and on the platform were Revd GN. Tylerbest, of the Nassrene Church, Messrs. Wallets Fairweather and try Box, repreeenting the Society. The address of we come was read by Mr. Harris and substanti, ted by Rovd. Tylerbest and Mr. Walters in call che well ehosen remarks.
Temel Revd, Surgeon reply bore the hall mark of sincerity His pathetic tones, bis easy but impressive manner, bis plain but heart to heart talk beld the congreration spell bound. He referred with deep gratitude to the circumsances which brought about bia decition to take the work of the ministry and briefly outlined the whole of his ministerial Carter.
It is now a quarter of a century since by has been in the service of the Master 17 years of which was spent in his native land, Jamaica, and the other dal in Bocas del Toro, Mr. Surgeon will remain on this side till next Sunday when he will occupy the papt morring and evening, and it is espeted that any will avail themselves of the opportunity of bearing him and renewing old friendship.
CHURCH NOTICES The Law (INKY HAIR up the the NO MORE TIRED FEET after using Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC It promptly and effectively relieves Sore, Chafed, Tired, foet.
cure for dobie, itch.
The soothing coolness felt immdiately upon application is indeed grateful it is not greasy and is oolon ve fout Use it tonight. you will be delighted tors and get a bottinow sure them QUEEN HAR DRESSING straightens Kinky air feeds the hair roots helsin to row long dth QUEEN Temoves dan rut sit the scalpeleas and healty IQTEEN and have dont trail air GO to th drug STO tentang vioin French Bazaar PANAMA of Orders ever seen Sunday School Anniversary a The building was heavily cracked and Success.
the balcony fell about two minutes after the crash Culon, Ar 26. Surday Echocari Due to the vigilance of the policeman veraly Ive took place at the Colon Wesley Church on Sunday and laut on duty, no one was hurt. Seeing the nicht as we turced, and was sue dangerous condition of the balcony be.
fore it full, be kept the spectators eft, cos ful throulout, Iht euch was nicely decorated and thus avoiding any casuality, releed reditully cn toe who bad charge of the work.
Cristobal Literary Association Aube HIVIO wire well attended, Colo April 27 The Cri Liter tu at730 on Sunday night and the ary Arzocialin bed a tu coersful meeting publie testing on the full wine evening last night when there were pres ut by The church was actually packed, while visitors, among whom was Mr. Perey there were burde de outride who could Downes who enlisted as a metuber.
not as much as forge their way in.
Aulm the Kevd Surgeon, meeting of next week wh eh wil be so According to the announcements the the new pastor, who was the pretcher interes ing debate, holds promise alto of for three services of the day, preached much swocess and a large gathering is.
a osiriog termon from Timo hy 5, anticipated.
briigil to the minds of the parente tbe importance of leading the children in the Local Co operation Declares right way from their early yea.
Under the beadings What wben Dividend and why at 30 be addressed the Colon, April 25. At the meeting of whildren from Ecclesiastes 12 Remem the Committee of Management of the ber now thy Creater in the days of thy Colon Independent Mutual nefit Coyoutb, while the evil days come not nor operative Society held yesterday even the years draw nigh when thou shalt ing at the Society ball, corner 5th ay have to pleasure in them; advis street and and Broadway Me Mr. Rick ing them to take God in all their plans elts, manags of the Co operative Stores, for the future.
was authorized to commence payment The immense crowd at 30 of a 13 per cent cash purchase dividend lietened interestedly to the words found for the quarter ending March 31.
in Daniel 8 and was preatly impressed This dividend is being paid from 60 by the deliberate and impressive expoei per cent of the net profits for the quart tion of the pastor er, the remaining 40 per cent is carried, At the public meeting last night an 20 por cent to the general rinking fund interestidg program of recitations and and 20 per cent to annual dividends on special musical numbers was therented deposit ors investment.
