
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Jamaican and is Kirgston.
JUST ARRIVED Grenada FATIMA gun, with who are cutlass IN Shop Closing Bll has recente ly been introduc in the is.
Lative Council of St St Vincent The appears to be dealing with and for the sale of for int, xicatin Liquor The Bill is the resultu?
a petition from clerks working up to 14 and 16 hours a day. The general provision is that these places open hours on every week day and not less than four on a specitic day in each week. It shall be unlawful for any shop assistant to la employed beyond the bours pres.
cribed by the regulations, es.
cept for casual or customary stock taking. Power to make regulations to further the object of the Bill is to be vested in the Governor in Courcil.
skull, Cor Moisture Proof Packages OF 20 CIGARETTES other West than May be 1:21 DR. GEMS BLOOD ELIXIR at Noblu.
at Prad se Per, near Riverside Jamaica about 10 a The facts as alleged are: Mr. Hugh Fras. owner of the property, found an old gut To Make Obeah wich secuned to have been ad but was entirely out of work Law Drastic in order. His son Hugh a buy of Labour 12 seirs od. was apparent lord of playing with it.
BIII to this Effect to be in Morning he and his sister, troduced in Present Sese child of about 10 years was aboutl the ya sat down sion of the Council vaid playirk He sat before her and was himmering the muzzle of the gun, an AMEND EXISTING LAW old cut) when suddenly off it Theat, almost blowing off the of the little girl, leaving AT PRESENT CONVICTIONS DE only one side of the PEND ON CATCHING THE CUL poral Samoels in charge of the PRIT RED HANDED IN ACT Kings Vale Police station arrest.
ed the boy and telegraphed to The Gleaner has good reason to Lucea, who immediately proceed.
Sergeant Mayor Francis, in believe that a Bill to amend the ed to the spot along with detecObeah Law will shortly be intro tive Griffiths. The boy wis duced in the Legislative Council. brought down to Lacea, at about For some time past there bas eight o clock last night, and been a clamour that the provi under the circumstances bail was sions of the Law should be granted.
strengthened, inasmuch as sev Dr. Sherlock went up this eral persons suspected of prac morning to perform the post tislog obeah have escaped pun: mortem examination on the body ishment and for the most part it of the deceased.
was only when the culprits were caught red handed that prosecu tions were sustained.
The matter was recently Appointments in the brought up in the Legislative Council by the Hon. and Rev.
Island Judicial Young, and a resolution was passed as to the desirability of Service amending the Law It can now be stated that the The following announcement Hon. Attorney General has gone was made in a recent issue of the very carefully into the wbole Gazette matter, and within the next The Governor has made the week or so an amendirg Bill will following appointments in the laid before rembers of the Judicial Service as from 1st May, Legislative Council for their con sideration Mr. RL Noble. Resident The Bill will be an improve, Magistrate for St. Thomas, to be ment on existing Laws and will Resident Magistrate for the parfacilitate prosecutions under the ish of St. Elzabeth.
Obeah Law. Mr. Robinson, Clerk of the Courts, Kingston, and St.
To day May See Andrew. to be Resident Magis.
Sensation Mr. Mellish, Acting Re.
August Town sident Magistrate for St. Eliza beth and Manchester, to relin quish and cease to have jurisdic.
It is reported that a serious tion over the Resident fracas took place at August Town trate Courts in St. Elizabeth on Wednesday night last in and to act as Resident Magis.
which revolveis ard bricks were trate for the Parish of Manches.
used freely.
ter and to have and exercise juIt is alleged that a cultivator risdiction over the Resident Ma has com plaining of interferences with Court at Alley in the paris of his provision field and on Tues.
KR Brandon, Clerk of day night, as a result of a watch the Courts. St. Catherine, to be set, a district constable held a Clerk of the Courts, Kingston.
min said to be a member of Bed Mr. de Montagnac, Bar ward flock rister at Law, to be Clerk of the On Wednesday night a big Courts, St. Andrew, provisional party went and attacked the cus. Mr. deleon, Deputy tivator premises. He, however, in his turn was ready for them Clerk of the Courte, St. Andrew, and something like a pitched bat. Ito be Clerk of the Courts St.
tle, followed, in which firearms cati Mr. Burrowes, Deputy Catherine vice Mr. Brandon.
were used.
The St. Andrew Police are Clerk of the Courts, Manchester working up the matter, and it is at present Acting Clerk of the very difficult to get any direct Courts, Clarendon, to be Clerk information but the reports are of the Courts for that parish vice that eix men were wounded in Mr. Levy, promoted to the fracas, four on the attacking Grenada, side, and two of the defenders.
