
from his it They Satish the tact in the Chesterfield So we were his uns Imperial to German Woman Sent Kitchener companied the boate Reino to Watery Grave The Successful Spy.
According to Frau Borcker, it was Erau kitz who actually turn ed the trick in the Kitcbener case and it came about in this manner: certain officer of Lord Kitchener staff became violent ly in factuated with Frau Ritz and for many months before the siaking of the Hampshire, the THIS 600 TONS STEAMER pair were together almost every evening. The officer in question will not be named because he is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins. went to the bottom with his chial and no good purpose would beam. She has two decks. tween be served by aisclosing his iden decks ft. high.
Powever, it is certain that when he had been drinking he was inclined to be indiscreet and the smoke! Fresh, firm Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric a useful bit of military in Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: formation was dropped into and full of flavor They eriting machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed eager ears and duly conveyed by Alvarez or someone designated Satisfy. The blend can be water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. by him for its its reception. And at copied either you only get We must Buy her for our Service before last a hint was dropped that the car secretary was planning a satisfy in Chesterfields.
July this year long trip abroad Kitchener destination WE NEED 60, 000 MORE not mentioned at first and both Frau Ri ard Frau Boecker were MONEY too clever to ask questions, but the fact that the officer bad said You may subscribe some of this by purchasing he would be separated friends for some of our 40, 000 Preference shares some time made One Pound clear that Kitchener was bound each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound for somewhere besides France each and become part owner.
When this was reported to one of Alvarez lieutenants, he became DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW intensely interested and caution ed women to to use the utmost matter and to concen Write to the trate upon obtaining detailed in WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
formation in regard to Kitchen er proposed journey.
well 13 ORANGE ST, his instructions KINGSTON, JAMAICA followed that, on a June evening, CIGARETTES GGET MYERS TOBACCO Co.
the he restaurant, London, the staff officer actually told his that he was. as well as the ship and point of depart: ure. All of which was passed on before the next morning.
Spy in London learnt truth of the statements made. Tried to Rectify Mistake from Officer of intended may add that my inforu ers have Evidently the officer realized even now no id a that ther revel. next morning that he had made trip of British War ations will see the ght of type. an indiscreet admission because ecretary. Where Story was Learnt he made it a point to invite his wo friends out that evening and TO MEET LATE CZAR.
It was in a little flat in Mun mentioned that was chenerstrasse, here in Berlin, going to Italy, giving the same that tirst came into the know date that he had set the night Information was conveyed ledge of the astonishing story before for the departure from to Berlin and Subma am about to relate. It came to Scapa Flow for Russia. But the me in bics, inspired at first. by two women were not be fooled.
rines laid deadly nines sundry nips of branday on the They saw through his ruse and for Hampshire.
part of the narrators, and later the damage was done.
by the confidence bred of a long Even while the luckless staff series of social evenings when officer was trying to undo the TALE JUST FUBLISHED.
many ex agents of the German mischief he had wrought, word were.
nad been OF The New York American in They have become less reticent addition to their somewhat scan intelligence ty rations.
ils issue of April 24 publishes lies, of late, and are inclined sink plans were under way to in regard to their former activi aud For her part in the Kitchener the following article by Gordon rather to boast of their deeds marines were told off for the makin the Hampshire Two sub affair, Frau Ritz received 50, 000 Stiles, with the following head. than to conceal them.
and these hastened to a marks and feeling nervous The following story by a well about remaining in England afThe flat in question was occu point off the Shetlands where ter the arrest of Frau Brecker, known staff correspondent for a ned by Frau Eibs Boecker, win the Hampshire logical route lay.
she fled to Switzerland and Loudon le wspaper purports to dow of an English officer who The Germaus reckoned rightly eventually crossed in o Austria, Rive the first real story solving was killed in the Dardanelles that the British would rely on German absolute secrecy instead of send ICE CREAM FACTORY At present sha is living Frau Boecker is. in the mystery of Munhow Lord rau ich, and visits Frau Boecker in hener came to meet his woman of the black haired dark ing the ship over a round about. Berlin at intervals of about three death in the sinking of the Hamp. type, with brilliant brown eyes unnatural course.
35 Calidonia Road months.
zhire. Obviously, the resulta di and most attractive in appear. The submarines were very busy his investigation are given for ance. She is about thirty. five during the thirty hours preced ing the sailing of the Hampshire, WEST INDIAN EMPORIwhat they are worth at face oars old.