by the scholars of the Sunday chool and The individual quota is determined immensely enjoyed. The children Bave, as follows: Esch member is furnished good acccunt of themeelves and reflect with a memorandum book in wbich the ed much credit on their various teachers, amount purchased and initialed by the and those who trained for the salesman who makes a corresponding cce usion, the chair was occupied by the entry is his blotter; accountant carries minister, and on the plaform were blotter entry to the member account Meers. Edwards and Boyce of and at the end of the quarter the sc the Cristobal Calon Bupist and Chris count is sudited and balanced with tian Mix 100 Sunday sełocis respective by total of the necounts are then taken memorandum book acc. unt. The grand the Dusical numbers, a duet by Mises Simple and Brown of the Bip and the pere: ntage dividend figured ano har by Montes llarris ad Lebat It has been decided that a detailed of the Sunday School, sulos by Misc report of activis for the quarter he Constantin veyad Aldy huis as compiled and published.
wel anthem anthem by the church choir were the most attractive, while solo by Muster lluertus Rodney, accom OUTSIDE THE LAW AT THE panied by his sister Miss Doris Rodney PACIFIC, SUNDAY at the organ was well rendered and beartily applauded. FISHERMEN PARADE The closing remarks of the chairman and the benediction brought the service One of the grandest processions to a close at 30 o clock.
fraternal in the city of Colon, was bebeld on CRICKET Sanday last, April 24th, when the State District Grani Lodge, No. 4, and the Atlantic Champs Defeated by following lodge under their jurisdic ion: Sports Mt. Horeb Grand Encampment, No.
Colon, April 25. Tho Sussex Guiding Star, No. 14, Rising under Capt in Atherly, yesterday suffr. No. 19. Mizpah. No 29, East ed defeat at the hands of the Sports ero Star, st.
and under the captaincy of Guy.
Michael (the latter three are juvenile Both tests along with their support lodges) celebrated the annual anniversa er at the outeet seemed confident of ry of the order of Galilead meab victory, and much enthusisen was dis.
played by a large number of Church and marched to the for a Thanksgiving Service. The who seeing the weather spectators, journeyed to witne favourable, process any a quarter med the same the game.
appearance; but Sports won the tors and elected to bet, the con thus taking advantage of a perfect wicket ment female members in their full dress the conspicuous object tending as their first representatives Far of black, with white cuffo and collars.
the former retiring with on the whole the behavior was orderly, egg while the latter succeeded and credit must be given to the Master in subscribing 189 runs to the total before of Ceremonies, Bro. Gobourne, he was bowled by Lynton.
Supreme Deputy and State Grand Ruler This bowler appeared to be in good who performed hie duties in an able and form and endeavoured to break the creditable manner.
morale of bis osporenta, picking them Promptly at 45 the procession moroff in quiek succession until Japal the ed off, headed by the Colonial Band and little stone wall entered the wicket, and the Juveniles, Mizpab, Rising Sun. with much much dexterity added 21 runs be Guiding Star, Mt. Horeb and the State fore suffering the fate of bis predecessors Grand Lodge following in succession.
His playing was in every way excellent, At the church the Rov. Hobson, conand has been widely commented uponducted the service. He preached to the At the fall of the lust wicket the total congregation taking his text from was 85, 85, with little Jap as top scorer, fol. Cor. 12, 12 31. He gave an instruct lowed by Hayes and Guy with 15 and ive address on the relationship of the 12 respectively order to the Lord Jesus Christ, the in their turn went so their first Great Fisherman, and the founder of pair Johnson and Lynton while Jordan this grand, noble and beautiful Order; and Guy opened a terrible attack, pro which order is trying to convert humanmany duck eggs to their oppo ity into a better brotherhood, and have nents who came out as fast as they went them live up to the teachings of Him in.
