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PRICE (T3. Cy.
Garvey Sees Needs of Jamaica THERE IS NO WORK FOR CUBANS SEEKING TO RESTRICT IMMIGRATION LAW having had dustrially side lands, be.
ability to set ertle ligiously?
geling inen, these was JEALOUSY PUBLISHES IS CAUSE LETTER JAMAICAN LABORERS For murder and Attempt. In Gleaner Commented Suicide By Hinds Ing on Native Life of Tired and disgusted with doColony On Estates at Cuba, Says British mestic conditions and maddened Labour Men to seek Audience with by the alleged insults of the one pen of Mr. Marcus Garvey to The following letter from the Consul at Santiago who was a direct cause of his un the Jamaica Gleaner appeared in President Secretary of State maican, employee of the Panama The Editor that journal of June 2nd:The Jamaica Gleaner of the 10th June just to hand Electric Company, last Thursday late Havana despatch states that requests that he morning decided to to put an end to Sir. Having been in Jamaica states that through the courtesy of the Colonial Secretary his troubles by taking his own for several weeks, after an ab. interest the administration in legislation to restrict immiOffice the following official information is published: life and that of his common law sence e abroad of nearly five years, gration have been made to Armando Andre, Port Captain, and The Governor has been advised by His Majesty wife, Cisline Douglas.
cause to observe by a delegation of officials from the Havana Bay Labour Consul at Santiago de Cuba that many of the sugar estates The affair took in Cuba are closing down; that in all probability ihe ma small hours of the place in the the native life of the country in Federation, one of the largest Cuban workmen organizacommercially, social. tions.
all was quiet and still, the first is for me, now that am about to morning when ly, religiously and politically, it jority of those that have not already done so will close indication that anything unusual leave the island, to make a few audiences with the President and the Secretary of State, The labour men announced yesterday they would seek during the present month; and that, although a cértain wash transpiring being the crack now in Cuba of the if necessary. They asserted that the welfare of both Cuban from the room which they occu shoto proceeding comments. the in To me, Jamaica is like a coun and resident foreign workmen was menaced by increasing other way, preparing for the next crop, that number will pied, No. 28 of houses on 3rd. try of blind men where the one immigration, and that the release, at the close of the sugar Street, Guachapali. eye man rules. To me, Jamaica barvest, of thousands of Jamaica, Haitian and Chinese be very small, the wages low, and the payment uncertain. Oh The Consul also states that he is receiving complaints, the the arrival of the police at is misinformed and grosely ig. sugar mill employees would make this menace acute.
scene of the tragedy.
the norant in things that tend to the almost daily, from Jamaicans who, after having worked room was found to be securely general cevelopment of modern These foreigners, they declared, would flock to the cities locked on and attempt to oust present employees by working for less for considerable periods, have received only paper only be on the and it was governments.
open one of the promise that their wages will be paid, less amounts for windows the access was obtained.
Jamaic. as can see, is con. wages at tasks they were not capable of performing.
food and goods taken from the stores of the estates, and Then it was that Cisline wis dis trolled a few inexperienced The Federation denies it is planning a general walk out that it is feared that in many cases the monies will be lost. covered lying dead on a bed in a importe strangers, whose po to aid employees of various Havana shipyards, who are In view of the above all intending, emigrants veritable pool of blood while sition in damaicm eas officials and striking against a 25 per cent, wage reduction.
agony on heads have come to Cuba are warned that, in all probability, they will Hoor bleeding from a revolver to them as god sen god sends. These obtain no work of any kind until the opening of the bullet in the juw. On the bed be. fellows know well that they could Senate having so much talk! legislators in Jamaica should be new crop, which will be either in December, 1921, or his mother was her lit find no place in the body politic Why won Jamaica son, Vicente, who of their do paid at least 500 (five hundred January, 1922, and they are further warned that the form a vakened by the sound of the cause of their interority and in things properly? How long are pounds) per annum. If this was was o er high wages are no longer being paid anywheree in shots in my countrymen going to allow done you would have had a betto perform technical work, Tom Dick and Harry to come ler class of legislators and more that Republic, nor it is probable that they will be in the The Acting Judge of the Su.
