
PIGS TWO TAL WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JUST ARRIVED acev prinel 66 99 extent FATIMA SO IN tory anyone BR the Moisture Proof Packages the undue ant un ecessary mutiplication of ih abish.
ments. The Gize thi ks that having regard to Dissbilities of this busin ils that should be msten. ely watched by the authorities The Gazette, howeva.
ly directs its com needed amend nent of the la as to preclude children froin wning articles. At pracanthe age of of restriction in twelve, but our conta no arv considers that the amended as to make it a statu the law should be offense for a ra pawnbroker accept a pledge from under the of 18 18 yearsmarried woman below that age being excepted. The Gazette con siders this amendment necessary in order to save children front too early familiarization with very dangerous surroundings.
At the Inter colonial Education.
al Conference now being held in Trinidad in camera, the fol lowing Resolutions were passed at Monday meeting. That this Conference strongly recommends the passing of an Ordi nance in each West Indian for the purpose then of en.
that compulsion must be gradually enforced first in the Urban beginning Phot compulsory education, That in the opinion of the Conference child labor during the school going age is undesirable in the interests of educ.
tion, and should be made the subject of legislation.
OF 20 CIGARETTES THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE hey had fell St. Lucia DR. GEMS have BLOOD ELIXIR early on the scene, and aided by Jamaica some of his men he managed to put out the flames before they had succeeded in doing much Mr. Miller damage.
the Strange Story Force under Inspector Orrett must be complimented Told the Water Police by for the igood work done. Toe loss sustained by Lyon is not Couple of Boys yet known. His building is however, damaged to some The Gleaner of 7th inst. states that a rather sensational story has been told to the Water Poiice by two boys named Phillip Demerara Johnson and Samuel Stephenson who picked up in a little boat of Portland Point almost exhausted An Ordinance has recently by sluop Legend were been passed in Demerara, makbrought to to Kingston a couple of ing it an implied condition in days ago the contract for letting a house These 10 boys alleged that they or room, that the same is in all were taken to the Pedro Caye to respects reasonably fit for gather booby eggs for the sea human habitation at the begin son. They stated among other ping of the tenancy, that the theted that they were badly house or room shall be kept so They got little during the tenancy and that or to. and such liability cannot be evaded had to work under threats by any contract to that effect of a a very intimidating nature es pecially when they were shown The Postmaster General of human skeletons, and were told Britslh Guiana in his annual that unless they did their work report on the working of his de a fate similar to that which partment for 1920 mentions that befell the human beings whose since the introduction of the skeletons they saw, would over system in that colony in 191 in 1917, no take them. parcels have ever been They became scared at this sent out for the Post Office.
and one night they got into a The Demerara Legislature has boat and took the perilous voy approved of municipal bye laws age feeling that their fate could providing for the registration of not be worse if they stuck the tenement rooms in Georgetown job.
before they can be used as such a most trying time but luck attended them for they Among the resolutions at the in with the sloop Legend and were brought safely back Conference of the Church to their homeland.
in Demerara, which was presid The boat has been handed ed over by Bishop Fountain was over to Sgt. Major Francis the Water Police and the boys faculty to be sent out from the of tional work in that diocee by told their story which of The course requires some verifica include curriculum will tion; but the strange part of it is indy home economics, literary an incident which occurred last and theological studies, practical commercial agricultural and year that seems to make the work, Rev. Dr. Mayhew police think there is good reason for further and more serious in nual sermon at the opening of of Trinidad, preached the an.
ter vestigation It is said that the lives of cerhe Conference.
tain persons were lost last year and the e police had dificulty in The Daily Argosy understands inding out any details, that legal proceedings have been Of course the statements of started to set aside the will of the two boys will require inves the late Gouveia, hard tigation, which we understand ware merchant of Water Street the police are giving in the Georgetown on the ground that matter.
there has been an erasure on the document, the month, it is alleg ed on which the will is supposed Issue on Question to have been signed by the tes tator having been altered, and of Grants in Ald to the which has been substituted by seondly that in an original wili Public Officers, the of money ned by Mr. Gouveia to The Gleaner is in a position to wile, announce that His Excellency which is the sum contained in the Governor and his advisere have again considered the ques.
Mr. Gouveia died in October lic Officers. In view of the large that he had left estate, both tion of the Grants in Aid to Pub) last year, while this will was filed early this year, disclosing deficit in which the Island has to face it is learnt that Sir Leslie property and money valued at Prohyn is quite prepared to re. 30. 000. Of this sum he be.
commend to the Council that an queathed the bulk to his daugh.
should be imedeater, Julia Pestana, and the rePublic officers pending, thetr Gonzales, are his grand mainder the children of Mr, regrading pay to be con children, sidered by a Select Committeel his e only got a be stated that the ittee half crown.
majority of the elected members are betwee There was a private conference he by no means in favour of the between the Governor of Dem.
continuance of any grants in erara and the Electives in the ald since the island finances Governor are Office at the Public in such a parlous condition.
