
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921, PAGE THREE Mr. PIEDMONT will be IN CALIDONIA Next Week with some more 00 Bills and 25 cent pieces tes than The oaly did. culiya wito in the cuttec: the He won say Exactly what night, butBe On Hand with a package of those famous cigarettes, a big smile and Ready Answer to THE DADDY OF EM ALL Questions and the top previous visits Mr. PIEOMONI QUESTIONS THE GREATEST FIND READY ANSWERS GIFT Agile Witted Calidonians are Quick to Respond to The has given to mankind is the gift The greatest gift that Heaven Daddy of Em All Queries: of SIGHT, and all will agree that it is a priceless treasure. No hu.
Mr. Pwemont made entber of bis man being can be happy without vemorable trips to Calidonis Thursday it. It cannot be bought or sold ib, April 25th and tue Daddy of Em by either rich or poor. More Atl feels that all tue Piedmont smokers headaches are caused from eye were had the best evening they have so strain and eye weakness than. bad on the occasion of his visits.
from all other causes put toge Atev ry step Mo Piedmont auto ther.
mobile was quickly surrunded by hosts Do your eyes feel as though of Calidonians, and his dollars and quart. there is gravel in them? Are ere found a large circulation. In addition they inflamed? Are you having giving away money for answers to bisany trouble with your plages 268:10ns, the Daddy of Em AT band If there is any question in your tout mon packages of Piedmost cigar. mind about the condition of your he could really sho answered his feel courtolue eyes or the kind of ghee hese suited for your vision than con baly dif. culty was to pick out sult a COMPETENT EYE SPE.
be first one o answer, as it seemed that CIALIST.
all the the Pedmont smokers in Calid bin bad given careful tion to the answering of these question as nearly everyone had w0 swer. The only qualification necessary The kind of glasses as you see to ecter these contests is that one must in above cvt relieves all eye meet Mr Piedmont in his automobile strian, protect the eyes from when he visiis Calidonia, have a pack glare or strong light and gives suge of the famous cigarettes in his poe you perfect vision for EVERYSession, and be prepared to answer the THING and ALL DISTANCES Daddy of Em Aus question to Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown.
merits of his smokes One young man, Wilson, got three ed Eye Specialist of New York)
prizes in succession for his ready answers reliable eye specialists in this is one of the most competent and to Mr. Piedmont questions. Here is one of ibe queries for which be obtained city. Many persons whom he prize. Why are Piedmont cigarettes has served are testifying to this tact.
the cricketers favorite?
Young Mr, Wilson answered quick as a whip, be Dr. BUCHANAN cause all good eportemen smoke them. and his answers on every question were office is located at No. 182, Bolt: just as prompt as the foregoing. How var St. opposite Masonic Build. over, he was not the only one who had ing. Colon, of his wits about him, and this is proved by the fact that Mr. Piedmont give by the away prize after prize to those loyal ad of Em All begin making his rounds to berents who are really appreciative of the Calidonia, and this goes to show that best there is in cigarettes.
were it not for the fact that these cigar Another question Mr. Piedmont asked ettes were the real stuff this genileman was Why are Piedmont cigarettes al would not have Journeyed from such a ways freeh. This found a ready res long distance to try to secure a price on pon. e among th: buge throng that was every occasion.
assembled around his big automobile. Among those receiving 25c prizes were: The answer is of course, Because of the Baumont and Liverpool, Mooh Blossine wrapper around the packages anical Division; Belgrave, of the Papa mund the triplı layers of glassine paper ama Railroad, and Hi National, of the around the cartons and of the dipping of Municipal Engineering, and Wilson, be carton in boiling paraffin. This of the Subsistence Division, Balboa, will probably be one of Mt. Piedmont Mr. Piedmont will be in Calidonia question on his next visit.
therefore he is again next week and will possibly extend giving out this wee bint bere as a bint his operations to Guschapsli. This will to those who have not seen him on his be a good opportunity to obtain some of these One Deilar Bills, Quarters and Among those receiving 00 bille cigarettes for all those who turn out to were: Richard Bailey, Mechanical Divi greet The Daddy of Em All.
sion, Balbos; Suthrland, Port Cap! In conolusion be (Mr. Piedmont)
tain Office, Balboa; Osborne, of the takes this opportunity to express bis apSupply Department.
