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and President Says Co oper Twelve Persons are killed ation of Leaders of Both And Fifty Injured In Two Races is a Necessity Train Accidents.
Mr. Garvey and Miss Vinton One. Sister Dies and the Other President Harding has written Toulouse, France, May 15. Davis Speak at Ward Theatre a letter to the National Urbar Twelve persons were killed and Sustains Fractured Ankle League for Social Service among titty injured when tw) express Negroes, which is raising a fund trains, bound this city from The Jamaica Gleaner of the 18th seven seas of the world. She was of 91, 000 foreits work. coneris Paris jumped the track east cident terminating in a fatality, the 11 o clock service should have Balaclava, May 17. sad ac ence that the Bishop text in Maye states that Mr. Marous asking wo nen also to help in the culating the league in its efforts and got within a few miles of euch and in a broken limb for another been repeated by himself in perGarvey President of the Black two million dollars Liberian con to bring about greater cooper her. The fact in each Star Line and on Navia inter struction depan toch me noored President letter, addre 10 and 84 locomotives and their benica, vaed occasion belum dae humechokhe deceased tras laialno between The the eight coaches were dara. ed victim took place in the St. Luke forming the burial service on the nitional Organizer of the Asso liberty of the race that had been Eugene Kinkle Jönes ex cu ten tenders reinained on the tracks evening, the occasion being the church. The deceased was laid to Vinton only the opening of the to rack, holding of special services at rest at the family burial ground ation, and other officials of the so long closed, for the Negro secretary of the league, Was Caused Le the Minister public to day Black Star Line, arrived here was determined that he was go aster the church.
Works near the Balaclava Hotel an last night from Santiago de Cuba ing to unbar that door and enter The President letter follovs: vestigation. In each instance, At 30 a large number of Statement by Bishop on the Karawha, the second into freedom. And with the in The White House between the tenders worshippers had already gather.
ship of ine line to arrive here. Huence of the woman, the moth Washington the anh tirst sach snapped. Med at St. Luke for evensong His Lordship Bishop Bentley The vessel has been long ex er, the wife, the sister not only Dimas, of the Cham of paced, but ber delay was in in the bine, but in the markets My dear Mr. Jones: of Duties, who 84 00 church owgom remained in the returned to St. Peter College The National Urban Ligue bard one of the seemingly awaiting yesterday afternoon where he yard red She arrived was seen by a Gleaner Cuta a Gleaner reporter.
at Port of the world and in the grehas, as understand is Moce trains, informed the arrival of Bishop Bentley. heavy Buick bearing the per to day that he Bis. Speaking of the regrettable anched in the stream off man not merely sharing his joys would he said: Royal about pm yesterday factories also, side by side us been particular in its rainber of Dupities. The first son, and driven by Mr. Clifford evening just before o clock bine tight a little after but his sorrows, and it fluencing long toward the solution of the Chain Paris 52 o clock Gunter, came into the church Vice in the Balaclava Church in up the matter in the hop and Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar to click him to press on ward and go for of races in the ited a morning ing and jumped yard. After the party had alight company with Mr.
and Mrs Frea The same paper in its issue or Ward, nor to stop or rest until States, cause lo has sought to Sturday Uzerche. 31 miles ed the chauffeur began reversing Farquharson and the Rev. HG the rail the 21st vlto states that another his teet hadd the very moun secure the co operation of lead near South East of Limoges. Five per his car to retire when Misses James, drove down into the large audience listened to al tainte until he had unfurlea ing people of both races is a.
dresses delivered by leaders of the lof be red, the black and taking these probems.
As we suggested in my ore 20. tried ons were killed in this wreck Lily and Rebecca Roberts, two church yard in Mr Farqu Owing to the eisters of the Balaclava Hotel. harson motor car. We got the Universal Negro Improve the pretho would wave over ssage to Congress, wreckage, the express train leav. came walking into the church out and went into the church.
ment Association in the Ward the freed and redeemed Africa.