future, Emigrants who are proceeding to Cuba in search Protor were at once advised and native man being better than a ought to Must we admit that body to waste four or five through the system any here and tell them what they independent ones. Poor honest vin Court and the official white man to do politically and re men like Mesars. Wint, Lightof employment should take sufficient money with them to Young and Smith can cover the cost of return passages, it as will almost certain scene. After the preliminary have been trained retuse their work and paying high liv were not long in reaching the inen in. sent out to the colonies dump. and are continuously Wnd religiously? Those still children politically of ly be needed.
us months annually away from ing At present there is absolutely no work in Cuba for to remove the bodies to the affairs of our governments: Santen Tomake Hospital, where is time that a halt be called. if we feel that we are quite com That suits the wealthy elegialas to we female emigrants.
ing expenses without it.
first aid given to Hinds, Jamaica is to be saved, if. mal: petent to handle the affairs of tors of today while the body of Cisline was ca is to take her placessful na ask is a chance, but if we don Negro people of Jamaica are be.
among the our country and now all that we placed in the morgue where it progressive and Religiously, believe the poor Living up to Our Horse Rac! ng at remained till later, in the day have a change of a they wo amat set a chance, we should take a ing deceived by a large number Policy.
Juan Franco. relatives for burial ca is void of that national spirit the people of this country to According to Hind own story that should characterise every in handling the aflairs of the poor of Jamaica at a higher price paid In our next issue we bé Peta Sundance horse racing a limepla penetap hebat for some country, such as the nationalisi dopopamore aggressive attitude is proud to be po tri dan be ap the Franco track proved to Canada he has cause to be South Africa, India, etc. Every where else. One who receives pear an article When Africa Native Leaders.
116 per day has to pay 121 an Awakens, giving the early ac la a very well attended meet des suspicious of Cisline, his guspl body in Jamaica Beems to be tivities of Marcus Garvey and The ten events listed on the observed recently that she has looking to the Mother Country, and pite the inclemency of the weath. cions Raining ground when be pually for each member of his the NL. by Michael Gold, er.
The native leaders of Jamaica family to be in good standing the black which appeared some time ago in program were very keenly con Saturde Ying home regularly on people speak of England offence to Mr. So and So) Mr. who preaches Christ, and this on been even on for everything the are too much afraid of giving with the imported preacher and Sunday the story section of the World tested, all the competing horses for some unknown destination Mother land. never knew reputations mothers were include collections Magazine. The articie has been living up to their at remonstrated with her een not to expectations. Tomorrow He to moc So and So is doing things to the all from Colon raw no avail. After that, he, alleges 1t questing the all meetings, harvest festivals.
mothers is the sense in which a detrimont of the country. anniversaries, missionary msetpublication. And Nuhiurh th another big feature in the an. lhe found her in her mother thie sy black born in England So and So be hanged! of Mr. tax doesn nals far back ve will. of Isthmian racing will be be number of the people who refer Real care story is giante poderiche che same to peen, as several new bloods have come which is adjacent to their mother and enter the plan de troue as they offend. il in offending they rents, communion Palmolote. Would envelopes, pew in conversation with the uman Christ so tax the poor black peojournalists we are who, when he was poor black people of talde ege and working for the good ople of Jamaicis they are so bile not impartial but to the contrary verteran Ace of Trumps after long absence, Christ ing taxed in name to day? If are even willing to give publicity the track to wrest all racing claims, so hurt him that he wrote and religiously, hence the gross was the greatest offender when Christ saw the condition of the will again be on abused only threatened and country are taught a multitude ity and This, Hinds meaningless terms, politically their country.
to all sane and sensible matter honors from those who enter the He would have preached He was on earth, and we ought people, He publication.
wrote ignorance of Jamaica.
sent us for ents lists him.
of out against He did in the days ly, much correspordence feel that Jamaica wants a this respect.
