
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921, PAGE THREE Don Throw Away Your Empty PIEDMONT ve BUCHANAN PACKAGES and do notaruud very little 200. 00 GOLD IN PRIZES a Intesalat FOR THESE PACKAGES upDetails of this Contest will be announced later Canada Trade and Notice to the Public West Indies.
Dr. IL BUCHANAN The following article is taken (EYESİGHT SPECIALIST)
from the The Maritime Merchant published at Halifax, of March 3rd.
The organization of Geddes wishes to inform the publie in general of Grant, Limited, has been very tale fact that he has NO ASSIST.
efficient in the efforts it tas ANT optician working with m or for made to increase the sale of Canadian products in the Westem in the cities of Panama or Colon.
Indies know are many factories within the TIVE in the person of anyone but that there so far his professional service is ccp has NO REPRESENTA maritime provinces which have HIMSELF felt the benefit of their efforts in this respect. Few of us pro Individus have reported that they bohla appreciate to the Puh bave bed their esos examined and treatadvantage of a live agenhaving ed at th: ir ba; by truslu nera, at work in our interest in a or traveling opticiso, wh, eh cy foreiga 51 sed the them with the impresion, or read dollar worth of our goods which the case. no tuve BUCHANAN US his they sul mu tha they are working with or means the creatida o that much extra business Dr BUCH the furnishing of that much ex testing and testinge ce iubes around tra employment to men and he sities: xcept in case where the pe кошеп engaged in our factories.
tient must be kept in bd or by call, The Canac ian factory in earlier or epecial appointe en pliase co not days was built to supply the accept such a persou as De BUCHANAN, needs of domestic consumers or his representative.
little thought indeed was If Rood work is done by them, Dr.
but Mr. Grant, with his sales isfactory service is not given he gets the given to sales in foreign markets. BUCHANAN gets the praise, and it satIn both of these cases jus ware Islands, Trinidad, Demer: tice would not be done to him.
organization) covering the Wind. blame also It you ara and more recently Jamaica, kill. and yours of experience in the eyes emer wish to get the benefit of his of his professions!
has shown us what our opportunities are in these fields. We glass work, then we to it it that you get are therefore very personally tbe RIGHT MAN, and NO ONE else.
concerned with all his under Dr. BUCHANAN wieles to express PLE takings in this connection onnection were the larg prae ice he has had from the vers his bigh st appreciation and gratitude for interested indeed from a business standpoint ia anything that folks who ve come to him from all enable him to improve the over the Republic of Panama, Costa quality of his already efficient Rica. Colombia, and Nicaragus.
service to to Canadian producers Dr. BUCHANAN o cupies and exporters Mr. Grant has stairs at No. 182 Bnivar Street (in front done a good work, but we wish of Masonic Temple Building. Colon, to see him do one that is more Phone No. 409. When you wish to have productive ctive stili in so far as our sound, honest reliable advice about your export trade is concerned. We eyesight, consult him at s offixe.
are therefore very pleased in HE IS RELIABLE, deed to learn that he has per suaded Mr, MacRae to join up with his sales organization. Mr, MacRae is to be a director of the company with headquar.
game at the very spot where the rest ters at Haliiax As manager of claim that they are getting knocked the old Union Bank of Halifax down and murdered, with a fotball Mr. MacRze agent some years weighing just a few ounces, in Trinidad and consequently must need say that we are entitled knows the needs of West Indian to just as much privilege as the white He also people are, for the coloured people in knows a great deal 92 general are just as much kreat help Canadian field. For many years and upkeep of the country as anybody he he was Supervisor of the Royal else, if not more. it is Bank of Canada for the mari very unfair to dissatisfy the public al time provinces, a post in which most of to a few, with giving fatisfaction he was most efficient, but no cause whatsover he had to relinquish on account Now that the Lsague has been formel, of ill health. In his new occu.
the boys went to work and dug up the pation Mr. MacRae will have concrete that was so dangerous to one less office work and more chance and all and turned the ground into for. outdoor life And he tells us Football piteb, sº that they can that he thinks he is going to cornodate the other teams when they like the job quite well. We are that the trade are sure corne over on the Atlantic Side, and now that they have finished same the most to like hin. He may not be a certain that person, much more you. presume, Mr. stinging blow has been awarded them.
trained man in terchandiziog, Tiger, that you are aware of what am Thanking you for the space in your but he knows what the people referring to, which is the Inter club valuable paper.
of the West Indies want and will inatebes that ured to be played among the embers of your Club. FOOTBALL FAN. do his best to supply them.