Eleock, however held his own, and He was listened to with rapt atten end who preached at the shores of Galilee.
suoceeded in subscribing the magnigoent sum of 32, to score, Lysten following tion, and all expressed that they were with 13, out of a total of 71. greatly benefited by the discourse of the Bowling on both sides was good. LydRev. Gentleman.
ton for Sussex, in 14. over captured The procesion was again re formed wickets for 30 runs with maidens, and matched down Bolivar St to 3rd, while Jordon for the winners captured on to Broadway, and back to the startin overs wickets for 39 runs and Guying point, where all were thanked by for 12 in overs with maidens. the State Grand Ruler.
Leather hunting was good throughout.
Refreshments were then served, and all expreesed that the evening was an Trailer Runs into Hotel Bal enjoyable one and well spent.
rony Collapses Colon, April 22. The hotel Gran THE PARK VIEW AUDITORIUM Bretalia. on Bolivar street. near 11th 25 BOLIVAR ST, COR. 3rd ST.
street, bad the concrete pilars support ing its balcony smashed this morning at Upstairs Universal Grocery Store about 20 as the result of a crash from The best hall in Town cool, clean, one of the cold storage trailers which comfortable and airy Suitable for ran into the building dances, parties rallies etc. etc.
The trailer was loaded with ice and other supplies bound for Fort de Lesseps, and was being drawn by one of Give us a call before going elsewhere the big Kelly Springfield trucks, when BURTON, BROS, Props.
it accidentally broke loose koceking Universal Grocery Store away the poste.
SPECIAL SALE OF Sun. SE St. George Pure Leather Shoes for men WILKINSON Setho Baptist and magnibene ob.
ins Tan and Black all sizes at the foliowing prices: was the encamp and Rhoden, the duck CRE a 75 50 St. Peter Church, La Boca Try QUEEN Medicated tauu Seura QUEEN Peroxide Skin Ointment, QUEN Filth Sunday After Easter)
Fase owder.
Box 17. Aneon. At 11 am. Matins and address; At p. Sunday School; At 30 Cho SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL ral Evenrong and sermon, Thursday next is Ascension Day. The PRE NATAL CLINIC Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at for Expectant Motners a and at 30 pm. there will be Specialist in charge who gives Choral Evensong and sermon.
absolutely free consultation and MULCARE, examination to every mother who Rector comes to the Clinic. Sttricly priSt. Barnabas Church, Empire vate and courteous treatment is Morning Prayer and address at 11 promised to everyone.
a At pm. a special service will be Open Dally 10 to 11 am htId for the Girls Friendly Society.
There will be Evening Prayer and address at 30 Church Mission Hall, Las Cas.
There will be Matins and Holy Com First Classs Workmansbip munion at 11 a Sunday School at Plans and Specifications Free om; and Evening Prayer and address at p. MULCARE, 15th Street West House 9D Priest in charge. Box 411, Panama, Rent Receipt Books In Span. Advertise In The WORKMAN ish and English, for sale at th and get Good Results Workman Printery: Celebration of Anniversary The Noami Lodge, Nr. 61. Female Braneh) of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Friendly Society, celebrated.
their second anniversary on Sunday, April 17th, at the Eureka lodge hall, Hudson Lane and 4th St. Colon, and successful affair.
Promptly at p Sister Mercy Hinkson, Noble Governess, sounded the gavel, and announced the meeting opened. She took her seat as presiding off cer for the evening, and performed her duties in a very able and creditable madner, assisted by Sisters Saunders, Hurdle, Freeman, Anderson and Mur ray, the last named acting as Worthy Recorder Representatives from various lodges were in attendance, and many of there expressed their sentiments.
The concert party, under the skillfall tuition of Sister Celeste Saunders, reb dered an excellent program, and mentina must be made of Miss Bingham, who presided at the organ. Credit must be given too to the members of the choir who worked hard in to make the pro gram a succese.
Refreshments were then served to all and the enjoyable evening brought to close a little after p.
Bro. Wilson, Grand Master of the Panama District, was present, and gave an address on the doctrines of the order, HEADQUARTERS For Men Clothing WAS Suetex in senting also Levy, large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
Pricos Moderate Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon Rent Receipt Books in Span ish and English for sale at The Workman Printery.


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