
NO CAMOUFLAGE Barbados ed winner of of one dressed American wear ares women The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd. proached BUSINESS MEN GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST OXOC: SS8 SS BOXES KOOSOC Soxosos so.
ADVERTISE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West. Continued from pape two)
Delicate and Sickly children, anaemic women of weak nature and pa Mr. Norville and not that of the appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made UNLA of St. Lucia.
premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: This is a matter that the Hon.
Marcus Garvey should enter into HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES and make kaown to the intelliRent el 23 ho 170uld like to be IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM menbers of the Association We want your patronage, West Indians which the true and which is For sale at all Drug Stores in this City the bogus as they now stand and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez like an ass between two bundles We want you to purchase our remaining shares of hay not knowing which one to Solo Agent for the Republic of Panams.
nip at.
GERVASIO GARCIA, We have made good and can make better if you help Barbados We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices We can do all kinds of woodwork Mr. Greaves, of st Skirts are Being the way European designers are otherwise preserve all the John Cbridge, changing their models. Late chicness and modesty adopt.
Scholar 17. sonoin Dori Elence Made Longer Now We can build and repa your house and furniture women last. Government Medical attracted attention both in Bond year. Even French exhibits Otnice. St. Vinent was declar Street and Rue de la Paix shown here have the same ten.
su Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us of the two London despatch dated because of their Smith i7 in March. His April gistes. What critics best dressed Skirts, the dency.
essay was Periodic orbits in call truly British decorum Parls, considering tham entirely women here and in The smartest thog in stock Don tell the other fellow the problem of three bodies, iugs were hand painted with The Smith Prizman is this the length of skirts is the out of the fashion, Paris patrenkish desigas such as birds highest Mathematical honour ob pery textile and women the outstanding feature in the dra. ticulariy noticed this and well!
al and lizards. There are also some tained at Cambridge, and the exhibition in Agricultural Hall ways ware spotted and pointed attractive sm »king caps for essays are sent in at the end of this Elyses.
week. British designers out in the Champs man fourteenth term of show skirts that are longer than Bat now the British fashion woman with jampars to match residence.
those of the Paris exhibitore, show vindicates them, Тое tormilady smoking room.
American women are visiting latest English fashion: show Bathing suits show vivid colours The House of Assembly met the show and are remarking on skirts down to the shoetops and and are curiously embroidered.
on Tuesday April 12th.
No. 47 CALIDONIA copy of a minute by the Colonial Treasurer was transmitted by Sexsexos the Governor recommending PHONE 830 that the Legislature be for authority to effect an overdraft on the Colon Bank for a sum not exceeding REV. SURGEON PAID VISIT 25, 000 to enable the colony to The Prophet in TO EMPIRE meet its obligations owing to the Confinement.
want of liquid cash in the Treas The Lirio Wesleyan Chapel was literury during the present month ally packed on Wednesday night, the was favourably dealt with by Why Alexander Bedward 11th inst. when the Rev. C, Surthe House.
did not Employ a Lawyer roon, the associate Minister of the Wes: to Defend Him Before leyan connection, was a welcome visitor The Attorney General gave The Rev. gentleman was introduced to notice of a resolution asking for Court, a the members of the church and to the a vote of 200 10 be placed at Visiting friends by Mr. dley!
the disposal of the Government IS QUIET IN ASYLUM. wbich Mr Linton, of th: Baptist con wa la connection with the approachDection, gave a welcome address on be ing visit to the island of a Com half of the community, the members mission connection with Filatra Roman Henry Elected be the church and friends. Part of his adsis. Shepherd Some Time dress was directed to the members in IN THE ago will carry on the support which is necessary, and the After considerable discussion co operation of each individual which the House consented to a grant Work.
will make for the better success of the of 12, 746, the Railway 4, 249 work.
having already been voted. corresponnent in the Gleaner Kathering bri:fly, characterising his life The Rev. Surgeon then addressed the commenting on the confinement work bere in Panama and in Bocas del letter was read at a recent of Bedward in the Lunatic meeting of the Hospital Com Asylum says. The question is Toro. We sincerely hope that God will mittee from the Women Social being asked as to how it was continue to use him among us for good.
