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PRICE Cis, The Activities of Marcus Garvey LABOR DAY IN CITY OF PANAMA MEET WITH BIG SUCCESS FITTINGLY NO JAMAICANS WILFUL AND MALICIOUS ATTEMPT TO SLANDER Celebrated by Members of President Says West Indians Panama Labor Union.
Must be Laid off ordained to carry in work.
of the palathe excellent address was their This Breat Gets Liberal Financial Support Spanish speakinary peopres among Gleaneri atromem Santiago de cotbo Prominent West Indians Defeated. the known Special communication the from the Crowds who Heard Him bor Day, talling this year on a says that Jamaicans will be well Sunday, the Panama Labor Union advised to stay at home. There by Official Letter celebrated the occasion last Mon is no work for them in Cuba and Last Saturday on the 12 45 What he believed was that there day with a monster demonstra it is expected that the GovernMay 6th, 1921. said recommendation. train there arrived in Pan was no such tommy rot as the tion in honor of the President of ment of Jamaica will have to re: Republic, Dr. Belisario patriate quite a batch. 2) As to the authenticity of ama City from Colon the Honour. superiority of any race. God had the Porras.
in a bad way today from indus Editor of THE WORKMAN, the statement that several names able Marcus Garvey, Provisional created all men equal and just as stand Sir: For the benifit of all among the writers of those let General of the Universal Negro in Europe, and the yellow to rul: Casis, President of the Union President of Africa, President the white man had a right to rule. The invitation to participate trial and commercial therein was issued by Mr. Nicolas points.
concerned beg that you will ters were submitted to him Improvement Association and in Asia, so he believed that the Thousands of West Indians, find space in your columns Granty by you.
President of the Black Star Line Negro had a right to rule in At Obreros, the speaker appointed principally Jamaicaos, are walk for the insertion of the en ed, respectfully beg to be in. 3) Being Ne con la he was here to appeal to for the occasion being Mr. Cede ing daily from province the prove closed letters. In common formed as among those accus.
ince looking jobs. Some have whether any letter Long before the time of arriv. their national pride He referred to written money as had youe bearing abercih er eins emelle inwds ware: some bo years ago by an Trish during thmafternoon, the union would enable them to leave the Indiang. have been accused my name, and whether a bhead is al of train, the crowds con ists commenced nity of the passenger station, American, entitled The Ngro from o clock, in the Santa Ana situation is all the worse had the of using my influence with any way, verbal or written, dir.
ectly or indirectly made any eager to catch a flimpse in this which the writte inferred content appropriate quotation as well us lars to all the centre de la mode web possessed) which resulted in a been worked up the su cos anoited a Beast in the image of God, in Park, carrying bannerettes with the President has sent out circu the Secretary of the Treas. such representation at last and work.
The temper of the masses has whistle blew announcing the ap one negro was like a horse, or a several appointe hour, headed Indians and to employ natives of refusal by that dignitary to in oonnection with this matter proach of the train and the gates cow or a mule, ing places At the bidding of the white man were thrown open the Sonile out the people and Jo by the Republican Bund, they Cuba, who are flocked to the constructive genius platform and with no humbers, then the more rwiok ereat today is provloge to the world to the Cathedral Park, going by live in some of the factorietest al Theatre for the activities onderar vamorced to trespass great of his own, but tue new negro of the arched the trade Central Avenue This orderte has become effect grant the use of the Nation update in the interest of law and of a time, and awaiting your reply the ception committee could get to inat when the order is enforced styled by his followers Pres honor to remain, hien. In a second the first class any Race ad oin do wnat has encia.
been done by any other Rice President Porras, with hig pri necalig tasands of West Io ident of Africa.
