
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JUST ARRIVED Themen 66 99 FATIMA IN characteristibe Isle Springs in reliti, to West In dian affairs That in referens to the mos.
sage of His Excellen y the Gov.
ernor to the Hon. Legisla ive Council submitting the correspondence which has db tween the Right Hont Secetary of State for the Colins 21 His Excellency on the instant proposal to establish ar Agricultural College in the West Ladies, a select committee of this Council be appointed to report on the proposed enterprise. to review the question of the locau Buon of the proposed College and to advise whether or not this island shall contribute to the mainten ance of such a College it estab.
lished usne Trinidad or whether it in would not be better in that event that Jamaica, as the largest and most important British possession in ion in the West Indies and one hures possessing the most varied agricultural resources and climate conditions, should take steps to establish an independent College to serve this island and the neighbouring Colonies and De pendencies of the Enpire.
Demerara Three Privates to Serve M. Berdaher. Worker organ, Thom.
Gillett, Richards, iller. Lynch, Moisture Proof Packages OF 20 CIGARETTES 0 Flogged for Causing Grievous Bodily Harm.
of the term THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT and fourteen year old boy named Adolphus McNie was recently ordered by a Denerara Magistrate to be flogged for intlicting grievous bodily harm on on eight year old girl by applying a lighted match to her bair. It was disclosed in evidence that the girl suffered from lice and for the purpose of kill.
ing same, her her mother had ap plied kerosene oil to her (the girl) hair. Sent for Water by the defendant, she had to go and the youngster had thrown a lighted match at her, setting her hair on fire The Magistrate characterised the picture of using kerosene oil, fin the manner it had been used, as most dangerous, and expressed tbe hope that it would not be come a general habit.
The per BLOOD ELIXIR refused Jamaica authorities were in readiness to meet the repatriated men. squad of constables and waterpolicemen under Deputy InspecMutinous Men of tor Sullivan, Sergt. Major Black and Sergt. Major Francis Regiment took charge of the men at the are Punished Sutton Street station, and in due course, they will be sent to their respective homes.
Sequel to Incident which gave no trouble whatever and Took Place at Up Park sppeared very quiet.
One of them, Alfred Straker Camp on April 4th.
by name, is ill and was admitted into the public hospital.
REFUSED TO PARADE Mills, Alexander, Hall The of the men are JP. Nivens, Patterson, McFarlane, Years Penal Servitude.
and Dismissed From H, Gath. WIL. Mudies Gath, Army Burton, Wood Peart, Beck tord. Miller, THE OTHER SENTENCES DE Bailey, Davidson, James Gordon Matthews, ΑΙ The finding of the General fred Straker. Lawrence, Court Martial which recently Wright; Duncanson, assembled at Up Park Camp to Broadford Darley, Neher, try several Privates of the West Hardy, Anderson, India Regiment for mutinous Smitb, Irwin, Walters, conduct at Camp, was promul. Thompson, McDonald, Mar.
gated on Saturday last. tin. Woodbine, Allan.
The Court passed a sentence Tirpin, Leonard, Mapp, of five years penal servitude on Gardner, Daly, Stewart, Privates Foreman, Norman and Elliott, Dennock, Ed.
Beckford, and to be dismissed wards, Davis, Wilson, with ignominy at the expiration Wilson, Thorpe.
The Colonel Commandant. Late Official Noti.
however, remitted two years off the sentence.
fications Six Months Detention The next offender was Private Hon Vickers ApBradley, who was defended by Mr. MacMillan, and acquit pointment As Member of ted of two charges. On the third Council is confirmed lawful o der, he was found guilty SOME NEW JUSTICES charge for wilful detiance of a sentenced to six months detention, next offender was Private Mr. Percy Lindo Resigns as Campbell, who for a similar offence, was found guilty and sen Member of the Railway tenced to 112 days detention Advisory Board The charges arose out of an occurrence on the 4th April last, when several men refused point the Hon. Muirhead. Custos It is officially announced that blank to come out on parade, for Clarendon, has been granted when ordered to do so.
leave of absence in respect to his Ringleaders Tried. public duties.
The matter was reported to The appointment of the Hon.
the Commanding Oficer, and the member of the Legislative Coun. Vickers as a nominated. ring leaders were placed under arrest and ordered to take their cil has been confirmed.
trial by General Court Martial.