Welfare League stating that that Alexander Bedward the self The meeting was brought to a close at they had at their dispoas a sum styled Lord and Master of late hour. and every one present was of 500, for the purpose of esAugust Town did not get a sollBlad of the opportunity of being present.
tablishing a Venereal Disease citor to represent him at the COMMENT ON FOOTBALL clinic The of proceedings which took opinion the Hospital was the the Half way Tree Court on only suitable institntion where Wednesday. From enquiries ID as much as everybody knows that be established Bedward took up the the majority of the people are very in have made and they asked whether it was position that as he was a member terested in such games as cricket, basepossible to make arrangements of the higher power no mortal ball, etc. yet am quite sure that soon for carrying out an out. pbtients could represent him. am told and very soon those people will be suha department, The Hosp! tal Com that he is calm and quiet in the lected to lot of ill names, such as mittee decided to discuss the Lunatic Asylum where he now dissatisfied and ungrateful, etc. but matter at the next meeting.
is an inmate.
Man in mors bould think that no 100 the Magistrate made an sportman, will people order for his commitment to the way for according to the saying In Barbados the extensive institution for the insane, two or where you are bound, you must obey.
practice of thrift perhaps more three of his elders were busy in and you could tell the world, that any largely the result of necessity than desire has never been fav Kingston on Wednesday after where that that game of games is to be ourable to the development of noon as though they were out to played, that grand old game, the game aid for his liberation, that make you feel as if you have got pawn broking business, and it remains which was introduced into the enakes in your standing aside developments, il any, will take so watch the World Game, rootbalo if colony not so many years ago and has had short life. At pre place. There is, however, an air game. must need my to Mr. Oberone local of sadness at Town, heis at. August with their lenjer gone, the RS Rames, that it wouldn be my fault, but believe the foot ballers are going to prietor of a three gilt balls wardites can little trouble in bergitg some of establishment. His personal at tention to business will no doubt as heretolainly not be Mr, Other games own fans to stay with Who will succeed Be bring him greater benefit than Bedward? him, As for what I havo witnessed on was possible to a Company whose have put this question to several Sunday evening out on the Washington rupning expenses were necessa dating Therefore THE was told that Roman Henry haunt their prey, the English from off rily larger. At present there is an amendment to the bill, relat was elected some time ago as the o. o. Manavi, who could just barely ing to pawn broking establish shepherd when Bedward as suffice to exercise the Man Hunters ments, before the House of As.
sumed the you could see all the Mr. Othersamo around showing out that sembly asking for permission to and Master, and that Henry increase the they of the tic!
cost of carry on the work, ticket football was such a from a cent to a penny, due to.
The four men whom the Super and exciting game. am quite sure you the advance of the price of printnumerary Resident Magistrate do not want any more words of mino to ing and supplies. No doubt the directed should be sent back to convince you of what is going to happea amendment will be agreed to.
their homes under police escort when our League is started. Well, the have all returned to their habl, behaviour of the Tigers were splendid.
tations in the country, but they Was it because they teepeeted the white are still a number of the Bed men more than Cliey respect their owa wardites at August Town. It is colour or themselven?
clear that the recent proceed scheme is on foot to publish ings in the Law Court will have The Classical and the Grenada West Indian someA salutary effect on them, but time in the future in London, the thoa vardites say that their pre who know the ways of the Commercial Schot heart of the Empire. The idea is to continue the publication of sent calm is of a tempor No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz the West Indian in Grenada and ary character.
Box(1044, Ancon, c, to publish the British West InI am not too sure that it Mrs.
dian iu England.
Bedward is convinced that her ELEMENTARY AND HIGH husband the Prophet will be SCHOOL COURSES Silver City Band at Cristobal detained in the Assylum indefin itely that she will not sell the Day and Night Sessions Tonight.
lands she owns at August Town. SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, Promptly at o clock tonight the am informed that the land on Geometry, Bookkeeping. Type: above Band will startle the residents of which the Church is built is own writing, Shorthand, English, Elethe Atlantic side from their composure. ments. Spanish is lessee of certain lands belong Latin Grammar, etc. Night with the outbursts of the famous Trombone Family consisting of eight Troming to the Commissioners. They School now in session, Day bone Smears and the Master Trombose.
served notice on him to up School re opens Monday, JanThe latest of every kind of dance WORKMAN PRINTERY possession some time ago and uary 17, 1921, at 80 a.
music (will be very much in evidence before and since then the overand every one is urged to be on time it seer at Mona has been having ROBERT LINDSAY, they don wish to miss hearing the some trouble with some of the (Camb. Senfor. SLIM TROMBONE.
Principal by every West which is read Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
League were place at the clinic can OXOS so per cent After will not look upon upon the that way for The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
seek legal the be gent. com there is only pro have WORKMAN is an Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
higher role of Lord Dover knew Dice Grenada ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable merely of BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly oound at the give


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