
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands JUST ARRIVED We have ben tid that with the drop in prices of picduce a few local firms have been losing a great deal of mone. Scme of them are said to have lost no less than 20 000 while smaller business have suffered Doportion.
ately. We cannot refrain from expre sing our sincere wib for brighter times.
66 FATIMA Trinidad IN Moisture Proof Packages OF 20 CIGARETTES The St Lucia Voice of 30th April comments enthusiasticallr atout the news that Grenada petition for Representative Government has been favourably considered by His Majesty the King. The paper thinks Mr.
Marryshow selection to confer with the Col.
onial Office on the larger question of Representative institutions of government for the West Indies is a deserved one and anticipates that that may be the means of arousing sympathetic interest in the heart of the Empire for the future of these ill fated islands.
It expressed admiration of Hon, De Freitas public char: acter and whose public utter.
ances are full of a high sense of candour and disinterestedness.
It, however, deplores the lack of a similar warmth of interest in St. Lucia progress by the mem.
bers of its Council. It hopes that that colony own petition for a change in the system of Government which has been extensively supported by the inhabitants may receive considera tion.
as a THE CONNOISSEUR CHOICE DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT BLOOD ELIXIR Jamaica Law is being prepared and will be submitted to the Legis ative Council in the course of a week Weather Disturb will then know definitely what are the proposals the Govern ance Reported near ment will proceed with.
West of Island Deposits of Marble Found in Several Parts of Jamaica Local Bureau, Which Gave We understand that large de out the Warning, Advised posits of marble have been disTaking of Precautions covered in several parts of Ja.
maica, and from tests carried out some beautiful blocks of ON NORTH WEST COAST white as well as green marble have South Gale was Experiencuri The Public Works Department ed at Negril During the have been making tests in con31st of May nection with the matter and these are being carried out by Mr.
Treleaven, who has some knowNEWS FROM THE WEST ledge of the matter, large quantity have been diacovered in June 1, 1921 Time 55 a. St. Thomas and Mr. Treleaven From lccal observation there is has gone to Knockalva, where it apparently, weather disturb is said there are large deposits.
ance developing near West of As far as can be red it is Jamaica probably moving north proposed to make the marble east. Precautions advised espe. crosses for the War Memorials to cially North Western coast. be erected out of the white and ELLIS WOLFE, green marble, excellent slabs of which have been got out already.
Postmaster for Jamaica.
The Latest Information. It is stated Nat the Jamaica Jamaica Weather Service, 1st Legislature has invited Mr. Chur.
June. 1921. Time; 55 and obtain tirst hand Information chill to come out to the island Weather disturbance reported west of Jamaica appears to be concerning the colony.
now moving north easterly South gale still experienced at Negril. Grenada ELLIS WOLFE, Postmaster for Jamaica Squally at Black River. Committe Appoint.
Black River June The ed to Consider Proweather here is very equally. light south west wind has been posed change in is very high.
News from Sav la Mar. Constitution of Sav la Mar, June The Wea Colony.
ther here has been unsettled for the past two days. Since early this morning there have (From The West Indian of 11 inst. been heavy Equalls off and on, The following communication but not much breeze. The baro from the Colonial Secretary came meter has fallen slightly.
to hand yesterday morning. It Report from Mandeville, is to be regretted that H! ExMandeville, June Weather included in his selection one of cellency the Governor has not conditions have been very un, the competent gentlemen from settled in all parts of the parish St. John It reads for fully eight days now. Heavy Sir, am directed by the rains started to pour almost Governor to inform you that the without breaking since Thurs. following gentlemen have been day. and and night, flooding appointed to form a Committee other Saturday there was a regular the ex referred to in the Sec in connection with the change in existing Constitution of the cloudburst; as much as seven Colony, inches and seventy one ps rts of retary of State despatch of 31st rain were registered here, whilst March last. published in the at places nearing Balaclaya ten Gazette of 26th ultimo inches were registered The Honourables Mar.
On Saturday business was tin; Harford; Copiand practically suspen ded, whilst on and Fitt; Messrs.
Sunday public worship in the Lucas; Bain and churches was poorly attended. Renwick.
It is still raining the clouds hang heavy overhead, and there am to add that had not is still an appearance of a con Mr: Marryshow recently tinuation up to the time of tele. heft, the Colony, he would have graphing. winds at in: been invited to serve on the Com.
tervals are accompanying the have the honor to be, showers. There seems to be no Sir, cause for alarm. Nothing seri.
Your obedient Servant, ous has been reported up to the present from any section of the FERGUSON, parish as a result of the con.