My reasca for making the remark is tween the Tigers and any wbile team, their behaviour is always of the best and appreciated by by everyone for the gentle and like manner in which they play their opponents, and among themselves they try to become real tigers, when they are hungry.
Tiger, can you show me NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA where the hatred and et cetera, for the white man comes in?
Your reply differs far e from the understanding of my re marka, I scarcely want to believe that it is for that much. am sorry that DRESSMAKERS have interrupted your most amiable feel ings, for Don, but wish you would little more discretion next time in trying to accuse anyone wrongfully.
am one as so called footballer, would The development of a personal mode for each give anything in this world for the game, patron is the special function of our Establishment and my reason for those remarks was because wculd like to see we all get down to business and adore the Grand Old Game the right way.
Thanking you for space Mr. Editor, FOOTBALLER. DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH MO KE THE DADDY OF EN ALL bite people quite well.
about the more. should think webst for the sake which AND SAVE THE PACKAGE fita FOOTBALL.
De WITT PILLS REPLY THE HOME DOCTOR this: Whegever tween the lever a game is played be.
tigerly THE when playing WOMAN EXCHANGE 30m people all Now, Mr.
Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of their presence in various physical disorders noticeable among which are: TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS, HEADACHES, BACKACHES. SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOMETIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OF BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND SEDIMENTS, As no other Medicine is as good as DeWitt Pills, start with it right now and watch results Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle purchased CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave.
UR to be intelligent The Editor of the WORKMAN Dear Sir, am sorry to know that my comment has taken such an im pression upon the Tigers, especially the individual who has taken upon himself the responsibility to answer my oomment with such an exaggeration of which had meant nothing at all, but like all over, they are just like a ga bag, always waiting and ready to explode at the slightest vent given it. am also sorry to know that tte intellig nt young man bas follen so short from the understanding of my simple remark. will admit Mr. Tiger, that have never been to Jamaica roary of the other West Indies, to re such wnd, rful players like you, and to wa to Leke exciting games, but can solo you that it do not take professional Slayers and one who has been exciting games, to be knowing that right from wrong, and, od to know you and some of the others are protes sional players from the West are accustomed to so much are so intelligent and discipline has got so much knowledge about the game, there should be better examplo ehown to those who were not lucky to go any further than the Isthmus, and never did know or anything about fooi ball until it should think Mr. Tiger that in getting on the field and blasptema, blare and act like a savage with each other, sounds very ugly and should be left to the inexperienced and uuintelligent ones to get on like that, then you, the intelligent and experienced fellow get to work and teach them. be literate ones. the right way even if you would not be able to to succeed, through their inability and anybody would 100 kon that you have been ding gud The simple remark tha made and has caused an outburst was as follows. The Tigers played a very ate and interesting game and their behaviour WAS fine, is it because they respect the while men more than they do heir own color or themselves? am quite sure that if those were not the exact words it is somewhat similar and think, Mr. that it was quite plain to be underst od by any ordinary Panama Banking Company (BRANDON BANK)
bext came here.
SECURITY SERVICE Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshIng beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks CALL AT THE Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank Cristobal, May 27th, 1921.
The Editor of THE WORKMAN Dear Sir. should think it is rather illegal to the Footballers of the action taken towards them by the local authori ties, in stopping the playing of Football out on the Washington Oval, for the sake of some antagonist. can assure the public that no troubles has ever occurred on thst ground through fault of the players, but like some simple, lowbred people, who hap pen to be passing at the times when the boys are practicing and the ball may happen to nar, because they and because the ball is kicked by coloured boys, they just start to blow the done take e world, then when their untruthful self to the honourable gentleman, the Governor, and put up all kinds of criminal and mur derous charges against the boys on a count of the ball passing a couple feet from them.
The fact is that the majority pass and sometimes stop to admire and enjoy the paten white General Banking Business Transacted GET LISTED IN WORSHAM INEGRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Get together Medium for our Progressive Business Men EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE ITS BENEFIT IS INSTANTLY APPARENT Write for further particulars to REID, Drawer z, Ancon (SA40 BRANDON President NATHANIEL BRANDON Vloe Proside I BRANDON Tore


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