preciation of the kindliness and courtesy Of course, the old stand bye Mi. given him everywhere in Calidonia from chel Brown of Corozal was on hand the time he began his manoeuvres at and as carrying off that. and of To Print Newspaper Grand Gala Day at at ano ber of Mr. Piedmont pris. am uniested from time to time on each While Flying Standard Oval We not think that Mr. Brown bas every his missed getting a prize gine? the Daddy Advt. Aerial Mail, Sponsored by On Decoration Day, May 30 Lord Northcliffe, Published CALL AT THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE between Paris and London 197 Bollvar Street, Colon The Gala Day being arranged for at the Standard Oval May For the latest in Parlor Clocks, Ladies and Gent s) watches The latest thing in the field of 30th, Decoration Day. the chief and Jewelry of all description journalism, says a London des feature being the Athletic Sports Williamson, Prop.
patch, is the Aerial Mail, a daily among the various schools of which is edited, Panama, Colon and the Canal printed and published from an Zone) promises to be a great Euc.
airplane in flight. The Daily Mail, cess which is The ofer by the Children DRINK MUSCADINE. PUNCH.
sponsoring it, says it will contain the latest British friend, Dr. Lowe, of a and Continental financial and general, received School winning the greatest num Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshnews, political splendid SILVER CUP, to the both at the moment the airplane individual prizes to the winner of ber of points for the day, and Ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks the news being sent by wireless. each flying each event, is the first of its kind special printing plant has been in sportsdom on the Isthmus.
installed and newspapers will be Already, a good many of the CALL AT THE distributed by means of para: tra school teachers have shown their chutes Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lano the editions into appreciation of the move and the towns the airplane flies over, promised their support. Many and Secure same for your Xmas Drink There probably will itions children can be seen around the for Boulogne, Rouen and Amiens, city training, and with the assist for Paris and London ance of their teachers good reAirplanes leave Paris and Paris and sults are expe sted.
London the one leaving Pa The ground is being put into to print the Aerial Mail in shape, and as soon as ready, the English and the one from London children will be better able to have their practices. Captain to print it in French. The new Frienced athlete, has willingwill contain market gaota of the Standard CC. an (BRANDON BANK)
results and racing less all prin ly offered his services in directcipal capitals. It will have four ing these practices every after pages and will contain advertisSECURITY ing as well as feature articles desa, except Tuesdays and Fri. Men back of the project say there will be dancing. all day.
In addition to the athletic evants SERVICE that the public is so dependent on newspapers that there is a Music will be furnished by Mar Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon field for such a service as they tin orchestra.
propose, but that if the present Garden Party Our large Resources and well known newspaper service is to be im.
proved it can be achieved only by there will be a unique garden At night, commerciag at 30 conservative Management afford unthe use of the airplane, party. Amusements of all kinds including fancy stalls, wells, questioned security for levery dollar WEST INDIAN EMPORI shooting galleries, guessing con deposited with this bank UM OF FASHION test, plaiting the may pole, clim.
bling the greasy pole, post of Mrs. Wilson begs to other innovations hitherto nufortune telling and hosts of inform her various patrons known in Isthmian pastimes.
that she has re opened her grand concert is also being General Banking Business Transacted Fashion Emporium at No. 33 arranged. Martin Jazz Band will Calidonia Road, and that she will be well illuminated, so that furnish the music. The grounds IBAAO BRANDON NATHANIEL (BRANDOS I BRANDO will be pleased to serve them one and all will be able to enjoy Prosident, Vloe Proelden, They are lone and all again.
Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities Use your opportunities as an investor to the best advantage The Isthmian Undertaking Co. have during the past year created a profitable business and bids fair in this year of grace for bigger business.
This should interest Iyou, since it can be the means of opening a safe and gane investment.
There are still some unsold shares. Buy them DOW. Later on they will be worth more.
a tes dropping 00 PER SHARE, ANY NUMBER be as well as Remember we stand for Service, Profit Land Co operation: will daily, ris to Panama Banking Company paper The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
more or tions, racin Feneral news from No. 47 CALIDONIA fiue GET LISTED IN WORSHAM NEGRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Get together Medium for our Progressive Business Men EXTENSIVE CUMPREHENSIVE ITS BENEFIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT Write for further particulars to REID, Drawer z, Ancon


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