
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JUST ARRIVED world a bene او Heaton FATIMA ous District Boar is, as un direct represent 113 people of Grenala il formally to appr gates to England them with power Eng! ard on behall on the question of Re re ative Government. It is on official record that is trict Boards have in favour of the mov meeting of the Reps sentative Government Association will also be called to give the are members of isloly an official position. Besides this a public meeting will under the auspices of the Literary League and another biz pube lic meeting is being organizi to take place in St George next It might be necessary to request of Mr. DS De Freitas, Vice President of the Representative Government Association, to work with the Delegation in England who are IN Moisture Proof Packages Week OF trying to save the 20 CIGARETTES THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE are that We feel proud to learn that certain influential persons who were aloof wbten the Represen.
tative Government movemert was in full swing are making confession to the effect that they are now heart and soul with the cause. The central business of the Grenada Delegates in land will be to sue for Represen.
Eng tative Government We feel sure will be for the better in connection with all interests in the Colony, All classes shou sup: port the movement. We are no at the parting of the ways Toere is no chance for balting between two opinions. There is only one opinion, and that is the Grenada public must be given a chance to take care of itsell.
St. Lucia a change classes and and DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT BLOOD ELIXIR could journalism The object of the Jamaica pect of establishing a bay run industry in the very near future and Mr. Robson is specially pleased about this, as the plant Sad Tragedy ing of bay trees has been entire Hy done on the initiative of the Young Man Electrocuted nection with cotton, it would be Botanic Station. Then in con: difficult to find in the whole PEAR BOG WALK.
cu a better type of Sea Island cotton than that now grown in (From our Correspondet)
Montserrat under the name of Linstead, May 14th. On Mon by the result of selection at the 23 13, which is entireday afternoon last Dro Experiment Station. The out Clarke, District Medical Officer, op performed a post mortem exami: look for the lime industry has nation on the body of the young the last thirty years: so much probably never been better in man, Charles Younger, who fell a víctim to a very sad tragedy can be said for the importation blood which occurred on the main road between this town ant the vil lage of Bog Walk on Sunday Grenada evening last, between the hours of six and seven clock. He was killed by electricity, while Editor The West young man named Adrian Piper.
Piper, it is said, was going Indian and Presialong the road when he came across a little boy standing over dent Harding the wires with a piece of stick in his hand the wires having been On March 3rd last, on the eve lowered to the ground during of the inauguration of Mr. Hard.
the afternoon by a fallen star apple limb. The boy, it is also ing as President of the United alleged, handed Piper the stick States, the Editor of this paper and told him to push it out of the dent Harding. We think it was a the cabled congratulations to Presi way.
diately he was held and the hoy happy thought to have identiWest Indian journalism ran away. The deceased arrived fied won the scene ande se dia bed with pride in the success of a Myers in his moter car. The President of the United States.
journalist in the person of the deceased then procured a plyers President Harding career be from Dr. Myers car ted that he was going to cut the he stated from the lowest rung in a newspaper office where wire in order to extricate Piper ho was then struggling to get topmost rung, and was the man of the ladder. He reached the away. Dr. Myers, knowing the behind The Marion Daily Star un.
danger and folly of the intend til his election as President.
ed act, tried to prevent him, but he was too late in doing While our Editor was in Trini.
dad a 80: a few days ago. Captain nad already come in contact with sul, notif young. for ere he reached the patis Acting American Con him that an official the ie live wire and Younger was communi We communication was received seen to all backwards, the back from the United States Secretary of his head resting against an. President Harding asked to conan of State, Washington, in which other live wire. Dr. Myers then turned his car around and speed vey hearty thanks for the teleof congratulations. Mr.
away to the Power House of the Bourshow was assured that get a rubber glove, whereby the it suituation be handled. But ut more as coming from unfortunately, the distance and in an unexpected quarter, the time was against him, for Young its kind from these parts.
one of er was dead before he returned notice to this etlect appeared the wire burned almost through in The Port of Spain Gazette, but the skull into the brains The Doctor then drove to the Police only the gist of the telegram was Station and reported words of borty after Sergt.
matter, the telegram run thus: and and Corporal Pitter were on the President Harding, scene, a salso Mr. Edgar Agen, Washington.
Secretary and manager of the Dee side Electric Factory, Editor West Indian sends which the current was supplies prove pen mightier than sword pplied congratulations to Journalist President hope term office Piper who had tricated from his perilous posi and lead to United States of the tion, and who was unconscious, World with peace on earth good.
was rushed off to the Linstead will all men.