Your Excellency obedient coach in which he travelled, was and as a proof of this chiny were vate Secretary and aide, several dians will be out climbing of packed, some even The following letters seryant, The Cuban natives have an an will show that, not only had today able to boas of tuos members of the Cabinet and through the windows lest they fying the Black Star and sailing beadseot departmen te cei tee tipathy for the West Indiano. nothing whatever to do of FELIX LOWE.
should nosenike first mpportunity the seven seas, the result of ne demonstration from the balcony per order of President Menocal with the affair, but that no ceived from Dc. Morales; service. the The following reply was rethis great gro iniciative and negro support. of the palace, and listened inter will, it is believed accentuate the such letters were received by Secretaria de Hacienda y Tesoro, When at last he was able to But it get out and into the waiting auto tit tas not their purpose estedly to the mobile, the crowds started after only to buy and sail ships, it made by labor representative position.
that department, and clearly Personal him up street to the headquarpurpose to build uild up Ced young man, a gra SILVER CITY BAND.
proves the report a malie republic in Africa, to build duate of the School of Arts, ters of the Association where the Panana, May 5th, 1921.
ous fabrication, intendid TRANSLATION reception was to be held But up the greatest government in proved himself an orator of the here again, it was iin possible to the world, to train discipline first water and far exceeded the On Wednesday, 11th inst, the above not only to disrupt the promanage them, seeing which, it and maintain the greatest army expectations of his fellows the Band will be journeying to Red Tank fessional. but also the social Dr. Lowe, Ancon, was arranged to call off the re in the world in Africa and to was accorded at the end a voci Clubbouse to entertain the Jazz folko harmoay which hitherto exception and the car drove away industrial state in the world.
rebuild up Africa to the greatest ferous applause.
Canal Zone, over there. The ever renowned Trom isted among West Indians in To this address the President bone Family will again be in evidence Panama. More anon. Dear Sir: In reply to your let.
bearing its precious burden accompanied by his stenographer, He failed to see the reason why replied and his oratory elicited as well as the latest hita.
ter of the 4th instant, beg to Miss Jacques, and President people should leave Europe, frequent outbursts of möritori On Saturday, 14th inst. the Band will Respecsfully yours, say that have never informed Grabam, of the local branch. thousands of miles away, to go ous applause. After this the be at the Recreation Hall Calidonia FELIX E, LOWE.
Mr. Grant that had received Don fail to the same purpose However, the crowd not know to govern down in Africa. They manifestants retraced their steps hear Slim Trombone who is one of the letters from prominent West In.
dians in this city asking me not ing of the arrangemenis still once said it was charity and love to the Santa Ana Park where May 4th, 1921 to grant ant the National Theatre to bung around, despite a pretty of humanity that caused them to they dis per sed after a few brief Trombone family, the heavy shower which fell at that come to our help. But all the remarks by some of the leaders with Jazz just cozing out of his pockets Hon. Dr. Eusebio Morales, the Negro Improvement Associa Saturday 21st, they they will take in time, and so fly sheets were dis Africans today are christian zed the Cristobal Silver Club in order to Secretary of the National tion, and have not told Mr. Grant Treasury, go for the reason that it is absotributed from the balcony of the and civilized and he thinks building, giving particulars as to it was time for them to leave. tion Loan. With good baøking give the folks over there a chance to trip eave. they could have several more the light fantastic toe. If you have not the place and time of meetings But the liars and the vagabonds ships by the end of this year danced a One Step or Fox trött to the Sir: respectfully beg to be lutely untrue that any such reinformed: quest has been made of me and prices of admission. never mcant any christianity, which will be necessary to handle tune of any one of the Trombone family, to JCD As to the authenticity of an either verbally or in writing.
The reason why the Cheatre Govern upplea ferat was there it whechtene They wanted to rob the diamonds the truth to the great republic. you bave not yet realized the sweetness Meged as a tempesta made by local appeared beld in Just a few days the of of a Circus company now show and gold and silver and agricul. Phillys Wheatly will be on her Mr. Grant, Secretary of the mento branch of an association called to the Association in question.
of They here on the grounds of the tural una coelle pit and a monsters crowa went there with the Bible, the soor mechanics who are going for?
old way to the regulations in Transferred to Duty in the Negro Improvement Asso force etc, etc. that ow. tion allow the theatre to be per force regarding its administrait was khat was there to hear medium of the white man. de ward to construct homes to be Cuba him. He spoke for one hour and wanted to deceive the negro, be there.
ing to letters received from sex mitted only to first class eral of the leading or foremost tic or lyric companies and this can ready for you when you get 20 minutes, explaining the aims West Indians We learn that Mr. Eduardo We in this city, re. with A. and the reasons bottle which actuated him to start the of first gets you thanking the people for their years held the position of Orga: Marcus Garvey, the govern He closed his address by Morales, who for the past two questing that the National Thea excludes granting it for confer drunk tre be withheld from their leader, ences or other kind of spectacles.