After her husband death 1915 many scores of mines were value.
UM OF FASHION she found herself at loose enda strewn in the path it was be WHOLESALE Story Told by Writer in London and naturally ber na lioved she would take. Then the Mrs. Wilson begs to tionality did not tend to make two submarines lay in wait with AND RETAIL inform her various patrons that she has re opened her Berlin, March 22. No greater ber path easy. Also her supply the intention of using their tor.
mystery bas surveyed the war of money was fast becoming ex pedoes if than the sinking of II. S. Hamp bausted. Nevertheless, she had As it turned out, it was a mine, Fashion Emporium at No. 33 Kitchener Calidonia Road, and that she good many friends and was not torpedo, that sent the a his staff on board, in June 1916 seen almost nightly at one or an. Hampshire to the bottom of the will be pleased to serve them For a long time, and even to other of the West End restau sea. She had hardly entered the one and all again.
this day, you will bear the opin rants. One of her special com. area where the Germans had ion expressed that Kitchener dia panions was Frau Ritz. Need been operating when she came INTERNATIONAL BANK Dr. LORD rot meet his death wben the less to say, neither of these into contact with a ship, which was carrying him to names is that by which its owner went down carrying all hands Russia, went down off the Shet. was known in the British capi with her.
and HOWELL land Isles. The story was that tal.
Frau Boecker was unable to ING CORPORA ION bis usefulness at the British War Dentists One evening at the Cafe Royal take part in the joicings of her Office had come to an end and in Regent Street, Frau Boecker London friends over the success 143 CENTRAL AVE that arrangements had been was introduced to a Spaniard of their coup. She had gleaned a OWNED BY (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
made for him to disappear for a named Alvarez, who appeared to little information in another time at least. Many bets were be profoundly impressed by the nection some time previous and The National City Bank of New York The Latest in Crown and laid at Lloyds in London that the lady and sought permission to had received ten thousand marks Bridg: Work British War Secretary would re see her again. meeting was for her keenness. But somehow, Head Office: 55, Wall Street appear before the war should arranged in a tiny Soho eating the British agents came to susR. WILKINSON end.
sound Among those who did believe ing his companion, Alvarez put it was arrested and imprisoned in a pital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 14, 000, 000 CONTRACTOR BUILDER a the communique announcing the to her bluntly that he was in Holloway jail.
disaster the general opinion held German pay and asked her if Released Afterwards Official Depository of the Republic of Panama First Classs Workmanship that the Hampshire bad been she would undertake certain sunk by an infernal machine minor work for which she would Her sojourn there lasted five Depository of the Panama Canal Plans and Specifications Free placed inside the ship as the re be well rewarded. Seeing no months, and, failing to get the sult of German activity other means a livelihood at necessary evidence against her, Through its Agencies in the Interior and 15th Street Wast House90 That is not true. But Kitche band, Frau Boecker, consented the British authorities released its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Box 411, Panama, ner did die as the result of Ger and was given 500 marks as a and deported her via Holland.
man activity, and, after a long retainer.
She told me with glee of how she exceptional banking facilities.
and patient investigation in Ger. Soon she came to know that and other German suspects used The Park View many during the last two years, Frau Fitz was employed in a to sing Duetschland Uber Al Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands am able to give the solution of similar capacity and often the les for the benefit of the Auditorium the mystery and reveal in se two would be assigned to pump officials and of other devices to Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent 25 BOLIVAR ST. COR. 3rd ST.
quence the events which led up British oficers who were home torment their keepers. She laugh of. The their of Per Annum Upstairs Universal Grocery Store chiet.
one of a baiting have the story from the lips their prey to drink freely and bacon rind on a string until they The best hall in Town cool, clean, of what they. comfortable and airy. Suitable for who were concerned in the plot Owing to her dark skin, Frau red windows only to have their dances, parties rallies etc. etc.
and the fact that two independ Boecker easily posed as Pricos Moderate ent accounts which have been ish woman while Frau Ritz, who ed to duty in the kitchen or given me check perfectly, in ad spoke English without an accent. washhouse of the jail, the imGive us a call before going else where dition to the logical aspect of the let it be understood tnat she was prisoned women would cook the tale has convinced me of the a native of England.
IT PAYS birds and thus obtain a welcome Universal Grocery Stea ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY the German naval prto work BIJOU te possible.
shire, wit with Lord and a mine and con prison som beheer Advertise in the Workman


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