the w, above all, we agreeab paulis ecoubles and expressing his bis but the this office for publication in The Jamai Workman was suppressed prised to find that the Jockey tention to put an end to his life. political nawakemingwithandana Jamacians as can see wor ca preachers retou the people to He, however, put away the should come from within, and ship too much that which comes lay up their treasures in efforts to please, has made sever: woman for a time, but took her not from without. You want a from abroad, and from any. Whilst they (the preachers) en owing to the fact that in every club, always indefatigable in its case the matter wreatmenthetic illogi: al alterations and embellishments back new days before the sad better and more competent Look If a thing, man, or an joy highly ungrammatical or to ent to the course and stand, including ournece as a result of her islative Council. You want able animal is it is supotherwise abusive Independent the removal of the Judge box needs a spiritual reviyal, not the pleadings.
however, legislators, and not mere prat posed to be better than the native Gypsy Pat Smith sort.
communications dealing on any to a more favourable trouble started again, Cisline tlers. With the exception of a product. How silly? As for subicat be to potente determine than hitherto. In fact everything hering on Wednesday night, ha vo no real estatemmenº in the online greatest idiots abroad; as savigne that were prepare the one or replies to letters insults upon him ew of the elected you individuals, have The people of Jamaica want seen some advanced religion today.
Bored with respect both to the bespeake in successful meet and he was awakened at mlanight Council.
for things, have seen so many for heaven, by having them live party replied to and the sport of kings can by the woman insulting him. He to the press.
It a writer in attempting to de expect enjoyment to their fiil hen reached for a Your President of The Council inferior articles abroad, when clean, healthy, happy and prosrevolver, fend an individual or cause 32 calibre, Iver Johnson, which every thing said by a member cians want to have more confi gry man can be a good christian.
talks too much, he talks back at compared to native ones. Jama perous lives down here. No hun.
through the public press, can Card of Thanks he had under his pillow dence in selt.
not do so withuot indulgiog in No dirty, naked civilized man investives and personalities he Mr. and Mrs. DeDier struggle ensued for the posses and instead of hearing what of weapon. He beg tbrough this medium to member has to say, he tries to put finally suc would recommend that the can be a good christian. No should leave same alone or ap thank all the friends who 50 fired two shots at her, killing change the line of discussion working classes, get together a good christian for he is bound ceeded in getting hold of it words in his mouth and thereby poorer classes of Jamaica, the shelterless ciyilized man can be peal to capable help.
kindly assisted them in their remalicious comments that have many expressions of condolence He is now occupying a bed in the any legislative or debating and organizations and elect their therefore it should be duty of chairman has So members for the one been going the rounds of late to of wbich they were the rele prison ward of the Santo Tomas much talk as that you follow the men in the Council are re man, and when your preachers to find physical as well religion in Jamaica With few Hospital.
the effect that we are impartial cipientt.
as spiritual food for the body of doesn apate in your counjournalists and only publish one Panama, June 17th, 1921.
BORN rules of here presenting Workers themselves and their cil. Your chairman ignore the economical condition side of a question.
Jamaica and and moral depravity of the peoA few days ago to Mr. and everything and it is should elect thier own represen ple, they are but serving themAll communications in keeping Mrs. Ivan Grace bouncing that the majoyity of the mem tatives and if the Government selves through their preachings Birth with the standard and policy of baby Mother and baby doing bers of the council go there to here will not pay the legislators and not representing the spirit this journal either for or against The stork visited the home of excellently, be told wbat to do and what to as is done in England and Amer of God.
any public question organization Mr. and Mrs. Prince Charles say by the President. Imagine ica, then unions and organiza; or individual in the public eye Pusey of this city and presented Rent Receipt Books In Span the speaker in the House of tions should pay these men, so To my way of thinking, bewill receive ready publicaiion in them with a son and heir. Our ish and English for sale at The Commons in England or the that they can talk out without lieve that there will be more Jaz the columns of The Workman. congratulations.
Workman Printery.
Speaker in the United States caring whom they offend. The Continued on page to past any.
as Heren because sent us reage that Tho well known man, as it. The prove chalHinds. sent to The to his of old. imported Soon, Position lovers and the sion of body where the It Council of

    EnglandFranceWorking Class

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