robs Yours very truly, Back to Africa move inent. His am for the United States where presence and inviting them to the nizer of the Universal Negro Im.
directed (Sgd. EUSEBIO MORALES.
to his critical friends who, the probibition laws are in force, so meetings which were to be held provement Association in Centrai ment had decided to act upon all take is cold water and they on the following day. nerica, with office in Colon, had been informed, bad made won be able to get me that way. ings were held in the Bull Ring, ourable President General of the Horse Races at tween such star favourites as representations to the On Sunday, May the meet has been transferred by the Hon Govern ments of Panama and the Canal The speaker then referred to one at 30 and another at 30 Association to the Isand of Cuba Shortcake, Cocktail, Sampson, and this combination Zone coming o in On both occasions the at where he will fill a similar posistir up revolution This, he said, the Great World War, how Ger Bendance broke the record. The tionate Juan Franco was not the case. He had come to many had France and England speecaes were nearly on the month.
a salary of 200 per the winner, such races as the in which he was de acerment and Belgium beaten so badly that same order of the previous day, speak only of the We heartily congratulate Mr. Official Opening of the aforemeatined are sure roads to ea, the gove rument of Africa, su nis Christmas dinner in Paris the reason why he should seek a motion and hope that in his naw deeply interest the Kaiser was preparing to take the status of the Negro to day, Morales on his well earned pro big odds at the Pari mutuel.
Track The Jockey Club has arranged that they would be disappointed and to drink champagne in Buck 10 big events and all in all about if they thought that he was going ingham Palace at Easter. Then government of his own, and re sphere he will accomplish nuch 50 different horses will compete Tomorrow, Sunday, at 30 for to interfere with the political came the cry from Asquith, help, herting the purchase of more good in behalf of the Associa. Shares tion o clock will mark the official purses aggregating over place. hrem belpicar do 2, 000 000, Negroes to day had a theme On Monday. two meetings and the West Indies Memorial Service.
were again held, this time in the opening day of Horse Racing at 550 00 Cy.
Juan Franco Park and 10 of the The writer is of the opinion membership of four million and rushed to their assistance and in Variedades Theatre. At the 30 best to date will be the improving with its present strid that if the Jockey Club continues races On Sunday May 15th, at 30 o clock operates 700 branches scattered a short time had the Germans meeting, the sale of tickets had there will be held at the Loyal Progress Programme offered.
One of the most interesting of es the Racing game will soon be tral. the similar manner will be the big das most popular sport of the as as West Indies and the for the redemption of Africa, gle 590 people failing to obtain ad. nial Survice in memory of Mrs. Avis. Steeplechase event of mile. day in Panama.
tinent of Africa, The moremenu Hwas homeward bound, back mission.
Budas, wife of Mr. Blades of the There are six good jumpers grounds are being beautiseeks to unite the four hu dred to the home from which he was On Tuesday afternoon at 30 Loyal Progress Ledge, PI. million Negroes of the world for stolen 800 years ago. He had he was the guest of the Guacha of the Order. All friends and the public please their backers and this fully kept and sanitation is all promises to be a race from start that can be e wanted there.
the purpose of forming on the already sent word that he was pali Branch, now known as the are cordially invited.
to finish Among the purses offered by continent of Africa the greatest coming and if those who are now Prospective Chapter, and ad In Good Time will meet in the Club, we find the first two republic ever known or seen in occupying the place have any dressed them and their friends meetings was free of charge. two races, such favourites as the The Workman and Mr. Oneparses subscribed by Merchants, He was considered by some a he got there. He had come to at Calidonia. The same privileko sailed for the States via Cuba on trainer hopes to have him show of one of the biggest steps in sense they would get out before in their hall at the grade cross for Colon on the early train and Bush Boy, and Chagres, and his Eleven. This is the beginning On Wednesday morning he left Ace of Trumps. Waampuskat, hater of the white race but he encourage them to buy more was given the Chartered had no time even to consider the shares in the Black Star Line in their hall in Street at 30 Thursday by the Co. steam good form once more.
improving the sport as well as white man far less to hate him. and to assist the great Construc Admission to both these. er Abangarez.
There will be two races be. Continued on page regular slim guy, Africa. dramaof the bacone comes a bible and a them.
and Painties the clocker to picle The con this world

    EnglandFranceWorld War

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