Messrs. Burgess, Others who were more or less Cover Davidson, and implicated but apparently misled orsa Coke Kerr have been appointed by the ringleaders into what is Justices of the Peace for st.
undoubtedly a most serions breach of military discipline, Mr. Percy Lindo has resigned were dealt with Bummarily position as a member of the the Commanditg Oficer, An Advisory Board of the Jamaica txample had, however, to be Government Railway made of the ringleaders in the The Hon. Williams and interest of good discipline. Bourne have been granted leave of absence in res their public The Repatriated Mr. Dunn has been ap; Seamen Here pointed to to act as a Referee of Titles during the leave of ab sence granted to Mr.
Arrived from England on Brown, It is officially notifled that per the Prins der Neder sons desirious of travelling to landen the Canal Zone need not have their passports visaed by the Consul.
American THE DETAILS GIVEN To day Gazette will con tain a proclamation from His Ex Men will be sent to Thelr cellency the Governor revoking Respective Homes; Names the exportation of sugar.
the restrictions with regard to of Those who Arrived Incident at the Fifty eight repatriated British Beamen arrived here, recently Railway.
frora England on the steamship Prins der Nederlanden, a Dutch vessel. Of the number, three of (From the Gleaner. them are from British Honduras, sudden stoppage of work dom one from St. Kitts, one occurred in the workshops of the Nassau, one from Grand Cayman, Locomotive Department of the the rest are all Jamaicans. The Jamaica Government Railway men were stranded in England recently. This arose from dis and the situation became a trying satisfaction one for them because they were owing to the decision of the unable to find employment. Locomotive Superintendent that The Prins der Nederlanden left the cost of replacing a number Dover on the 30th April last of workmen check boxes.
under Captain Van Baa. which appeared to have been rez for the West Indies. On the wilfully destroyed about four voyage out some of the men be a our list ago. was to be charged them behaved well and nothing workshops where the destruc serious developed.
When the hip reached Port au Prince, hote tion had taken place.
cost of replacing the des ever, the captain thought it wiser troyed property was to be de to steam straight for Kingston ducted at the rate 18 2d out of rather than going first to Santia the wages of each workman.
go de Cuba as was formerly are. As a result the men left their ranged. The vessel arrived at work as a protest against this Port Royal at 30 a. yesterday, action and the whole of them, she came up into the harbour between 400 and 500 in number, later and docked at Messrs. Las wished to see the Locomotive celles de Mercade wharf. She Sunerintendent in the matter, will soon sailing for Santiago. but he would only deal with their News having reached here delegates.
long before the ship arival, the The delegates requested the FORSTRENGTHENING THE BLOOD CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An old prisoner er livened the the recent sitting of the Demer.
ara Criminal Session by refer.
ing the jurors, who declared him guilty, You mean twelve illiterate sit at all hilst being removed from the dock by an escort that was an extra he glared malignantly at the jurors and said he felt as though he could kill several of them, making an effort to escape, evidently for fulfiling his desire.
The jury failed to look happy until prisoner had been removed.
in jail for nothing and put a man by his THE BLOOD Mrs.
Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed In thls preparation.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy sum of 80, 000 was refused at a recent sale in Georgetown for the building and stock of the Red Lion Rum Shop.
Both the Trinidad and Demer.
ara Chambers of Commerce haye subscribed 25 towards the purchase of a piece of plate to be presented to Sir Edward Dayson, President of the Associated West Indian Chambers of Commerce who was recently married in London.
RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY men among the Counsel to prove YOU AN DEPEND ON IT Douglas Sentenced to Death.
The man James Douglas who it will be remembered killed his wife Cecilia Douglas, by backing her to pieces with a knife in the Stabrock market some months ago, was sentenced to death few weeks ago at the Criminal Assizes held in Georgetown despite futile effort made by his prove insanity.
Locomotive Superintendent to. It is understood that the aid of consider bis decision. this he the West Indian Court of Appeal did not do. but arranged to re will be invoked to settle the point fer the whole matter to the that recently arose in al in a Demerara Director of Railways for his law suit, as to whether shares are final decision, agreeing mean moveable property, and whether while that the deduction would a contract for the sale of shares not be made. The matter was need be in writing.
Mr. Justice thus settled, the men returning Berkeley recently, decided that to work which had ceased for they are not. Plaintiff claim nearly four hours.
involving 7, 000 dollars was ac cordingly dismissed.
Says Port of Spain Gazette of the 3rd ulto In connection with Owing to the satisfactory state the proposal to establish an Ag of the finances of the British ricultural College in the West Guiana Government the surplus Indies, a member of the Jamaica and deficit account at the close Legislature has given notice of of the last financial year was estithe following resolution, which mated to be 2, 089, 289. 60 it was it must be remarked is infinitely Continued on Page The That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry and expert repairing. Call and visit.
FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panama,


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