Sne bade thuhe of Mr Theatre on Thursday Paris at of good this represents the ori 725 diverted yard, though the chauffeur blew The driver sounded his hörn, and Mrs. George McCormack dure by nack cheer and still contiueand more ich we can uplu tanother road at Periguex junc his horn repeatedly, the ladies and understand were at their best in the songs lead the children chia th grasmall stan most desirable re. tion and went into the ditch been occupied, never heeded his out The two Misses Roberts, slowly back whose attention and work, to press on waid.
to his car in order to drive Pne rsce problem is one few miles beyond.
they rendered. They delighted phalanx signals and the chaffeur think Mis: Lil and Miss Beck. the kathering to a great extert phalanx of the world that was that concerns all of us and which ing that all were in the every mark of ap preaching measure for measure. we must all join in handling. time with the music not show for. and be conti dent Successful Sports and Gar knocked both ladies down before into church. They evidently got going pit ciatlon de Bourg, the lead the new Negro, not the old time of your hearty co operation in den Party.
aby one could rescue them. nervous and ran right across the back of the car. If they bad stood er of the movement in the West crinking, sycophant of a Nego. every effort in this direct:01.
Very sincerely yours, Picked up Unconscious stiil, it would have been all right.
Indies, said they were not in the not the old time beggi praying and plesdirg Negro but there The interscholastic sports held WARREN HARDING. crowd gathered Lil, the eldest of the immediately at tbe Standara Oval under the island to set the country against Itse or to fight the Government gro who stood upright, damard.
The President letter was in auspices of the management of and Miss Lily was taken up in two but it was his duty as a leader in his rights and backing that reply to one from Mr. Jones that popular stadium on Decora an unconscious state and Miss She sisters, W88 knocked down.
a leader demand up with gun. This lake an Dr.
apoloew promising had had also liteas held up who congratulated him upou bis tion Day, May 80. last. was ao Rebecca with a fraci ured anule. scious. and was carried into the to who hotel, where she died tew stand with to police operatoren war them false ideas taught to his message to Congress. Nal felle and snapped her referenca to the race in oughput was present, hurried of the un minutes later. Miss Beck, hear King interest of his at stake. The bu iness before them, but thank God! the scales ional Review the day ani vleasure seekers by, where in spite of skilled me is good progress towards reI am glad to. is makthem was the redemption had ot Africa Ho then showed bow the men from their eyes amusement lovers had their fil. dica! sid, she breathed her iast o now saw more clear The eyents were keenly contest! within half an hour.
Al ica was divided up among shook the European War covery under the treatment of training on the part of the child diately removed We went on the European nations and how Africa had been exploited of Negro and world, wakened the Horse Races at Juaned and showed marks of earnest Miss Rebecca was also imme. Dr. Lofthouse.
litle Franco.
ren. The team from the Red the hotel, with the evening service and her vact wealth. He asked why mao think that the Negro was Tank School scored the highest where she was treated by Dr. special prayers were offered for the sufferer. should have rewas this unrest and uneasiness only zleeping. But they had number of points and will be the Lofthouse.
on the part of Governments? awakened in their might and possessors of right, It is needless to say that this turned to Kingston yesterday why rust not the Negro World verneple erilization which they the Panama Jockey Club presents el vowe, tilin the next meet kloom upon the remainder of the services to as to make monumente be per the lapse of just weck Silver Cup, donated by Dr. Felix very sad accident cast deep morning, but remained over with of conduct newspaper be read! It was fall because the Negro wanted to go and the Negro Would step out in race loving public, to morrow, at petited for again, the school win everyone present felt that a most. build another attractive program to the comes ost when it will be com. levening proceedings, and that funeral was largely attended by nack 10 Africa, it was her use be the broa wanted to be repatriati back to relatives and friends from all the Motherland. That was why the man, emancipated at last by the pected that lively time will be owners.
ated under the shadow of death. parts of the island. Among the The individual prizes were dispall bearers were Messrs.