It is said that one man, who was Jamaican Abroad.
shot suffered a rather serious The following is taken from According to reports the police Pitman Journal of New York: are conferring with the Judical The thriving little city of authorities as to what is to be Ridgefield Park, New Jersey has done in the matter, and it was added another educational instistated last night, that action of tution to its number; Miss Campa sensational nature will be taken bell Secretarial School. The at August Town this morning by be conducted by Miss the Police Campbell, whose educational attainments and business Sugar Factory ard teaching experience amply fit her to take charge of such an Glengolfe, April 11. The institution. Miss Campbell grad in this district by Mr. and Mrs. Secretarial schools in New a Northover is proceeding satysfac City, after which she secured a torily, and it is sincerely hoped teaching experience in the same that by the end of the next four institute. She has also a teachor five weeks its erection will be er certificate from the Isaac completed and the factory will be Pitman Shorthand Writer As ready for operating: sociation as well as a speed cer Already they have a vast tificate for 120 words per minute stretch of land planted out in Miss.
has also canes which are quite ripe and kheden ough so the need for the factory is language, having passed the urgent.
honours, This factory which is situated when the boxamination in Spanclose to the main road, should by a finishing course in Columbia prove a big boom to the district, University, of two years, and in in that it will be a great incen order to perfect herself secured tive to those who have lands a position as Secretary to the suitable for the cultivation of Manager of the Canadian Bank canes to plant an extensive of Commerce in Cuba. Miss scale, and of course there will be Campbell business experience the opportunity of selling to the covers over ten years. Miss factory at advantageous prices. Campbell is a young lady of pleasing personality and the Tragic Incident young people of Ridgefield Park are fortunate in having to receive Lucea, April 10. News was re, instruction under the guidance ceived here yesterday of a sad of such a talented young lady.
case of shooting which bappened Miss Corinne Campbell is a thou with the sum a THE BLOOD Ward, The Grenada Delegates, sup ported it is hoped, by representatives of the West Indian colo nies, will be in England in June next, Mr. Albert Marryshow our Managing Editor, is prepare to leave here; on or about the land via the United States, and the end of this month for Eng.
West Indian representa.
tives are arranging to meet him THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE in London in Grenadian Announce ment of other pred ent preo sentatives to leave here not later will be made in a in hatimu issue. The Inperial Conference will meet in June, and a favour able opportunity presents it ef for talking over important West hndian questions with the Domi nion representa tives, During month of June the mind of Great COMPOUND EXTRACT Britain will be very much occu.
pied by Colonial thought We can assure our readers that the Grenada Delegates are expected on the other side, and that arrangements have been made by intluential FORpersons to meet thein.
Those persons who have promis.
ed contributions to the Grenada STRENGTHENING Delegates Fund are asked to pay over to the Treasurer, Mr. George THE BLOOD Otway.
CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL We learn that arrangements have been completed for opening Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, the new Private Ward in connecBoils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Colony Hospitai.
Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
The building which cost a tidy is fairly commodious and AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR ought to prove a valuable addi tion to the institution. With the new ward PURIFYING AND ENRICHING Privete Ward, upstairs of use, the former the principal building, is likely to his be converted into hough the telt want here.
Medical service of this colony absorbs a large paro Quality only Is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed of the revenue, we may still bava to provide increased sums for In preparation.
the upkeep of its various branch.
es. is undeniable that the Co.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy losy Hospital has become more attractive to of late, and it is not unlikely that a large fore persons future, repair to it for special care. At present we must tice rigid economy on the part of The Classical and government and people. Should conditions become normal durits YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT Commercial School be appropriate for us to advocate the next year or so, it will then certain No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz very essential improvements in connection with this That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
Boxc1044, Ancon, branch of public service in GreWe guarantee them s0. Prompt, efficient and satis ELEMENTARY AND HIGH rada.
factory service in the interest of our customers is our SCHOOL COURSES We have been officially inform.
constant aim and purpose.
Day and Night Sessions ed that His Majesty the King bag been pleased to approve the alFor reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, pointment of Mr. Mar and expert repairing. Call and visit.
Geometry, Bookkeeping. Type tin as a member of the Executiru writing, Shorthand, English, Ele Council for a period of five years, ments of French, Spanish and as from 3rd February last. Mr.
FULLER JEWELRY STORE, Latin Grammar, etc. Night Martin, who is familiar with local School now in session.
122 Central Avenue, Panama.
Day affairs, ought to prove a valuable School re opens Monday, Jan. acquisition to the advisory uary 17, 1921, at 80 a. tion of the administration. The ROBERT LINDSAY, time may come when a Financial Committee composed of persons (Camb. Senior) other than officials and indepen.
Principal dent of the Executive Council may be appointed to deal with all THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT matters in connection with the colony revenue and expendiNo. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE Dr. Hoffman ture.
has reopened his clinic for genThe subject of compulsory atFirst Class Meals served at all hours eral practice for gynocologica tendance by children of school cases and urological disorders of age, is being strongly advocated both sexes. Diseases of the blood in Trinidad, where it is said the EARLY TEA AND COFFEE treated in accordance with the number of illiterates is far from latest German discoveries. Ap being satisfactory. Grenada Special accommodation for Ladies plication of the Genuine German venture in this connection seems 606 and ts latest modifications to be progressing nicely. For TIDY AND POLITB WAITERS (1495 and Silber salversan. the present we can only watch SERVICE UPTODATE.
TELEPHONE No. 746 for results from the experiment, CENTRAL AVENUE No 41, Advertise In The WORKMAN Opposite Amador Theatre and get Good Results number of to patients of sick will, in prac.
school Corinne ec.
of the Spanish.


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