Buildings on the 7th instant.
To continue the grants in ala Among the matters discussed will mean increased taxation was a proposal to amalgamate Probyn is the of the Director of Joath when the trade of Public Works and Sea Defences volony is at a low ebb, to impose and to appoint an assistant in apy, taxation that would work each capacity. Hon. Auld, prejudicially to the bulk of the of Šea Defences, wbose, ernor is of th Payers The Gov. necrotive salary is at presenti Island Public Servants sbould watch as Harbour Board Engineer) was the opinion that the 1, 200. with an additional 500 and wait, but they are urging on mentioned as likely to be appoint the Secretary of State to coned to the dual position. The tinue the grant in aid.
Electives were in agreement with the principle of the proposals.
Fire In St. Ann Bay.
St. Ann Bay, May 2, The Trinidad inhabitants of this town were awakened this morning at o clock by the shrill sound of a The pawn broking business in bugle followed by the ringing of Trinidad is evidently a very atthe church bells. Everybody tractive and lucrative one, as is jumped out of bed and soon evidenced there was a large assembly in establishments that are constant by the number of new front of the store of Lyon ly being At the corner of Main and Marsbanking and end up. The Port:of.
in Streets.
with pawaingan article dealing At this early hour fire was stated that close upon a dozen doing its fell work on the build new businesses had been ing. The premises had been open of late to the public in the visited by thieves on Sunday city, and considered that all this night and now they had resort tended towards the formation ed to more drastic measures. of the opinion that some amendHappily for the town Mr. ment of the law is desirable in Leslie Miller, the local Superin. the direction of the imposition of tendent of the Fire Brigade was more effectual restrictions upon amount pounds THE BLOOD the will in dispute to dove poor It can By the death of Mr. William COMPOUND EXTRACT Myers last month the firm of Peter Co. has lost a faithful servant The topic of conversation in Castries on the day of Mr.
Myers death, was the marked FOResteem and respect shown by the firm in closing its establish: STRENGTHENING ment a thing unheard of and unseen in St. Lucia, it might be said, for firm to close on the THE BLOOD death of a clerk.
Mr. William Peter, the head of CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL the firm, and cm. and Mr. Gregor Peter, his Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, son, with their wives attend.
el the funeral.
Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mr. Myers has left four child. ren unprovided for; and it is rum Mercurial Affections and Diseases cau: ed by Impurities of the Blood.
oured that Mr. Peter, senior, wa over heard to say that as long as AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR he lives they should not suffer.
If that is a fact. couple of PURIFYING AND ENRICHING monthly to the mothe of the children as a compassior. ate allowance would relieve her mind greatly Three days after the death of Mr. Myers that of Mr. Justin Deveax took place, and it is Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed worthy of record to state that In this preparation.
ho left by his will one twelth of bis entire estate to the poor of Javier Moran, American Pharmacy bis parish which means a thous.
and and more pounds.
Wealthier men than Mr. Dediam veaux bave died in St. Lucia, forgetting their poor relatives much less remembering the of their parish, The deceased was a devout Raman Catholic.
als also bequeathed 100 to the Church for saying of masses.
vaux examples may be followed by some our monied men.
The members of the Committee for Representative Gov.
ernment travelled to Soufriere the second town of importance on Sunday the 2nd instant where they held a meeting in the school room.
There are two in Cas.
tries. The President of one is Mr, Norville and that of the other Mr. Job James; both organiza.
tions have a large number of members, but am curious to know which is the genulne and NOTICE which is the unrecognised So The Rose of Panama Lodge, Heroid wonder whether Mr.
YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT Order of Free Gardeners meets New from the first and third Wednesdays could Terlighten the of each month.
inquisitives on subject.
These two societies are locally That the goods we sell are exactly as represented. Dr. Hoffman the Norville and James Black known by the common ople as We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satishas reopened his clinic for gen has recently started to treat his Star Line Societies. Mr. Norville factory service in the interest of our customers is our eral practice for gynocologicamem constant aim and purpose.
cases and urological disorders of members to Sunday afternoon both sexes. Diseases of the blood sacred concerts, and mid week, week end dances.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry treated in accordance with the scheme must and will attract This and expert repairing. Call and visit latest German discoveries. Ap. members and Mr. Job James plication of the Genuine German must look out for competition.
506 and ts latest modifications It is a most curious fact that FULLER JEWELRY STORE. 1495 and Silber salversan. TELEPHONE No. 746 Mr. Norville meeting hall was 122 Central Avenue, Panama, purchased from Mr. John Ray, CENTRAL AVENUE No841, and registered in the name of Opposite Amador Theatre (Continued on pape 7)
RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY of our thrown


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