Hospital where he was admitted as a patient, suffering also from severe burns in the palm of More About Repre.
his to day is a mystery to everybody sentative Governis now danger.
The Police have taken statement.
ments from a number of persons and a coroner enquiry will The Canadian Gazette expresses shortly be held into the circum. itself as not unwilling to assist stances surrounding the untime. these islands in the claims for ly death of the unfortunate representative institutions young man.
government. The magazine quotes from this journal, and we Dye Wood Slump are glad that it will find spaco to devote to our legitimate de There is great divergence of sires It makes mention of St.
opinion as to the wisdom of the Lucia petition and Government undertaking that it will receive sympathetic schemes that would, in the na consideration. The paper writes.
tural course of events, be carried Commenting on what was said ou by commercial interests, in the Canadian Gazette of Jan. 6, even though some of these pro The posals for instance, the Cement after expressing thanks to this Factory had not been previous journal for its interests in the ly investigated by private inter matter, even though we noted that such a serious step must not be ranged for 25th April. The population is estimated at 900, 000, waited forty long years, and we but it is believed that the census are simply asking for a restorawibrosbow figures more nearly time we privileges once enjoyed.
tion of approaching the West Indian to that it feels in the Canadian Gazette shopeful when it reads that. Montserrat whenever the he have shown themselves fit for a eives representative Government, and Montserrat Bay Rum ask for it the Imperial Govern ment policy has always been to Mr. Robson, under date people of Grenada have done all grant it. After saying that the March 12th, writes that the they can to show her fitness for prospects of this little place representative Government, The would be brighter than ever be West Indian adds; All we can do fore were it not for the dreaded now is to rely on British prompresence of the pink boll worm ises and principles. Those promof cotton, and no conclusion can ises fulfilled and those principles at present be formed as to what established, we shall raise our will be the effect on the industry head with pride in the Em.
in the future. There is a pros pire. and those promises FOR STRENGTHENING THE BLOOD CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR PURIFYING AND ENRICHING and shorty from The Voice of St. Lucis repor that a largely attended puble meeting was held in Columbus Squars on the 16th ultimo when a resolution was passed in favour of Representative Gov.
meeting was to revive iuterest in the representative Govern ment Association. whose mem.
bers are e endeavouring to educate public opinion to the necessity fer the introduction of popular representative government in St. Lucla. Four general meet.
ings of the Association are to be held snnually and the campaign is to be carried on vigorously and continuously in every dis.
trist of the colony.
The St. Lucia Representative Association is riding on waves of triumph, Four monster meetings havo been held within the past fortnight in the interes of Representative Government.
The Association has promised to send two delegates to England tin concert with the Grenada Delegation. Although not officially selected, that the St. Lucia ucla Delegates will be Mr. Brice, St cian. Barrister atilishman) mer.
and Mr. Westali chant. The various Friendly Societies are contributing to the St. Lucia fund, and prospec. are bright in general.
luckily THE BLOOD mass Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed In thls preparation.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy to is believed of feels sure RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY in the stepped es the Island census was ar in the case of Grenada we have YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT Demerara paper of the 3rd ulto announces that news from reliable sources states that with in the past month some startling reductions have been the merchants of Barbados in the prices of foodstuff, in order to assist the poorer classc 3, The merchants having breach, the best granula.
ted sugar can be had at cents per pound; Cornmeal at cents: Corn Beef at 10 cents; milk at cents per pint; eddoes st cents per pound; and flour at cents per pound. By the broken and those principles untimely action of the merchants apped in our case, we shall lose the shop keepers have begun to heart and feel that we are un be more considerate to the poor state of infantile experiences.
justly condemned to a perpetual consumers, selling their goods at reasonable rates.
We are glad to ventilate this mat ter in the Canadian Gazette, and to people of Grenada we can Indian Colonies for representa The latest petition from West only repeat that when the Im tive Government comes from St.
perial Government is convinced Lucia The petition begins by sentative Government it will not under British rule since June 22, has lived refuse its assent. We will gladly 1893. and under that rule tha in our columns a reasoned statement of the case sincerity. It points out that the people have lived in peace and of the Colony in its latest aspects people attachment to the Britso as to focus upon it the atten ish Empire was seen during the tion of the British people and war when all classes volunteered Parliament.
for service, and it goes on to say that the inhabitants of the Colony Elected members of the vari. Continued on pape 7)
people of a of a Colony that colongan That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry and expert repairing. Call and visit, FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panama, give


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