Colonial Secretary.
tinuous weather.
Railway Service The American Consul, Mr.
Baker, who has just returned to So far as the Port Antonio Trinidad from the United States, section of the island is concern reports that conditions have ed, rain has been falling in that undergone a serious change in direction, but not of very that country. He would not ad.
plantations vise people to go there in search are all green and look rather re of work. Only domestic servants freshed. On Tuesday very little stand the chance of being em rain fell on the Port Antonio line, ployed and these at rates which but at about o clock yesterday may be very disappointing.
morning rain started at Port An.
tonio, and by daylight it was all clear. There was no rain on the received from His Majesty In accordance with directions Port Antonio section of the Rall. Government, the colony of Trin.
way line yesterday until reach idad is preparing an Ordinance ing Bog Walk where rain started and continued right on until to place restriction on the acqulKingston was reached. The lines sition of lands and interest there have not been damaged in any in be bons under consideration way, and the trains ran on time.
provides that aliens and companies under aliens control will not If Govt. Persists In Pro be allowed to acquire and or gramme Big Laan Must any interest or mortgage in land be Ralsed in that colony except with the license of the Governor. The bill reporter of the Gleaner was nims, it would appear, at securseveral provisions and informed that if the Government persists in its programme to ing, rights to Britishers. We undertake the improvements and don know how far this new law extensions to the railway, the will affect the interest of Amer erection of a central factory in icans who bave invested largely St. Thomas and other undertak in Trinidad and who have helped ings named a loan of fully 1, 250. in a large measure in developing 000 will bave to be raised and the resources of that Colony.
that the debt charges to be prov.
ided by the colony annually would With the object of advancing be in the vicinity of 170, 000. Canadian trade interest, the CaIt is understood that the Loans nadian Bank of Dominica keeps FORSTRENGTHENING THE BLOOD CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR PURIFYING AND ENRICHING The Port ef Spain Giset:e devotes its leading article to an ad.
vocacy of some form of representative government for that co.
lony While We welcome the new spirit that seems apparent in the policy of that paper, we never theless advise that such a lofty scheme should be approached with the utmost enthusiasm.
Grenada has received. small measure of consideration bus our success came after persistet Trinidad in the possession of agitation. We should like to see Representative Government and look forward to conscientous movement to that end on the part of her leading public men, St. Lucia THE BLOOD Quality only Is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed In thls preparation.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy St. Lucia paper and The Canadian Gazette are responsible for the statement that His Hon.
Joyce Thomas, the Chief Justice of St. Vincent, will be selected to occupy the Grenada Bench until the arrival in the colony of His Houour w, Walton. We have been unable to verify the truthfulness ol the announcement. All we know is that Mr.
Paterson has been holding the office since the departure of Sir Thomas Haycraft and, we are not aware that he will be asked to give way to anyone except the substantive holder of the office. Slight RENT RECEIPT BOOKS in Spanish and English Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE AT THE WORKNAN PRINTERY heavy pature, The.
His Honor Anthony DeFreitag, our present Chief Justice, has been appolated a Puisne Judge of Jamaica On his assuming office in Ja malca his sterling qualities as a lawyer, will, it is sure, be immediately it is with regret we recognised.
have to heve war part with Mr. De Freitas yet we are not so uncharitable as not to congratulate him on bis promotion. We wish him every success in his new sphere.
Mr. DeFreitas leaves soon to take charge of his appoint ment. It is rumoured that Mr: Rae, our present Attorney General, is to act as Chief Justice, and the Honourable Salmon.
list of Canadian importers of Registrar, Sheriff, AdministratWest Indian products. More than or General, and God in heaven that must be done if we hope to knows what else, is to act as Atmake Canada profitable market torney General, in which to sell our articles.
The little concession granted Rev. and Mrs. Huckerby were the Legislature of Grenada by among the passengers who left the Colonial Office, Downing the colony on the Canadian steam Street, is inspiring some of our er. The Reverend gentleman own men here hopeful for repregoes to St. Vincent to which he sentative government for this has been appointed as Wesleyan Island.
Superintendent. We are that he will meet with success good many persons are takin his new field of labour. Hising out passports for Colon and energy and abounding interest Cuba. The Administrator receive in matters for the benefit of the ed word from the British Consul community will ensure for him that there is nothing to do in Co.
that generous appreciation which lon.
is so characteristic of St. Vicen(Continued on pape 7)
YOU AN DEPEND ON IT makes That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
We guarantee them 80. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry and expert repairing. Call and visit FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
certain tiads.


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