Negrots wanted ship: an No One to be Blamed of a black man who led us in store for all those who care to tributed by Honourable B. Dun.
their only chance, their last op: Out of darkness into the light, journey out to the breezy park in can, Secratary of Public Instruc. and Vernon Roberts, nephews of the deceased and Inspector Dydd.
portunity! Therefore, they must recreation During the service which fol.
buy shares in the Black Star out of barbarism into civiliza ion search The chauffeur is employed to The names of a few new horses tion, who with his assistant, Mr. lowed His Lordship, in express Mr. Phang, and is known to be a Line. There was the limit Crespo, accepted ing his regret and sympa their profit by buying shares in so zation the world has ever set n! and the morrow programer here the invitation of the committee why. expressed the hope that no very careful driver. He came the Negro Factories Corpora Mr. Marcus Garvey. sion of this new blood, some to be present he was in troduced one would attach day blame to ove iland drove our car owing to tion, where girls earning two. The by Lowe in reply matter was the illness of dollars per week now would be Mr. Marcus Garvey, the Presi. New be told of the taken purely an accident, chauffeur.
able to to earn eighteen dollars dent General of the Association New Jockey Club is making use ol by the National Government in Mr. Gunter, the chauffeur was the racing public 70 years of age, and her injured The deceased lady was about at its to ty five, thirty, forty, fity dollars put forward the aims and ob. sparing neither aspen se bor time children on the Isthmus, many later in the night.
sister some years younger.
must possess the new spirit and future. In the course of his other tracks in Central and South distribution of the prizes, Attortives and friends of the decaasper week. Like bimself they jects of the for the to make the track is up to date as of whom will remain restu euts uth here for their lifetime. After the By Monday morning the rela Mrs. Anderson Returns.
prepare for a better future.
speech, he said he hated by po America The latest addition to Miss Davis Remarks. les o bandhoNegroes had been the ney Thompson moved a hearty ed had arrive! 10. various been to by those reverend bypo recently, is the installation of a wobec of the nes for the Secretary Puneral at pm. to which His Steamer Tivives which docked By the Utited Fruit Co parts of Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis, telephone which is at the dispo which was heartily supported by Emruslip kindly remained, and at Cristobal on Wednesday the their the International Organizer ata them that one desire sal of any one during racing days.
the High Commissioner of the Aco manity and save human souls has been railed to and purpose was to lift hu which was taken by himself and 1st inst there arrived Mrs An.
The entire inside of the track The Garden Party.
une Rev. James, there was derson, wife of Dr F Ander cietice, followed a custeet main ex Those Baptists preachers and horses from cutting in, and there at night the garden Party was ering. In his remarks at that lort Panama aboriti imones a large and representative gath son of this city Mrs Anderson pressed her be pre many other improvements another big Gent, sowen oprested to the and Presbyterian preachers, che planned which will be parried out presented as beautiful appearance was taken bu riad. Bake church and states that she is greatly The Oval part of burial service for a in the many. delighted that the women of Sa was speaking to white men now) in the course of time) with its rows of multi colored His Lordship said he thought the benefitel from the change maica werente kaing an interese pain Africa saying they were mis club, and we hope for a success the various stalls spared no et prepared to meet death. She and Blackett Gats News of Death of active for 500 years had been going to Brovo for the Panama Jockey lights. The ladies in charge of deceased could never be better showing diep sionaries.
this grea est of all Negro organi But they were liars, fal day to morrow.
were religious vagabonds, can chey were Women had their parter they went for the purpose forts to amuse the vast crowd as ber sister (Miss Rebecca) were zations.
the to play as well as mer: iba of robbing general expression of satisfac a thay were present at the 11 Mrs. Brown III.
most important show the inequality of the black women played tion was heard on all sides. We o clock service, they went to the part no one would den: She and white race and asked if any Joseph Blackett well kauwn was asking the women to stara big and influential, white man in special service at St. Paul The relatives and friends of mittee for its efforts to provide Keynes han and they were just resident in this city, received the by the colours, to ago death of his mother principles of the UNIA itulo home havingine incaltamen der Brown, employee at the and interest in eine schi Denator cation of them day toe Godeliems Matilda Blackett, which took LAN theo bis soberbeures, living in a bea uraire Mary Brown, wife or Alex healthy recreation for the public, returning to complete the audi sad news by letter a few days Stand by tt giat corporation family was kuing to reach down Isard thashe now lies ill at British Legation, will his the children. they both accident, vf the Black Line and never to a black man in the gutter, Santo Tomas ropital haying Advertise In The WORKMAN Sinated fatally.
which, in Miss Lily case, term 18th May last. much sympathy to rest until they had hundreds is felt for Blackett in his sad of Negro els sailing upon the Continued on Page undergone an operation and get Good Results It was a remarkable coincid bereavement bow That great did the the white had helped to would hand to was no great interest Africa He tried to


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